468 lines
14 KiB
468 lines
14 KiB
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <MuldeR2@GMX.de> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
/* Internal */
#include "crypt.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "blake2.h"
/* Library */
#include <slunkcrypt.h>
/* CRT */
#include <time.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
// ==========================================================================
// Constants
// ==========================================================================
static const uint64_t MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x243F6A8885A308D3ull;
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1048576U // 1 MiB
// ==========================================================================
// Auxiliary functions
// ==========================================================================
static int open_files(FILE **const file_in, FILE **const file_out, const CHR *const input_path, const CHR *const output_path)
if (!(*file_in = FOPEN(input_path, "rb")))
FPRINTF(stderr, T("Error: Failed to open input file \"%") T(PRISTR) T("\" for reading!\n\n%") T(PRISTR) T("\n\n"), input_path, STRERROR(errno));
*file_out = NULL;
if (!(*file_out = FOPEN(output_path, "wb")))
FPRINTF(stderr, T("Error: Failed to open output file \"%") T(PRISTR) T("\" for writing!\n\n%") T(PRISTR) T("\n\n"), output_path, STRERROR(errno));
//setvbuf(*file_in, NULL, _IOFBF, (((8U * BUFFER_SIZE) + (BUFSIZ - 1U)) / BUFSIZ) * BUFSIZ);
//setvbuf(*file_out, NULL, _IOFBF, (((8U * BUFFER_SIZE) + (BUFSIZ - 1U)) / BUFSIZ) * BUFSIZ);
static size_t get_buffer_size(const uint64_t file_size)
const uint64_t upper_limit = file_size / 101U;
size_t pwr2, result = 0U;
for (pwr2 = 1U; (pwr2 <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) && (pwr2 <= upper_limit); pwr2 <<= 1)
result = pwr2;
static void init_slunk_param(slunkparam_t *const param, const crypt_options_t *const options)
slunkcrypt_bzero(param, sizeof(slunkparam_t));
param->legacy_compat = options->legacy_compat;
param->debug_logging = options->debug_logging;
param->thread_count = options->thread_count;
{ \
const uint64_t clk_now = clock_read(); \
if ((clk_now < (CLK_UPDATE)) || (clk_now - (CLK_UPDATE) > update_interval)) \
{ \
FPRINTF(stderr, T("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%5.1f%% "), ((CURRENT) / ((double)(TOTAL))) * 100.0); \
fflush(stderr); \
CLK_UPDATE = clk_now; \
} \
} \
// ==========================================================================
// Encrypt
// ==========================================================================
int encrypt(const char *const passphrase, const CHR *const input_path, const CHR *const output_path, const crypt_options_t *const options)
slunkcrypt_t ctx = SLUNKCRYPT_NULL;
slunkparam_t param;
FILE *file_in = NULL, *file_out = NULL;
uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
size_t buffer_size = BUFSIZ;
int result = EXIT_FAILURE, status = -1;
if (open_files(&file_in, &file_out, input_path, output_path) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
goto clean_up;
const uint64_t file_size = get_size(file_in);
if (file_size == UINT64_MAX)
FPUTS(T("I/O error: Failed to determine size of input file!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
else if (file_size < 1U)
FPUTS(T("Error: Input file is empty or an unsupported type!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (!(buffer = malloc((buffer_size = get_buffer_size(file_size)) * sizeof(uint8_t))))
FPUTS(T("Error: Failed to allocate the I/O buffer!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
FPUTS(T("Encrypting file contents, please be patient... "), stderr);
uint64_t nonce;
if (slunkcrypt_generate_nonce(&nonce) != SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS)
FPUTS(T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to generate nonce!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
init_slunk_param(¶m, options);
ctx = slunkcrypt_alloc_ext(nonce, (const uint8_t*)passphrase, strlen(passphrase), SLUNKCRYPT_ENCRYPT, ¶m);
if (!ctx)
FPUTS(g_slunkcrypt_abort_flag ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to initialize encryption!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (fwrite_ui64(nonce ^ MAGIC_NUMBER, file_out) < 1U)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to write nonce value!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
uint64_t bytes_read = 0U, clk_update = clock_read();
const uint64_t update_interval = (uint64_t)(clock_freq() * 1.414);
blake2s_t blake2s_state;
FPRINTF(stderr, T("%5.1f%% "), 0.0);
while (bytes_read < file_size)
const uint64_t bytes_remaining = file_size - bytes_read;
const size_t request_len = (bytes_remaining < buffer_size) ? ((size_t)bytes_remaining) : buffer_size;
const size_t count = fread(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), request_len, file_in);
if (count > 0U)
blake2s_update(&blake2s_state, buffer, count);
bytes_read += count;
if ((status = slunkcrypt_inplace(ctx, buffer, count)) != SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS)
FPUTS((status == SLUNKCRYPT_ABORTED) ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to encrypt data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (fwrite(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), count, file_out) < count)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to write encrypted data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (count < request_len)
break; /*EOF*/
UPDATE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR(clk_update, bytes_read, file_size);
if (ferror(file_in))
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to read input data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (bytes_read != file_size)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Input file could not be fully read!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
const size_t padding = sizeof(uint64_t) - (file_size % sizeof(uint64_t));
assert(padding && (padding <= sizeof(uint64_t)));
if (slunkcrypt_random_bytes(buffer, padding) < padding)
FPUTS(T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to generate random data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
SET_LOWBITS(buffer[padding - 1U], padding - 1U);
if ((status = slunkcrypt_inplace(ctx, buffer, padding)) != SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS)
FPUTS((status == SLUNKCRYPT_ABORTED) ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to encrypt data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (fwrite(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), padding, file_out) < padding)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to write padding data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
uint8_t checksum_buffer[sizeof(uint64_t)];
store_ui64(checksum_buffer, blake2s_final(&blake2s_state));
if ((status = slunkcrypt_inplace(ctx, checksum_buffer, sizeof(uint64_t))) != SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS)
FPUTS((status == SLUNKCRYPT_ABORTED) ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to encrypt checksum!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (fwrite(checksum_buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(uint64_t), file_out) < sizeof(uint64_t))
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to write the checksum!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
FPRINTF(stderr, T("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%5.1f%%\n\n"), 100.0);
result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
FPUTS(T("All is done.\n\n"), stderr);
if (file_out)
if ((result != EXIT_SUCCESS) && (!options->keep_incomplete))
if (REMOVE(output_path))
FPUTS(T("Warning: Failed to remove incomplete output file!\n\n"), stderr);
if (file_in)
if (buffer)
slunkcrypt_bzero(buffer, buffer_size * sizeof(uint8_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero(checksum_buffer, sizeof(uint64_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero(&blake2s_state, sizeof(blake2s_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero(&nonce, sizeof(uint64_t));
return result;
// ==========================================================================
// Decrypt
// ==========================================================================
int decrypt(const char *const passphrase, const CHR *const input_path, const CHR *const output_path, const crypt_options_t *const options)
slunkcrypt_t ctx = SLUNKCRYPT_NULL;
slunkparam_t param;
FILE *file_in = NULL, *file_out = NULL;
uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
size_t buffer_size = BUFSIZ;
int result = EXIT_FAILURE, status = -1;
if (open_files(&file_in, &file_out, input_path, output_path) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
goto clean_up;
const uint64_t file_size = get_size(file_in);
if (file_size == UINT64_MAX)
FPUTS(T("I/O error: Failed to determine size of input file!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
else if (file_size < (3U * sizeof(uint64_t)))
FPUTS(T("Error: Input file is too small! Truncated?\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
else if ((file_size % sizeof(uint64_t)) != 0)
FPRINTF(stderr, T("Warning: File size is *not* an integer multiple of %u, ignoring excess bytes!\n\n"), (unsigned)sizeof(uint64_t));
if (!(buffer = malloc((buffer_size = get_buffer_size(file_size)) * sizeof(uint8_t))))
FPUTS(T("Error: Failed to allocate the I/O buffer!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
FPUTS(T("Decrypting file contents, please be patient... "), stderr);
uint64_t nonce;
if (fread_ui64(&nonce, file_in) < 1U)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to read nonce value!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
init_slunk_param(¶m, options);
ctx = slunkcrypt_alloc_ext(nonce ^ MAGIC_NUMBER, (const uint8_t*)passphrase, strlen(passphrase), SLUNKCRYPT_DECRYPT, ¶m);
if (!ctx)
FPUTS(g_slunkcrypt_abort_flag ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to initialize decryption!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
uint64_t bytes_read = sizeof(uint64_t), clk_update = clock_read();
const uint64_t update_interval = (uint64_t)(clock_freq() * 1.414);
const uint64_t read_limit = round_down(file_size, sizeof(uint64_t)) - (2U * sizeof(uint64_t));
blake2s_t blake2s_state;
FPRINTF(stderr, T("%5.1f%% "), 0.0);
while (bytes_read < read_limit)
const uint64_t bytes_remaining = read_limit - bytes_read;
const size_t request_len = (bytes_remaining < buffer_size) ? ((size_t)bytes_remaining) : buffer_size;
const size_t count = fread(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), request_len, file_in);
if (count > 0U)
bytes_read += count;
if ((status = slunkcrypt_inplace(ctx, buffer, count)) != SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS)
FPUTS((status == SLUNKCRYPT_ABORTED) ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to decrypt data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
blake2s_update(&blake2s_state, buffer, count);
if (fwrite(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), count, file_out) < count)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to write decrypted data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (count < request_len)
break; /*EOF*/
UPDATE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR(clk_update, bytes_read, read_limit);
if (ferror(file_in))
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to read input data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (bytes_read != read_limit)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Input file could not be fully read!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if (fread(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(uint64_t), file_in) < sizeof(uint64_t))
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to read final block!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if ((status = slunkcrypt_inplace(ctx, buffer, sizeof(uint64_t))) != SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS)
FPUTS((status == SLUNKCRYPT_ABORTED) ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to decrypt data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
const size_t padding = GET_LOWBITS(buffer[sizeof(uint64_t) - 1U]) + 1U;
assert(padding && (padding <= sizeof(uint64_t)));
if (padding != sizeof(uint64_t))
const size_t count = sizeof(uint64_t) - padding;
if (fwrite(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), count, file_out) < count)
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to write decrypted data!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
blake2s_update(&blake2s_state, buffer, count);
const uint64_t checksum_actual = blake2s_final(&blake2s_state);
uint8_t checksum_buffer[sizeof(uint64_t)];
if (fread(checksum_buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(uint64_t), file_in) < sizeof(uint64_t))
FPUTS(T("\n\nI/O error: Failed to read the checksum!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
if ((status = slunkcrypt_inplace(ctx, checksum_buffer, sizeof(uint64_t))) != SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS)
FPUTS((status == SLUNKCRYPT_ABORTED) ? T("\n\nProcess interrupted!\n\n") : T("\n\nSlunkCrypt error: Failed to decrypt checksum!\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
FPRINTF(stderr, T("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%5.1f%%\n\n"), 100.0);
const uint64_t checksum_stored = load_ui64(checksum_buffer);
if (checksum_actual != checksum_stored)
FPRINTF(stderr, T("Error: Checksum mismatch detected! [expected: 0x%016") T(PRIX64) T(", actual: 0x%016") T(PRIX64) T("]\n\n"), checksum_stored, checksum_actual);
FPUTS(T("Wrong passphrase or corrupted file?\n\n"), stderr);
goto clean_up;
result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
FPUTS(T("Checksum is correct.\n\n"), stderr);
if (file_out)
if ((result != EXIT_SUCCESS) && (!options->keep_incomplete))
if (REMOVE(output_path))
FPUTS(T("Warning: Failed to remove incomplete output file!\n\n"), stderr);
if (file_in)
if (buffer)
slunkcrypt_bzero(buffer, buffer_size * sizeof(uint8_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero(checksum_buffer, sizeof(uint64_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero(&blake2s_state, sizeof(blake2s_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero(&nonce, sizeof(uint64_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero((void*)&checksum_stored, sizeof(uint64_t));
slunkcrypt_bzero((void*)&checksum_actual, sizeof(uint64_t));
return result;