/******************************************************************************/ /* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR */ /* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */ /******************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Threading; namespace com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.gui.utils { class ProcessRunner : IDisposable { public delegate void OutputLineHandler(string line, bool stream); public delegate void ProgressChangedHandler(double progress); public delegate bool ProgressStringHandler(string line, out double progress); public event OutputLineHandler OutputAvailable; public event ProgressChangedHandler ProgressChanged; public const bool STDOUT = false, STDERR = true; private readonly Process m_process = new Process(); private readonly TaskCompletionSource m_hasExited = new TaskCompletionSource(); private readonly Dispatcher m_dispatcher; private readonly ProcessPriorityClass? m_priorityClass; private volatile bool m_running = false, m_aborted = false, m_disposed = false; // ============================================================================= // Exception classes // ============================================================================= public class ProcessStartException : IOException { public ProcessStartException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } } public class ProcessInterruptedException : IOException { public ProcessInterruptedException(string message) : base(message) { } } // ============================================================================= // Constructor // ============================================================================= public ProcessRunner(Dispatcher dispatcher, ProcessPriorityClass? priorityClass = null) { if (ReferenceEquals(m_dispatcher = dispatcher, null)) { throw new ArgumentException("Dispatcher must not be null!"); } if ((m_priorityClass = priorityClass).HasValue && (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ProcessPriorityClass), priorityClass.Value))) { throw new ArgumentException("The given ProcessPriorityClass is undefined!"); } m_process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; m_process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; m_process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; m_process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; m_process.StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; m_process.StartInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; m_process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; m_process.Exited += ProcessExitedEventHandler; } ~ProcessRunner() { Dispose(); /*just to be sure*/ } // ============================================================================= // Public methods // ============================================================================= public async Task ExecAsnyc(string executablePath, string[] arguments = null, IReadOnlyDictionary environmentVariables = null) { m_dispatcher.VerifyAccess(); if (m_disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("ProcessRunner"); } if (m_running) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Process is already running!"); } m_running = true; try { return await DoExecAsnyc(executablePath, arguments, environmentVariables); } finally { m_running = false; } } public void AbortProcess() { if ((!m_disposed) && m_running) { m_aborted = true; KillProcess(); } } public virtual void Dispose() { if (!m_disposed) { m_disposed = true; GC.SuppressFinalize(this); KillProcess(); try { m_process.Dispose(); } catch { } } } // ============================================================================= // Protected methods // ============================================================================= protected virtual double ParseProgressString(StringBuilder currentLine) { return double.NaN; } // ============================================================================= // Event handlers // ============================================================================= private void ProcessExitedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_process.HasExited) { m_hasExited.TrySetResult(m_process.ExitCode); } } // ============================================================================= // Internal methods // ============================================================================= private async Task DoExecAsnyc(string executablePath, string[] arguments, IReadOnlyDictionary environmentVariables) { try { StartProcess(executablePath, arguments, environmentVariables); } catch (Exception err) { throw new ProcessStartException("Failed to create the process!", err); } return await WaitForExit(); } private void StartProcess(string executablePath, string[] arguments, IReadOnlyDictionary environmentVariables) { m_process.StartInfo.FileName = executablePath; m_process.StartInfo.Arguments = CreateArgumentList(arguments); SetupEnvironment(m_process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables, environmentVariables); m_process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; m_process.Start(); SetProcessPriority(m_priorityClass); } private async Task WaitForExit() { Task readStdOutTask = Task.Run(() => ReadProcessOutput(m_process.StandardOutput, STDOUT)); Task readStdErrTask = Task.Run(() => ReadProcessOutput(m_process.StandardError, STDERR)); Task hasExited = m_hasExited.Task; await Task.WhenAll(readStdOutTask, readStdErrTask, hasExited); if (m_aborted || m_disposed) { NotifyOutputAvailable("\u2192 Process has been aborted !!!", true); throw new ProcessInterruptedException("Process has been aborted!"); } NotifyOutputAvailable(string.Format("\u2192 Process terminated normally [Exit status: {0:D}]", hasExited.Result), false); return hasExited.Result; } private void ReadProcessOutput(StreamReader reader, bool stream) { using(reader) { char[] buffer = new char[1024]; StringBuilder currentLine = new StringBuilder(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { ReadNextChunk(reader, buffer, currentLine, stream); } NotifyOutputAvailable(currentLine, stream); } } private void ReadNextChunk(StreamReader reader, char[] buffer, StringBuilder currentLine, bool stderr) { int count = reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { char c = buffer[i]; if ((c != '\0') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r') && (c != '\b')) { currentLine.Append(c); } else { CheckForProgressUpdate(currentLine); NotifyOutputAvailable(currentLine, stderr); currentLine.Clear(); } } CheckForProgressUpdate(currentLine); } } private void CheckForProgressUpdate(StringBuilder currentLine) { if (currentLine.Length > 0) { double progress = ParseProgressString(currentLine); if (!(double.IsNaN(progress) || double.IsInfinity(progress))) { NotifyProgressChanged(progress); } } } private void NotifyOutputAvailable(StringBuilder currentLine, bool stream) { if (currentLine.Length > 0) { String line = currentLine.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { NotifyOutputAvailable(line, stream); } } } private void NotifyOutputAvailable(string line, bool stream) { if (!ReferenceEquals(OutputAvailable, null)) { m_dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => OutputAvailable(line, stream)); } } private void NotifyProgressChanged(double progress) { if (!ReferenceEquals(ProgressChanged, null)) { m_dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => ProgressChanged(Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, progress)))); } } private static string CreateArgumentList(string[] arguments) { StringBuilder argumentList = new StringBuilder(); if (!ReferenceEquals(arguments, null)) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { argumentList.Append("\x20"); } argumentList.Append(EscapeArgument(arguments[i])); } } return argumentList.ToString(); } private static string EscapeArgument(string str) { if (RequiresQuotation(str)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().Append('"'); foreach (char c in str) { if (c == '"') { sb.Append('\\').Append('"'); } else { sb.Append(c); } } return sb.Append('"').ToString(); } return str; } private static bool RequiresQuotation(string str) { foreach (char c in str) { if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c) || (c == '"')) { return true; } } return false; } private static void SetupEnvironment(StringDictionary dictionary, IReadOnlyDictionary environmentVariables) { if (!ReferenceEquals(environmentVariables, null)) { foreach (KeyValuePair entry in environmentVariables) { dictionary.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } } private void KillProcess() { try { m_process.Kill(); } catch { } } private void SetProcessPriority(ProcessPriorityClass? priorityClass) { try { if (priorityClass.HasValue) { m_process.PriorityClass = priorityClass.Value; } } catch { } } } }