Added language bindings for Java.
This commit is contained in:
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/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptException.ErrorKind;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.SlunkCryptLibrary;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.SlunkCryptParam;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.Context;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.SizeT;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.UInt64;
* The abstract base class for all {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} implementations.
abstract class AbstractSlunkCrypt implements SlunkCrypt {
private static final int PASSWD_LENGTH_MIN = 8;
private static final int PASSWD_LENGTH_MAX = 256;
private static final String PROPERTY_THREAD_COUNT = "slunkcrypt.thread_count";
private static final int SLUNKCRYPT_ENCRYPT = 0;
private static final int SLUNKCRYPT_DECRYPT = 1;
protected enum Mode {
private final int value;
private Mode(final int value) {
this.value = value;
public int intValue() {
return value;
private final Context context;
private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
protected AbstractSlunkCrypt(final String passwd, final long nonce, final Mode mode) throws SlunkCryptException {
this(Objects.requireNonNull(passwd, "passwd").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), nonce, mode);
protected AbstractSlunkCrypt(final byte[] passwd, final long nonce, final Mode mode) throws SlunkCryptException {
if ((mode != Mode.Encrypt) && (mode != Mode.Decrypt)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mode");
if ((passwd == null) || (passwd.length < PASSWD_LENGTH_MIN) || (passwd.length > PASSWD_LENGTH_MAX)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("passwd");
final SlunkCryptParam parameters = new SlunkCryptParam();
try {
final String threadCount = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_THREAD_COUNT);
if ((threadCount != null) && (!threadCount.isEmpty())) {
parameters.thread_count = SizeT.of(Long.parseUnsignedLong(threadCount));
} catch(final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(PROPERTY_THREAD_COUNT, e);
context = SlunkCryptLibrary.INSTANCE.slunkcrypt_alloc_ext(UInt64.of(nonce), passwd, SizeT.of(passwd.length), mode.intValue(), parameters);
if (context.equals(Context.NULL)) {
throw new SlunkCryptException(ErrorKind.Failure, "Failed to create SlunkCrypt context!");
public final byte[] process(final byte[] input) throws SlunkCryptException {
if (input == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("input");
final byte[] output = new byte[input.length];
process(input, output);
return output;
public final void process(final byte[] input, final byte[] output) throws SlunkCryptException {
if (input == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("input");
if ((output == null) || (output.length < input.length)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("output");
final int errorCode = SlunkCryptLibrary.INSTANCE.slunkcrypt_process(context, input, output, SizeT.of(input.length));
if (!SlunkCryptException.isSuccess(errorCode)) {
throw SlunkCryptException.mapErrorCode(errorCode, "Failed to process data!");
public final void inplace(final byte[] buffer) throws SlunkCryptException {
if (buffer == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("input");
final int errorCode = SlunkCryptLibrary.INSTANCE.slunkcrypt_inplace(context, buffer, SizeT.of(buffer.length));
if (!SlunkCryptException.isSuccess(errorCode)) {
throw SlunkCryptException.mapErrorCode(errorCode, "Failed to process data!");
protected void reset(final String passwd, final long nonce, final Mode mode) throws SlunkCryptException {
reset(Objects.requireNonNull(passwd, "passwd").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), nonce, mode);
protected void reset(final byte[] passwd, final long nonce, final Mode mode) throws SlunkCryptException {
if ((mode != Mode.Encrypt) && (mode != Mode.Decrypt)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mode");
if ((passwd == null) || (passwd.length < PASSWD_LENGTH_MIN) || (passwd.length > PASSWD_LENGTH_MAX)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("passwd");
final int errorCode = SlunkCryptLibrary.INSTANCE.slunkcrypt_reset(context, UInt64.of(nonce), passwd, SizeT.of(passwd.length), mode.ordinal());
if (!SlunkCryptException.isSuccess(errorCode)) {
throw SlunkCryptException.mapErrorCode(errorCode, "Failed to process data!");
public void close() {
if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
public String toString() {
return (!closed.get()) ? String.format("SlunkCrypt(0x%016X)", context.longValue()) : "SlunkCrypt(NULL)";
protected void checkState() {
if (closed.get()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Instance is already closed!");
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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.SlunkCryptLibrary;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.UInt64ByReference;
* SlunkCrypt context for encryption or decryption.
* <p>Implementations of this interface wrap the “native” SlunkCrypt context and they provide the instance methods for {@link SlunkCrypt#process(byte[]) processing}, i.e. encrypting or decrypting, chunks of data.</p>
* <p>Separate implementations for {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor <i>encryption</i>} mode and {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptDecryptor <i>decryption</i>} mode are available.</p>
* <p><b><i>Warning:</i></b> The wrapped “native” SlunkCrypt context must be released by calling the {@link SlunkCrypt#close close()} method, or otherwise a resource leak is imminent! Using <a href="" target="_blank">try-with-resources</a> is recommended.</p>
* <h3>System properties:</h3>
* <table summary="System properties" border>
* <tr>
* <th><b>Property</b></th>
* <th><b>Meaning</b></th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><tt>slunkcrypt.thread_count</tt></td>
* <td>The number of threads to be used internally by SlunkCrypt; a value of <b><tt>0</tt></b> means auto-detection (the default)</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <h2>Thread Safety</h2>
* <p>Separate <tt>SlunkCrypt</tt> instances can safely be accessed from concurrent threads <i>without</i> the need for any kind if synchronization, provided that each instance is only accessed by the single thread that has created the respective instance. In order to <i>share</i> the same <tt>SlunkCrypt</tt> instance between concurrent threads, every access to the “shared” instance must be synchronized explicitly by the callers!</p>
* <h2>Example</h2>
* <pre>{@code
* public class Main {
* private static String PASSPHRASE = "OrpheanBeholderScryDoubt";
* public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
* // Fill buffer with random data (plaintext)
* final byte[] buffer = new byte[64];
* ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBytes(buffer);
* // Encrypt the data in-place
* final long nonce;
* try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor instance = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
* nonce = instance.getNonce();
* instance.inplace(buffer);
* }
* // Decrypt the data in-place
* try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor instance = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, nonce)) {
* instance.inplace(buffer);
* }
* }
* }}</pre>
public interface SlunkCrypt extends AutoCloseable {
* Process, i.e. encrypt or decrypt, the next chunk of data.
* <p>This method is designed for stream processing. It is supposed to be called repeatedly, until all input data has been processed.</p>
* @param input the input buffer to be read; will <i>not</i> be modified
* @return the new buffer with the result
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance was already closed
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance has already been closed
byte[] process(byte[] input) throws SlunkCryptException;
* Process, i.e. encrypt or decrypt, the next chunk of data.
* <p>This method is designed for stream processing. It is supposed to be called repeatedly, until all input data has been processed.</p>
* <p><i>Note:</i> The size of the output buffer must be at least the size of the input buffer!</p>
* @param input the input buffer to be read; will <i>not</i> be modified
* @param output the output buffer to write the result to
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance was already closed
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance has already been closed
void process(byte[] input, byte[] output) throws SlunkCryptException;
* Process, i.e. encrypt or decrypt, the next chunk of data <i>in-place</i>.
* <p>This method is designed for stream processing. It is supposed to be called repeatedly, until all input data has been processed.</p>
* @param buffer the input/output buffer to be updated
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance was already closed
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance has already been closed
void inplace(byte[] buffer) throws SlunkCryptException;
* Generate a new random nonce.
* <p><i>Note:</i> The nonce is generating using a “strong” cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator.</p>
* @return The new nonce value
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
public static long generateNonce() throws SlunkCryptException {
final UInt64ByReference nonce = new UInt64ByReference();
final int errorCode = SlunkCryptLibrary.INSTANCE.slunkcrypt_generate_nonce(nonce);
if (!SlunkCryptException.isSuccess(errorCode)) {
throw SlunkCryptException.mapErrorCode(errorCode, "Failed to generate nonce!");
return nonce.getValue();
* Get the version of the “native” SlunkCrypt library.
* @return The version number as <tt>Map<String, Short></tt>, containing the keys: <ul><li><tt>"slunkcrypt.version.major"</tt>,<li> <tt>"slunkcrypt.version.minor"</tt>, <li><tt>"slunkcrypt.version.patch"</tt></ul>
public static Map<String, Short> getVersion() {
final Map<String, Short> version = new LinkedHashMap<String, Short>(3);
version.put(SlunkCryptLibrary.Version.MAJOR.getSymbolName().toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace('_', '.'), SlunkCryptLibrary.Version.MAJOR.getValue().shortValue());
version.put(SlunkCryptLibrary.Version.MINOR.getSymbolName().toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace('_', '.'), SlunkCryptLibrary.Version.MINOR.getValue().shortValue());
version.put(SlunkCryptLibrary.Version.PATCH.getSymbolName().toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace('_', '.'), SlunkCryptLibrary.Version.PATCH.getValue().shortValue());
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(version);
* Get the build string of the “native” SlunkCrypt library.
* @return The build string, containing the build time and date, e.g. <tt>"Jun 24 2024, 21:55:08"</tt>
public static String getBuild() {
return SlunkCryptLibrary.Version.BUILD.getValue();
* Close the “native” SlunkCrypt context wrapped by this {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} instance and release any system resources associated with it.
* <p><b><i>Warning:</i></b> Once this method has been called, this instance is left in an “invalidated” state and any attempt to process more data is going to throw an <tt>IllegalStateException</tt>!</p>
void close();
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt;
* SlunkCrypt <i>decryption</i> context.
* <p>Wraps a “native” SlunkCrypt context that was initialized in <b><i>decryption</i></b> mode and implements the {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} interface.</p>
public class SlunkCryptDecryptor extends AbstractSlunkCrypt {
* Create a new {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} instance in <b><i>decryption</i></b> mode.
* @param passwd the password to be used for decryption (UTF-8)
* @param nonce the nonce to be used for decryption
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
public SlunkCryptDecryptor(final String passwd, final long nonce) throws SlunkCryptException {
super(passwd, nonce, Mode.Decrypt);
* Create a new {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} instance in <b><i>decryption</i></b> mode.
* @param passwd the password to be used for decryption (binary)
* @param nonce the nonce to be used for decryption
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
public SlunkCryptDecryptor(final byte[] passwd, final long nonce) throws SlunkCryptException {
super(passwd, nonce, Mode.Decrypt);
* Re-initialize this {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor SlunkCryptDecryptor} instance.
* @param passwd the password to be used for decryption (UTF-8)
* @param nonce the nonce to be used for decryption
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance has already been closed
public void reset(final String passwd, final long nonce) throws SlunkCryptException {
reset(passwd, nonce, Mode.Decrypt);
* Re-initialize this {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor SlunkCryptDecryptor} instance.
* @param passwd the password to be used for decryption (binary)
* @param nonce the nonce to be used for decryption
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance has already been closed
public void reset(final byte[] passwd, final long nonce) throws SlunkCryptException {
reset(passwd, nonce , Mode.Decrypt);
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt;
* SlunkCrypt <i>encryption</i> context.
* <p>Wraps a “native” SlunkCrypt context that was initialized in <b><i>encryption</i></b> mode and implements the {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} interface.</p>
public class SlunkCryptEncryptor extends AbstractSlunkCrypt {
private long nonce;
* Create a new {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} instance in <b><i>encryption</i></b> mode.
* <p><i>Note:</i> This method implicitly generates a new random nonce. Use {@link SlunkCryptEncryptor#getNonce() getNonce()} to retrieve the nonce value.</p>
* @param passwd the password to be used for encryption (UTF-8)
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
public SlunkCryptEncryptor(final String passwd) throws SlunkCryptException {
this(passwd, SlunkCrypt.generateNonce());
* Create a new {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt SlunkCrypt} instance in <b><i>encryption</i></b> mode.
* <p><i>Note:</i> This method implicitly generates a new random nonce. Use {@link SlunkCryptEncryptor#getNonce() getNonce()} to retrieve the nonce value.</p>
* @param passwd the password to be used for encryption (binary)
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
public SlunkCryptEncryptor(final byte[] passwd) throws SlunkCryptException {
this(passwd, SlunkCrypt.generateNonce());
private SlunkCryptEncryptor(final String passwd, final long nonce) throws SlunkCryptException {
super(passwd, nonce, Mode.Encrypt);
this.nonce = nonce;
private SlunkCryptEncryptor(final byte[] passwd, final long nonce) throws SlunkCryptException {
super(passwd, nonce, Mode.Encrypt);
this.nonce = nonce;
* Re-initialize this {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor SlunkCryptEncryptor} instance.
* <p><i>Note:</i> This method implicitly generates a new random nonce. Use {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor#getNonce() getNonce()} to retrieve the nonce value.</p>
* @param passwd the password to be used for encryption (UTF-8)
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance has already been closed
public void reset(final String passwd) throws SlunkCryptException {
reset(passwd, nonce = SlunkCrypt.generateNonce(), Mode.Encrypt);
* Re-initialize this {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor SlunkCryptEncryptor} instance.
* <p><i>Note:</i> This method implicitly generates a new random nonce. Use {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor#getNonce() getNonce()} to retrieve the nonce value.</p>
* @param passwd the password to be used for encryption (binary)
* @throws SlunkCryptException the operation failed or it was aborted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException invalid parameters detected
* @throws IllegalStateException the instance has already been closed
public void reset(final byte[] passwd) throws SlunkCryptException {
reset(passwd, nonce = SlunkCrypt.generateNonce(), Mode.Encrypt);
* Return the nonce value that was generated for this {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor SlunkCryptEncryptor} instance.
* @return the nonce value
public long getNonce() {
return nonce;
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt;
import java.util.Objects;
* Signals that a SlunkCrypt operation has failed or that it has been aborted by the user.
* <p>Details are provided via {@link ErrorKind}.</p>
public final class SlunkCryptException extends IOException {
* The kind of error that has triggered a {@link SlunkCryptException}.
public enum ErrorKind {
/** The operation completed successfully. */
/** The operation has failed. */
/** The operation was aborted by the user. */
/** An unknown kind of error has occurred. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final ErrorKind kind;
private static final int SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS = 0;
private static final int SLUNKCRYPT_FAILURE = -1;
private static final int SLUNKCRYPT_ABORTED = -2;
SlunkCryptException(final ErrorKind kind, final String message) {
this.kind = Objects.requireNonNull(kind);
static boolean isSuccess(final int errorCode) {
return errorCode == SLUNKCRYPT_SUCCESS;
static SlunkCryptException mapErrorCode(final int errorCode, final String message) {
switch(errorCode) {
return new SlunkCryptException(ErrorKind.Success, message);
return new SlunkCryptException(ErrorKind.Failure, message);
return new SlunkCryptException(ErrorKind.Aborted, message);
return new SlunkCryptException(ErrorKind.Unknown, message);
* Get the kind of error that has triggered this exception.
* @return the {@link com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptException.ErrorKind ErrorKind}
public ErrorKind getErrorKind() {
return kind;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.Context;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.SizeT;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.UInt64;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.UInt64ByReference;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.utilities.Constant;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.utilities.Constant.StrPtrConst;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.utilities.Constant.UInt16Const;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
public interface SlunkCryptLibrary extends Library {
static final SlunkCryptLibrary INSTANCE = Native.load("slunkcrypt-1", SlunkCryptLibrary.class);
static class Version {
public static final UInt16Const MAJOR = Constant.ofUInt16(INSTANCE, "SLUNKCRYPT_VERSION_MAJOR");
public static final UInt16Const MINOR = Constant.ofUInt16(INSTANCE, "SLUNKCRYPT_VERSION_MINOR");
public static final UInt16Const PATCH = Constant.ofUInt16(INSTANCE, "SLUNKCRYPT_VERSION_PATCH");
public static final StrPtrConst BUILD = Constant.ofStrPtr(INSTANCE, "SLUNKCRYPT_BUILD");
Context slunkcrypt_alloc_ext(UInt64 nonce, byte[] passwd, SizeT passwd_len, int mode, SlunkCryptParam param);
int slunkcrypt_reset(Context context, UInt64 nonce, byte[] passwd, SizeT passwd_len, int mode);
void slunkcrypt_free(Context context);
int slunkcrypt_inplace(Context context, byte[] buffer, SizeT data_len);
int slunkcrypt_process(Context context, byte[] input, byte[] output, SizeT data_len);
int slunkcrypt_generate_nonce(UInt64ByReference nonce);
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.SizeT;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.UInt16;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;
import com.sun.jna.Structure.FieldOrder;
@FieldOrder({ "version", "thread_count", "legacy_compat", "debug_logging" })
public class SlunkCryptParam extends Structure {
public static final UInt16 SLUNK_PARAM_VERSION = UInt16.of((short)2);
public SlunkCryptParam() {
public UInt16 version;
public SizeT thread_count;
public int legacy_compat;
public int debug_logging;
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types;
import com.sun.jna.IntegerType;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
public class Context extends IntegerType {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final Context NULL = new Context();
public Context() {
super(Native.POINTER_SIZE, Pointer.nativeValue(Pointer.NULL), true);
public Context(final long value) {
super(Native.POINTER_SIZE, value, true);
public Pointer toPointer() {
return Pointer.createConstant(longValue());
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types;
import com.sun.jna.IntegerType;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
public class SizeT extends IntegerType {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public SizeT() {
private SizeT(final long value) {
super(Native.SIZE_T_SIZE, value, true);
public static SizeT of(final long value) {
return new SizeT(value);
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types;
import com.sun.jna.IntegerType;
public class UInt16 extends IntegerType {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public UInt16() {
private UInt16(final long value) {
super(Short.BYTES, value, true);
public static UInt16 of(final long value) {
return new UInt16(value);
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types;
import com.sun.jna.IntegerType;
public class UInt64 extends IntegerType {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public UInt64() {
private UInt64(final long value) {
super(Long.BYTES, value, true);
public static UInt64 of(final long value) {
return new UInt64(value);
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.ByReference;
public class UInt64ByReference extends ByReference {
public UInt64ByReference() {
private UInt64ByReference(final long value) {
public void setValue(final long value) {
getPointer().setLong(0, value);
public long getValue() {
return getPointer().getLong(0);
public static UInt64ByReference of(final long value) {
return new UInt64ByReference(value);
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.utilities;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.internal.types.UInt16;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Library.Handler;
import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
public class Constant {
private static final String UTF_8 =;
private static final Map<Library, NativeLibrary> NATIVE_LIBRARY = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<Library, NativeLibrary>());
protected final Pointer address;
protected final String symbolName;
protected Constant(final NativeLibrary nativeLibrary, final String symbolName) {
this.symbolName = Objects.requireNonNull(symbolName);
address = nativeLibrary.getGlobalVariableAddress(symbolName);
protected static NativeLibrary getNativeLibrary(final Library library) {
return NATIVE_LIBRARY.computeIfAbsent(library, key -> ((Handler)Proxy.getInvocationHandler(key)).getNativeLibrary());
public static UInt16Const ofUInt16(final Library library, final String symbolName) {
return new UInt16Const(getNativeLibrary(library), symbolName);
public static StrPtrConst ofStrPtr(final Library library, final String symbolName) {
return new StrPtrConst(getNativeLibrary(library), symbolName);
public static class UInt16Const extends Constant {
protected UInt16Const(final NativeLibrary nativeLibrary, final String symbolName) {
super(nativeLibrary, symbolName);
public UInt16 getValue() {
return UInt16.of(address.getShort(0L));
public static class StrPtrConst extends Constant {
protected StrPtrConst(final NativeLibrary nativeLibrary, final String symbolName) {
super(nativeLibrary, symbolName);
public String getValue() {
return address.getPointer(0L).getString(0L, UTF_8);
public String getSymbolName() {
return symbolName;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<h1>SlunkCrypt Java Wrapper</h1>
<p>This package exposes the functionality of the <a href="" target="_blank"><b>SlunkCrypt</b></a> library to to Java developers.</p>
<p>Please see the {@see com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt} class for details!</p>
The SlunkCrypt Java wrapper requires <a href="" target="_blank">Java Native Access (JNA)</a>, version 5.14.x or later, as a runtime dependency.
<h2>Build Instructions</h2>
<p>First the "native" SlunkCrypt library needs to be built, if not done yet:</p>
<pre>$ cd /home/JohnnyBeSlunk/dev/SlunkCrypt
$ make -B SHARED=1</pre>
<p>Now build the SlunkCrypt Java wrapper package:</p>
<pre>$ cd binding/java
$ ant</pre>
<p><a href="">Apache Ant</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Ivy</a> are required for buildig the SlunkCrypt Java wrapper from the sources using the provided <tt>build.xml</tt> file.</p>
<p><i>Note:</i> The file <tt>ivy.jar</tt> should be located in the <tt>ANT_HOME/lib</tt> directory.</p>
<h2>Unit Tests</h2>
In order to run the unit tests, please type:
<pre>$ export ANT_OPTS=-Djna.library.path=$PWD/../../libslunkcrypt/lib
$ ant test</pre>
<p>The <a href="">JUnitLauncher</a> (JUnit 5) is required to run the unit tests. All other required JUnit 5 libraries will be fetched automatically by Ivy.</p>
<p><i>Note:</i> The file <tt>ant-junitlauncher.jar</tt> should be located in the <tt>ANT_HOME/lib</tt> directory.</p>
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.tests;
import static com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.tests.Utilities.toHexString;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInfo;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptDecryptor;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptEncryptor;
public class ContextTest {
private static final String PASSPHRASE = "OrpheanBeholderScryDoubt";
private String lastTestName = new String();
void init(final TestInfo testInfo) {
final String name = testInfo.getTestMethod().map(method -> method.getName()).orElse("N/A");
if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(lastTestName)) {
System.out.printf("-------- [ %s ] --------%n", lastTestName = name);
} else {
void createInstanceTest() throws Exception {
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor encryptor = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
System.out.printf("EncryptContext: %s%n", encryptor);
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor decryptor = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, encryptor.getNonce())) {
System.out.printf("DecryptContext: %s%n", decryptor);
void processTest() throws Exception {
final long nonce;
final byte[] plaintext = new byte[256], encrypted = new byte[256], decrypted = new byte[256];
System.out.printf("Plaintext: %s%n", toHexString(plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor instance = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
nonce = instance.getNonce();
instance.process(plaintext, encrypted);
System.out.printf("Encrypted: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(encrypted, plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor instance = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, nonce)) {
instance.process(encrypted, decrypted);
System.out.printf("Decrypted: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted));
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(decrypted, plaintext));
void processTest2() throws Exception {
final long nonce;
final byte[] plaintext = new byte[256], encrypted, decrypted;
System.out.printf("Plaintext: %s%n", toHexString(plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor instance = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
nonce = instance.getNonce();
encrypted = instance.process(plaintext);
System.out.printf("Encrypted: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(encrypted, plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor instance = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, nonce)) {
decrypted = instance.process(encrypted);
System.out.printf("Decrypted: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted));
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(decrypted, plaintext));
void inplaceTest() throws Exception {
final long nonce;
final byte[] plaintext = new byte[256], encrypted = new byte[256], decrypted = new byte[256];
System.out.printf("Plaintext: %s%n", toHexString(plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor instance = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
nonce = instance.getNonce();
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, encrypted, 0, plaintext.length);
System.out.printf("Encrypted: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(encrypted, plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor instance = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, nonce)) {
System.arraycopy(encrypted, 0, decrypted, 0, encrypted.length);
System.out.printf("Decrypted: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted));
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(decrypted, plaintext));
void resetTest() throws Exception {
final long nonce_1, nonce_2;
final byte[] plaintext = new byte[256], encrypted_1 = new byte[256], encrypted_2 = new byte[256], decrypted_1 = new byte[256], decrypted_2 = new byte[256];
System.out.printf("Plaintext: %s%n", toHexString(plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor instance = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
nonce_1 = instance.getNonce();
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, encrypted_1, 0, plaintext.length);
nonce_2 = instance.getNonce();
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, encrypted_2, 0, plaintext.length);
System.out.printf("Encrypted: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted_1));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(encrypted_1, plaintext));
System.out.printf("Encrypted: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted_2));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(encrypted_2, plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor instance = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, nonce_1)) {
System.arraycopy(encrypted_1, 0, decrypted_1, 0, encrypted_1.length);
instance.reset(PASSPHRASE, nonce_2);
System.arraycopy(encrypted_2, 0, decrypted_2, 0, encrypted_2.length);
System.out.printf("Decrypted: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted_1));
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(decrypted_1, plaintext));
System.out.printf("Decrypted: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted_2));
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(decrypted_2, plaintext));
void failBadNonceTest() throws Exception {
final long nonce;
final byte[] plaintext = new byte[256], encrypted = new byte[256], decrypted = new byte[256];
System.out.printf("Plaintext: %s%n", toHexString(plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor instance = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
nonce = instance.getNonce();
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, encrypted, 0, plaintext.length);
System.out.printf("Encrypted: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(encrypted, plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor instance = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, nonce + 1)) {
System.arraycopy(encrypted, 0, decrypted, 0, encrypted.length);
System.out.printf("Decrypted: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(decrypted, plaintext));
void failBadPasswdTest() throws Exception {
final long nonce;
final byte[] plaintext = new byte[256], encrypted = new byte[256], decrypted = new byte[256];
System.out.printf("Plaintext: %s%n", toHexString(plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor instance = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
nonce = instance.getNonce();
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, encrypted, 0, plaintext.length);
System.out.printf("Encrypted: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(encrypted, plaintext));
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor instance = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE.replace('O', '0'), nonce)) {
System.arraycopy(encrypted, 0, decrypted, 0, encrypted.length);
System.out.printf("Decrypted: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(decrypted, plaintext));
void stressTest() throws Exception {
try(final SlunkCryptEncryptor encryptor = new SlunkCryptEncryptor(PASSPHRASE)) {
try(final SlunkCryptDecryptor decryptor = new SlunkCryptDecryptor(PASSPHRASE, encryptor.getNonce())) {
final byte[] plaintext = new byte[0xFFFF], processed = new byte[0xFFFF];
for (int i = 0; i < 0xFFFF; ++i) {
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, processed, 0, plaintext.length);
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(processed, plaintext));
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(processed, plaintext));
if (i % 499 == 0) {
System.out.printf("%.1f%%%n", (i / (double)0xFFFF) * 100.0);
System.out.printf("%5.1f%%%n", 100.0);
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.tests;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInfo;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCrypt;
import com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.SlunkCryptException;
public class FunctionTest {
private String lastTestName = new String();
void init(final TestInfo testInfo) {
final String name = testInfo.getTestMethod().map(method -> method.getName()).orElse("N/A");
if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(lastTestName)) {
System.out.printf("-------- [ %s ] --------%n", lastTestName = name);
} else {
void getVersionTest() {
final Map<String, Short> versionInfo = SlunkCrypt.getVersion();
final Short major, minor, patch;
assertNotNull(major = versionInfo.get("slunkcrypt.version.major"));
assertNotNull(minor = versionInfo.get("slunkcrypt.version.minor"));
assertNotNull(patch = versionInfo.get("slunkcrypt.version.patch"));
System.out.printf("Version: %d.%d.%d%n", major.shortValue(), minor.shortValue(), patch.shortValue());
void getBuildTest() {
final String build = SlunkCrypt.getBuild();
System.out.printf("Build: \"%s\"%n", build);
void generateNonceTest() throws SlunkCryptException {
final long nonce_1 = SlunkCrypt.generateNonce();
System.out.printf("Nonce: %016X%n", nonce_1);
final long nonce_2 = SlunkCrypt.generateNonce();
System.out.printf("Nonce: %016X%n", nonce_2);
assertNotEquals(nonce_1, nonce_2);
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package com.muldersoft.slunkcrypt.tests;
public class Utilities {
private Utilities() {
throw new IllegalAccessError();
public static String toHexString(final byte[] data) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Math.multiplyExact(2, data.length));
for (final byte b : data) {
sb.append(String.format("%02X", b));
return sb.toString();
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