189 lines
7.7 KiB
189 lines
7.7 KiB
/* SlunkCrypt, by LoRd_MuldeR <MuldeR2@GMX.de> */
/* This work has been released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license! */
use slunkcrypt_rs::{SlunkCryptPasswd, SlunkCrypt};
use hex;
use memx;
use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
use std::{env, mem, cmp::Ordering};
const DEFAULT_TEST_LOOPS: usize = 8;
const PASSPHRASE: SlunkCryptPasswd = SlunkCryptPasswd::Str("eUGAwxOm0QwiVnDx");
const PASSPHRASE_BAD: SlunkCryptPasswd = SlunkCryptPasswd::Str("eUGAwxOm1QwiVnDx");
fn test_create_instance() {
run_test(|| {
let (context, nonce) = SlunkCrypt::init_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE, None).expect("Failed to create encryption context!");
println!("EncryptContext: {:?}", context);
let context = SlunkCrypt::init_decrypt(&PASSPHRASE, nonce, None).expect("Failed to create decryption context!");
println!("DecryptContext: {:?}", context);
fn test_process() {
run_test(|| {
let (mut orig, mut encr, mut decr) = ([ 0u8; 5003 ], [ 0u8; 5003 ], [ 0u8; 5003 ]);
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut orig);
println!("Plaintext: {}", hex::encode(&orig));
let (mut context_enc, nonce) = SlunkCrypt::init_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE, None).expect("Failed to create encryption context!");
context_enc.process(&orig, &mut encr).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
println!("Encrypted: {}", hex::encode(&encr));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&orig, &encr) != Ordering::Equal);
let mut context_dec = SlunkCrypt::init_decrypt(&PASSPHRASE, nonce, None).expect("Failed to create decryption context!");
context_dec.process(&encr, &mut decr).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
println!("Decrypted: {}", hex::encode(&decr));
fn test_inplace() {
run_test(|| {
let (mut data, mut orig) = ([ 0u8; 5003 ], [ 0u8; 5003 ]);
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut data);
memx::memcpy(&mut orig, &data).expect("Failed to copy original data!");
println!("Plaintext: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
let (mut context_enc, nonce) = SlunkCrypt::init_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE, None).expect("Failed to create encryption context!");
context_enc.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
println!("Encrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
let mut context_dec = SlunkCrypt::init_decrypt(&PASSPHRASE, nonce, None).expect("Failed to create decryption context!");
context_dec.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to decrypt data!");
println!("Decrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
fn test_reset() {
run_test(|| {
let (mut data, mut orig) = ([ 0u8; 5003 ], [ 0u8; 5003 ]);
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut data);
memx::memcpy(&mut orig, &data).expect("Failed to copy original data!");
println!("Plaintext: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
let (mut context, _nonce) = SlunkCrypt::init_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE, None).expect("Failed to create encryption context!");
context.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
println!("Encrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
memx::memcpy(&mut data, &orig).expect("Failed to copy original data!");
println!("Plaintext: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
let nonce = context.reset_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE).expect("Failed to reset encryption context!");
context.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
println!("Encrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
context.reset_decrypt(&PASSPHRASE, nonce).expect("Failed to reset decryption context!");
context.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to decrypt data!");
println!("Decrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
fn test_fail_bad_nonce() {
run_test(|| {
let (mut data, mut orig) = ([ 0u8; 5003 ], [ 0u8; 5003 ]);
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut data);
memx::memcpy(&mut orig, &data).expect("Failed to copy original data!");
println!("Plaintext: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
let (mut context_enc, nonce) = SlunkCrypt::init_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE, None).expect("Failed to create encryption context!");
context_enc.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
println!("Encrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
let mut context_dec = SlunkCrypt::init_decrypt(&PASSPHRASE, nonce + 1, None).expect("Failed to create decryption context!");
context_dec.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to decrypt data!");
println!("Decrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
fn test_fail_bad_passwd() {
run_test(|| {
let (mut data, mut orig) = ([ 0u8; 5003 ], [ 0u8; 5003 ]);
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut data);
memx::memcpy(&mut orig, &data).expect("Failed to copy original data!");
println!("Plaintext: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
let (mut context_enc, nonce) = SlunkCrypt::init_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE, None).expect("Failed to create encryption context!");
context_enc.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
println!("Encrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
let mut context_dec = SlunkCrypt::init_decrypt(&PASSPHRASE_BAD, nonce, None).expect("Failed to create decryption context!");
context_dec.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to decrypt data!");
println!("Decrypted: {}", hex::encode(&data));
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
fn test_stress() {
let (mut data, mut orig) = ([ 0u8; u16::MAX as usize ], [ 0u8; u16::MAX as usize ]);
let (mut context_enc, nonce) = SlunkCrypt::init_encrypt(&PASSPHRASE, None).expect("Failed to create encryption context!");
let mut context_dec = SlunkCrypt::init_decrypt(&PASSPHRASE, nonce, None).expect("Failed to create decryption context!");
for i in 0..u16::MAX {
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut data);
memx::memcpy(&mut orig, &data).expect("Failed to copy original data!");
context_enc.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) != Ordering::Equal);
context_dec.inplace(&mut data).expect("Failed to decrypt data!");
assert!(memx::memcmp(&data, &orig) == Ordering::Equal);
if i % 499 == 0 {
println!("{:.1}%", (i as f64 / u16::MAX as f64) * 100.0)
fn run_test<F>(func: F) where F: Fn() {
let loops = env::var("TEST_LOOPS").map_or(DEFAULT_TEST_LOOPS, |value| value.parse::<usize>().unwrap());
for _ in 0..loops {