AddJobDialog 0 0 640 614 Add Job true 0 0 Input / Output Qt::Vertical 0 0 4 Select the source video file. This can be an Avisynth script or any type of video file supported by FFmpegSource2 (libavformat). Source Media/Avisynth File: Select the source video file. This can be an Avisynth script or any type of video file supported by FFmpegSource2 (libavformat). true 45 16777215 ... Qt::Vertical 0 0 4 Select the output H.264/AVC file. This can be a Matroska (MKV,) MPEG-4 Part-14 (MP4) or "raw" H.264 file. Output AVC/H.264 File: Select the output H.264/AVC file. This can be a Matroska (MKV,) MPEG-4 Part-14 (MP4) or "raw" H.264 file. true 45 16777215 ... Qt::Vertical 0 0 Configuration Here you can load a user-defined template that you have saved before. Use the "Save As" button to save your current configuration to a new profile. Template: 0 0 256 0 Here you can load a user-defined template that you have saved before. Use the "Save As" button to save your current configuration to a new profile. -1 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 8 20 Save As... :/buttons/disk.png:/buttons/disk.png Delete :/buttons/cross.png:/buttons/cross.png Qt::Horizontal 10 20 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 4 0 0 Rate Control Qt::Vertical 20 0 Select the x264 rate-control mode. Use 'CRF' mode to hit a specific level of quality or use '2-Pass' mode to hit a specific file size. Mode: Select the x264 rate-control mode. Use 'CRF' mode to hit a specific level of quality or use '2-Pass' mode to hit a specific file size. 0 CRF CQ 2-Pass ABR Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 16 0 Select the quantizer or CRF value. Smaller value means better quality, but bigger file. Higher value means smaller file, but lower quality. A value of '0' triggers lossless mode. Quantizer/CRF: Select the quantizer or CRF value. Smaller value means better quality, but bigger file. Higher value means smaller file, but lower quality. A value of '0' triggers lossless mode. 1 52.000000000000000 22.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 16 0 Select the target average(!) bitrate, in kilobit/sec. Higher value means better quality, but bigger file. Lower value means smaller file, but lower quality. Target Bitrate (kbps): Select the target average(!) bitrate, in kilobit/sec. Higher value means better quality, but bigger file. Lower value means smaller file, but lower quality. 100 250000 100 Qt::Vertical 20 0 0 0 Basic Encoder Options Qt::Vertical 20 0 This option controls the "Speed -vs- Quality" trade-off. Use a slower preset to improve the quality at the same bitrate (file size). Use a faster preset to save encoding time, at the cost of reduced quality. Preset: This option controls the "Speed -vs- Quality" trade-off. Use a slower preset to improve the quality at the same bitrate (file size). Use a faster preset to save encoding time, at the cost of reduced quality. 5 Ultrafast Superfast Veryfast Faster Fast Medium Slow Slower Veryslow Placebo Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 16 20 This option tweaks x264 for a specific type of source/content. For real-life footage, CGI and most other stuff, use the "Film" option. For anime/cartoon use the "Animation" option. Tuning: This option tweaks x264 for a specific type of source/content. For real-life footage, CGI and most other stuff, use the "Film" option. For anime/cartoon use the "Animation" option. 1 None Film Animation Grain Stillimage PSNR SSIM Fastdecode Zerolatency Touhou Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 16 20 This option can be used to enforce the restrictions of a specific H.264/AVC Proifle, though it won't force a higher profile than needed. Use "Auto" for an unrestricted encode. Profile: This option can be used to enforce the restrictions of a specific H.264/AVC Proifle, though it won't force a higher profile than needed. Use "Auto" for an unrestricted encode. 0 Auto Baseline Main High High10 High422 High444 Qt::Vertical 20 0 0 0 Advanced Encoder Options Qt::Vertical 20 0 0 150 0 All command-line parameters you enter here will be passed to x264 unmodified and unchecked. Some parameters are forbidden, as they are reserved for the GUI. Custom x264 Parameters: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Your custom parameters will be ignored entirely, if you don't fix them! :/buttons/error.png Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 6 20 170 0 0 170 0 0 120 120 120 75 true Your custom parameters will be ignored entirely, if you don't fix them! Invalid parameter entered! Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 255 0 0 255 120 120 120 true PointingHandCursor Click here to show a detailed list of all command-line options available in your build of x264! Show Help Screen Lucida Console All command-line parameters you enter here will be passed to x264 unmodified and unchecked. Some parameters are forbidden, as they are reserved for the GUI. You can enter custom command-line options here... Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 3 150 0 Custom Avs2YUV Parameters: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 :/buttons/error.png Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 6 20 170 0 0 170 0 0 120 120 120 75 true Invalid parameter entered! Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 255 0 0 255 120 120 120 true PointingHandCursor Click here to show a detailed list of all command-line options available in your build of Avs2YUV! Show Help Screen Lucida Console All command-line parameters you enter here will be passed to Avs2YUV unmodified and unchecked. Only relevant for Avisynth input! You can enter custom command-line options here... Qt::Vertical 20 0 QFrame::HLine QFrame::Sunken Start Job Immediately true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 128 0 Add Job :/buttons/accept.png:/buttons/accept.png 128 0 Cancel :/buttons/cancel.png:/buttons/cancel.png editSource buttonBrowseSource editOutput buttonBrowseOutput cbxTemplate buttonSaveTemplate buttonDeleteTemplate cbxRateControlMode spinBitrate cbxPreset cbxTuning cbxProfile editCustomX264Params checkBoxRun buttonAccept buttonCancel buttonAccept clicked() AddJobDialog accept() 495 558 397 213 buttonCancel clicked() AddJobDialog reject() 629 558 397 213