/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple x264 Launcher // Copyright (C) 2004-2019 LoRd_MuldeR // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma once #include "source_avisynth.h" #include "global.h" #include #include #include static const unsigned int VER_X264_AVS2YUV_VER = 245; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Encoder Info // ------------------------------------------------------------ class AvisynthSourceInfo : public AbstractSourceInfo { public: virtual QString getBinaryPath(const SysinfoModel *const sysinfo, const bool& x64) const { return QString("%1/toolset/%2/avs2yuv_%2.exe").arg(sysinfo->getAppPath(), (x64 ? "x64": "x86")); } virtual QStringList getExtraPaths(const SysinfoModel *const sysinfo, const bool& x64) const { const QString avsPath = sysinfo->getAVSPath(); if (!avsPath.isEmpty()) { return QStringList() << QString("%1/%2").arg(avsPath, x64 ? QLatin1String("x64") : QLatin1String("x86")); } return QStringList(); } }; static const AvisynthSourceInfo s_avisynthEncoderInfo; const AbstractSourceInfo &AvisynthSource::getSourceInfo(void) { return s_avisynthEncoderInfo; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor & Destructor // ------------------------------------------------------------ AvisynthSource::AvisynthSource(JobObject *jobObject, const OptionsModel *options, const SysinfoModel *const sysinfo, const PreferencesModel *const preferences, JobStatus &jobStatus, volatile bool *abort, volatile bool *pause, QSemaphore *semaphorePause, const QString &sourceFile) : AbstractSource(jobObject, options, sysinfo, preferences, jobStatus, abort, pause, semaphorePause, sourceFile) { /*Nothing to do here*/ } AvisynthSource::~AvisynthSource(void) { /*Nothing to do here*/ } QString AvisynthSource::getName(void) const { return tr("Avisynth (avs)"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Check Version // ------------------------------------------------------------ bool AvisynthSource::isSourceAvailable() { if(!(m_sysinfo->hasAvisynth())) { log(tr("\nAVS INPUT REQUIRES AVISYNTH, BUT IT IS *NOT* AVAILABLE !!!")); return false; } return true; } void AvisynthSource::checkVersion_init(QList &patterns, QStringList &cmdLine) { patterns << new QRegExp("\\bAvs2YUV (\\d+).(\\d+)\\b", Qt::CaseInsensitive); patterns << new QRegExp("\\bAvs2YUV (\\d+).(\\d+)bm(\\d)\\b", Qt::CaseInsensitive); } void AvisynthSource::checkVersion_parseLine(const QString &line, const QList &patterns, unsigned int &core, unsigned int &build, bool &modified) { int offset = -1; if((offset = patterns[0]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false; unsigned int temp1 = patterns[0]->cap(1).toUInt(&ok1); unsigned int temp2 = patterns[0]->cap(2).toUInt(&ok2); if(ok1 && ok2) { core = temp1; build = temp2; } log(line); } else if((offset = patterns[1]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false, ok3 = false; unsigned int temp1 = patterns[1]->cap(1).toUInt(&ok1); unsigned int temp2 = patterns[1]->cap(2).toUInt(&ok2); unsigned int temp3 = patterns[1]->cap(3).toUInt(&ok3); if(ok1 && ok2 && ok3) { core = temp1; build = (temp2 * 10) + (temp3 % 10); } modified = true; log(line); } } bool AvisynthSource::checkVersion_succeeded(const int &exitCode) { return (exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS) || (exitCode == 2); } QString AvisynthSource::printVersion(const unsigned int &revision, const bool &modified) { unsigned int core, build; splitRevision(revision, core, build); return tr("Avs2YUV version: %1.%2.%3").arg(QString::number(core), QString::number(build / 10),QString::number(build % 10)); } bool AvisynthSource::isVersionSupported(const unsigned int &revision, const bool &modified) { unsigned int core, build; splitRevision(revision, core, build); if((revision != UINT_MAX) && (build < VER_X264_AVS2YUV_VER)) { log(tr("\nERROR: Your version of avs2yuv is unsupported (required version: v0.24 BugMaster's mod 2)")); log(tr("You can find the required version at: http://komisar.gin.by/tools/avs2yuv/")); return false; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Check Source Properties // ------------------------------------------------------------ void AvisynthSource::checkSourceProperties_init(QList &patterns, QStringList &cmdLine) { if(!m_options->customAvs2YUV().isEmpty()) { cmdLine << splitParams(m_options->customAvs2YUV()); } cmdLine << "-frames" << "1"; cmdLine << QDir::toNativeSeparators(x264_path2ansi(m_sourceFile, true)) << "NUL"; patterns << new QRegExp(":\\s+(\\d+)\\s*x\\s*(\\d+)\\s*,\\s+\\w+\\s*,\\s+\\d+-bits\\s*,\\s+\\w+\\s*,\\s+(\\d+)\\s+fps\\s*,\\s+(\\d+)\\s+frames"); patterns << new QRegExp(":\\s+(\\d+)\\s*x\\s*(\\d+)\\s*,\\s+\\w+\\s*,\\s+\\d+-bits\\s*,\\s+\\w+\\s*,\\s+(\\d+)\\s*/\\s*(\\d+)\\s+fps\\s*,\\s+(\\d+)\\s+frames"); } void AvisynthSource::checkSourceProperties_parseLine(const QString &line, const QList &patterns, ClipInfo &clipInfo) { int offset = -1; quint32 temp[5]; if((offset = patterns[0]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { if (MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32((*patterns[0]), temp, 4)) { clipInfo.setFrameSize(temp[0], temp[1]); clipInfo.setFrameRate(temp[2], 0); clipInfo.setFrameCount(temp[3]); } } else if((offset = patterns[1]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { if (MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32((*patterns[1]), temp, 5)) { clipInfo.setFrameSize(temp[0], temp[1]); clipInfo.setFrameRate(temp[2], temp[3]); clipInfo.setFrameCount(temp[4]); } } if(!line.isEmpty()) { log(line); } if(line.contains("failed to load avisynth.dll", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { log(tr("\nWarning: It seems that Avisynth is not currently installed/available !!!")); } if(line.contains(QRegExp("couldn't convert input clip to (YV16|YV24)", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) { log(tr("\nWarning: YV16 (4:2:2) and YV24 (4:4:4) color-spaces only supported in Avisynth 2.6 !!!")); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Source Processing // ------------------------------------------------------------ void AvisynthSource::buildCommandLine(QStringList &cmdLine) { if(!m_options->customAvs2YUV().isEmpty()) { cmdLine << splitParams(m_options->customAvs2YUV()); } cmdLine << QDir::toNativeSeparators(x264_path2ansi(m_sourceFile, true)); cmdLine << "-"; } void AvisynthSource::flushProcess(QProcess &processInput) { while(processInput.bytesAvailable() > 0) { log(tr("av2y [info]: %1").arg(QString::fromUtf8(processInput.readLine()).simplified())); } if(processInput.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { const int exitCode = processInput.exitCode(); log(tr("\nWARNING: Input process exited with error (code: %1), your encode might be *incomplete* !!!").arg(QString::number(exitCode))); if((exitCode < 0) || (exitCode >= 32)) { log(tr("\nIMPORTANT: The Avs2YUV process terminated abnormally. This means Avisynth or one of your Avisynth-Plugin's just crashed.")); log(tr("IMPORTANT: Please fix your Avisynth script and try again! If you use Avisynth-MT, try using a *stable* Avisynth instead!")); } } }