/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple x264 Launcher // Copyright (C) 2004-2014 LoRd_MuldeR // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "encoder_x264.h" #include "global.h" #include "model_options.h" #include "model_status.h" #include "binaries.h" #include #include #include //x264 version info static const unsigned int VERSION_X264_MINIMUM_REV = 2397; static const unsigned int VERSION_X264_CURRENT_API = 142; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Helper Macros // ------------------------------------------------------------ #define REMOVE_CUSTOM_ARG(LIST, ITER, FLAG, PARAM) do \ { \ if(ITER != LIST.end()) \ { \ if((*ITER).compare(PARAM, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) \ { \ log(tr("WARNING: Custom parameter \"" PARAM "\" will be ignored in Pipe'd mode!\n")); \ ITER = LIST.erase(ITER); \ if(ITER != LIST.end()) \ { \ if(!((*ITER).startsWith("--", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) ITER = LIST.erase(ITER); \ } \ FLAG = true; \ } \ } \ } \ while(0) #define X264_UPDATE_PROGRESS(X) do \ { \ bool ok = false; qint64 size_estimate = 0; \ unsigned int progress = (X)->cap(1).toUInt(&ok); \ setStatus((pass == 2) ? JobStatus_Running_Pass2 : ((pass == 1) ? JobStatus_Running_Pass1 : JobStatus_Running)); \ if(ok) \ { \ setProgress(progress); \ size_estimate = estimateSize(m_outputFile, progress); \ } \ setDetails(tr("%1, est. file size %2").arg(line.mid(offset).trimmed(), sizeToString(size_estimate))); \ } \ while(0) static QString MAKE_NAME(const char *baseName, const OptionsModel *options) { const QString arch = (options->encArch() == OptionsModel::EncArch_x64) ? "x64" : "x86"; const QString vari = (options->encVariant() == OptionsModel::EncVariant_HiBit ) ? "10-Bit" : "8-Bit"; return QString("%1, %2, %3").arg(QString::fromLatin1(baseName), arch, vari); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Encoder Info // ------------------------------------------------------------ class X264EncoderInfo : public AbstractEncoderInfo { public: virtual QString getVariantId(const int &variant) const { switch(variant) { case OptionsModel::EncVariant_LoBit: return QString::fromLatin1("8-Bit"); case OptionsModel::EncVariant_HiBit: return QString::fromLatin1("10-Bit"); default: return QString::fromLatin1("N/A"); } } virtual QStringList getProfiles(const int &variant) const { QStringList profiles; if(variant == OptionsModel::EncVariant_LoBit) { profiles << "Baseline" << "Main" << "High"; } if((variant == OptionsModel::EncVariant_LoBit) || (variant == OptionsModel::EncVariant_HiBit)) { profiles << "High10" << "High422" << "High444"; } return profiles; } virtual QStringList supportedInputFormats(void) const { QStringList extLst; extLst << "avi"; extLst << "mp4"; extLst << "mkv"; extLst << "flv"; extLst << "mpg"; extLst << "m2v"; extLst << "m2ts"; extLst << "ts"; extLst << "wmv"; extLst << "ogm"; extLst << "vob"; extLst << "y4m"; return extLst; } virtual QStringList supportedOutputFormats(void) const { QStringList extLst; extLst << "264"; extLst << "mkv"; extLst << "mp4"; return extLst; } virtual bool isRCModeSupported(const int rcMode) const { switch(rcMode) { case OptionsModel::RCMode_CRF: case OptionsModel::RCMode_CQ: case OptionsModel::RCMode_2Pass: case OptionsModel::RCMode_ABR: return true; default: return false; } } }; static const X264EncoderInfo s_x264EncoderInfo; const AbstractEncoderInfo &X264Encoder::getEncoderInfo(void) { return s_x264EncoderInfo; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor & Destructor // ------------------------------------------------------------ X264Encoder::X264Encoder(JobObject *jobObject, const OptionsModel *options, const SysinfoModel *const sysinfo, const PreferencesModel *const preferences, JobStatus &jobStatus, volatile bool *abort, volatile bool *pause, QSemaphore *semaphorePause, const QString &sourceFile, const QString &outputFile) : AbstractEncoder(jobObject, options, sysinfo, preferences, jobStatus, abort, pause, semaphorePause, sourceFile, outputFile), m_encoderName(MAKE_NAME("x264 (H.264/AVC)", m_options)), m_binaryFile(ENC_BINARY(sysinfo, options)) { if(options->encType() != OptionsModel::EncType_X264) { THROW("Invalid encoder type!"); } } X264Encoder::~X264Encoder(void) { /*Nothing to do here*/ } const QString &X264Encoder::getName(void) { return m_encoderName; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Check Version // ------------------------------------------------------------ void X264Encoder::checkVersion_init(QList &patterns, QStringList &cmdLine) { cmdLine << "--version"; patterns << new QRegExp("\\bx264\\s(\\d)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\s([a-f0-9]{7})", Qt::CaseInsensitive); patterns << new QRegExp("\\bx264 (\\d)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive); } void X264Encoder::checkVersion_parseLine(const QString &line, QList &patterns, unsigned int &coreVers, unsigned int &revision, bool &modified) { int offset = -1; if((offset = patterns[0]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false; unsigned int temp1 = patterns[0]->cap(2).toUInt(&ok1); unsigned int temp2 = patterns[0]->cap(3).toUInt(&ok2); if(ok1 && ok2) { coreVers = temp1; revision = temp2; } } else if((offset = patterns[1]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false; unsigned int temp1 = patterns[1]->cap(2).toUInt(&ok1); unsigned int temp2 = patterns[1]->cap(3).toUInt(&ok2); if(ok1 && ok2) { coreVers = temp1; revision = temp2; } modified = true; } if(!line.isEmpty()) { log(line); } } QString X264Encoder::printVersion(const unsigned int &revision, const bool &modified) { return tr("x264 revision: %1 (core #%2)").arg(QString::number(revision % REV_MULT), QString::number(revision / REV_MULT)).append(modified ? tr(" - with custom patches!") : QString()); } bool X264Encoder::isVersionSupported(const unsigned int &revision, const bool &modified) { const unsigned int ver = (revision / REV_MULT); const unsigned int rev = (revision % REV_MULT); if((rev % REV_MULT) < VERSION_X264_MINIMUM_REV) { log(tr("\nERROR: Your revision of x264 is too old! Minimum required revision is %1.").arg(QString::number(VERSION_X264_MINIMUM_REV))); return false; } if(ver != VERSION_X264_CURRENT_API) { log(tr("\nWARNING: Your x264 binary uses an untested core (API) version, take care!")); log(tr("This application works best with x264 core (API) version %1. Newer versions may work or not.").arg(QString::number(VERSION_X264_CURRENT_API))); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Encoding Functions // ------------------------------------------------------------ void X264Encoder::buildCommandLine(QStringList &cmdLine, const bool &usePipe, const unsigned int &frames, const QString &indexFile, const int &pass, const QString &passLogFile) { double crf_int = 0.0, crf_frc = 0.0; switch(m_options->rcMode()) { case OptionsModel::RCMode_CQ: cmdLine << "--qp" << QString::number(qRound(m_options->quantizer())); break; case OptionsModel::RCMode_CRF: crf_frc = modf(m_options->quantizer(), &crf_int); cmdLine << "--crf" << QString("%1.%2").arg(QString::number(qRound(crf_int)), QString::number(qRound(crf_frc * 10.0))); break; case OptionsModel::RCMode_2Pass: case OptionsModel::RCMode_ABR: cmdLine << "--bitrate" << QString::number(m_options->bitrate()); break; default: THROW("Bad rate-control mode !!!"); } if((pass == 1) || (pass == 2)) { cmdLine << "--pass" << QString::number(pass); cmdLine << "--stats" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(passLogFile); } cmdLine << "--preset" << m_options->preset().toLower(); if(m_options->tune().compare("none", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { cmdLine << "--tune" << m_options->tune().toLower(); } if(!m_options->profile().simplified().isEmpty()) { if(m_options->profile().simplified().compare(QString::fromLatin1(OptionsModel::PROFILE_UNRESTRICTED), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { cmdLine << "--profile" << m_options->profile().simplified().toLower(); } } if(!m_options->customEncParams().isEmpty()) { QStringList customArgs = splitParams(m_options->customEncParams(), m_sourceFile, m_outputFile); if(usePipe) { QStringList::iterator i = customArgs.begin(); while(i != customArgs.end()) { bool bModified = false; REMOVE_CUSTOM_ARG(customArgs, i, bModified, "--fps"); REMOVE_CUSTOM_ARG(customArgs, i, bModified, "--frames"); if(!bModified) i++; } } cmdLine.append(customArgs); } cmdLine << "--output" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_outputFile); if(usePipe) { if(frames < 1) THROW("Frames not set!"); cmdLine << "--frames" << QString::number(frames); cmdLine << "--demuxer" << "y4m"; cmdLine << "--stdin" << "y4m" << "-"; } else { cmdLine << "--index" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(indexFile); cmdLine << QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_sourceFile); } } void X264Encoder::runEncodingPass_init(QList &patterns) { patterns << new QRegExp("\\[(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)%\\].+frames"); patterns << new QRegExp("indexing.+\\[(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)%\\]"); patterns << new QRegExp("^(\\d+) frames:"); patterns << new QRegExp("\\[\\s*(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)%\\]\\s+(\\d+)/(\\d+)\\s(\\d+).(\\d+)\\s(\\d+).(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)"); //regExpModified } void X264Encoder::runEncodingPass_parseLine(const QString &line, QList &patterns, const int &pass) { int offset = -1; if((offset = patterns[0]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { X264_UPDATE_PROGRESS(patterns[0]); } else if((offset = patterns[1]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { bool ok = false; unsigned int progress = patterns[1]->cap(1).toUInt(&ok); setStatus(JobStatus_Indexing); if(ok) { setProgress(progress); } setDetails(line.mid(offset).trimmed()); } else if((offset = patterns[2]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { setStatus((pass == 2) ? JobStatus_Running_Pass2 : ((pass == 1) ? JobStatus_Running_Pass1 : JobStatus_Running)); setDetails(line.mid(offset).trimmed()); } else if((offset = patterns[3]->lastIndexIn(line)) >= 0) { X264_UPDATE_PROGRESS(patterns[3]); } else if(!line.isEmpty()) { log(line); } }