====================== MediaInfo change log ====================== Version 22.12, 2022-12-22 ------------- + WebVTT: more information (duration, start/end timestamp, count of lines...) + MP4/MOV: support of FLAC + MP4/MOV: support of LanguageIETF + ProRes: parse FFmpeg glbl atom for getting color range + AVI/WAV: detection of character set + WAV: display MD5 of raw content + FLAC: display MD5 of unencoded content + USAC: trace of UsacFrame() up to after preroll + MOV/MP4: option for parsing only the header, no parsing of any frame + MXF: option for parsing only the header, no parsing of any frame x MXF: quicker parsing when fast parsing is requested x I662, WAV: fix false-positive detection of DTS in PCM x I1637, MPEG-Audio: proper support of Helix MP3 encoder detection and encoder settings x I661, MXF: fix UKDPP FpaPass value sometimes not outputted x S1182, Teletext subtitle: prioritize subtitle metadata other overs x Matroska: Better handling in case of buggy AVC stream x 22.2 audio: Fix name of 1 channel (Tll --> Tsl) x AAC: fix wrong parsing of some bitstreams x Fix crash with stdin input and ctrl-c x Fix memory leak in JSON output Version 22.09, 2022-10-04 ------------- + Italian language update + USAC: IOD and sampling rate coherency checking + ADM: support of nested objects and complementary objects + AC-4: Display of Custom downmix targets + IAB: Parsing of IAB bitstream and ADM-like output + Frame rate: store FrameRate_Num/Den also for integer values + MPEG-4/MOV: support of time codes >30 fps + MOV/MPEG-4: List of QuickTime time code discontinuities + Dolby Vision: add info about more profiles x Text streams: show stream frame rate if not same as container frame rate x CDP: fix rounding of frame rate x SCC: fix of CEA-608 FirstDisplay_Delay_Frames x SCC: fix TimeCode_Last x MPEG-4/MOV: last time code value for all kind of QuickTime time codes x MOV/MPEG-4: Fix frame count for NDF non-integer frame rates x JSON: fix invalid output in some corner cases x Several other parsing bug/crash fixes (thanks to fuzzing by users) Version 22.06, 2022-06-23 ------------- + MXF: FFV1 support + Dolby Vision: add info about more profiles + AAC: check of missing ID_END and incoherent count of channels + NSV: better handling of buggy StarDiva agenda negative timestamps + Text: Show text frame rate + Text: frame rate precise numerator/denominator also for text streams + CDP: readout of display aspect ratio + MPEG-4/MOV: support of time codes >30 fps + TTML: Support of more timeExpression flavors x ADM: correctly map Dolby binaural render mode to track UID x Dolby Audio Metadata: first frame of action in HH:MM:SS:FF format x Dolby Vision: profiles and levels in decimal rather than in hexadecimal x MXF: fix of Dolby Vision Metadata not displayed if HDR10 metadata is present x MPEG-4/MOV: avoid buggy frame rates by taking frame rate from stts atom x CDP: better catching of wrong line21_field value x NSV: better handling of invalid frames x MXF: Include frame count in SDTI and SystemScheme1 time codes to time stamp conversion x TTML: do not show frame rate if it is from MediaInfo options x DV: timecode trace in HH:MM:SS:FF format Version 22.03, 2022-03-31 ------------- + NSV (Nullsoft Video): full featured support + NSV: support of proprietary StarDiva metadata (by reverse engineering) + HEVC: CEA-608/708 support + Dolby Audio Metadata: First frame of action, binaural render modes + Dolby Audio Metadata: 5.1 and 5.1.x downmix, 5.1 to 2.0 downmix, associated video frame rate, trim modes + MOV/MP4, TTML, SCC, MXF TC: time code of last frame + EIA-608: first displayed caption type + EIA-608: Maximum count of lines per event and total count of lines + EIA-608: duration of the visible content + TTML: Total count of lines + TTML: Maximum count of lines per event (including overlapping times) + TTML: Frame count, display aspect ratio + TTML: Support of timestamps in frames + SCC: Delay + Matroska: Encoding settings metadata support + MOV/MP4: Gamma metadata output + MPEG-4/MOV: difference between audio Center and Mono when possible + MP4/MOV: Support of dec3 atom in wave atom + MPEG-4/MOV: show both values in case of chan atom ChannelLayoutTag / ChannelDescriptions mismatch + MP4/MOV: Support of dec3 atom in wave atom + MXF: better support of AVC streams without SPS/PPS + ADM: display channel index of trackUIDs x WAV: fix freeze with 32-bit PCM x DPX: fix regression with DPX files more than 64 MB x Dolby E: fix crash with some invalid streams x E-AC-3: service kind was not correctly handled x EXR: fix of bad handling of files with long names in attributes x TTML: correct handling of 29.97 DF time codes x AV1: fix of the parsing of some streams, especially the ones with HDR metadata x WebVTT: was not correctly handling WebVTT header with comment x Matroska: fix false positive detection of bad CRC32 x Several other parsing bug/crash fixes Version 21.09, 2021-09-17 ------------- + Graph view for 3D audio streams (thanks to graphviz) + ADM: full featured support (programmes, content, objects, pack formats...) + ADM: in WAV (axml, bxml), MXF + S-ADM in AES3: support of Levels A1 and AX1 + MOV/MP4: support of Dolby Vision Metadata XML + MXF: detection of IAB + SMPTE ST 337 (AES3): support of subframe mode + HEVC: CEA-608/708 caption support + MP4/QuickTime: Android slow motion real frame rate + JSON output: add creatingLibrary field x MPEG-4: read too much data with some predecessor definitions x EBUCore: fix of fields order and types Version 21.03, 2021-03-26 ------------- + WAV: ADM profile detection of Dolby Atmos Master or MPEG-H + SMPTE ST 337: support of AC-4 + AC-3/AC-4: show top layer channels after Lw/Rw, as it becomes the defacto standard layout + Dolby Surround EX and Pro Logic IIz detection + Matroska: add DV support + JavaScript module: reduce binary size + JavaScript module: reserve less memory at startup + CLI: read from stdin + DV: remove check of zeroed bytes in timecode, considered again as valid timecode + TIFF; add support of compression codes 7 and 8 + WAV: show bext (BWF) version in verbose mode / XML / JSON + MXF: detection fo DCI P3 mastering display color primaries + Options: add software version to text output (CLI or Windows GUI) + Options: add report creation timestamp to text output (CLI or Windows GUI) + macOS: native build for Apple Silicon (arm64) x HDR: mastering max. luminance precision was wrong x WM: fix EncodingTime parsing x MOV/MP4: skip XMP huge atoms, fix x MPEG-TS: fix inverted supplementary_audio_descriptor mix_type values x AAC: fix File_Aac::is_intensity according to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2009 x I1353, MP4: Skip user data Xtra and free atoms x FFV1: fix crash with some bitstreams parsing x TIFF: fix division by 0 x RF64: fix the WAV malformed chunk size test x macOS 10.9/10.10: fix crash at startup x Supported platforms: this is the last version compatible with Windows XP, macOS 10.5-10.9, RHEL/CentOS 6 Version 20.09, 2020-10-09 ------------- + Dolby ED2: full featured support (presentations, presentation targets, beds, objects) + MKV: support of Dolby Vision metadata + MXF: detection of Dolby E hidden in PCM tracks having more than 2 channels + WAV: detection of Dolby E hidden in PCM tracks having more than 2 channels + CineForm: display of color space (including Bayer), bit depth x WAV: more precise sample count x SMPTE ST 337: catch of streams starting later than usual (probing increased from 4 to 16 PCM "frames") x PNG: detection of additional alpha plane in color space x MXF: detection of additional alpha plane in color space x AVI: detection of additional alpha plane in color space x MPEG Audio: was wrongly flagging Xing info tag as CBR x VorbisTag: does not skip DISCID x Miscellaneous bug/crash fixes Version 20.08, 2020-08-11 ------------- + MPEG-H 3D Audio full featured support (group presets, switch groups, groups, signal groups) + MP4/MOV: support of more metadata locations + JSON and XML outputs: authorize "complete" output + MPEG-4: support of TrueHD + WM: show legacy value of performer if not same as modern one + WAV: trace of adtl (Associated Data List) chunk x URL encoding detection fix for URL having a query part (issue with e.g. pre-signed AWS S3 URLs) x Don't try to seek to the end (false positive range related error with HTTP) x DPX: don't load the whole file in RAM x Opus: fix wrong channel mapping x Miscellaneous other bug fixes Version 20.03, 2020-04-03 ------------- + AC-4 full featured support (presentations, groups, substreams) + MPEG-H 3D Audio basic support + MPEG-TS: audio preselection descriptor support + Dolby Vision v2 detection + MPEG-4: support of colr/nclx (color information) box x URL encoding option fixes, permitting to use URL encoded or non URL encoded links x AAC: fix SBR frequency when in ADIF x DPX: ColorimetricSpecification and TransferCharacteristic were inverted x Several crash and memory leaks fixes Version 19.09, 2019-09-10 ------------- + AC-4: basic detection, raw, in MP4 or TS + AC-3/E-AC-3: display time code of the first frame + Don't show anymore by default "encoded" bit rates and stream sizes + MOV: Decode more language codes x MXF: some metadata were missing x AC-3: AC-3 actually has no bit depth, removing the default 16 value x AC-3/E-AC-3: fix bitrate info (so duration) with streams having a time code x AC-3: parse more frames also when in MP4, in order to better detect JOC (Atmos) x MP4: do not show audio bit depth if it is the "default" 16 (value is not trustable enough) x ProRes RAW: we know only width and height x SubRip: bad handling of files having a quote character Version 19.07, 2019-07-16 -------------- + Mac App Store version: File comparison (InApp purchase) + Dolby E: readout of Dolby E program description + MXF: Detection of Dolby Vision + MP4: support of Spatial Audio Metadata + DV: color space is explicit + DV: audio format settings + Matroska: PCM bit rate + MOV, MXF: Time code frame rate + DV: DVCAM commercial name for locked audio and PAL 4:2:0 + MXF: Time code track name x USAC: frame rate was missing in case of non standard sampling rate x USAC: fix infinite loop with some LATM streams x WAV: MP3 delay should be added to BWF time reference x TTML: fix wrong output with standalone files x N19/STL: fix crash with some uncommon framerates x VC-3: fix sub sampling with some v2 files x DV: Time code frame number was wrong (divided by 2) for 50/60 fps content Version 19.04, 2019-04-23 -------------- + USAC: DRC effect types, Sample peak level, True peak level, Program loudness + HDR: SMPTE ST 2094 App 4 (including HDR10+) support + HDR: move HDR10, Dolby Vision and SL-HDR meta to specific generic "HDR Format" lines + Matroska: SMPTE ST 2086 (HDR10) support + Matroska: FieldOrder support + HEIF image format support + AV1: support of AV1 in MP4, HEIF, IVF + MOV: Add a lot more countries to AppleStoreCountry field internal list + MXF: Fix memory leak when fully parsing big file with acquisition metadata + HEVC: more HEVC profiles (Multiview, Scalable, Screen Content...) + AAC: better handling of corrupted streams + AAC: better handling of unknown channel layouts + AVC in MP4: better support of corrupted streams x B1101, AVI: fix crash with some invalid streams x B1101, SMPTE ST 337: fix crash with some invalid streams x Matroska: chapters timestamp were not display if chapters have no name x MXF: Fix false positive truncated file detection when there is no Random Index Pack x AAC: channel layout typos (Rls instead of Lrs, Lr instead of Rb) x ProRes: correctly show color space if alpha plane is present x MPEG Audio: some VBR files use "Info" Xing header, so we ignore the difference between "Info" and "Xing" x I943, MPEG-4: wrong display aspect ratio in some corner cases (32-bit release only) x I1096, OGG: assign METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tag to cover Version 18.12, 2018-12-10 -------------- + Android version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.mediaarea.mediainfo + DCP: support of multi-reel packages + EBUCore: added some FFV1 related metadata + JPEG: better info display of CYMK files + Provide source of the color related metadata (container or stream) (hidden by default) + MXF: display more information when wrapper/essence values are detected as not same + MXF: ProRes profiles + MPEG-4: ProRes RAW support + MPEG-TS: add support of parsing some ETSI TS 103-433 messages x MPEG-2 Video: variable GOP detection fix x MPEG-7 export: some fields were missing due to the removal of some legacy fields x ADTS: Fix display of channel count for 8-channel streams x ID3v2: fix some date related issues x I298, ID3v2: fix wrong read of recording date in some cases x I1032, PBCore2: fix essenceFrameSize with non Video tracks x I1096, JPEG: fix crash with one file x Several other crash and memory leak fixes Version 18.08.1, 2018-09-10 -------------- x Fix XML/MPEG-7/PBCore2 output discarding non ANSI characters Version 18.08, 2018-08-31 -------------- + Dolby Atmos (in E-AC-3 or TrueHD): support of bed channel count/configuration + objects count + complexity index + AC-3/DTS/AAC: display of info about legacy decoders behavior removed + AC-3/DTS/AAC: some changes in how format is displayed + AC-3/DTS/AAC: better split between technical names and commercial names + AAC: support of profile information from MP4_IOD_Tag AudioProfileLevelIndication + USAC (xHE-AAC) support + Audio channel layout: using a new terminology, better suited for 3D Audio, see https://mediaarea.net/AudioChannelLayout + DSD (DSF & DSDIFF) support + DXD (Digital eXtreme Definition) commercial name + Dolby Vision: use new form for profile (numbers instead of acronyms) + New format "Directory" when image sequence + audio file is detected (1 directory style for the moment) + PBCore2 export update, thanks to WGBH + MPEG-7 export update + NISO export update + AV1: support of AOmedia AV1 based on 1.0.0 specifications + ATRAC9 detection + Versionned RPMs + HEVC: better support of buggy SEI + ADTS: CodecID + Support of injection of external metadata + HTTPS: support of AWS extension "x-amz-*" in HTTPS headers, permitting to manage temporary credentials (AssumeRole) + MPEG-4, #1005: Obey edit list in QuickTime Timecode track x MIXML: hide fields which were hidden in normal output x Hybrid AC-3/E-AC-3 (in Blu-rays): bit rate info was wrong x Lot of bug fixes, see full log for more info Version 18.05, 2018-05-09 -------------- + PBCore 2.1 export update, sponsored by WGBH as part of the NEH-funded PBCore Development and Preservation Project + TIFF: more IFDs are supported (density, software...) + NISO Z39.87 output x Mastering Display Color Primaries: was always showing BT.709 instead of real value, when present x Attachments: do not provide anymore attachments content in XML by default, fixes Version 18.03.1, 2018-03-26 -------------- x Fix regression on Windows with directory names beginning by n or r. Version 18.03, 2018-03-19 -------------- + AV1: support of AOmedia AV1 based on latest specifications draft, raw (OBU) and in MKV + MXF: HDR metadata support + MXF: detection and parsing of ProRes (SMPTE RDD 44) + MXF: framerate container/stream incoherence detection + DPX: endianness, packing mode, compression mode + AVC: add consumer camera recording date/time + AVC: add consumer camera model name and iris F number + JPEG: ICC parsing, display of ICC color space + EBUCore: possibility to inject external metadata in the output from MediaInfo + JSON output + Attachments: do not provide anymore attachments content in XML by default, reducing XML output size x colour description: trying (again!) to have more coherent labeling x DCP/IMF: fix crash with some CPL files x I782, FFV1: Golomb Rice parsing was wrong x I210, FFV1: remove sar_den test must be 0 if sar_num is 0 x AAC: SBR parsing issue with 3+ channel streams, with sometimes false-positive PS detection x BMP: was wrongly considering 4-bit without palette as with palette so wrong bit depth x DPX: some elements in trace were wrongly displayed (wrong endianness) x B1082, Ancillary data: fix infinite loop Version 17.12, 2017-12-21 -------------- + MediaInfoOnline: https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfoOnline + JavaScript build and example + Dolby Vision: detection of Dolby Vision and display of profile for MPEG-TS and MP4 files + MPEG-4: Support of external time code tracks (.qtc) + JPEG 2000: Support of IMF profiles + F523, BDMV: Support of UHD Blu-ray playlist + Endianness and Sign report for PCM Matroska tracks + MPEG-4: Resolume DXV display + MPEG-4: support of file names >64 chars long or non ASCII for referenced files + Slight binary size optimizations + colour_description: some changes in order to have more readable names (DCI P3, Display P3, sRGB) x MP4: crash with some HEVC streams with Dolby Vision x VC-3: frame rate should not be detected as wrong when there are several frames per block x Matroska: wrong color range info x Matroska: fix crash with some corrupted files x MXF: better support of height when there is an incoherence between header and footer x transfer_characteristics: fix BT.2020 difference between values 14 and 15 x Trace: fix freeze with some files x Trace: invalid character encoding with some MOV files x Some memory leak fixes Version 17.10, 2017-11-02 -------------- + We need your support! Visit https://mediaarea.net/SupportUs + Version scheme is now YY.MM (year dot month, 2 digits each) + New MediaInfo XML output, with XSD, more suitable for automatic parsing. Use Option("Inform", "OLDXML") for keeping previous behavior + New "Info_OutputFormats" option for listing supported output formats + Universal Ad ID: refactored display, better display of value and registry, XML name slightly modified + MOV: support of HDR metadata (MasteringDisplayColorVolume, MaxCLL, MaxFALL) + BWF: display of UMID and loudness info + AAC: show program_config_element in trace + MPEG Audio: frame rate info + PCM in WAV and Matroska: Support of ValidBitsPerSample + I197, EBUCore: 1.8 output uses now final version of XSD and final XSD location + Matroska: tweaking frame rate empirical detection for some corner cases x I1070, LAME 3.100 info tag was incorrectly parsed x B1068, MPEG Audio: Incoherent duration between General and Audio parts, Audio part duration fixed x Matroska: showing "A_MS/ACM" Matroska CodecID x MXF: Fix crash with some buggy files x MXF: was not well supporting MXF referencing only 1 file x PCM in WAV: 8-bit content is unsigned and without endianness x PCM in WAV and Matroska: More coherency between Wave info and ExtensibleWave Info (bitdepth, sign) x WAV: GUID display was with first 8 bytes in wrong order x Several crash fixes Version 0.7.99, 2017-09-11 -------------- + EBUCore: JSON output (--Output=EBUCore_1.8_JSON) + EBUCore: add writingLibraryName and writingLibraryVersion attributes + Ad-ID identifier display on a single line ("Value (Registry)" format) + MPEG-4: Better display of format of VobSub tracks + MPEG-4: CodecID is stsd name + ObjectTypeId for mp4a, mp4v, mp4s + AVC: preferred_transfer_characteristics support + MPEG Video, MPEG-4 Visual, AVC, HEVC, MPEG-4, Matroska: correct detection of RGB + matrix_coefficients: detection of Y'D'zD'x and Chromaticity-derived + AAC: info about SBR/PS being implicit/explicit/NBC (Not Backward Compatible) + AAC: indicate audioObjectType in CodecID x Fix a weird 1.334 DAR due to a rounding issue Version 0.7.98, 2017-08-08 -------------- + Matroska: handling of files with Tracks element after Cluster elements + Matroska: detection of Duration tag alone and use it even if tag writing date is not there. + Matroska: mapping of colour description elements, timecode and handler name to corresponding MediaInfo fields x I169, WAV: too much aggressive detection of wrong 5-channel audio, now limited on AC-3 and DTS x transfer_characteristics and matrix_coefficients slight change in order to have them unique per ISO integer value x EBUCore: All XML elements are correctly escaped x PBCore: All XML elements are correctly escaped Version 0.7.97, 2017-06-30 -------------- + Ubuntu 17.04 packages + HEVC: support of stream having VPS hrd_parameters + FLV: support of FLV files with an ID3v2 header + FLV: detect some incoherent frame rates in buggy files + TIFF: support of more tags + I518, AAC: consider 4 back channels as 2 side + 2 back channels + Matroska: integrate all elements from Matroska specs in MediaTrace + WAV: parsing of MPEG Audio extension "mext" chunk and displayed in MediaTrace + MPC: channels count + AAC: ADTS/ADIF duration in case of full parsing and/or "risky bitrate estimation" option x MXF: less false-positive detection of some files as MXF x B1053, WAV: metadata coherency, ignore "fact" chunk more often in order to avoid bad information when this chunk is buggy x B1029, DPX: DPX endianness not considered with some fields in MediaTrace x Custom template: can check "Other" part as any other parts x Matroska: fix parsing issue with small byte blocks are taken from the file e.g. when reading from HTTP link x Matroska: files with unknown block size were flagged as truncated x MediaTrace: values with a \n were breaking the text report lines x Some typos (RefFrames, SPF) Version 0.7.96, 2017-06-01 -------------- + MPEG-4: display of recorded date from DV substream x I505, AC-3: crash with some potentially malformed frames x I477, AVC: fix hang when open .mpls from some 3D BD x MPEG-4: does not show "1904" year is raw value is 0 (Mac/Linux) x Dedicated read thread disabled by default (rare dead locks) x #B1027, MPEG-TS: some files where detected as MPEG-TS or BDAV but they aren't x Sequence of files : frame count was wrong with sequence of MPEG-TS files (was count of files) x MXF: detection of more 608/708 with parsing of few frames in the middle of the file was broken Version 0.7.95, 2017-05-04 -------------- + EBUCore: EBUCore 1.8 with acquisition metadata output. + Better support of growing files, especially when accessed by FTP + Matroska: better support of some broken files (high EBMLMaxSizeLength, padding before start of EBML) + EXR: showing Multipart and Deep flags + EXR: show image compression method x EBUCore: fixed display aspect ratio (was using rational) x EBUCore: fixed frame rate factor (was num/den instead of factor) x AVC: some streams with dynamic frame type were having a wrong frame rate x MPEG-4: some old AAC tracks were not correctly detected x Matroska: was sometimes displaying "Bit depth: Bit0" when bit depth is unknown x Nut: fix crash with some files x FFV1: PixelAspectRatio was an integer, switched to 3-digit rational x DTS: fix frame count x Dolby E: fix frame count x EBUCore: fix regression creating invalid XML files x AVC: some streams with dynamic frame type were having a wrong frame rate x I490, EXR: was not supporting valid 31-char attribute names Version 0.7.94, 2017-03-31 -------------- + VC-3: detection of embedded time code + VC-3: better support of stream with width 960 or 1440 + VC-3: support of version 3 (a.k.a. DNxHR), including profile and level for version 1/2 (a.k.a. DNxHD) + Matroska trace feature: reduction of its size + MXF trace feature: reduction of its size + Visual Studio 2017 project files x M143, MXF with Acquisition Metadata: crash fixed x Several crash fixes Version 0.7.93, 2017-02-28 -------------- + Matroska: detection of native FFV1 CodecID ("V_FFV1") + AC-3/E-AC-3: detection of Atmos inside core streams + AC-3/E-AC-3: slight reorganization of metadata display for dual mono and surround + AC-3/E-AC-3: "complete main" and similar info moved to "Service kind" dedicated line + AC-3/E-AC-3: more precision about how is built a stream (e.g. "E-AC-3+Atmos / E-AC-3" or "TrueHD+Atmos / TrueHD / AC-3") + WTV: basic detection + MPEG-TS: Detection of Opus + URL: "URLEncode" option for saying if the input should be URL encoded or not (default is guess = no change except if it contains spaces) x MediaTrace: for bitstreams (not bytestreams), bit offset was wrong x HLS: duration was sometimes wrong, reading only the first TS file duration. Now full duration is displayed x MPEG-TS: if stream is encrypted or invalid, level was sometimes not the expected one for AVC (e.g. "BaseLine@3.0" instead of "Baseline@3") x Matroska: FFV1 stream width/height was not initialized when Matroska track header width/height is after CodecID x FFV1: fix potential crash with some buggy slice headers x Matroska: crash in case of big attachment and CRC32 present Version, 2017-02-02 -------------- x Fix a performance regression in the matroska parser Version 0.7.92, 2017-01-31 -------------- + #F507, MXF: detection of HLG Transfer Characteristic + #F508, HEVC: support of preferred_transfer_characteristics SEI (from HEVC/H.265 draft, preferred method for HLG in DVB) + MXF: parsing of AVC descriptors and crosscheck with the essence content + MP4: more AppleStoreCountry values mapped to countries, show the country number if unknown + File extension: test if the file extension correspond to the container format + AVI/WAV: test of truncated file + MIXML output: Format_Profile divided in Format_Profile, Format_Level, Format_Tier + ID3v2: TCAP tag is mapped to new field "PodcastCategory" x MIXML output: some *_Original values were missing x MXF/Teletext: was not correctly detecting non subtitle streams x ID3v2: TP2 tag was incorrectly mapped to "Accompaniment", now mapped to "Album_Performer" x ID3v2: TSO2 tag was incorrectly mapped to "Performer_Sort", now mapped to "Album_Performer_Sort" x ID3v2: TCMP tag was displayed twice (2 "Compilation" lines) x Windows version was sometimes showing a long character string in Windows explorer, changed to a shorter character string Version 0.7.91, 2016-11-30 -------------- + Add TIFF extension to Windows shell extension x Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.10+: Remove unneeded dependency + IMF and PTX: more languages detected from file names (but the full list of common languages tags still need to be added) + IMF and PTX: support of non-standard but common "LAS" = "Spanish (Latin America)" language code + MXF: Support of color primaries, transfer characteristic, coding equations defined in SMPTE ST 2067-21:2016 e.g. xvYCC or BT.2020 + Minor performance optimizations and cleanup (Thanks to Pavel Pimenov) + MediaTrace optimization for Matroska x Fixed parsing of FFV1 v0/v1 x PTX: fix crash due to bad parsing of some file names while looking for track language Version 0.7.90, 2016-10-31 -------------- + #M94, WAV: support of file with a buggy RIFF header + Matroska: detection of segment size of zero (compatibility risks e.g. Windows 10 Media Player does not play such file) + MXF: detection of some incoherences between header and footer + MXF: display of Locked information + N19/STL: support of 48/50/60 fps content + N19/STL: display of time code of first frame + AC-3: bit depth + MPEG Video: CBR bitrate mode information based on vbv_delay + DXW: support of fake time code attribute x Teletext in MPEG-TS: CodecID, format (classic teletext or subtitle), video delay were sometimes not displayed x PDF: fixed crash with some files with full analysis set x #B485, BMP height is negative x Several minor fixes Version 0.7.89, 2016-09-30 -------------- + QuickTime: support of Panasonic AVC-Intra 50/100/200 without SPS/PPS ("aixx" and "AVin" CodecID) + More QuickTime/MP4/AVC/HEVC color descriptions based on future ISO 23001-8:201x/PDAM1 + FFV1: handling 16+ bitdepth (YUV and RGB) while handling buggy version <= 3 YUV 16-bit streams + Improved growing file detection, option for forcing the growing file test + Matroska: support of video FieldOrder, MatrixCoefficients, BitsPerChannel, Range, TransferCharacteristics, Primaries + Acquisition Metadata: support of more elements (IrisTNumber, IrisRingPosition, FocusRingPosition, ZoomRingPosition, ColorMatrix) + Add stream counts to MIXML output + I242, AVI/Matroska: mapping of mjp2 to JPEG 2000 format name + MPEG-4 Visual: parsing of Studio profiles, providing width/height/frame rate... + MXF: reading MPEG-4 Visual profile from MXF sub-descriptor and/or EssenceCompression + MXF: reading Intra GOP info from descriptors + Sequence of images: detection of sequence even if the provided path separator is the Unix one (Windows only) x Acquisition Metadata: IrisFNumber, FocusPosition, LensZoom were not correctly reported x LXF: fixed crash in case of some malformed files x LXF: reject bad frames instead of displaying wrong duration and bit rate Version 0.7.88, 2016-08-31 -------------- + MediaInfo distributed with HTTP/HTTPS support: support of Amazon S3 with Signature Version 4 + FFV1: parsing speed slight improvement x Duration: fixed regression in last release, sometimes duration was displayed with only count of minutes Version 0.7.87, 2016-06-30 -------------- + Refactoring of the trace feature, for better performance and some bug fixes - Visual C++ 2012 project files removed x Review of symbols display, now using standard display (e.g. "k" instead of "K", " min" instead of "mn"...) x XML output: revert to old versioning method (version is MediaInfo software version) x I63, EBUCore/FIMS outputs: typo correction about WritingLibrary and WritingApplication x Matroska: files with CodecPrivate element before CodecID element where not always correctly parsed x OGG: crash/incoherent behavior with some buggy OGG streams having invalid chunk sizes Version 0.7.86, 2016-05-31 -------------- + FFV1 parsing optimization, avoiding by default a too verbose trace + Matroska: more elements support and typo fixes in the trace + #I172, Trace feature: provide the name of the main parser in the media element + Matroska: consider all values below 0x10 EBML names as 1-byte junk x Matroska: better support (including speed improvement) of huge lossless frames (e.g. 20 MB FFV1 4K) x #I144, Python binding: Python 2 on Linux does not automatically provide the locale to the shared object x HTML output: don't escape carriage returns from the input file x FFV1: some streams were rejected despite the fact they are valid x Python binding: some errors during call of Get() API with Python3 on Linux/Mac Version 0.7.85, 2016-04-29 -------------- + FFV1: ScanType and ScanOrder + Detection of Omneon VBI and move of the VBI track from Video part to Others part + N19/STL: Support of etection of less standard frame rates (23.976 and 29.970) + Teletext in MPEG-TS: Teletext not subtitle moved to "Other" part + Teletext in MPEG-TS: display of CodecID and timestamp of first frame x Teletext in MXF: some IDs were wrong (when there are more than one Teletext service) x MPEG-4/MOV: default of raw audio to Signed in case of stsd atom version <2 x MPEG Video: some CEA-608/708 captions were not correctly detected due to some packets discarded by the parser with interlaced content x MPEG-4/MOV: Dolby E with 2 or more audio services were not correctly reported Version 0.7.84, 2016-03-31 -------------- x #I122, MPEG-4/MOV: Crash if mdhd timescale is 0 x MPEG-4/MOV: Infinite loop if malformed stsc / stsz (detected by fuzzing) x MPEG-TS: some DVB Subtitles were not detected x HLS: better handling of media playlists having EXT-X-BYTERANGE Version 0.7.83, 2016-02-29 -------------- + HEVC: Maximum Content Light Level (MaxCLL) and Maximum Frame-Average Light Level (MaxFALL), metadata mandated by CEA-861.3 for HDR support + HEVC: Mastering display color primaries and luminance (based on SMPTE ST 2084), metadata mandated by CEA-861.3 for HDR support + HEVC: SMPTE ST 2048 and SMPTE ST 428-1 transfer characteristics + HEVC: Chroma subsampling location (indication of the location type described in the HEVC spec) + MPEG-TS: ATSC Modulation Mode (Analog, SCTE_mode_1 aka 64-QAM, SCTE_mode_2 aka 256-QAM, 8-VSB, 16-VSB) + #B981, MP4: support of buggy file having "hint" SubType x HLS: better handling of media playlists having EXT-X-BYTERANGE Version 0.7.82, 2016-01-27 -------------- + Matroska: CRC-32 validation + Matroska: support of padding/junk at the start of a segment + Matroska: trace is activated for all elements (but report is still based on the first element met) + Matroska: add an intermediate level in the trace for the raw stream parser x FLV: potential infinite loop fixed x #B966, DTS: DTS-HD HR 3840 not detected anymore x AC-3: wrong sample rate with 32 kHz streams x #B948, EBUCore 1.6: invalid output due to position of containerEncoding element x #B957, MPEG-7 output: No XML encoded value output Version 0.7.81, 2015-12-31 -------------- + Acquisition Metadata: support of all SMPTE RDD18 elements + Matroska: cover presence and content of the cover, thanks to Max Pozdeev + #F446, Matroska: Handling of cropping values, thanks to Max Pozdeev + Improvement of Python binding: Mac Os X support, Python2 and Python3 can use same MediaInfoDLL.py + #F484, AVI: OpenDML Interlaced / Progressive scan type detection + MP4: support of AtomicParsley imdb tag x #B959, MPEG-TS: MPEG-1 Video appeared as MPEG-2 Video x #B914, Matroska: Undefined number of chapters in some M4V with Timed Text, thanks to Max Pozdeev x #B962, Matroska: negative timecodes were not correctly handled x #B964, FLV: was hanging trying to open some FLV files x JPEG in AVI or MOV: better handling of buggy APP0/AVI1, avoiding some false positives about interlacement x DVCPRO HD: some containers consider DVCPRO HD as with width 1920 despite the fact it is 1280 or 1440, using 1280 or 1440 in all cases Version 0.7.80, 2015-11-30 -------------- + Matroska: support of MKVMerge statistics tags (duration frame count, stream size, bit rate) per track, thanks to ndjamena + FLAC: Channel positions, thanks to ndjamena + FLAC: difference between detected bit depth and stored bit depth + MPEG-TS: if DTVCC transport stream is present and no DTVCC service descriptor, scan also in the middle of the file in order to detect more caption services + Subtitle frame rate computing if frame count and duration are available (hidden by default) + Subtitles in Matroska: count of elements + Matroska, MXF and MP4/MOV: detection of truncated files + DTS: difference between ES Matrix and ES Discrete + DTS: display ES Matrix or ES Discrete even if HRA or MA is present + DTS: difference between DTS-HRA with 96k option and pure DTS-96/24 + DTS: detection of DTS:X + Samples per frame info + AC-3: detection of Atmos inside TrueHD + Video frame rate: showing precision of 1/1.001 frame rates (e.g. "23.976 (24000/1001) fps" and "23.976 (23976/1000) fps") + MPEG-4/MOV: showing the complete list of compatible brands in the CodecID field + MPEG-4/MOV: Alternate groups + MPEG-4/MOV: "Disabled" tag + MPEG-4/MOV: "Forced" tag + MPEG-4/MOV: showing links between tracks (chapters for, subtitles for, fallback for) + MXF: handling of more acquisition metadata items + MXF: Package name + AVC: Store method of interlaced content (Interleaved Fields or Separated Fields) + EBUCore: acquisition metadata (Proof of concept, for feedback only) x Matroska: frame rate detection algorithm revisited, less wrong numbers are expected x SDP/Teletext: some pages were sometimes (when present in 2 different SDP lines) displayed several times x MPEG-4/MOV: some hint tracks were not displayed Version 0.7.79, 2015-11-02 -------------- + CLI/DLL only, XML: new option --Output=MIXML, with XML v2.0beta1 status, not for production, see https://github.com/MediaArea/MediaAreaXml for more details + MediaTrace: support of more than 1 file in XML output. + CLI/DLL only, XML: new option --Output=MAXML, with XML v0.1 status, in order to have bot MediaInfo and MediaTrace in the same output, not for production, see https://github.com/MediaArea/MediaAreaXml for more details x MediaTrace: fixed some invalid outputs x #B951, Amazon S3 support (REST API v2), CLI/DLL only and if compiled with libcurl support: URL without credential were badly interpreted Version 0.7.78, 2015-10-02 -------------- + MOV: AVrp CodecID support + Video Stored_Width/Stored_Height and Sampled_Width/Sampled_Height added (hidden by default) + Speed optimization for the parsing of tiny files e.g. JPEG files + Option (command line / DLL) --Legacy=0 for disabling some legacy fields + Option (command line / DLL) --Output=MAXML, XML with MediaInfo and MediaTrace output together, technology preview (not for production) x MPEG-TS: Teletext and Teletext Subtitle were missing in the menu list x Chroma subsampling "4:4:4" was sometimes indicated for RGB, which is not useful Version 0.7.77, 2015-09-02 -------------- + #B941, MXF: files having only a video stream and an ancillary data stream were having incorrect second video stream + MOV: detection of r210 CodecID as raw RGB + Ancillary data: detection of all metadata blocks (previously: only the first one was detected) x MPEG-TS: Wrong demux of TSP (188+16 TS) files having PES with only padding x MediaTrace #2: XML malformed with Flags items (hotfix, flags meaning disabled in XML output) x MediaTrace #3: XML malformed with some MP4 files x MediaTrace #6: XML duplicated attributes x MediaTrace #10: versioned xsd, creating library name and version x MediaTrace: XML content was not escaped x #B947, Amazon S3 support (REST API v2), CLI/DLL only and if compiled with libcurl support: Analyze file on s3 was not working if secret key contains / character Version 0.7.76, 2015-08-06 -------------- + XML output: line breaks and indents in between attributes for readability + Trace feature: XML trace update, only if compiled with trace feature + Amazon S3 support (REST API v2), CLI/DLL only and if compiled with libcurl support + FFV1: improved slice analysis (currently activated only with trace feature and for 1st frame) x MXF: optimization of the parsing, reading a lot less data (e.g. can be reduced from 1 GB to 10 MB with some UHD files) x MXF: wrong frame count with files not having the video stream as the first stream x Dolby E in MPEG-TS: "SMPTE ST 302" information was accidentally removed x MPEG-TS: avoid filling delay from file name, not applicable on MPEG-TS x MXF: better handling of huge padding blocks, better handling of descriptors without link to a TrackID x IMX: streams claiming that they are IMX are actually pure MPEG Video, probing both IMX and MPEG Video Version 0.7.75, 2015-06-30 -------------- + MXF: consideraing 60 fps timecode tracks with 2 components having a difference of 2 frames as a single timecode + EBUCore 1.6: switch to the link of the final XSD x XDCAM: some directory structures were wrongly detected as XDCAM structure having a XML file x MXF: SDTI 60 fps times were wrong x #B927, DPX: date/time specific DPX format was used instead of the ISO-like one x #B927, EBUCore: invalid content in attribute startDate x ProRes: streams with apcs CodecID were displayed with an incoherent bit depth instead of no bit depth Version 0.7.74, 2015-05-25 -------------- + FIMS: Preliminary version (not for production) + D-10 audio: display of real bitrate beside the encoded bitrate + VC-3: detection of CDP packets (608/708 captions), created by Nexio, inside the VC-3 private data + AES3: generic term AES3 replaced by more precise SMPTE ST numbers (302, 331, 337) + NUT: basic detection + FFV1: more parsing of the bitstream, support of any version of FFV1 in MOV and Matroska + DPX: color space and frame rate x #B906, Matroska: duration was missing if Info block is at the end of the file x #B908, AC-3: bit depth removed x #P86, MPEG-4: moov_trak_edts_elst Atom was ignoring version of the atom x Dolby E: the MXF channel count value was sometimes reported instead of the real channel count x VorbisComment: WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_CHANNEL_MASK "0X" ("x" in uppercase) is accepted now x EBUCore: TotalProgrammeDuration was wrongly filled with IdentClockStart value x EBUCore: Source/Material moved from timecodeStart to timecodeTrack x MPEG-4: info is missing for some streams in some specific cases Version 0.7.73, 2015-04-09 -------------- + BPG: basic support, thanks to Kurtnoise + CAF: basic support of Apple Core Audio Format, sponsored by FlavorSys + JPEG-2000: Display of profile (Rsiz) + JPEG-2000: detection of XYZ colorspace (based on D-Cinema profile) + FFV1 in MOV: more details (version...) + MOV/MPEG-4: handling of clcn (little endian nclc) Color parameter type + #P84, Matroska: Add TEXTST support to the MKV Parser, thanks to Kurtnoise + #P85, MPEG-TS: Add TEXTST support to the MPEG-PSI Parser, thanks to Kurtnoise + MediaInfoDLL interface: clean up, more debug features added + MediaInfoDLL interface: Giant threads lock removed + #F460, VC-3/DNxHD: detection of RGB 444 and other SMPTE ST 2019 (2014) new CIDs + VC-3/DNxHD: version number (HVN) + Clean aperture size is move from width/height to its own field + HEVC: tier + MXF: writing library and writing application fields are cleaned up + ProRes: support of 4444 profiles + CAP: detection of CAP files from Cheetah and Lambda x B886, XML and HTML outputs were broken x B902: EBU AspectRatio invalid in case of non classic numerator:denominator format x #B758, VC-3/DNxHD: wrong color space and subsampling in case of unknown CID, now empty if format version is not known x #B903, MXG: Incorrect timecode track used for AS-11 DPP MXF files x #B904, MXF: Handling repetition of Header Metadata in MXF files x MXF: AFD value was wrong (displaying the complete byte, but AFD is only 4 bits of this byte) x DTS: some streams in Little endian were not detected x MPEG-4: some files were having an incorrect frame count x AVC: Some SCTE 128 caption streams were displayed twice x BMP; accepting files with file size information set to -1 x RF64: samplesCount was not always right x MOV: avoid wrong parsing in case of "colr" atom with "prof" color parameter type x DCP/IMF: ID has now the AM/PKL CPL order in order in all cases (not only when there is more than one CPL) x #B893, MXF: Crash with Panasonic P2 3.0 files x DPX: time information was with native ":" character x Images sequence: "Delay" field is filled from the number in the name of the first file x FLV: some files were not having the right duration x DPX: Cineon files were detected as DPX Version 1, version number was not corresponding to the real version Version 0.7.72, 2015-01-07 -------------- + MXF: MXF version (e.g. "1.3") + Option "File_IsImageSequence" for being able to skip frames in a sequence of files. + EBUCore: EBUCore 1.6 draft output, sponsored by EBU + EBUCore: AS-11 to EBUCore mapping, sponsored by EBU + EBUCore: more technicalAttributes, sponsored by EBU + MXF Acquisition Metadata (RDD-18, EBU Tech 3349) basic support x EBUCore: time code tracks moved to their own "format" block x EBUCore: audioTrackConfiguration removed (not the expected behavior) x EBUCore: OverallBitRate information changed from technicalAttributeString to technicalAttributeInteger x PBCore: invalid output in case of time code stream, fix thanks to Dave Rice x PBCore2: codecid changed, thanks to Dave Rice x OP-47/SDP/Teletext: some streams were not detected x Previous version was built with SSE2 instructions, switching back to SSE instructions x AVC: infinite loop fix x AVC: trying to avoid the wrong detection of AVC in the case of invalid (e.g. encrypted) streams x Crash on Windows Vista and Win7 pre-SP1 and a CPU having FMA support, due to a bug in MSVC2013, since 0.7.72. Thanks to Pavel Pimenov for the report and patch x MXF: AS-11 Typo (SerieTitle changed to SeriesTitle), TotalProgrammeDuration added x ID3v2: support of 3-byte ID3v2.3 tags x CEA-608 in MPEG-4: demux PTS was wrong in case of multiple blocks in one frame x MOV: better Grey scale files and color palettes handling, with help from Vittorio Giovara Version 0.7.72, 2014-11-09 -------------- + AS-11 (Core, Segmentation, UK DPP items) display + MXF: support of TTML (SMPTE ST 2052) detection + MXF: option --File_Mxf_TimeCodeFromMaterialPackage for using the time code track from Material package instead of Source package (CLI/DLL only) + Duration in HH:MM:SS:FF format (hidden by default) + AVC: detection of Intra profiles + MXF: both Material and Source package time codes are displayed + MPEG-TS: more information for Teletext subtitle e.g. "For hearing impaired people" + Detecting sidecar XML files for captions (e.g. TTML/DFXP), option for CLI and Lib + AVC and HEVC: colour_range information (Limited/Full), thanks to Vittorio Giovara + OP-47/SDP/Teletext: detection of magazine numbers + MOV/MPEG-4: basic support of iTunMOVI tag + MOV/MPEG-4: support of track title and few other track related tags + MOV/MPEG-4: detection of Dolby E in a stereo track + AVC: using the first pic_struct as fallback for scan order if other methods fail, thanks to Smit for the idea + IMF: better compatibility with packages from different vendors + PBCore 2.0 technical metadata output option, thanks to Dave Rice + WMV: Time code track and value of first frame display, sponsored by AVCOM + MPEG Video: Open/Closed GOP status + HEVC: Support of Pixel Aspect Ratio in VUI, thanks to Kurtnoise x SMPTE ST 331: wrong channel positions x B872, MOV: StreamOrder field was wrong in case of chapter references x More coherency between the File interface and the By buffer interface x Matroska: wrong dection of video/audio delay in case of B-frames before the first I-frame x Time code striped/not striped information is moved from "Format_Settings" to "TimeCode_Striped" x SMPTE ST 337: infinite loop during scanning of some non ST 337 streams x MP4/MOV: Using less data during detection of Dolby E hidden in a PCM track x Matroska: some crashs after file name of attachments update x MXF: MXF time code track was not displayed with some compilation options (e.g. the default Windows build) Version 0.7.70, 2014-09-03 -------------- + DTS Neural Audio: display of DTS Neural Audio descriptor information (matrix encoded channels count and position), sponsored by Numericable + FFV1: version, bit depth, color space, chroma subsampling, versions 0 to 3, sponsored by NOA Audio Solutions + HuffYUV: version, bit depth, color space, chroma subsampling, versions 1 to 3, sponsored by NOA Audio Solutions + PDF: basic detection (goal is to detect PDF/A profile) + HLS: support of encrypted streams (key must be in FileName.FileExt.key or provided via the library API) + CDP: using CDP service descriptor for the list of 708 services + language information + MXF: showing the real bit depth ("Quantization bits"); the count of bits stored in the file is in a new field "Stored bit depth" if it differs + MXF: Audio "frame rate" (how PCM content is split in packets) information + MXF: Audio block alignment byte size (hidden by default) + VC-3: adding the commercial name "DNxHD" + bitrate class + MXF: SMPTE ST 377-4 (MXF Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework) + MXF: "ChannelLayoutID" new field (hidden by default) containing the MXF Channel Assignment Label + Wave64: Duration + CDP: frame rate + IMF: improvements (still work in progress) + QuickTime: ia13 CodecID + CDP: using ccsvcinfo_section() for service presence and language information + MXF/CDP: law rating (from CEA-608 XDS) information added (other containers were already supported) + CEA-608: Program name information + BMP: support of OS/2 headers + HLS: com.apple.streaming.transportStreamTimestamp support + ISM: ISMT / text (TTML) streams support + MXF: detection of buggy BlockAlign from some muxers, so PCM bit depth is correctly detected despite the buggy metadata + HEVC: library name of some encoding libraries + MPEG-2 Video: picture structure for interlaced content (interlaced content can have a frame structure) + HLS: support of some encrypted files (AES-128 with default IV and per segment), key is provided by the command line --File_Encryption_Key=(Base64 data) + HEVC: adding support of x265 library name and x265 encoding settings + ProRes: more details about ProRes in AVI or Matroska + DV: support of AVd1 CodecID + CMake: scripts improvements, thanks to Ivan Romanov + Matroska: file name of attachments, thanks to Marshall x HEVC: some streams with VUI were not parsed x MPEG Video: was not correctly handling 1000:1001 frame rates and NDF time codes combination during frame count computing x MPEG Video: was not correctly detecting the time stamp of the first frame in case of closed GOP with first frame not the I-frame x XDCAM: information about the MXF header presence was not provided if MOV header has a glbl atom x Some specific C++11 code is removed for full compatibility with older C++ x MXF: Time codes values were buggy in case of MXF with pre-charge ("Origin" not 0) x MPEG-4 Visual: wrong analysis in case on video_object_layer_shape not set to regular x MPEG-4/MOV: trying to display the summary differently when there is a difference between container and raw stream channels count information (long term method to be discussed) x Non-Unicode version was not building anymore x DyLib: trying to have a better support of pure C compilers Version 0.7.69, 2014-04-24 -------------- + MPEG-TS: support of HEVC streams with stream_type of 36 + EBUCore 1.5: update with support of more fields and valid against final XSD + Added interlaced content store method (Separated fields or interleaved fields) + HEVC: Better support of the different containers (including MP4/MKV/FLV) + #B844, Matroska: detection of covers, thanks to Max Pozdeev + Sequences of files: optimization of the detection of sequences with 200k+ files + Sequences of files: File_IgnoreSequenceFilesCount option for speeding up the detection of sequences (con: no detection of the latest file in the sequence) + Sequences of files: File_IgnoreSequenceFileSize option for speeding up the detection of sequences (con: no detection of total size of the sequence) + Sequences of files: detection when there is additional characters after the numbers (e.g. "filename[000001].png") + MPEG-TS: detecting sequences of files + ADTS: detecting sequences of files + MediaInfoList: removing files detected as part of a sequence + Arri Raw: basic detection + DDS (DirectDraw Surface) support + OpenMG (.oma) partial (Atrac3 only) support + WebVTT detection x #B841, QuickTime TFF/BFF: using now Technical Note TN2162 as the reference documentation for 'fiel' atom x Matroska: slow parsing of some files x MOV/IMX: IMX was not detected when glbl atom is present Version 0.7.68, 2014-04-02 -------------- + QuickTime: new field ScanOrder_Stored, displayed when display and Stored orders are not same (replacing ScanOrder_StoredDisplayedInverted field) + IMF: better support of IMF files having more than 1 ressource per track + IMF: better support of IMF files EntryPoint and SourceDuration fields + MPEG-TS: EBP detection + Excel VBA example (32 and 64 bit), in contrib directory + Node.js examples added, in contrib directory + GXF: support of DVCPRO HD + GXF: Media Type is reported + HEVC: added support of scaling_list_data + HEVC: deactivated general_profile_compatibility_flag validity test because some encoders do not implement it correctly + MPEG-4/MOV: Speed improvement, especially for full parsing of 100+ GB files. + File reading: Speed improvement of big files, especially for full parsing, with the help of a dedicated reading thread + Java binding: adding support of memory buffer as input, example with InputStream class (from RandomAccessFile or from FileUrl, including Amazon S3 authorization) + PTX: more files are supported + Ancillary data: more fomats are detected (OP-47 WST, OP-47 Multipacket, WSS, CEA-608, MPEG-2 Recoding Information...) + EBUCore output: update, with EBUCore 1.5 support + MXF: detection of Sony RAW SQ (by reverse engineering, not sure) + F432, AVI: detection of MPEG Video with Codec Id 0x02000010 + AVI: detection of captions inside MPEG Video + MPEG-4/MOV: showing non-media streams (e.g. hint/rtp tracks) + #P81, HEVC: raw stream frame rate info, thanks to Kurtnoise + AIFF/Dolby E: detection duration of hidden Dolby E increased from 0.1 second to 1 second x #B833, FLV: some (out of specs) files were no more fully detected x #B828, HEVC/H265: parsing of final specification (vui_parameters() specs were modified) x #B835, HEVC/H265: bug fixes, thanks to KP Lau x #B838, AVC/H264: bug fixes, thanks to KP Lau x #B831, MPEG Audio: files with MusiFile header/trailer are correctly detected (but header/trailer are currently discarded) x #B836, XCode 5.1 compilation issue fixed, thanks to masterkain x STL: better support of non-English characters during decode x MXF: some properties were not displayed with OP-Atom files x JPEG-2000: wrong implmentation of COD parsing, with undefined behavior for some files x MXF: potential crash with small files x AAF: potential crash with small files x HLS: potential crash with small files x MXF: some video streams were wrongly detected as MPEG-2 video x MXF: better detection of some weird cases with interlace JPEG-2000 content x MXF: better support of files with more than 16 MB per frame (2.5 Gbps bit rate) x configure.ac: removal of problematical typos, thanks to Dmitrij D. Czarkoff x Files with the wrong extension: the file was sometimes fully read (very slow!) x AVI: Huge files (2GB+, with OpenDML) were sometimes parsed slowly x MOV: better display of metadata when tvsh atom is present x AC-3: some dependent streams ere not correctly detected Version 0.7.67, 2014-01-10 -------------- x MXF: duplicate display of some time code streams in ancillary data x B814, AAC: Wrong detection of audioObjectType==29 Version 0.7.66, 2014-01-09 -------------- + EBUCore 1.4 output support + IMF AssetMap (AM), PackageList (PKL) and CompositionPlaylist (CPL): improved support + Channel layout information for AAC, AC-3, E-AC-3, DTS, Dolby E + MXF: CodecID field (EssenceContainer-EssenceCompression) + Pro Tools 10+ Session file (.ptx) support, by reverse engineering (=it may not work) + Playlist files: trying to detect language and channel layout from file names + QuickTime: new field ScanOrder_StoredDisplayedInverted, set to "Yes" when display and Stored orders are inverted + Wave: Detection of wrong byte rate in header in order to provide right duration of some PCM streams + ARIB captions: detection of captions in ancillary data (tested with MXF) + AAF: basic support of playlist files x QuickTime: false-positive detection of incoherency between container and raw stream scan order due to inverted display and tored orders x MXF: Dolby E stream not detected in some cases x #P78, HEVC: general_level_idc shall be set equal to a value of 30 times the level number, not 10 times, thanks to Kurtnoise x C# binding example: was not working with 2GB+ files, was parsing sometimes the whole file x #B802, AAC: Infinite loop, thanks to Sébastien Michel x #B805, AC-3: Segfault on files falsely recognized as AC3 files, thanks to Gildas Desnos x #B808, PCM: Infinite loop, thanks to Gildas Desnos x #B809, APE tags: Infinite loop, thanks to Gildas Desnos x #B810, AVC: Infinite loop, thanks to Gildas Desnos x #B813, CLI_Compile.sh bug ("eats all resources" while compiling) x LATM: false-positive detection of some files x MXF: Crash with some files Version 0.7.65, 2013-11-20 -------------- + MXF: forcing detection of MPEG Video in case EssenceCompression is not present but MPEG2VideoDescriptor is present + GXF: detection of some captions and time codes event if they are not present at the beginning of the file (testing middle of the file) + DASH MPD: basic support + HDS F4M (Flash Media Manifest): basic support + DCP AssetMap (AM), PackageList (PKL) and CompositionPlaylist (CPL): basic support + IMF AssetMap (AM), PackageList (PKL) and CompositionPlaylist (CPL): basic support + Mac dylib: looking for the dylib in @executable_path and CFBundleCopyExecutableURL dir + AAC: option for instantaneous bitrate in fast detect mode (MediaInfoLib only) + FTP (custom builds only): support of UTF-8 file names + Colour description: colour_description_present added, better separation between bitstream values and container values + MPEG-4: RLE, color space and bit depth + Law rating: support of CEA-608 XDS Content Advisory in MPEG-PS, MPEG-Ts, LXF, GXF + MPEG-4/MOV: Bug found in one file, sample size is 16 with a 32-bit CodecID ("fl32"), correcting the output of MediaInfo x #B775, AVI: AVI can use negative height for raw to signal that it's coded top-down, not bottom-up x #B780, MPEG-TS: crash with some files having PAT/PMT change between begin and end of the file x #B782, PBCore 1.2: some fields were not in the right order x #B784, some humain readable strings were not removed when the corresponding field is removed x #B787, MPEG-4/QuickTime: Erratic appereance of Bitrate Mode x #B798: setlocale() remove from DLL x #B785, DVCPRO HD: streams can be 8 or 10 bit, removing hard coded value from DV parser (MXF header value is used instead when applicable) x MPEG-4: wrong demux of some E-AC-3 streams x AAC: detection of HE-AACv2 was missing if the library is configured with fast detection x MPEG Video: wrong computing of duration of raw stream in case of drop frame time code x Automation, StreamKind type was set to integer, it is text x MPEG-4: was reading lot of useless bytes from disk when the raw stream format is not known x AVI: crash with some malformed text streams x Reference/playlist files were not supported from FTP (custom builds only) x MPEG-4/MOV: ScanOrder was using "stored" value instead of "displayed" value x MXF: Detection of Dolby E was not working in some cases (regression in 0.7.62) x MPEG-4/MOV: freeze with some files having mono 32-bit PCM Version 0.7.64, 2013-07-05 -------------- + New canonical URL of the website: http://MediaArea.net/MediaInfo + E-AC-3: support of streams having substreams (e.g. more than 6 channels) + JPEG: detection of YUVA, RGB, RGBA and YCCK color spaces + MPEG Audio: detection of Id3v1 inside an MPEG Audio frame + Matroska: support of HEVC/H.265 (based on specifications draft from DivX inc) + Canopus: detection of scan mode, scan order, pixel aspect ratio + MD5 generation option (work in progress) + Id3v2: reading of all Id3v2 blocks (no more only the first one) at the beginning of the file + MPEG-4: support of few additional iTunes tags, thanks to Kurtnoise + AVI: detection of Ut Video, thanks to Kurtnoise + MXF: detection of Dolby E even if EssenceCompression is not SMPTE 337 + AIFF: detection of Dolby E + AIFF: detection of not aligned Dolby E + ARIB B24/B37: Caption_conversion_type display (HD, SD, Mobile) + MPEG-TS: displaying CEA-708 service and CEA-608 presence if the corresponding ATSC descriptor is present + MPEG-TS: quicker analysis in the case of quick parsing option + #F412, Matroska: Handling of files having no DocType x #B761, MPEG-TS/ARIB: crash with some streams, thanks to maki x #B765, Matroska: was parsing the complete file if a stream indicated in the header is not present x #B763, MXF: detection of incoherency of channel count between bitstream and wrapper x #B762, Matroska: detecting 23.976 frame rate (instead of 23.962 fps due to imprecise timestamp) x #B759, QuickTime: detection of time codes having tcmi not embedded in tmcd box x #B766, RMVB: a/v delay is incorrect, currently disabling it x #B768, MPEG-4, crash with some MPEG-4 files x #B769, MPEG-4, crash with some MPEG-4 files x #B764, AVC: wrong parsing of some streams having pic_scaling_matrix x AVC, crash with some AVC streams x AAC, infinite loop with some AAC streams x FLV, infinite loop with some FLV files x Matroska: crash with some malformed files x MOV: crash/long parsing with some malformed files x AC-3: crashes and freezes fix x Java 64-bit: Count_Get(StreamKind) was always returning 0 x Python 64-bit: Count_Get(StreamKind) was always returning 0 x DTS: some streams were not detected x DTS: some memory leaks with 14-bit streams x SMPTE ST 302: memory leaks x SMPTE ST 337: memory leaks x Total failure if MEDIAINFO_REFERENCES_NO #define was used x QuickTime: Time code name is in "Title" field x MPEG-4/QuickTime: handling of weird "negative" frame duration is stts Version 0.7.63, 2013-05-13 -------------- + Switched to a BSD-2-Clause license + LXF: AFD (from ancillary stream) support + Detection of some side car files and showing them as a single package (optional) + MOV: more channel positions information + TTML: detection + SAMI: detection + ID3: updated list of genres, thanks to Mats + .so: search a local copy of the library before trying default path + AVI: Support of Adobe PARf (Aspect Ratio) chunk + VC-3: Scan order + #P65, Flac/Ogg DISCTOTAL metadata support, thanks to Kurtnoise + #P67, MOV, add Hap Video to the database, thanks to Kurtnoise + #P67, Matroska, add VP9 to the database, thanks to Kurtnoise + #P68, FLV, add HEVC detection in the FLV parser + #P66, MOV, tref/chap handling, with chapters information, thanks to Kurtnoise + #P72, MOV, HEVC/H265 detection and basic support, thanks to Kurtnoise + #F382/P75, PMP format detection + MPEG-TS, HEVC/H265 support + 16:10 DAR known value x #B742, MPEG-4/MOV, crash with some truncated/invalid files x #B746, MPEG-4/MOV: crash with files having moof atom and no moov atom x #B747, Inconsistent hang with buffer API x #B757, MediaInfoDLL.py MediaInfoList was not working, thanks to Elbenfreund x #B740, XML: dt:dt is replaced by dt (for binary data) x MXF: Dolby E streams starting only at the second or third frame were not well detected x MPEG-4/MOV: reducing analysis time for I-frame only video streams x CEA-708: weird behavior phantom streams are displayed) in case of buggy CEA-708 x AVI: crash with audio delay and AvgBytesPerSec of 0 x Wrong demuxing of the caption stream in the case of AVC streams without frame_mbs_only_flag but having 2 fields in one slice. x DPX: parsing was very slow with a sequence of files. x MXF: Pre-charge duration was not read, time code of the first frame was wrong if "Origin" is not 0 x FLV: file was sometimes (e.g. most of the file padded with zeroes) fully parsed x VC-3: Using values from specifications (based on compression ID) instead of SBD/SST/SPL/APLF from bitstream Version 0.7.62, 2012-02-22 -------------- + ARIB STD B24/B37 caption detection (both Japanese and Brazilian versions) + LXF: support of AVC, VC-3, MPEG audio, AC-3, Dolby E, and AAC detection and analysis + AC-3: support of 22.05 kHz streams (out of specs but they exist) + MOV: AIC (Apple Intermediate Codec) scan type detection + MOV: support of AVID metadata (interlacement information) + Time code dedicated tracks (MOV, MXF, GXF) + Time code track (MPEG-4/MOV, GXF, MXF) + Time code in SDTI (MXF) + Time code in System scheme 1 (MXF) + Time code in SMPTE RP 188 (aka SMPTE ST 12-2 aka ATC aka VANC) (GXF, LXF, MXF) + Time code in SMPTE RP 196 (aka HANC) + MPEG Video Time code + MPEG-TS: format_identifier, pointer_field, section_length (hidden by default) + CEA-608/708: caption detection duration is increased to 15 seconds (or 64 MB) in order to miss less caption content + Image files as a video stream: file name of the last file x #727, MOV: crash with some malformed files (Time scale set to 0) x #728, AAC: crash with some malformed streams x #681, AVI: was not analyzing VBR streams without bit rate info in header x #736: Division by 0 with 0-byte files x Id3v2: crash with some malformed tags x Bit rate display was "0 bps" if the real bit rate is more than 4 Gbps x Division by 0 in case of 0 byte long file x MPEG-4: wrong muxing mode information in case of A/53 captions in MPEG Video in MOV x P2 Clip: wrong uppercase/lowercase in the file name of source files. x MOV: PCM endianness was sometimes wrong x MPEG-4: JPEG interlacement was sometimes wrong x MPEG Video: wrong DAR information in case of DAR change between begin and end of the file Version 0.7.61, 2012-10-22 -------------- + MPEG-TS: SCTE 35 and KLV streams are better displayed (in Menu part) + MPEG-TS: Menu part contains the list of PID with unknown format + MPEG-TS: Menu part lists PID in the PMT order instead of increasing order + Display of both container and stream scan type and scan order + DV100: scan order + MXF: scan order + MPEG-TS: Maximum and minimum overal bit rate (only if parse speed is set to 1) + MPEG-TS, MPEG-S, MXF, AVI, WM: StreamOrder field added + MXF: better support of malformed VANC streams + MPEG Video: improved detection of the GOP (more frames are used), "Variable" value + MPEG-PS: FirstPacketOrder info added + SkipBinaryData option x #3564456, Matroska: some (other) streams were wrongly detected sa VFR x #3570092, Id3v2: support of old COM and ULT fields x CEA-708: crash with some malformed streams x MPEG-TS: crash when PCR is corrupted (same value at different offsets) x QuickTIme: wrong channel count report in case of buggy chan atom. Now the stream description has priority over chan atom x E-AC-3: duration was wrong in some cases x Matroska: random wrong analysis in case of SimpleBlock mode x #3574436, MOV: hang on files having buggy "alis" atom x MPEG-TS: bit rate mode detection was sometimes too much strict about CBR x DV: wrong detection in case of buggy audio header (if present and set to 0xFF) x MPEG-4: crash in case of buggy aperture size atom x MediaInfo_Const.h was missing in the DLL package for Mac x MPEG-PS: detection of phantom streams x WAV: detection of malformed >4GB WAV files was no more working x DTS: computing bit rate from frame size instead of targeted transmission rate x DTS: setting the bit rate to "unknown" for Master Audio instead of instantaneous bit rate x DTS: Display of endianess and word size was not coherent Version 0.7.60, 2012-09-02 -------------- + MPEG-TS/PS: improved detection of buggy time stamps + DPX: color primaries and transfer characteristics + MPEG-TS: Added support of scrambled streams without transport_scrambling_control bit set (e.g. PlayReady) + MPEG-TS: Name of some scrambling algorithms + MPEG-TS: detection of CBR/VBR at container level + MPEG Video: better detection of variable GOP x Matroska: some streams were wrongly detected sa VFR x #3538378, XML output: invalid characters, now if there is an invalid character, data is transported in base64 x LXF: wrong video bit rate with some files x AC-3/E-AC-3: hang up with some Little Endian streams x AAC: wrong min and max bit rate in case of partial (default) parsing, disabling it x AVC: crash or hang up with some malformed/scrambled streams x Opus: wrong duration in case of non-48kHz stream x MOV: 25 fps + drop frame time codes were not handled correctly Version 0.7.59, 2012-08-08 -------------- + License: Switched back to LGPLv2+Exceptions + #3555183, PCX support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #3555182, PSD support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #3555181, Matroska: ALAC detection, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #3540425, OGG/MKV: Opus speech format support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #3531808, AVI: detecting more inconsistencies in stream durations + GXF: crash with Time code tracks without frame rate info + MPEG-4: stream order (hidden by default), in order to provide the same numbers as mkvtoolnix 5.2+ Track ID + QuickTime: default channel map is "L R" for stereo streams (as it seems to be in QuickTime player) + MPEG-4: support of WMA (version 1, version 2, Pro, Lossless) in MPEG-4 + FLV: handling of metadata with an underscore before the real metadata name + MXF: support of files with header missing TrackNumber in the descriptor (if it is present only in footer) + MXF: Language from DMS-1 + ProRes: analysis of the ProRes raw stream (including scan order for interlaced content) + colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics, matrix_coefficients: canonicalization of results + MPEG-4 Visual: colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics, matrix_coefficients + ProRes: colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics, matrix_coefficients + GIF: Display Aspect Ratio x #3533984, different behavior depending of compilation options (so Linux version was missing some info) x MPEG-4: audio/video delay was wrong in case of negative delay x CEA-608: Memory leaks removed x AVC: crash in case of analyzing some invalid SEI x MPEG Audio: crash with some files having Lyrics 2 tags x MPEG Audio: crash with some files having APE tags x AVI: secondary genre comes after primary genres in the "Genre" field x FLV: better handling of files containing more than 1 meta chunk x MPEG-TS/MPEG-PS: was aborting during full parsing in the case of very damaged streams x Vorbis: infinite loop if codebook_entries>=256 x Id3v2: crash with some unsynchronized frames, especially with UTF-16 comments x Id3v2: Wrong mime type of covers x MPEG-PS: crash in case of language info in descriptors x Java binding: crash with MediaInfo::Inform() (Windows 32-bit only) x MPEG-TS: false-positive in case of some MPEG-4 files with wrong extension x FLV: crash in some specific cases (malformed files) x 3548314, MVC: Scan type was wrong with MVC-only (without the underlying AVC stream) stream x 3553588, MPLS: stream duration was wrong with standalone (without the referenced M2TS) files x 3553588, MPLS: incoherent behavior with MPLS having more than one PlayListItem x 3554154, MPEG-TS: crash with some corrupted streams x MOV: all EIA/CEA-608 captions were not well detected x Matroska: Trying to better detect VFR streams, frame rate was wrong in case of interlaced content Version 0.7.58, 2012-05-28 -------------- + AC-3: Little Endian streams support + LXF: AVC streams support + ISM: better support + File referencing other files (HLS, ISM...): menu in case there is more than 1 stream per referenced file + MPEG-TS: option for keeping streams detected at the beginning then disabled in a an update of the PMT (activated by default) + MPEG-PS: program_map_section support for uncommon streams embedded in MPEG-PS x Referenced files (MXF, HLS, MOV, P2, XDCAM...): issues with source name, track order, files size x MPEG-TS/MPEG-PS: regression, some files with AC-3/DTS/DVD subtitles were not well analyzed anymore x MPEG-4 channel mapping: Lt and Rt (matrix-encoded) channel mapping were missing x GXF: handling of buggy files having non-PCM AES3 codec identifier but actually having PCM x MPEG-4: better support of MPEG-4 files having corrupted metadata atom x 3529510, EIA/CEA-708: was not detected if the stream was not present at the beginning, thanks to Pete Chapman Version 0.7.57, 2012-05-02 -------------- + #3513490, Vorbis comment (Flac, Ogg): more tags are supported + XML-based formats (P2, XDCAM, DCP, ISM, HLS...): support of UTF-16 encoding + MPEG-4: for buggy PCM, prioritizing the codec ID "in24" = 24-bit against the bit depth field x #3516900, Vorbis comment (Flac, Ogg): trying to do better mapping of PERFORMER and ARTIST tags x MXF: wrong video frame count in some cases x #3517374, GCC 4.7: compilation issues removal, thanks to SpepS x MPEG-PS: some files were not well demuxed so analysis was sometimes wrong (especially macroblock parsing) Version 0.7.56, 2012-04-08 -------------- + Better support of machines lacking of std::stringstream + Better support of machines requesting explicit stdc++ library link option (e.g. some ARM embedded devices) x #3515515, MPEG-4: crash with MPEG-4 container + H264/AVC video stream x #3515393, MPEG Audio: infinite loop (freeze) with some files x #3514677, Video: Well known 1.85:1 display aspect ratio was incorrectly displayed as 16:9 x #3513908, File interface: No output if filename contain a colon x #3515893, MPEG-4: some specific files were not detected x AVI: infinite loop (freeze) with some files (having index containing 0-sized chunk) x AVC: memory leaks x libcurl support: libcurl config from MediaInfo is compatible with libcurl+gnutls x #3515857, CLI only: --LogFile carriage return format was not the one of the OS Version 0.7.55, 2012-04-05 -------------- + AC-3: support of little endian streams + LXF: support of format version 0 + HLS: support of .m3u8 index and sequence referencing a bunch of MPEG-TS files + MPEG-4: Added support of glbl atom and corresponding 4CC (ai12, ai15, ai1q, ai5q) + MPEG-4: Added detection of files with mx5p files wrongly filled with raw MPEG Video instead of MXF + MPEG-TS: Detection of 20-bit Dolby E even if the SMPTE 302 M header is set to 24-bit x #3513490, Id3v2: mapping of "Encoded by" and "Encoding library" is conform to the specs now x MXF: hang up with some clip-wrapped files x MPEG-4: AVC-100 bit rate was not coherent depending of the container (MPEG-4 or MXF) x reVTMD output is disabled due to its non-free (point of view of FSF and DFSG) licensing. Version 0.7.54, 2012-03-13 -------------- + #3480111, Matroska: parsing of WebM-style frame rate info + #3499859, ALAC: parsing of the alac atom, for real bit depth / sample rate + #3487601, DV: fields order (TFF/BFF) + MPEG-4: more video 4CCs binded to MPEG Video + H.263: raw stream parsing (width, height, aspect ratio), comparison with container data + Speed improvements + MPEG-PS: supporting parsing of some non-conform files + Full support of CEA-608 (separation of CC1-CC4, T1-T4) + #3494722, MPEG-4: trying to detect wrong duration in track header + MPEG-4 with embedded MXF track (XDCAM...): separation of video bitrate and padding bitrate + Compound streams (e.g. DV): separation of video bitrate and audio bitrate + Blu-ray: LPCM mono real bit rate is separated from the encoded (stereo) bit rate + Support of https, sftp scp protocols (custom builds only) + AVI: vprp (OpenDML) display aspect ratio support x #3480111, Matroska: some frame rates are incorrect in the file, trying to detect this kind of malformed file x #3479494, AVC: segmentation fault x #3440638, AAC: wrong detection for some malformed AAC streams x #3440638, MPEG-4: wrong analysis of some files having track header after media information x #3480111, MXF: Height was wrong for MXF with FrameLayout = Mixed fields x #3468235, Blu-ray: displaying PGS in all cases (even if PES is not detected, they are too much rare) x #3498846, MPEG-4: delay between audio and video was no more detected x #3495573, MPEG-4: crash with some files having fragments x MPEG-4: channel position in case of channel atom is configured with ChannelBitmap x MPEG-TS: crash with some buggy files (a PID indicated as PSI and PES at the same time) x AES3: not detecting Dolby E stream if there is guard band before the Dolby E frame, in MPEG-TS x DPX: some files with some invalid fields were not detected x DTVCC Captions: crash with some buggy streams Version 0.7.53, 2012-01-24 -------------- + DV: option for ignoring transmitting flags (TF1/TF2/TF3) (DLL and CLI only) + Matroska: ProRes detection + MPEG-4: official DTS CodecIDs (dtsc/dtsh/dtsl/dtse) support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + Matroska: stream order (hidden by default), in order to provide the same numbers as mkvtoolnix 5.2+ Track ID + #3471516, BLu-ray: wrong channel count for mono/3-channel/5-channel/7-channel PCM streams + AVI: ISMP (SMPTE Time code), Tdat tc_o/tc_a (Adobe Premier time code) support + reVTMD output + --Output is synonym of --Inform option x QuickTime: crash and sometimes wrong info with some files having compressed header x MPEG-4: commercial format typo error (EX422 instead of HD422) x MXF: handling wrong MXF header having frame height instead of field height x #3471053, Tags: Id3v1 tag was used instead of Id3v2 if the file is short x #3463117, MPEG-TS: crash if Conditioal Access PID is same as the PES x Custom output: better handling of cases with special character strings (\n...) in the file content x #3440664: Audio only AVI file is missing duration x #3453476: detection so incorrect duration information in tkhd atom x Detailled XML output was producing duplicate xml-tags Version 0.7.52, 2011-12-19 -------------- + MXF with referenced files: if the referenced file is not available, trying to open local files + MPEG Video: GOP size for I-Frame only streams + MXF: support of CEA-608 in ancillary data for some other formats than MPEG Video, if there is no B-frame + LXF: support of SMPTE ST291/CDP/CEA-608/CEA-708 in ancillary data + WAV: better handling of files not having word alignment x DV: crash (division by zero) in some cases x DV: DVCPRO HD was sometimes not detected (low bitrate) x MXF: Crash if AFD field has an invalid value x MXF: Wrong endianess for some big endian PCM streams x MXF: some MXF referencing files have wrong duration x MXF: duration was wrong with some specific files x DVD-Video: detection of 20-bit and 24-bit PCM x XML output: it was sometimes containing some invalid characters x MPEG-4: considering default char set as ISO-8859-1 x MXF: better handling of referencing files having the same ID for all tracks x MXF: Handling of MXF files with wrong FooterPartition field x MXF: Some captions (not starting at the beginning of the file) were not detected x WAV: duration was missing is some cases x RMP3 support was broken Version 0.7.51, 2011-11-11 -------------- + #2872918, MKV: add support for default and forced track flags + #3418881, RK Audio format support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #3418883, LA: version field, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + MPEG-4: basic support of Aigo .3dv files + MPEG-2 Video: color display info (colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics, matrix_coefficients) + QuickTime: color display info (colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics, matrix_coefficients) + QuickTime: ProRes LT, Proxy, 4:4:4 profiles detection + QuickTime: mpeg CodecID support + Template inputs are now insensitive to carriage return kind (Windows \r\n, Mac \r, Linux \n) + MPEG-TS: Support of ISO 8859-2 in EPG + MPEG-4: more CodedIDs supported + GXF: more info about DV streams + GXF: Handling of files with more than 1 Time code x #3414326, GXF: using only the first map chunk for duration calculation x #3414513, Id3v2: was not able to extract covers with UTF-16 description x #3417908, video from several files: crash if there is not enough place for the frame number x #3433602, DVD-Video (IFO): Crash when scanning some malformed IFO files x Matroska: parser hanging in case of huge zero-padded files x MPEG-4: was not providing some info about tracks with sample table before media header x MXF: better support of corrupted indexes x #3429831, MediaInfo library: unload wrong DLL, thanks to McSpecky x MPEG-TS: Better handling of EPG running_status flag x MXF: Handling of "file:///" in Network loacators x FLV: audio delay was sometimes wrong x H264: Buffer size was in bytes instead of bits like with other formats x #3429196: no output if absolute file name, on Linux x #3187050, FLV: wrong detection when FLV header is corrupt x BLu-ray: crash if MPLS files are on the root of a disk x Blu-ray: parsing was very slow if MPLS was pointing thousands of times on the same file x #3292830, Matroska: crash if AAC sample rate is not provided by the container Version 0.7.50, 2011-09-23 -------------- + DVB Subtitle: region_width / region_height / region_depth (hidden by default) + MPEG-4: hdv6 and mx4p CodecID support (MPEG Video) + AVI: v210 CodecID (YUV) detect + #3411596, CDDA support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + MXF: support of AC-3 + #3411999, AVi: detection of GeoVision MPEG-4, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #3411999, MPEG-4: detection of VC-1 (WMV3), Nellymoser and WMA2, thanks to Lionel Duchateau x AVI: Better support of 2 video streams (e.g. "3D AVI") in a file x MPEG-TS: Duration was not provided in some cases x FLV: Delay and duration for AAC was wrong if delay was not 0, thanks to Justin Greer http://zencoder.com x #3408005, IFO: crash with some files x MPEG-4: some bitrates where wrong if smooth streaming is used Version 0.7.49, 2011-09-09 -------------- + AES3: analyzing AAC, AC-3, MPEG Audio embedded in AES3 stream + GXF: detection of DolbyE in AES3 in GXF + WAV: detecting AES3 non-PCM audio inside WAV + MPEG Video: more precise duration for 29.97 fps material having time code without drop frame flag set + MPEG-4/MOV: delay from time code track conforming to Final cut (using integral frame rate value if frame drop flag is not set) + Overall bit rate mode (CBR or VBR) + DVB Subtitle: region_horizontal_address / region_vertical_address (hidden by default) + MPEG-TS: option (--ParseSpeed=0.8) for testing the stream until all advertised streams are detected x MXF: some files with SDTI were not well demuxed (frame number) or were crashing x Some files where wrongly detected as MPEG-PS without streams x AC-3: non-48 KHz streams were not analyzed x 3164893, JPEG: issue with some JPEG files with no/incorrect extention x 3403338, crash with four character filenames Version 0.7.48, 2011-08-16 -------------- + ISM (ISM/ISMV/ISMA/PIFF...): more attributes (frame rate, frame count, duration) + MP3: support of VBRI header in a corrupted frame + Active Format Description: muxing mode (A/35 or SMPTE ST 2016-3) + MP4/MOV: Displaying info about first description atom of a track (instead of all of them) x MP4/MOV: scan order (Top/Bottom) from container, thanks to Peter Chapman x MP4: Channel layout was not filled in some cases x libmms: default behavior is using official libmms API only x Vorbis comment: album performer data was in performer field x Captions in AVC: some captions were not detected and decoded x AVC: GOP structure info was often wrong x MXF: IndexTable search was buggy (parsing the whole file) for some rare files (index present twice) Version 0.7.47, 2011-07-14 -------------- + ISM (ISM/ISMV/ISMA/PIFF...) support + SCC (Scenarist Closed Captioning) support + #3201768, BMP: BitmapV4Header support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + MP4: enda atom support (Endianess) + MXF: expliciting PCM endianess x #3354384, Vorbis in AVI, version 3+ was displayed as 2+ x MPEG-4/MOV: files with big "free" atom were not parsed Version 0.7.46, 2011-07-04 -------------- + MXF: TrackName + DCP: Basic support (video and audio streams), both Interop and SMPTE versions + P2 Clip: Supporting directories with wrong letter case + MXF: detection of AES3/Dolby E in mono PCM streams without compression scheme + MP4: first frame duration difference if first frame has not the same duration than all other frames + MP4: frame rate set as CFR if only the first frame has a different duration + MP4: Handling of track duration smaller than media duration (track duration and stream size have priority) + #3348936, MXF: OP-Atom profile + Matroska, Stereo Layout support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau x libcurl (FTP/HTTP): seek request was buggy, invalid data was read x MPEG Video in MPEG-TS or MP4: streams were wrongly detected as VBR or CBR, any bit rate mode is removed until a working solution is found x AES (S302M): was no more detected if the packet was split in several PES x #3325235, Vorbis: streams were wrongly reported as CBR x EXR: Width/Height were 1 less than real value x #3344635, MP4/MOV: Delay missing if timecode track found before audio/video, thanks to Peter Chapman Version 0.7.44, 2011-06-15 -------------- + QuickTime: Support of EIA-608 streams created by Final Cut + Matroska: Support of Matroska tags + Matroska: parsing of tags at the end of the file (previously: only tags at the beginning) + MP4/MOV with uncompressed streams: scan type (interlaced/progressive) + YUV4MPEG2 (Y4M) support + GXF: more information about AES3 audio streams + EXR: Basic support + E-AC-3: dialnorm/dynrng (first frame / first block) information + LXF: support of DV PAL + DPX: Support of Cineon old format + DPX: Support of file with Little Endian configuration + MPEG-4: better support of file with more than one mdat or moov atom + WAV: more details from bext chunk + MXF: AFD (in both descriptor or ANC) support + MXF: Support of AES3 / Dolby E in 2 mono channels + MPEG-4: support of some malformed (without mdat atom) files + MXF: Better detection of streams without Essence Compression descriptor x MPEG Video: Custom matrix detection was broken x DPX: Industry specific header was not well decoded x JPEG-2000: Chroma subsampling 4:2:0 was recognized as 4:4:4. x Matroska: Handling default values for TrackVideoDisplayWidth and TrackVideoDisplayHeight x MPEG-TS: private audio streams with 0xCO stream_id were not correctly detected x FLV and RIFF: Changing Sorenson H.263 to Sorenson Spark because this stream format is too much incompatible with H.263 x MXF: Some specific files (including AFD in descriptor) were not well parsed Version 0.7.44, 2011-04-19 -------------- + Russian translation updated + AVI: support of some corrupted files (RIFF size set to 0) + AC-3: support of streams with 16-byte time stamp between frames + MPEG-TS: detecting wrong stream registration information and skipping it + NTSC: accepting 483-line streams as NTSC + MXF: Parsing speed improvement, especially for high bitrate (>300 Mbps) streams + TGA file basic support + libmms: MMSH support (Linux/Mac only), thanks to RGB Networks + libcurl: HTTP header option and Time to live, thanks to RGB Networks + Id3v2 and MPEG-4: possibility to customize tag mapping + TIFF: more details x MXF: some specific files were not analyzed, fix sponsored by http://maxnine.com x LXF: random crashes Version 0.7.43, 2011-03-19 -------------- + MPEG-TS: detection and display of real time PAT/PMT change improved x EIA-708: crash with some specific files x MP4: crash with wiles including mix of PCM and other audio formats x AAC: crash with some malformed streams x FLV: crash with some specific files (longer audio than video at the end of the file) x MP4: wrong framerate information with some specific files (track header after media information) Version 0.7.42, 2011-03-03 -------------- + AES3: bit depth of AES3, bit depth of compressed audio stream, endianess + Id3v2 and MP4 tags: better mapping with iTunes fields + Tags: removal of technical only fields + MPEG Video: intra_dc_precision information (in advanced mode) + MXF: detection of raw pictures + MXF: support of URL encoded locators + MXF: color subsampling + DXW format support x #3171468, ADIF: crash in some cases x #3169916, IFO: crash in some cases x #3173391, Id3v2: was using local encoding instead of ISO-8859-1 x MPEG Video, discarding bad (always 0) group_start x AVC: crash with file having big log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 value x AVC: wrong GOP information in some cases x Ut Video: Color space information was wrong x MPEG-4 Visual: Advanced Simple@L0 was detected as Advanced Simple@L1 x AVI: Crash with some AVC streams (not sized blocks) x MPEG Audio: crash with some files x AAC: crash, infinite loop or wrong result with some files x Trying to quicker reject a junk file x AVI: OpenDML indexes were no more parsed Version 0.7.41, 2011-01-24 -------------- + MPEG-TS: random cases with full parsing of the file Version 0.7.40, 2011-01-24 -------------- + QuickTime: detection of AES3 and Dolby E + QuickTime: Apple CEA-608 and CEA-708 (in CDP) support + JPEG 2000: Chroma subsampling + JPEG 2000 in MXF: Color space + JPEG 2000 in MPEG-4 and MJ2: Color space + MPEG-4: mx5p CodecID support + ISO 9660 (CD/DVD/Blu-ray dump) detection x MPEG-TS: wrong detection (as encrypted) of some streams with a lot of transmission errors x MPEG-TS: wrong management of some PAT/PMT updates (real time parsing) x MPEG Video: wrong duration with some raw streams x FLV: wrong duration with some files x libcurl: crash if requesting a libcurl URL but libcurl library not present x MPEG Audio: crash with some malformed files x MPEG-4: error between recorded date and encoded date Version 0.7.39, 2011-01-03 -------------- + OGG: more CELT attributes, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + DV: better detection of display aspect ratio for specific (non standard?) streams + MPEG-7: support of ISO-IEC 13818-2 / H.262 (MPEG Video) version 2000 (multi-view / 4:2:2) + MXF: Clean aperture size support + D-10 (AES3) in MXF: real channel count + MPEG-TS: detection and analysis of ADTS in stream_id_extension + #2943900, MPEG-4 Visual: count of maximum consecutive B-frames + MP4: Handling of Nero library information atom + Id3: TAG+ support x #3140453, MKV with AAC: support of HE-AAC v1/v2 detection even if AudioSpecificConfig is missing x #3138883, ID3v2: crash in some cases if Data length indicator is used x #3139417, MPEG-PS: duration for caption detection was shorter than expected x #3139276, H.263: more precision about the different flavors of H.263 x AVI and MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3: error if audio stream duration estimation x FLV: better handling of weird bitrate metadata x D-10 (AES3) in MXF: Bit rate was wrong x AC-3: crash if false-positive detection of AC-3 and CRC is valid and bsid is wrongly set x #3141059, FLV: trying to detect partial files (so metadata are wrong) and using timestamps instead x #3141052, AVI: wrong duration, no detection of rec chunks, with some files x #3145968, RealMedia: not integer frame rate handling + HE-AAC filling x Id3v2: bad handling of some tags x MPEG-TS/PS: Frame count / duration accuracy of some very specific files x MPEG-TS/PS: Not counting non-decodable frames (without the corresponding I-Frame) Version 0.7.38, 2010-12-16 -------------- + uClibc compatibility, thanks to Metin KAYA <metin@EnderUNIX.org> + MPEG-TS: ID in all streams if a TS streams contains several substreams + JPEG in MOV: Scan type + AAC: implicit SBR and implicit PS detection (complete HE-AAC and HE-AACv2 detection) + AAC/LATM: more details (channels, profile...) + AAC/SL: more details (channels, profile...) + MPEG-TS and MPEG-PS with trace feature activated (Linux/Mac by default): speed improvement + DTS: indication of HD and Core configurations if there is an HD part + #3118446, MXF: VC-3 (DNxHD) detection + VC-3 (DNxHD) raw stream support + VC-3 (DNxHD): Bit depth + MPEG-TS: option for ignoring ATSC transport_stream_id indication + Windows only, forcing output to UTF-8 x MPEG-TS: some teletext and DVB subtitles were not detected x #3111584, MXF: phantom track with weird result if an unknown track is found x #3116952, DTS and AC-3: was set as lossy in all cases (DTS Master Audio and AC-3 TrueHD are lossless) x #3137160, ADTS: some files with wrong extension were not correctly detected Version 0.7.37, 2010-11-22 -------------- + DPX format support + Compression mode (Lossy / Lossless) information (note: JPEG 2000 "profile" is moved to this new field) + #3095129, AVI: MLC Lossless codec support + #3095136, AVI: AMV Video Codec support + IFO: chapter information (thanks to Bastian Wegener) + MPEG-4: header size / data size / footer size information (in advanced mode) + MPEG-4: AVmp CodecID (.mov referencing .mxf) support x MXF: avoiding infinite loop due to circular reference Version 0.7.36, 2010-10-24 -------------- + HDV 720p/1080i/1080p commercial names support, sponsored by http://www.chyro.fr/ + Raw TrueHD support + MP4: "lpcm" (PCM from DVD) Support (with channel positions) + MKV: compression mode (zlib...) display + WAV: support of AAC (ADTS) with CodecID 0x8180 + WMV: Handling of weird Aspect Ratio information in Extended Content Description + #3087674, Ut Video Lossless support + #3087677, WebP: basic support (detection only) + #3072929, MP4: DTS Express support + MPEG-4: Handling of external files referenced by "code" atom + M-JPEG and M-JPEG 2000 are renamed JPEG and JPEG 2000 + MP4 and HDV 1080i: detecting containers lying about width (saying 1920 but it is 1440) + DTVCC Transport and SCTE20: Option for displaying empty streams + DPX format detection x #3034092, MPEG-TS: hang up if program is modified (zapping) in the file x AAC: removal of empirical detection of SBR and PS (too many problems) x AVI: trusting in priority frame count from index of indexes with broken files x MKV: AVC "unknown profile" removal x AVC: some frame rates were reported as twice the real frame rate x #3029308, Id3v2: support of frames with Unsynchronisation bit set x #3065114, MPEG-Video: duration calculation issues with raw streams and open GOPs x AFD: crash with malformed streams x MPEG-7 output: missing references for MPEG-4 Visual and RF64 x #3086701, ID3: freeze/crash with ID3 tag at the end of the the file x LXF: some files were not completely analyzed (missing video) x JPEG: Chroma subsampling value was always set to 4:2:0, wrong x MP4 with MPEG Video: do not trust anymore raw stream timecode Version 0.7.35, 2010-09-05 -------------- + Arabic language added + Teletext subtitle support + DVB subtitle support + CEA-608/708: language + Library: "Per frame" interface, like ffmpeg + AFD: AFD (Active Format Description) value and detail + MPEG-TS: SCTE35 detection and parsing + MXF: Ancillary data (S436M) support + MPEG-TS: Codec ID (stream_type) + MXF parser improvements x #3036119, MKV: default language value is eng x DV: weird display with some DV with synch problems. x AVC: wrong detection of bitrate mode for AVC in MP4 x MPEG-TS: crash and wrong detection of some non MPEG-TS files Version 0.7.34, 2010-07-09 -------------- + New icons set, thanks to Kevin Redon, based on Gnome themes: Neu, Experience, Gnome 2.18 + WebM support, sponsored by http://digi-metrics.com/ + LXF (Harris/Leitch) support + #3008704, IVF (Indeo Video Format) support + #3002376, Blu-ray: Source (.m2ts) for the .mpls parser + DV: handling of unsynched streams + Basic view, Bit Depth is added to the audio part + FLV: Framerate info for some not yet supported weird files + Demux (library only): demuxed packets can be forced to contain 1 complete frame + XML output: MediaInfo version + Parsing speed (Library only): option for a quicker analyzing, but with some missing features + AVI and Huffman (HFYU): Colorspace + AVI and Fraps: Colorspace + AVI and Lagarith: Colorspace + MPEG-4: Channel map basic support x CEA-708: Skipping some malformed streams x JPEG/M-JPEG: Resolution was in some random other field x #3001707, AAC in MP4: mono aac file detected as stereo x AVI: crash with some malformed files x AVI: Stream identifier was not filled in some cases x MPEG-PS: some files were not well detected x WAV: Bit Depth is back x WAV/PCM: Byte sign was wrong if Bit depth >8 x Decimal point issues with some specific compilers/OS x MPEG-4: removing support of btrt atom for average bitrate, too many wrong values x AVI: crash with some specific files (avc1 CodecID) x MPEG-4+AAC: Trying to better detect the (non)presence of PS if there is no PS header x MPEG-TS/PS: more precision on duration Version 0.7.33, 2010-05-14 -------------- + Slovak language added + Colorimetry field is replaced by Color space and Chroma subsampling x Some word were not translatable x Solaris port was broken Version 0.7.32, 2010-05-02 -------------- + MPEG-7 output improvements + DV: Better detection of DVCPRO 50 and 100 (again), especially in MXF + P2: support of P2 XML files and P2 directory structure + XDCAM: support of XDCAM XML files and XDCAM directory structure + N19: More attributes + ISO-639-2 3-letter standard for language field (for third-party software) + Additional commercial name of a stream or container (XDCAM IMX, DVCPRO, AVC-Intra 50...) + MXF: support of detection of files without Track number in the headers + MXF: Operational Pattern + MPEG-4: Aperture size support x AVC: some files were wrongly analyzed (frame rate...) x AVI: better support of files with only one big data chunk (professional cameras) x MPEG-4: Huge memory usage with some files (files with DV and PCM) x DVR-MS: width/height was wrong in previous version Version 0.7.31, 2010-04-16 -------------- + SCTE 20 closed caption support + Difference between width/height in the container and in the raw stream + AVC: GOP structure + MXF: more raw stream formats are detected (MPEG-4 Visual, A-law...) + DV: Better detection of DVCPRO 50 and 100 x DV: less files without the right extension wrongly detected as DV Version 0.7.30, 2010-03-26 -------------- + AVC: Multiview Video Coding (MVC) basic support + AVI: better handling of some RGB or RLE codecIDs + Solaris package creation files update (with relocation) + MSVB: better handling of C pointers + WAV: Skipping wrong sample count values + GXF: Caption in ancillary data detection x #2970227, WAV: a file was wrongly detected as DTS x CEA-608: some captions were wrongly detected as active x MPEG-7: some corrections in order to be valid x FLV: Duration for video not starting at Time 0 x WMV and MPEG-TS/PS: some crashes are fixed x MSVC2010 and MSVC2008 project files were missing some files Version 0.7.29, 2010-03-08 -------------- + GXF (SMPTE 360M / RDD 14) support + GXF: support of CDP (SMPTE 334-2) in Ancillary data (SMPTE 334-1) (not complete) + AAC in MPEG-TS: Profile/Level + PCM in MKV: format name, channel positions + MPEG-7 and PBCore 1.2 output (pre-release) + MPEG-7: more metadata + Solaris package creation files + MPEG-TS overall bit rate is more precise x Channel positions: more coherency in the naming x DVD-Video (IFO): ID name was in hexadecimal only, now in Decimal+Hexa Version 0.7.28, 2010-02-19 -------------- + AIFF: ID3v2 tags support + AutoIt3: MediaInfoList interface + RIFF: Handling of INFO chunk in hdlr chunk + VorbisCom-based comments (FLAC, OGG...): support of new fields + MPEG-4 Visual: Duration for raw streams + Display Aspect Ratio 3:2 instead of 1.500 + Detection of N19 (EBU Tech 3264) + MPEG-2 Video: new profiles (4:2:2, Multi-view) + MPEG-2 Video: GOP structure + MPEG-4: handling of video streams with a different last frame duration + RIFF: Skipping OpenDML frame count (not always valid), when index is available + AMR: more attributes (Sampling rate, duration...) x MPEG-PS and MPEG-TS: crash with some files x MPEG-4: some bitrates to zero with a null bitr or btrt atoms x MPEG-4: managing different kinds of compressor name format x AMR in MPEG-4: crash with some specific files x #2952623, Id3v2: USLT with ISO-8859-1 charset was not well read x #2952637, Id3v2.2: PIC tag was not well read x #2952638, XML output: sometimes empty tags x #2920138, XML output: invalid char in XML tags Version 0.7.27, 2010-01-03 -------------- + MPEG Audio: Emphasis + MPEG-TS: PCR timestamp can be extracted in real time + Linux library: visibility is now limited to the official API + License changed to LGPLv3+ for license simplification (same license as the library) x MPEG Audio, AAC, Vorbis: removal of irrelevant Resolution field even from containers x MPEG Video: error in calculation of frame rate if sequence extension is used x MPEG Audio: some VBR files without VBR header were wrongly detected as CBR x #2921999, unexpected quotes in the text output Version 0.7.26, 2009-12-18 -------------- + MXF: support of external files parsing + MLP support + TrueHD: more details (channels, sampling rate...) + TrueHD: display of both core and TrueHD details + #2905950, MPEG-4: Cover extraction + ADTS: better bitrate estimation + #2910579, MPEG-4 Visual: data_partitioned and reversible_vlc display + #2910572, MPEG Video: BVOP presence display + Internet Media Type (aka MIME-Type) display (but hidden by default) + ADTS: Id3v2 support x #2897584, ID3v2: Crash with some malformed UTF-16 strings x MXF: Better handling of interlaced content (height and frame rate) x Homogenization of Video resolution (ie no more 24-bit resolution, but 8-bit) x MPEG-TS: less false-positive detection of encrypted streams x MXF: better management of complex files (with references) x MOV: better management of complex files (with references) x Digital Video: better management of DV50, more bitrate accuracy x Digital Video: better management of DV100 (Width, Height, BitRate) x Digital Video: Some Colorimetry (4:x:x) were wrong x FLV: some files were not detected x MPEG Audio, AAC, Vorbis: removal of irrelevant Resolution field x MPEG formats: some Profile renaming, for more coherency Version 0.7.25, 2009-11-13 -------------- + MediaInfo (customized) with HTTP input: User Agent setting + #2896693, MPEG-TS: skipping some malformed PMT (with elementary_PID=0) x #2844911, AAC in 3GP: false detection of SBR and PS (again) x #2894411, MPEG Audio: UserDefined Covers replace other covers types x MPEG Audio: Some profiles were not displayed x RealMedia: Some Titles were not displayed x Matroska: Wrong detection of 6-channel Wavpack (detected as 2-channel) Version 0.7.24, 2009-10-30 -------------- + MPEG-4: DVCPRO HD detection + WAV: better handling of Wave Extension codec IDs + MPEG Audio: profile and extension display + MPEG-TS: More information for ADTS in non-audio PES ID. + FLV: test of video bitrate info integrity + MPEG-4: "sbtl" subtitles support + MPEG-4: old-style Apple language codes support + MPEG-4: XDCAM support + MPEG Video: vbv_buffer_size info + AVC: cpb_size_value info + VC-1: hrd_buffer info x #2882376, AVCHD: reports some incorrect AVCHD framerate x MPEG-4: some Pixel Aspect Ratio settings were not handled x Customized output: respect of carriage return from the platform x MPEG-TS demuxer: more tolerance of bad blocks Version 0.7.23, 2009-10-16 -------------- + OGG: more details for MPEG-4 Visual, MPEG Audio and AC-3 + MPEG-4: more information for MPEG Audio streams + MPEG-4: more information for ADTS streams + MPEG-TS: more information for ADTS streams + QCP (RFC 3625) format support + Refactoring of parsers, for more speed and less false-positives + WAV: INFO chunk parsing x Blu-ray directory analyzing was broken x VC-1: some streams were not detected x AMR in MP4: Resolution set to 13 or 14 bits instead of default 16 bits x Help, Known parameters was hanging up x AVC: frame rate was wrong for progressive streams with frame doubling x MPEG-TS: crash while parsing some streams with specific ATSC event_id Version 0.7.22, 2009-09-25 -------------- + MPEG-TS: KLV data detection x #2859504, 3GPP: some files were not detected x Some corrections about AVI Display Aspect Ratio x QuickTime: external files were completely parsed, too long x DV: Support of 4 mono channel configuration Version 0.7.21, 2009-09-04 -------------- + More permissive license for redistribution only Redistribution license is intended for companies with legal issues (if they can not deal with GPL) + AVC: Support of frame doubling/tripling + AVC: Colour description + QuickTime: support of external files parsing x #2828430, Quicktime: 180 degrees rotation display was not displayed x MPEG-TS: whole file was parsed (long) x MPEG Video / MPEG-4 Visual: new algorithm for library name detection x #2844911, AAC in 3GP: false detection of SBR and PS x MKV: some chapters had timecode issues Version 0.7.20, 2009-07-31 -------------- + TAK format support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #2822681, Quicktime: Rotation display (from iPhone...) + ASP.net web application example + Java/JNA, Linux: dynamic load of libzen if not in LD_PATH x MPEG-PS: Some durations were a bit too long x MPEG-PS: Better handling of PTS/DTS for private and extension streams x ADTS: Handling of SBR and/or PS streams Version 0.7.19, 2009-07-17 -------------- + ALS raw files support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + LA (Lossless Audio, old) support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + SLS detection, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + AAC: forcing SBR/PS when it is implicit (if <=24KHz, if 1 channel) + AVC: Closed captions detection + #2813919, APE: CompressionLevel + XML output: track names are changed, for a better usability by XML parsers x MKV: Original display aspect ratio was not displayed x #2817479, Blu-ray/M2Ts: crash with some specific file names x MXF: the whole file was parsed, parsing now only the useful part Version 0.7.18, 2009-07-03 -------------- + MXF support + Blu-ray: BDMV directory parsing + Blu-ray: clpi/mpls files support + M2TS: Language if the .clpi blu-ray file is found + OpenSolaris support + MPEG-4 Visual: support of Sony SMC (security video) tags + MPEG-4 Visual: ASP profile was wrongly displayed + Mac OS X: Creation of universal and 10.4 compatible binaries option x Mac OS X: no more double-carriage return in Text view Version 0.7.17, 2009-06-19 -------------- + #2790156, Folders context menu option + Python : adaptation for version 3 + XML output (thanks to Steen Jost Jensen) + MPEG-PS/TS: ATSC Closed captions (both EIA-608 and EIA-708) detection + MPEG-PS/TS: Language of closed caption (ATSC) + DV: camera settings + DV: Closed captions detection (raw DV, or in .mp4 and AVI container) + JPEG 2000 support + MPEG-4: support of JPEG 2000 embedded in a MPEG-4 container + MPEG-4: support of ProRes 422 / ProRes 422 HQ codecs + MPEG-4, AMR: Vendor and version + Blu-ray: support of PCM (Frequency, resolution, bitrate) + MPEG-TS: speed improvements x #2803396, sometimes crash with tiny (40-79 bytes) files x #2801211, MPEG-4/3GP: support of 3GP tags x #2795345, MPEG-4 Visual: crash with some specific user_data x #2793960, MKV: some MKV renamed as .ac3 were detected as AC-3 x #2796417, MPEG-4: Some files with Camera user data were not detected x #2785604, Build fails on newer GCC versions (>=4.4) x #2664106, prefs overwritten after installing update x so interface was not working since some releases on Linux x MPEG Video: better detection of 2:3 Pulldown x MPEG-4: Forcing AMR to 8KHz/Mono whatever the container says Version 0.7.16, 2009-05-20 ------------- + MPEG-4: More information for Avid DV streams + MPEG-4: more complete parsing (raw stream) of files with compressed headers + VC-1 and MPEG-Video: displaying the original framerate for streams with 2:3 pulldown + WMA: Handling of Mutual Excluded streams x MPEG-4: some files with compressed headers were not parsed x MPEG-4: Kodak files with EXIF data were not parsed x MPEG-4 (Quicktime): some files with compressed header were not well parsed x MPEG-4: Some files with a TimeCode track had wrong duration x MPEG-PS: some files with wrong timestamp were not well parsed x MPEG Audio with APE tags: crash with big tags Version 0.7.15, 2009-04-30 ------------- + Wave64 (.w64) support + MPEG-4: Better handling of 4GiB+ files + MPEG-4: audio parts from a DV stream are displayed + MPEG-4: better DV analyzing + DV: parser improvement (speed, accuracy) x DTS: 768/1536 Kbps streams are corrected to the real bitrate (755/1510 Kbps) x MPEG-TS: some stream durations were not well computed (few seconds only) x AVC: freeze with some malformed encoder settings Version 0.7.13, 2009-04-03 -------------- x Returned value has changed, back to the normal behavior (0 if it is OK) + #2635230, MPEG audio: Lame encoder settings + #2706146, WMV: detection of container wanted aspect ratio + #2611726, MKV: Audio delay detection + #2721811, MKV: TrueHD detection + Java: JNA (Java Native Access) binding + Exported "stream" interface for analyzing streams in memory (beta) + SHN (Shorten) detection + TAK (Tom's lossless audio compressor) detection + MPEG-TS parser optimizations + SWF: better handling of videos + WAV: better handling of 4GiB+ files + WAV: Extensible Wave support + MKV: Handling of chapters in multiple languages + Stream size for all streams when 1 video and all audio streams are CBR + Chapters are moved to menu part for better coherency with MPEG-TS, developers see Changes.txt for more info x #2712761, AVI: unsupported SalmonSoft text codec makes MediaInfo silently fail x #2719534, MKV: handling "modified" headers (zero padding) x #2720822, MPEG Audio: was freezing with 1 malformed file x #2721949, IFO: some stream IDs were false x #2725808, MPEG-PS: some "OTA" files were detected with TrueHD instead of normal AC-3 audio Version 0.7.12, 2009-03-20 -------------- + Complete refactoring of the code for speed improvements and future features + #2686943, MPEG-4: ISMV (IIS Smooth Streaming Media Video) basic support + MPEG-4 Visual: distinction between MPEG and H.263 default matrices + MPEG-TS: ATSC and DVB EPG support x MPEG-PS: duplicate stream infos with some AC-3 streams (with program map) Version 0.7.11, 2009-02-13 -------------- + OGG: Better Kate and CMML codecs support + AVI: Detecting wrong aspect ratio from a broken AVI header + DTS: Handling of Little Endian and 14-bit streams + WAV: ID3v2 tags parsing + MPEG Video: frame order even for progressive sequence x #2559346, MKV: Detection of framerate in MKV without framerate header x #2474280, OGG: some streams had bad stream size x MPEG-TS: some buggy file may corrupt memory x MP3/Id3v2: crash with one malformed file Version 0.7.10, 2009-01-30 ------------- + Spanish translation updated + Mono (C#/Linux) binding + MPEG-4: Encoding library name + #2474280, OGG: Old version of Dirac identifier support + MPEG-TS: Encoded date for HDV + DVR-MS: Delay between two tracks + WAV: EBU Broadcast Wave format v1 support + CMP4: Basic support x #2529963: Infinite loop on one file x #2473140, DTS: error preventing 96/24 DTS detection x MPEG-4: Better support of Aspect ratio x Output was unstranslated and weird when $LANG is not set x C++ binding error in 0.7.9 x Python binding improved and corrected (no more crash with Linux) Version 0.7.9, 2009-01-19 ------------- + OGG: Dirac support + OGG: Speex support + OGG: other formats (JNG, Kate, MIDI, PCM...) detection + SWF: detection of more audio streams + MPEG-PS: Handling of PlayStation2 audio + #2474119, Minimal MZ (PE) and ELF detection + SMV (WAV/ADPCM+JPG files) file format support + DPG (Nintendo DS) file format support + QuickTime: TimeCode track analysis + MPEG-4 subtitles: difference between 'text' and 'tx3g' codecIDs x Python binding update for more compatibilty x #2474280, OGG: handling of files with Skeleton Metadata x #2445654, OGG: better false-positives detection x #2493685, AVI: Wrong video duration for some malformed 4GB+ AVI/DV files x #2516007, "Language" raw tag was sometimes 3 letter long instead of 2-letter long x Floating point overflow correction Version 0.7.8, 2008-12-09 ------------- + Changing version schema, only 3 numbers (next versions will 0.7.9, 0.7.10...) + Better Linux integration + rpm stuff (thanks to oc2pus http://packman.links2linux.org) + deb stuff + #2259421, FLAC and OGG: Encoding library name and version + FLV: version 10 support + FLV: duration of files without metatags + MPEG-4: Delay (useful when multiple videos are present) + Dirac: profiles updated from the latest specification + MPEG-4: more precise detection of OGG based codecs + MKV: better newest codecs handling + MKV: RealVideo/Audio support improvements + mipsel CPU support x MPEG-PS: Trying to have a better precision for duration x WMV: crash with some malformed files x MPEG-TS: some channel names where not shown x MPEG Video (version 2): some streams were misdetected as CBR Version, 2008-11-10 --------------- + #2219839, return code is now the count of analyzed files + You can now use a language file (ie --Language=file://en.csv) x Language=raw is without ugly artifacts + #2216498, LPCM in VOB: more attributes (channels count, sampling rate, bitrate) + #2182135, Wavpack: support of multichannel files + AVC: detection of the newest profiles + DTS: detection of DTS-HRA, DTS-MA, DTS-Express, thanks to http://madshi.net + AES3 PCM in MPEG-TS detection + Wavpack: Encoder settings + WMV with "WVC1" codec identifier: video interlacement + MPEG-4: E-AC-3 support x #2186682, MPEG-2 Video: Wrong PAR and DAR for Panasonic MPEG2 Files x MPEG-4: some AC-3 and AAC specific files reported wrong channels value Version, 2008-10-17 --------------- + Support of VP5 file format + MPEG-4 Visual and MPEG Video: can now display the custom matrices data + WM: interlacement detection for VC-1 based codecs (WMV3...) + #2148321, PNG: more info + AVI: Better association of abcAVI tags to MediaInfo tags + PureBasic binding + Delphi binding: dynamic load (by default) of the library, thanks to Icebob x #2142995, MPEG-4: handling the Display Aspect Ratio from the track Header (tkhd) x #2141277, MPEG-PS/TS: Audio ID was hex for MPEG-PS but decimal for MPEG-TS streams x #2109107, Tags in Flac or Ogg: modification of the tag types priorities x #2120224, MPEG-4: some specific files were not parsed completely (missing info) x MPEG-TS with Dirac: some specific files were not parsed completely (missing info) x MPEG-4: Crash on MPEG-4 Visual format without DecDecoder stuff x Command line: was not reading custom template in UTF-8 codepage x DV: some files were not well detected x MPEG Video: some files were badly detected with 3:2 pulldown x AVS (Chinese): some corrections, thanks to Tom's translation of documents Version, 2008-09-12 --------------- + A small doc for helping automatic parsing + [2088009] Flac: Picture tag support + Flac: Support of Id3v1&2 in a Flac file + WM (ASF/WMV/WMA): detection of wrong framerate in header, trusting now the timestamp instead of the header + WM (ASF/WMV/WMA): detection of framerate from the timestamp when the framerate info is not available in the header + MPEG-4 with AVC: Added information about buggy files readable by all players except iPods + OGG: OGG with FLAC (pre- and post-FLAC 1.1.1) support x FLI/FLC: were not correctly detected x Output=HTML was not working x MPEG-TS without PAT/PMT: the complete stream was parsed, may be very long x Wavpack: duration and bitrate were false x #2071681, MPEG Audio: handling of truncated MPEG audio frames at the end of a file x #2032760, MPEG Audio: handling of MPEG Audio files with junk at the end x #2085149, Id3v2: was crashing with some malformed tags Version, 2008-08-22 --------------- + Chinese Simplified, Italian, Korean, Russian, Albanian languages updated + #2044174, AVS (Chinese Audio Video Standard) support + #2030684, AVI: Support of malformed chunks + Matroska: delay between audio and video calculation (for AC-3, DTS, MPEG Audio) + Full Replay gain support (gain/peak, track/album) for Flac/Ogg/MP3 + MPEG-TS without PAT/PMT (example: stream captured by some satellite TV receivers) support + MPEG-TS: Service info (name, provider, channel number) for both DVB and ATSC tags + Dot and thousand separator localized + Matroska: Handling of audio Delay x #2023872, DV: Crash with floating point exception on some files x #2024706, BDAV: Some QuickTime files misidentified as BDAV x #2033307, MPEG Video: Some raw files with high bitrate were not detected x #2040411, Id3v2: Crash with some malformed Id3v2 fields x #2036580, Id3v2: Problem when parsing big (>1M) Id3v2 tags, file was no more detected x #1893830, WMA/WMV: there was textual info (Linux/Mac only) x Video, Resolution/bits per pixel was sometimes per color entity, sometimes per pixel, now always per pixel x MPEG Video, the "Component" video standard was not detected x DLL only, the "by buffer" interface was broken Version, 2008-07-11 --------------- + #1995653, AVI: Delay of interleaves (example: "64 ms (1.53 video frames)") + #1995574, AVI: Report if the audio frames are split across or aligned on + MPEG-Video (raw): handling of "not started at the beginning" time_code + MPEG-PS: Trying to prevent errors with time code reset in the stream + AVC: Trying to detect raw AVC streams without SPS/PPS + [2013746] AAC in MPEG-TS: complete parsing of ADTS stream for more info about AAC + AAC in MPEG-TS: complete parsing of IOD based stream for more info about AAC + MPEG-TS: better detection of PCR time code + AAC: specifying the muxing mode (ADIF, ADTS or LATM) + MediaInfo DLL: NetBeans java binding example Version, 2008-06-27 --------------- + MPEG-TS: Detection of scrambled streams + #1995566: AVi, Identify ODML files + AC-3/DTS/AAC: Added another Channel configuration string (example: "3/2.1") in advanced mode + #1995569: Added proportion of each stream in the file (example: "500 MiB (90%)") x MPEG-TS: Handling of multiple programs in one PMT PID x MPEG-TS: Handling of streams in multiple programs Version, 2008-06-13 --------------- + FLV: detection of AVC and AAC x #1981032, Visual C++ 2008 binary is not compatible with Win9X, coming back to Visual C++ 2005 x #1964299, Never-ending 100% CPU if input file doesn't exist Version, 2008-05-30 --------------- + MPEG Video: Detection of 2:3 and 2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:3 Pulldown + VC-1: Detection of 2:3 and 2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:3 Pulldown + AVC: Detection of MBAFF + Translations: more words can be translated + MPEG-4 files: More info (profile, format settings, encoder name, x264 settings) for some well-known stream formats + MPEG-4 files: Better handling of not common formats (ALS, PNG, AC-3, DTS... in .mp4) + Bluray: detection of subtitles + Additional formats detected: Module, Extended module, Impulse Tracker, Scream Tracker 3 x #1967663, mp4: some specific iTunes atoms were not correctly parsed Version, 2008-05-16 --------------- + Python (Windows) binding + AC-3 TrueHD in bluray detection (even if the stream is splitted in 2 sub-streams) + Original framerate is shown if the framerate from the video stream and the one in the container are different + #1955061, Bluray: Duration + #1953908, FLV with audio delay detection x Linux with UTF-8 locale was not accepting non-English characters in filenames x #1954663, Some mono HE-AAC audio track detected as 2 channels with PS x VC-1 in TS detection even if the stream_type is not declared x xxxBSD compatibility Version, 2008-04-27 --------------- + About the library : Java/Linux binding is available + DV (raw) files support + Better support of DV in AVI container (type 1 and 2) + AVC: Handling of SEI which is before a SPS + AVC in AVI: reading more info (Profile, Cabac...) from streams created by FFMpeg + Vorbis in AVI: reading more info (Max bitrate, tags...) from streams created by FFMpeg + Detection of VC-1 in MPEG-TS from MainConcept encoder + MediaInfoLib is now thread-safe x -f option was not working in the last version x #1943743, AVI with MPEG-Audio VBR and delay: delay was incorrect x Pixel Aspect Ratio was sometimes inverted (1/x) x XviD CodecID was redirected on Koepi website, no more available, changed to official XviD webpage x #1946098, DV in AVI: DV aspect ratio errors Version, 2008-04-12 --------------- + AVC: Count of reference frames + AU: Comments + Some global speed improvement x #1931844, Id3v2: Unsynchronized frames support (v2.3 & v2.4) Version, 2008-03-28 --------------- + Spanish translation updated + The ToolTip text is now a summary (instead of a complete list) + MKV: handling of files created for streaming + MPEG-4: Handling of corrupted stream size info with some PCM streams + DVD video: Hebrew patch ("iw" code is mapped to Hebrew) x MPEG-4: better handling of bitrate mode (VBR or CBR) x AVI: MediaInfo reads now the framerate value from the container rather than the stream value x #1931844, Id3v2: Unsynchronized frames support (v2.3 & v2.4) Version, 2008-03-14 --------------- + AC3: TrueHD detection + MPEG-TS (or Bluray): VC-1, AC3+ and AC3 TrueHD detection + AVC in MKV: all SEI userdata infos from x264/eavc in Writing library settings + EVO: Better detection of duration + Dirac: raw files parsing + MPEG-TS: Dirac management + MPEG-TS: DVB subtitles/Teletext management x MPEG-4 Visual (DivX/XviD): writing library name was missing x MPEG-Video: some DTS files with wrong extension were detected as MPEG-Video x SWF: Compressed SWF files support is back x "Inform" option with file as parameter was not well parsed Version, 2008-02-29 --------------- + Id3v2.2 (yes, it is old...) support + Id3v2: TXXX tags support + RMP3 (japanese MP3 based format?) support + SAMR in .mp4: some files have wrong sampling rate, forcing it to 8000 Hz + File_Created_Date and File_Modified_Date tags added (in advanced mode only) + MP3 encoded by Lame: Minimal (VBR) or Nominal (ABR) bitrate x Better detection of Lame encoder x AVC Display Aspect Ratio was not well detected if AVC is in a .mp4 container x Matroska Display Aspect Ratio was deleted if AVC aspect ratio was set, now Matroska has priority x "Subwoofer" term has been replaced by "LFE", more relevant Version, 2008-02-08 --------------- + AVC: CABAC detection + #1886241: AVC: all SEI userdata infos from x264/eavc in Writing library settings + ADPCM: compagny which created the stream is now shown in the codec section + PCM: precision about Little/Big endianess, Integer/Floating point method + #1882691: AC3+: raw files are now detected x AVC: FPS were sometimes 2x the reality x RealMedia parser was brocken x FLV parser was crashing x FLV: Better detection of Nellymoser audio x FLV: Disabling Framerate estimation if a VFR file is detected (estimation was false in this case) x Better false-positive MP3 detection (NSV files are no more detected as MP3) x IFO: there was a mistake betwwen NTSC and PAL framerates x Win9X support was (again) brocken in Version, 2008-02-01 --------------- + Matroska: Full parsing of DivX/XviD/H264/AVC settings (profile...) + AVI: Full parsing of AVC settings (profile...) + AVI: Added a tag "OpenDML" (for example, the PlayStation 3 doesn't support OpenDML files) + AVC: Framerate, Interlacement, writing library (only for eavc, x264 and MainConcept encoders) + TwinVQ : channels, bitrate and sampling rate + Musepack SV8 support + Musepack and Musepack SV8: tags support + AIFF and AIFC format support + MIDI format detection + FLV: FrameRate even if the tag is not in the header + AU/SND audio formats support + Vodei encrypted AVI files detection + Linux/MacOS: support of 2GiB+ files + FLV: Video parsing even if the container says there is no video x APE Tags v1 are detected again x MPEG-PS: some malformed files were not well parsed, fixed x AVC: Cropping was not well handled (example: height was 1088 instead of 1080) Version, 2008-01-09 --------------- + SWF: Tags version 9 support + MPEG-TS: DegiCipher 2 (DCII) support + DVR-MS format support (with MPEG Audio or AC3) + WMV: language tag + MPEG-2 Video: Nominal bitrate x AVI: some speed improvments x Output was bad with some files Version, 2007-12-10 --------------- + AVI, Interlacement for M-JPEG codec + AVI, Interleaved tag + Better showing of well know values ("44.1 KHz", "22.05 KHz"...) x AVI, was parsing the whole file in case of non-interleaved files x MP3, was freezing on specific files x #1838202: Flac, Resolution was 1 less the the real value (15 bits instead of 16...) Version, 2007-11-09 --------------- + #1799859: Flac, tags are case insensitive + Matroska format parsing improvements + .mp4 speed improvement x BDAV (Bluray) parser compilation was forgotten in the previous version x AVI, Bitrate and stream size were false x #1825218: IFO parser was brocken x #1825521: .mp4 chapters times were wrong x #1801549: DLL was crashing during Delphi/C# debugging sessions Version, 2007-11-02 --------------- + Aspect Ratio is renamed Display Aspect Ratio + Pixel Aspect Ratio added (in advanced mode) + More attributes for AC3+ + More attributes for VC-1 + Profile and level for MPEG-4 Visual based formats (DivX...), AVC and VC1 + Speed improvement for MPEG-TS, MPEG-PS, DVD-Video (.vob), HD-DVD, BluRay + MPEG-4 AAC, Channels position + AAC (ADIF), More info + AAC (ADTS), More info x FLV, there was bad dates on some specific metatags. x #1818404: WAV with "float" PCM, bad detection x CDXA (.dat) files parsing is back Version, 2007-10-08 --------------- + Better handling of non-Latin characters in the command line + Better OGG/OGM parsing + Better .ifo (DVD-Video) parsing + .rmvb files are now detected in Windows Explorer + Win9X/98/Me support does not request Microsoft unicows.lib anymore x Win95/98/Me support was brocken since It works again. x #1798997: MPEG-4, some Apple codecs were wrongly reported x Lot of memory leak correction, you can now parse 1000+ files without problems Version, 2007-08-16 --------------- x Some crashes on Linux PPC with specific files x #1770477: Video info for some low-bitrate MPEG files were not shown x #1770509: MPEG 2 Audio Layer 2 was not well detected x #1763282: FLV, wrong playtime on PPC based machine x #1734113: IFO, crash with some specific files Version, 2007-07-23 --------------- + AVI: 24/30 fps (aka 120 fps hack or dual frame rate video) detection + TruAudio (.tta) support + Wavpack (.wv) support + MPEG-4 based containers: Codec/CC tag support + #1754143: AC3 & DTS detection in a .mp4 container made with the Haali's gdsmux tool + #1754140: AC3 detection in a .mp4 container from Nero Digital + #1754905: iPhone files support x #1750275: HD-DTS was no more detected in a .m2ts (bluray) file x AVI: AAC profile name was no more detected Version, 2007-07-09 --------------- + Licence changed from GPLv2 to GPLv3 + More information about mpeg-4 based (Nero...) files + MediaInfo analyses longer a .vob file to be able to find hidden tracks (subtitles...) + #1747633: Encrypted WMV detection + FLV: more attributes x Memory leaks correction x #1720404: MPEG, rare crashes with some files x #1721846: AAC ADTS were no more detected x MPEG Audio: No detection if there is some specific junk before the real audio data x #1728059: Delphi DLL overflow with big files x Crash with Youtube FLV files x AVI: Delay for AC3, DTS and MP3 is back Version, 2007-05-14 --------------- + OGG Vorbis, "Floor" value (useful for some players which don't support Floor 0) + MPEG-Audio, Lyrics3v1/v2, ApeTagv1/v2 parsing + MPEG-TS, handling of complex files (multiple programs, 8+ channels...) + #1704008: handling of AVC or MPEG-4 Video in a MPEG-TS file without program map + VC-1 basic parsing + DTS True HD detection + AC3+ detection + HD-DVD (decyphered) support + BluRay (decyphered) support x MPEG-TS, Duration calculation problem on very rare files x MPEG-4/iTunes, Tags where not well parsed in x FLV, freezes or crashes with some files x #1718269: MPEG-4 Video, Framerate of 65535/2733 is transformed to 23.976 x Windows Media (ASF/WMA/WMV) with file size more than 4GB were not well handled x MP4 with file size more than 4GB were not well handled Version, 2007-04-28 --------------- + Windows 64-bit version of the command line tool and DLL (separately) + Linux 64-bit version of the command line tool (separately) + More Musepack properties + Detection of Musepack v8 files + Complete parsing of Real Media files (all tags) + Improved Windows Media (ASF/WMA/WMV) parsing + MonkeyAudio tags (APETagv1/v2, Id3v1) parsing + Ogg/Theora : Video bitrate + MPEG audio : More encoder detection (bitstream parsing) + SWF (Flash) parsing x #1665981: Mov - PCM audio (digital camera) was detected as RGB x #1672896: Wave file with .mp3 extension was detected as MP3 x #1689570 and #1633237: Better JPEG parsing x Some other minor bugs Version, 2007-02-23 --------------- + Program file size reduction + WAV : Support of some special tags at the end of the file + AVC : Display Aspect Ratio x 1653325: Wrong Resolution with AVC High Profile x 1662890: Problem with tag adaptation parser (mainly for ID3v1 genre) x Better support of corrupted MOV files Version 2007-02-05 --------------- + You can now use your own templates (take a look on /plugins/custom/ directory) + FLV format support + Basic support of multiple programs in a MPEG Transport Stream (Satellite broadcast) + Basic detection of TwinVQ (.vqf) files (+tag parsing) + Better handling of corrupted .mp4 files + Better handling of corrupted .avi files x Crash with corrupted "COMM" Id3v2 tags x Crash with some audio files x 1633524: MOV, Crash on files with corrupted Descriptors x 1630907: MP3, Crash on files with corrupted (empty) Id3v2 tag x 1637838, 1634549, 1635131: Crash with some audio-only files x AVI, Better detection of writing application found in a "JUNK" chunk x AVI, sometimes wrong playtime x 1637191: AC3 delay in AVIs is back x 1635134: some freezes with MPEG-7 files (but this format is not yet supported) x 1635087: some files were wrongly detected as AC3 x Russian (or other non-latin language) AVI tag parsing is back. Version 2006-12-22 --------------- + Using of templates for output + MPEG-TS : Detect encrypted stream, and show the codec + id3v2 with UTF-16 frames + AVC in MPEG-TS AVC parsing + AVC : Width and Height + MacIntel version x Matroska, some crashing files (with chapters) Version 2006-12-09 --------------- + Czech language + Encoders database updated with 20 new encoder versions + Codecs database updated with 100 new codecs (video or audio) x Matroska, sometimes wrong Playtime x MPEG-4 : some Titles were not well parsed x MPEG PS : some video stream were missing x Crash with some malformed files x Some debug files were created Version 2006-12-08 --------------- + MPEG Transport Stream : Video info (Standard, Chroma, Interlacement...) and PlayTime + CDXA : PlayTime + MPEG-4 Video embedded in MPEG Program Stream support + MPEG-1 stream embedded in a Quictime file + MPEG-4 AAC Parametric Stereo (SBR-PS) detection + Detection of encrypted MPEG-4 (like iTunes) + Support of MPEG TS with lot of synchro errors + AVI : Exact Stream size calculation (but currently OpenDML files are not supported) + MPEG-4 : Exact Stream size calculation + Basic support of Korean mobilephone provider Sky (.skm) x MPEG Program Stream : PlayTime, Delay are corrected x #1601787 : MOV tracks issues (and crash) x MOV : was stopping on too big "free" atoms x MOV : Aspect Ration of DV is corrected x MPEG : Handling of negative Delays between Audio and Video x Musepack parser was doing too much "false positives" with some MPEG files Version 2006-11-24 --------------- + Linux i386 version + AVI with AAC-SBR : detection of real SamplingRate (not the sampling rate in header) + AVI with DV : basic information about audio + AVI with DV : detection of duplicated audio stream + Google Video : metadatas + AVI : now able to read metadatas at the end of the file + AVI : Bitrate computed is based on filesize in header instead of real filesize (for broked files) + AVI (DivX) : Menu detection (yes or no) + AVI : detection of VBR MP3 (useful for DVD players, sometimes they don't accept it) + AVI : detection of Delay between Audio and Video (for MPEG Audio, AC3 and DTS) + PlayStationPortable MPEG-4 files support + 3GPP5 files support + MPEG-4 : Detection of MP3, Vorbis streams embeded in a 'mp4a' atom + MPEG-4 : Detection of AVC streams embeded in a 'mp4v' atom + MPEG-2TS with MPEG-4 and AC3 detection + Speed improvements x #1551482 "\n" in filename get replaced by newline in "Text" output x AVI : infinite loop on one example file x AVI : some bad detections corrected x MPEG-PS : infinite loop in intra Matrix on one example file x MPEG TS : better detection of streams Version 2006-07-30 --------------- + MPEG-1/2 PS : more files have a duration + AVI with MPEG-4 Video based codecs (DivX, XviD...), more encoder string detections x Matroska, crash with big (>4GB) files Version 2006-07-19 --------------- + MPEG-1 and 2 Transport Stream support + MPEG-1 and 2 Video : Custom Matrix detection + MPEG-4 Video : Custom Matrix detection + Google Video (GVI) support + AMV/MTV (Chinese) detection (if you have specifications of theses formats, email me) + AVI/DivX/GoogleVideo and MPEG-4 Video : packed bistream detection. Now you can know if your DVD player can read the file before burning. Next step: a database of DVD player capacities ;-) + MPEG-4 : Language + MPEG-4 : Text streams (subtitles) x #1485003 : MP3, "Title" tag was sometimes forgotten x #1485804 : Wrong bitrate and time in PCM files x #1485810 : wrong playtime on CBR MP3 files with big id3v2 tags x #1485803 : some WMA tags were forgotten x #1488449 : crash on very rare buggy MP3 files x #1482686 : ShellExtension, crash when moving a directory x #1488770 : PlayTime, some "minutes" formating were forgotten x #1485044 : some .ico files were detected as MPEG Audio x AVI, handle some malformed timestamps in tags (carriage return at the end...) x MPEG-1 and 2 : incoherancy of PlayTime Version 2005-05-08 --------------- + MPEG-4 : Chroma ("4:2:0"...) + MPEG-4 : Interlacement mode ("Top field first", "bottom field first", or "Progressive") + MPEG-2 : Chroma ("4:2:0"...) + MPEG-2 : Interlacement mode ("Top field first", "bottom field first", or "Progressive") + MPEG-2 : Profile and Level ("Main@Main"...) + MPEG-2 : Standard (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, or MAC) x #1482346 : Incorrect playback time in OGG files (was not enough precise). x #1482602 : MPEG-4 video false positive files x "lang=raw" option is back Version 2005-04-30 --------------- + AVI with DivX or XviD : encoder name, GMC/QPel/B-frames indicator if present (beta) + AVI and WAV with MP3 : encoder name, precise version and layer number, VBR indication + Matroska: support of anamorphic videos (right Aspect Ration even if pixel aspect ratio is not 1:1) + AVI/WAV : support of extended wave files (20 bit per sample and more than 2 channels) and channel position + AVI : support of Exif tag format + AVI : more tags are supported + Real : detect RealAudio Lossless Format x #1454010 : v0.7.1.2 was checking updates even if the user did not want x #1454009 : AC3, sometimes wrong AC3 playtime x #1469423 : MP3 with cyrilic filenames, Id3 tags can be read x #1464066 : Hang ups with raw h264 streams x x1462647 : Quicktime files with preview image, crash x x1445150 : crash with some malformed MusePack files (workaround, this is a the Musepack bug, not yet corrected) Version 2005-03-10 --------------- + #1441664: (for developpers using CLI) you can now have internal names of each tag ("-lang=raw") + #1438441: show TV format (PAL/NTSC) for DVD and DV + #1343147: Matroska, Show Chapter names + MPEG-1 and 2, more precise playtime + MPEG-1 and 2, Added Encoded_Application if it is in video user data + Quicktime: Support of Quicktime "wide" (header at the end of the file) + MPEG Audio: Detect small (examples, less than 200K) MPEG Audio files with Id3v1 tag + #1441661: AVI, Handling of DV Type 1 x #1440480: No Audio Found in MPEG-2 after x #1438987: Infinite loop with some Matroska files x Matroska, Recorded date is now in UTC format, rather than the number of seconds since 1970 x AC3 noted 5 channels (because of 5.1) are now noted 6 channels (more realistic) x Quicktime: "ima4" or "twos" codecs were detected as Video stream instead of Audio stream Version 2005-02-24 --------------- + Now ~900 codec names (Audio/video/Text) are known (instead of 500) + Matroska : Framerate is now for all kinds of codec (and not only FourCC based ones) + MPEG-4 (m4V, Quicktime...) with unicode filename are now handled (before : crash on htis kind of file) + #1326802: MOV with 3GPP datas. + Meta-tags of Quickime HD files + #1244215: bit-rate details for MPEG-1 Video (VBR) (calculated with other CBR streams) + Detection of MXF files + #785338: Huge work on RealMedia parser (bitrate, channels, sampling rate, fps...) x #1435086: Translation problems if the program is launched directly with a filename x #1361647: Complete rewrite of MPEG-4 (newest Quicktime, 3GPP, iTunes...) parser to be more robust. x Some minor (but crashing :( ) bug fixes x AVI with DV was not well parsed Version 2006-02-02 --------------- + Speed improvements + #1383832 : support of last version of Quicktime files + Support of Musepack files + Support of Flic (FLI/FLV) video files + Support of DTS-HD (DTS at 96 KHz / 24 bits) + Support of ID3 tags (v1 and v2) in .AAC files + Support of all Tags in AVI files + Detection of QuickTime image files and QuickTime compressed archives + Detection of AVC files (3GPP, 3GPP Mobile or JVT) + Detection of iTunes protected files + Detection of H264 files (Raw, 3GPP or JVT) + Detection of Dirac raw video files + Detection of TrueAudio files + Detection of WavePack files + Support of files with more than 8 audio streams or 32 text streams x #1420672 : No WMV bitrate x Crash with some corrupted MPEG files x Crash with some MP3 files with corrupted ID3v2 tags x Crash with some Quicktime files with corrupted tags x #1257550 (again :) ) : with AVI, rounding of FPS had an impact of FrameCount, based on FPS. Now based on AVI file (better ;-) ) x #1381652 : Reported some GIF files as Mpeg audio x #1381619 : UPX compressor is no more used, to prevent Virus checker to use 100% CPU x 2nd Video framerate forgotten x Video languages were not parsed (example : "en" should be "English") x FrameRate/String was forgeting measure (example : "at 25" should be "at 25 fps") x Some case sensitive problems (example : "KBps" instead of "Kbps", 8 times more) x DTS and AC3 channels position names were changed to be more human readable Version 2005-11-14 --------------- NOTE : this version is released with urgency, because of Kaspersky anti-virus false-positive detection. It should be compatible with MediaInfo (mainly for AutoGK compatibility), but I don't promise all works! + Uses MediaInfoLib + Text : URL for Text codecs + Support of ISO-639 language names (more than 200 language names can be translated) + Support of "multilanguage" language name (ISO-639 "mul") x #1323208 : Video Bitrate for OGM files with VBR audio was incorrect + Better detection and handling of DivX container + #1327902 : More meta data properties for RIFF files x #1327468 : RIFF (AVI) files with not-padded (INFO) sub chunks can't be parsed + More "generic" tags added x Some other minor bugs x #1257550 : rounding of FPS was 2 digit precise, not enougth, upgraded to 3 digits, and exact number is given (23.97 before, 23.970 or 23.976 now) x Better false positive detection (mainly in MPEG1, MPEG2, MP3) x some memory leaks if you use MediaInfo a long time x MPEG Audio : VBR bitrate corrected for MPEG **1** streams x MPEG Audio : VBR bitrate corrected for monochannel streams x #1274999 : mp3Pro timing was wrong (2x the real timing) + "BitRate_Mode" with MP3 (VBR or CBR) + "PlayTime" with AC3 + "PlayTime" with WAV Version 2005-06-24 --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib Warning : APE parser has some problem with ANSI compilation, I disabled it in this release. Hope to have it again in the next release. Version 0.5.2. 2005- --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib - Begin of compilation under Linux : Core, and OGG format Version 2005-01-11 --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib Bug fixes - Some problems with CreateFile : if CreateFile doesn't work, I use WxFile instead - MPEG Video and MPEG Audio : bug between version 0.4 and version 0.5 corrected - PlayTime Calculation for OGM was false Version 2005-01-11 --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib Bug fixes - Win95/Win98/WinMe support again! (problem with Unicode and AVI) - AVI files were not well released (file locked) - Better MPEG4 support - Better coherency tests : no more file with 10 MP3 streams ;-) Version 2004-01-10 --------------- New : - Using MediaInfoLib Bug fixes : - "-f" doesn't need to be in last position any more - Can really analyse multiple files on command line Version 2003-08-01 --------------- Bug fixes Using MediaInfoLib