MuldeR's Utilities for Qt
Namespaces | Macros | Functions
Global.h File Reference

This file contains miscellaneous functions that are generally useful for Qt-based applications. More...

#include <QString>

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#define MUTILS_DELETE(PTR)   do { if((PTR)) { delete (PTR); (PTR) = NULL; } } while(0)
 Deletes the object, if and only if the given pointer is not NULL. Also sets pointer to NULL after object has been deleted.
#define MUTILS_DELETE_ARRAY(PTR)   do { if((PTR)) { delete [] (PTR); (PTR) = NULL; } } while(0)
 Deletes the array, if and only if the given pointer is not NULL. Also sets pointer to NULL after array has been deleted.
#define MUTILS_ZERO_MEMORY(PTR)   memset(&(PTR), 0, sizeof((PTR)))
 Clears the specified variable or struct by setting all of its bytes to zero (0x00). Do not use for arrays.
#define MUTILS_WCHR(STR)   (reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>((STR).utf16()))
 Converts a given QString object to a wchar_t* pointer. Does not copy the string data, so do not free the pointer! The returned pointer only remains valid until the underlying QString is modified or goes out of scope.
#define MUTILS_UTF8(STR)   ((STR).toUtf8().constData())
 Converts a given QString object to a char* pointer. The string is converted to UTF-8 encoding. The pointer is valid only while the expression is being evaluated, so do not free or store this pointer! Mainly useful for function calls that require a char* argument.
#define MUTILS_QSTR(STR)   (QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>((STR))))
 Creates a QString object from a given wchar_t* buffer. The buffer is expected to conatin a NULL-terminated string in UTF-16 encoding. The string data is copied into the new QString object, however the original buffer will not be freed automatically!
#define MUTILS_BOOL2STR(X)   ((X) ? "1" : "0")
 Converts a boolean expression into a string. A true boolean expression is converted to the string "1"; a false boolean expression is converted to the string "0".


MUTILS_API const QString & MUtils::temp_folder (void)
 Rerieves the full path of the application's Temp folder. More...
MUTILS_API void MUtils::init_process (QProcess &process, const QString &wokringDir, const bool bReplaceTempDir=true, const QStringList *const extraPaths=NULL)
 Initialize a given QProcess object. More...
MUTILS_API quint32 MUtils::next_rand_u32 (void)
 Generates a random unsigned 32-Bit value. More...
MUTILS_API quint64 MUtils::next_rand_u64 (void)
 Generates a random unsigned 64-Bit value. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::next_rand_str (const bool &bLong=false)
 Generates a random string. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::make_temp_file (const QString &basePath, const QString &extension, const bool placeholder=false)
 Generates a temporary file name. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::make_unique_file (const QString &basePath, const QString &baseName, const QString &extension, const bool fancy=false)
 Generates a unique file name. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::parity (quint32 value)
 Computes the parity of the given unsigned 32-Bit value. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::remove_file (const QString &fileName)
 Deletes the specified file. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::remove_directory (const QString &folderPath, const bool &recursive)
 Recursively deletes the specified directory. More...
MUTILS_API QString & MUtils::trim_right (QString &str)
 Remove trailing white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API QString & MUtils::trim_left (QString &str)
 Remove leading white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::trim_right (const QString &str)
 Remove trailing white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::trim_left (const QString &str)
 Remove trailing white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API void MUtils::natural_string_sort (QStringList &list, const bool bIgnoreCase)
 Sort a list of strings using "natural ordering" algorithm. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::clean_file_name (const QString &name)
 Clean up a file name string. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::clean_file_path (const QString &path)
 Clean up a file path string. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32 (const QRegExp &regexp, quint32 &value)
 Parse regular expression results. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32 (const QRegExp &regexp, quint32 *values, const size_t &count)
 Parse regular expression results. More...
MUTILS_API QStringList MUtils::available_codepages (const bool &noAliases=true)
 Retrieve a list of all available codepages. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains miscellaneous functions that are generally useful for Qt-based applications.