MuldeR's Utilities for Qt
Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
Global.h File Reference

This file contains miscellaneous functions that are generally useful for Qt-based applications. More...

#include <QString>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  QHash< K, V >
struct  MUtils::_fp_parts_t
 This struct containes the parts (integral and fractional part) of a floating-point number. More...


 Global MUtils namespace.


#define MUTILS_DELETE(PTR)   do { if((PTR)) { delete (PTR); (PTR) = NULL; } } while(0)
 Deletes the object, if and only if the given pointer is not NULL. Also sets pointer to NULL after object has been deleted.
#define MUTILS_DELETE_ARRAY(PTR)   do { if((PTR)) { delete [] (PTR); (PTR) = NULL; } } while(0)
 Deletes the array, if and only if the given pointer is not NULL. Also sets pointer to NULL after array has been deleted.
#define MUTILS_ZERO_MEMORY(PTR)   memset(&(PTR), 0, sizeof((PTR)))
 Clears the specified variable or struct by setting all of its bytes to zero (0x00). Do not use for arrays.
#define MUTILS_WCHR(STR)   (reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>((STR).utf16()))
 Converts a given QString object to a wchar_t* pointer. Does not copy the string data, so do not free the pointer! The returned pointer only remains valid until the underlying QString is modified or goes out of scope.
#define MUTILS_UTF8(STR)   ((STR).toUtf8().constData())
 Converts a given QString object to a char* pointer. The string is converted to UTF-8 encoding. The pointer is valid only while the expression is being evaluated, so do not free or store this pointer! Mainly useful for function calls that require a char* argument.
#define MUTILS_L1STR(STR)   ((STR).toLatin1().constData())
 Converts a given QString object to a char* pointer. The string is converted to Latin-1 encoding. The pointer is valid only while the expression is being evaluated, so do not free or store this pointer! Mainly useful for function calls that require a char* argument.
#define MUTILS_QSTR(STR)   (QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>((STR))))
 Creates a QString object from a given wchar_t* buffer. The buffer is expected to conatin a NULL-terminated string in UTF-16 encoding. The string data is copied into the new QString object, however the original buffer will not be freed automatically!
#define MUTILS_BOOL2STR(X)   ((X) ? "1" : "0")
 Converts a boolean expression into a string. A true boolean expression is converted to the string "1"; a false boolean expression is converted to the string "0".
#define MUTILS_BOOLIFY(X)   (!(!(X)))
 Converts a given expression into a boolean expression, by application of double negation operator.
#define MUTILS_ARR2LEN(X)   (sizeof((X)) / sizeof((X)[0]))
 Get length of an array, only works with local array variables!
 Disables copy constructor and assignment operator in the specified class. This macro should be used in the "private" section of the class' declaration. More...


typedef struct MUtils::_fp_parts_t MUtils::fp_parts_t
 This struct containes the parts (integral and fractional part) of a floating-point number.


MUTILS_API const QString & MUtils::temp_folder (void)
 Rerieves the full path of the application's Temp folder. More...
MUTILS_API void MUtils::init_process (QProcess &process, const QString &wokringDir, const bool bReplaceTempDir=true, const QStringList *const extraPaths=NULL, const QHash< QString, QString > *const extraEnv=NULL)
 Initialize a given QProcess object. More...
MUTILS_API quint32 MUtils::next_rand_u32 (void)
 Generates a random unsigned 32-Bit value. More...
MUTILS_API quint32 MUtils::next_rand_u32 (const quint32 max)
MUTILS_API quint64 MUtils::next_rand_u64 (void)
 Generates a random unsigned 64-Bit value. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::next_rand_str (const bool &bLong=false)
 Generates a random string. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::make_temp_file (const QString &basePath, const QString &extension, const bool placeholder=false)
 Generates a temporary file name. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::make_temp_file (const QDir &basePath, const QString &extension, const bool placeholder=false)
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::make_unique_file (const QString &basePath, const QString &baseName, const QString &extension, const bool fancy=false, const bool placeholder=false)
 Generates a unique file name. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::make_unique_file (const QDir &basePath, const QString &baseName, const QString &extension, const bool fancy=false, const bool placeholder=false)
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::parity (quint32 value)
 Computes the parity of the given unsigned 32-Bit value. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::remove_file (const QString &fileName)
 Deletes the specified file. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::remove_directory (const QString &folderPath, const bool &recursive)
 Recursively deletes the specified directory. More...
MUTILS_API QString & MUtils::trim_right (QString &str)
 Remove trailing white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API QString & MUtils::trim_left (QString &str)
 Remove leading white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::trim_right (const QString &str)
 Remove trailing white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::trim_left (const QString &str)
 Remove trailing white-space characters. More...
MUTILS_API void MUtils::natural_string_sort (QStringList &list, const bool bIgnoreCase)
 Sort a list of strings using "natural ordering" algorithm. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::clean_file_name (const QString &name, const bool &pretty)
 Clean up a file name string. More...
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::clean_file_path (const QString &path, const bool &pretty)
 Clean up a file path string. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32 (const QRegExp &regexp, quint32 &value)
 Parse regular expression results. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_int32 (const QRegExp &regexp, qint32 &value)
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32 (const QRegExp &regexp, quint32 &value, const size_t &offset)
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_int32 (const QRegExp &regexp, qint32 &value, const size_t &offset)
MUTILS_API QString MUtils::parent_path (const QString &path)
 Get parent path. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32 (const QRegExp &regexp, quint32 *values, const size_t &count)
 Parse regular expression results. More...
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_int32 (const QRegExp &regexp, qint32 *values, const size_t &count)
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_uint32 (const QRegExp &regexp, quint32 *values, const size_t &offset, const size_t &count)
MUTILS_API bool MUtils::regexp_parse_int32 (const QRegExp &regexp, qint32 *values, const size_t &offset, const size_t &count)
MUTILS_API QStringList MUtils::available_codepages (const bool &noAliases=true)
 Retrieve a list of all available codepages. More...
MUTILS_API fp_parts_t MUtils::break_fp (const double value)
 Break floating-point number into fractional and integral parts. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains miscellaneous functions that are generally useful for Qt-based applications.

Macro Definition Documentation


CLASS(const CLASS &) { throw "Copy constructor is disabled!"; } \
CLASS &operator=(const CLASS &) { throw "Assignment operator is disabled!"; }

Disables copy constructor and assignment operator in the specified class. This macro should be used in the "private" section of the class' declaration.