AboutDialogLameXP − Audio Encoder Front-endPlease visit %1 for news and updates!Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left.Note: LameXP is free software. Do <b>not</b> pay money to obtain or use LameXP! If some third-party website tries to make you pay for downloading LameXP, you should <b>not</b> respond to the offer !!!Special thanks go out to "John33" from %1 for his continuous support.About LameXPShow License TextAccept LicenseDecline License3rd Party S/WContributorsAbout Qt4DiscardThe following people have contributed to LameXP:Translators:If you are willing to contribute a LameXP translation, feel free to contact us!About ContributorsThe following third-party software is used in LameXP:LAME − OpenSource mp3 EncoderReleased under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.OggEnc − Ogg Vorbis EncoderCompletely open and patent-free audio encoding technology.Nero AAC Reference MPEG-4 EncoderFreeware state-of-the-art HE-AAC encoder with 2-Pass support.Available from vendor web-site as free download:Aften − A/52 audio encoderFLAC − Free Lossless Audio CodecOpen and patent-free lossless audio compression technology.mpg123 − Fast Console MPEG Audio Player/DecoderFAAD − OpenSource MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC DecoderReleased under the terms of the GNU General Public License.AC3Filter Tools − AC3/DTS DecoderWavPack − Hybrid Lossless CompressionCompletely open audio compression format.Musepack − Living Audio CompressionMonkey's Audio − Lossless Audio CompressorFreely available source code, simple SDK and non-restrictive licensing.Shorten − Lossless Audio CompressorSpeex − Free Codec For Free SpeechOpen Source patent-free audio format designed for speech.The True Audio − Lossless Audio CodecALAC DecoderCopyright (c) 2004 David Hammerton. Contributions by Cody Brocious.MediaInfo − Media File Analysis ToolSoX − Sound eXchangeGnuPG − The GNU Privacy GuardGNU Wget − Software for retrieving files using HTTPSilk Icons − Over 700 icons in PNG formatBy Mark James, released under the Creative Commons 'by' License.LameXP as a whole is copyrighted by LoRd_MuldeR. The copyright of thrird-party software used in LameXP belongs to the individual authors.About Third-party Softwaren/aAudioFileModelProfileChannelsSamplerateBitdepthTypeVersionBitrateConstantVariableCueImportDialogImport Cue SheetThe following Cue Sheet will be split and imported into LameXP.Loading Cue Sheet file, please be patient...Failed to load the Cue Sheet file:The specified file could not be found!Cue Sheet ErrorAn unknown error has occured!The file could not be opened for reading. Make sure you have the required rights!The provided file does not look like a valid Cue Sheet disc image file!Could not find any supported audio track in the Cue Sheet image!Note that LameXP can not handle "binary" Cue Sheet images.The selected Cue Sheet file contains inconsistent information. Take care!Choose Output DirectoryLameXPError: The selected output directory could not be created!Error: The selected output directory is not writable!Low Diskspace WarningThere are less than %1 GB of free diskspace available in the selected output directory.It is highly recommend to free up more diskspace before proceeding with the import!Analyzing file(s), please wait...Analysis FailedWarning: The format of some of the input files could not be determined!Continue AnywayAbortSplitting file(s), please wait...Process was aborted by the user after %1 track(s)!An unexpected error has occured while splitting the Cue Sheet!Imported %1 track(s) from the Cue Sheet and skipped %2 track(s).Cue Sheet CompletedCueSheetImportImport Cue SheetExisting Source FileMissing Source File (Tracks will be skipped!) Output Directory Browse...DiscardCueSheetModelNo.File / TrackIndexDurationFile %1Track %1Unknown ArtistUnknown TitleDecoderRegistryAll supported typesPlaylistsAll filesDiskObserverThreadLow diskspace on drive '%1' detected (only %2 MB are free), problems can occur!DropBoxLameXP - DropBoxLameXP DropBoxYou can add files to LameXP via Drag&Drop here!(Right-click to close the DropBox)FileListModelTitleFull PathLogViewDialogLog ViewDiscardSave to File...Copy to ClipboardLog FileThe log file shows detailed information about the selected job.MainWindowLameXP - Audio Encoder Front-endSource FilesAdd File(s)RemoveClearShow DetailsOutput DirectoryGoto Home FolderGoto Music FolderGoto Desktop FolderMake New FolderSave output files to the same location where the input file is locatedPrepend relative source file path to output fileMeta Data Meta Information EditNote: Meta information you enter here will <u>supersede</u> data from the source!Reset Options Automatically generate playlist file (.m3u)Write meta information to encoded filesCompression Encoder / Format Lame MP3Ogg VorbisNero AACWave (PCM)FLACAften A/52 Rate Control Method Quality-based (VBR)Average Bitrate (ABR)Constant Bitrate (CBR) Quality / Bitrate MinimumMaximumAdvanced Options Bitrate Management (LAME and OggEnc2) Enable Bitrate ManagementMinimum (kbps):Maximum (kbps): LAME Algorithm Quality Faster ProcessingBetter qualityChannel Mode / Sampling RateAuto Select (Default)Joint StereoForced Joint StereoSimpleDual MonoMonoMP3 Channel Mode:Sampling Rate (Hz):16.00022.05024.00032.00044.10048.000Nero AAC OptionsEnable 2-Pass Processing (ABR Mode)Select AAC Profile:Auto Select (Recommended)Enforce LC-AACEnforce HE-AAC (AAC + SBR)Enforce HE-AAC v2 (AAC + SBR + PS) Volume Normalization Enable Normalization FilterPeak Volume (dB): Tone Adjustment Adjust Treble (dB):Adjust Bass (dB): Custom Encoder Parameters Lame MP3:OggEnc2:Nero AAC:FLAC:Warning: Custom parameters won't be checked at all. Use them at your own risk !!!Aften A/52: Multi-Threading Choose the number of parallel instances based on the number of CPU cores (Recommended)Fewer InstancesMore Instances Temp Directory Browse...Store temporary files in your system's default TEMP directory (Recommended) Aften A/52 Options Film LightFilm StandardMusic LightMusic StandardSpeechNone (Default)Auto Select1+1 (Ch1,Ch2)1/0 (C)2/0 (L,R)3/0 (L,R,C)2/1 (L,R,S)3/1 (L,R,C,S)2/2 (L,R,SL,SR)3/2 (L,R,C,SL,SR)Audio Coding Mode:Dynamic Range Compression:Fast Bit Allocation (Less Accurate)Exponent Search Size:Reset Advanced Options Encode Now!About... Exit ProgramFile?ViewStyleLanguageToolsConfigurationQuitOpen File(s)...Visit Official Web-SiteCheck for UpdatesOpen Folder...Clear AllPlastiqueCleanlooksWindows Vista ("Aero")Windows ClassicWindows XP ("Luna")Disable Update ReminderDisable Sound EffectsInstall WMA DecoderDisable Nero AAC NotificationsDisable WMA Decoder NotificationsShow DropBoxFrom File...Encode!Disable Shell IntegrationFrequently Asked QuestionsChangelogTranslator's GuideHelp && SupportOpen Folder Recursively...Check for Beta UpdatesImport Cue SheetDisable Slow Startup NotificationsAdding file(s), please wait...Access Denied%1 file(s) have been rejected, because read access was not granted!This usually means the file is locked by another process.CDDA Files%1 file(s) have been rejected, because they are dummy CDDA files!Sorry, LameXP cannot extract audio tracks from an Audio−CD at present.We recommend using %1 for that purpose.Cue Sheet%1 file(s) have been rejected, because they appear to be Cue Sheet images!Please use LameXP's Cue Sheet wizard for importing Cue Sheet files.Files Rejected%1 file(s) have been rejected, because the file format could not be recognized!This usually means the file is damaged or the file format is not supported.Scanning folder(s) for files, please wait...CancelPostponeDEMO VERSIONYou can drop in audio files here!Open File in External ApplicationBrowse File LocationBrowse Selected FolderLicense DeclinedYou have declined the license. Consequently the application will exit now!Goodbye!LameXP - ExpiredThis demo (pre-release) version of LameXP has expired at %1.LameXP is free software and release versions won't expire.Exit ProgramIt seems that a bogus anti-virus software is slowing down the startup of LameXP.Please refer to the %1 document for details and solutions!Slow StartupDiscardDon't Show AgainUrgent UpdateYour version of LameXP is more than a year old. Time for an update!Update ReminderYour last update check was more than 14 days ago. Check for updates now?Your did not check for LameXP updates yet. Check for updates now?LameXP detected that your version of the Nero AAC encoder is outdated!The current version available is %1 (or later), but you still have version %2 installed.n/aYou can download the latest version of the Nero AAC encoder from the Nero website at:AAC Encoder OutdatedThe Nero AAC encoder could not be found. AAC encoding support will be disabled.Please put 'neroAacEnc.exe', 'neroAacDec.exe' and 'neroAacTag.exe' into the LameXP directory!Your LameXP directory is located here:You can download the Nero AAC encoder for free from the official Nero website at:AAC Support DisabledLameXPYou must add at least one file to the list before proceeding!Not FoundYour currently selected TEMP folder does not exist anymore:Restore DefaultLow Diskspace WarningThere are less than %1 GB of free diskspace available on your system's TEMP folder.It is highly recommend to free up more diskspace before proceeding with the encode!Your TEMP folder is located at:Abort Encoding ProcessClean Disk NowIgnoreLow DiskspaceYou are proceeding with low diskspace. Problems might occur!Sorry, an unsupported encoder has been chosen!Cannot write to the selected output directory.Please choose a different directory!Load TranslationTranslation FilesDo you really want to disable the update reminder?YesNoThe update reminder has been disabled.Please remember to check for updates at regular intervals!The update reminder has been re-enabled.Do you really want to disable all sound effects?Sound EffectsAll sound effects have been disabled.The sound effects have been re-enabled.Nero AAC NotificationsDo you really want to disable all Nero AAC Encoder notifications?All Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been disabled.The Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been re-enabled.Slow Startup NotificationsDo you really want to disable the slow startup notifications?The slow startup notifications have been disabled.The slow startup notifications have been re-enabled.Open Cue SheetCue Sheet FileBeta UpdatesDo you really want LameXP to check for Beta (pre-release) updates?LameXP will check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on.Check NowLameXP will <i>not</i> check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on.Shell IntegrationDo you really want to disable the LameXP shell integration?The LameXP shell integration has been disabled.The LameXP shell integration has been re-enabled.Add file(s)Add FolderNew FolderEnter the name of the new folder:Failed to create folderThe new folder could not be created:Drive is read-only or insufficient access rights!Quality Level %1Compression %1UncompressedBest Quality (Very Slow)High Quality (Recommended)Average Quality (Default)Low Quality (Fast)Poor Quality (Very Fast)%1 Instance(s)Cannot write to the selected directory. Please choose another directory!Already RunningLameXP is already running, please use the running instance!MetaInfoMeta InformationArtworkEditCloseMetaInfoDialogEdit this InformationCopy everything to Meta Info tabClear all Meta InfoLoad Artwork From FileClear ArtworkMeta InformationThe following meta information have been extracted from the original file.Load ArtworkArtwork ErrorSorry, failed to load artwork from selected file!MetaInfoModelUnknownNot SpecifiedFull PathFormatContainerCompressionDurationTitleArtistAlbumGenreYearPositionGenerate from list positionCommentPropertyValueUnspecifiedOKCancelEdit TitlePlease enter the title for this file:The title must not be empty. Generating title from file name!Edit ArtistPlease enter the artist for this file:Edit AlbumPlease enter the album for this file:Edit GenrePlease enter the genre for this file:Edit YearPlease enter the year for this file:Edit PositionPlease enter the position (track no.) for this file:Unspecified (copy from source file)Edit CommentPlease enter the comment for this file:Encoded with LameXPNot editableSorry, this property of the source file cannot be edited!ProcessThreadStarting...Not found!The format of this file is NOT supported:Container Format:Audio Format:Unsupported!Done.Aborted!Failed!EncodingFilteringDecodingThe source audio file could not be found:The source audio file could not be opened for reading:The target output directory doesn't exist and could NOT be created:The target output directory is NOT writable:ProcessingDialogLameXP - ProcessingInitializing, please wait...Shutdown the computer as soon as all files have been convertedAbortCloseShow details for selected jobBrowse Output File LocationEncoding FilesYour files are being encoded, please be patient...Encoding files, please wait...Multi-threading enabled: Running %1 instances in parallel!Aborted! Waiting for running jobs to terminate...Encoding: %1 files of %2 completed so far, please wait...Creating the playlist file, please wait...Process was aborted by the user after %1 file(s)!Process was aborted prematurely by the user!LameXP - AbortedProcess was aborted by the user.Error: %1 of %2 files failed. Double-click failed items for detailed information!LameXP - ErrorAt least one file has failed!All files completed successfully.LameXP - DonePlaylist creation failedThe playlist file could not be created:Warning: Computer will shutdown in %1 seconds...Cancel ShutdownProgressModelJobStatusQApplicationExecutable '%1' doesn't support Windows compatibility mode.Executable '%1' requires Qt v%2, but found Qt v%3.Executable '%1' requires Windows XP or later.ShellIntegrationAudio File supported by LameXPConvert this file with LameXP v%1SplashScreenLameXP is launching...UpdateDialogLameXP Update ManagerPlease wait...Latest version available:Currently installed version:RetryShow LogDownload && InstallCloseBuildUnknownTesting your internet connection, please wait...It appears that the computer currently is offline!Please make sure your computer is connected to the internet and try again.Network connectivity test has failed!Please make sure your internet connection is working properly and try again.Checking for new updates online, please wait...Failed to fetch update information from server!Sorry, the update server might be busy at this time. Plase try again later.More information available at:A new version of LameXP is available!We highly recommend all users to install this update as soon as possible.No new updates available at this time.Your version of LameXP is still up-to-date. Please check for updates regularly!Your version appears to be newer than the latest release.This usually indicates your are currently using a pre-release version of LameXP.Update is being downloaded, please be patient...Update ready to install. Applicaion will quit...Update failed. Please try again or download manually!