/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End // Copyright (C) 2004-2013 LoRd_MuldeR // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Model_MetaInfo.h" #include "Genres.h" #include #include #include #define MODEL_ROW_COUNT 12 #define CHECK1(STR) (STR.isEmpty() ? (m_offset ? m_textNotSpecified : m_textUnknown) : STR) #define CHECK2(VAL) ((VAL > 0) ? QString::number(VAL) : (m_offset ? m_textNotSpecified : m_textUnknown)) #define CHECK3(STR) (STR.isEmpty() ? Qt::darkGray : QVariant()) #define CHECK4(VAL) ((VAL == 0) ? Qt::darkGray : QVariant()) #define EXPAND(STR) QString(STR).leftJustified(96, ' ') //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor & Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MetaInfoModel::MetaInfoModel(AudioFileModel *file, unsigned int offset) { if(offset >= MODEL_ROW_COUNT) { throw "Offset is out of range!"; } m_textUnknown = QString("(%1)").arg(tr("Unknown")); m_textNotSpecified = QString("(%1)").arg(tr("Not Specified")); m_audioFile = file; m_offset = offset; } MetaInfoModel::~MetaInfoModel(void) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int MetaInfoModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return 2; } int MetaInfoModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return MODEL_ROW_COUNT - m_offset; } QVariant MetaInfoModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if(role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(index.row() + m_offset) { case 0: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Full Path") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->filePath()); break; case 1: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Format") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->formatAudioBaseInfo()); break; case 2: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Container") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->formatContainerInfo()); break; case 3: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Compression") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->formatAudioCompressInfo()); break; case 4: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Duration") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->fileDurationInfo()); break; case 5: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Title") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->fileName()); break; case 6: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Artist") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->fileArtist()); break; case 7: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Album") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->fileAlbum()); break; case 8: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Genre") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->fileGenre()); break; case 9: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Year") : CHECK2(m_audioFile->fileYear()); break; case 10: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Position") : ((m_audioFile->filePosition() == UINT_MAX) ? tr("Generate from list position") : CHECK2(m_audioFile->filePosition())); break; case 11: return (!index.column()) ? tr("Comment") : CHECK1(m_audioFile->fileComment()); break; default: return QVariant(); break; } } else if(role == Qt::DecorationRole && index.column() == 0) { switch(index.row() + m_offset) { case 0: return QIcon(":/icons/folder_page.png"); break; case 1: return QIcon(":/icons/sound.png"); break; case 2: return QIcon(":/icons/package.png"); break; case 3: return QIcon(":/icons/compress.png"); break; case 4: return QIcon(":/icons/clock_play.png"); break; case 5: return QIcon(":/icons/music.png"); break; case 6: return QIcon(":/icons/user.png"); break; case 7: return QIcon(":/icons/cd.png"); break; case 8: return QIcon(":/icons/star.png"); break; case 9: return QIcon(":/icons/date.png"); break; case 10: return QIcon(":/icons/timeline_marker.png"); break; case 11: return QIcon(":/icons/comment.png"); break; default: return QVariant(); break; } } else if(role == Qt::TextColorRole && index.column() == 1) { switch(index.row() + m_offset) { case 0: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->filePath()); break; case 1: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->formatAudioBaseInfo()); break; case 2: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->formatContainerInfo()); break; case 3: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->formatAudioCompressInfo()); break; case 4: return CHECK4(m_audioFile->fileDurationInfo()); break; case 5: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->fileName()); break; case 6: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->fileArtist()); break; case 7: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->fileAlbum()); break; case 8: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->fileGenre()); break; case 9: return CHECK4(m_audioFile->fileYear()); break; case 10: return CHECK4(m_audioFile->filePosition()); break; case 11: return CHECK3(m_audioFile->fileComment()); break; default: return QVariant(); break; } } else { return QVariant(); } } QVariant MetaInfoModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if(role == Qt::DisplayRole) { if(orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { switch(section) { case 0: return QVariant(tr("Property")); break; case 1: return QVariant(tr("Value")); break; default: return QVariant(); break; } } else { return QVariant(); } } else { return QVariant(); } } bool MetaInfoModel::setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if((role != Qt::EditRole) || (index.column() != 1) || !value.isValid()) { return false; } switch(index.row() + m_offset) { case 0: m_audioFile->setFilePath(value.toString()); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: return false; break; case 4: m_audioFile->setFileDuration(value.toUInt()); break; case 5: m_audioFile->setFileName(value.toString()); break; case 6: m_audioFile->setFileArtist(value.toString()); break; case 7: m_audioFile->setFileAlbum(value.toString()); break; case 8: m_audioFile->setFileGenre(value.toString()); break; case 9: m_audioFile->setFileYear(value.toUInt()); break; case 10: m_audioFile->setFilePosition(value.toUInt()); break; case 11: m_audioFile->setFileComment(value.toString()); break; default: return false; break; } emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; } void MetaInfoModel::editItem(const QModelIndex &index, QWidget *parent) { bool ok = false; int val = -1; QStringList generes(QString("(%1)").arg(tr("Unspecified"))); QString temp; QInputDialog input(parent); input.setOkButtonText(tr("OK")); input.setCancelButtonText(tr("Cancel")); input.setTextEchoMode(QLineEdit::Normal); switch(index.row() + m_offset) { case 5: input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Title")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the title for this file:"))); input.setTextValue(m_audioFile->fileName()); if(input.exec() != 0) { temp = input.textValue().simplified(); if(temp.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(parent, tr("Edit Title"), tr("The title must not be empty. Generating title from file name!")); temp = QFileInfo(m_audioFile->filePath()).completeBaseName().replace("_", " ").simplified(); int index = temp.lastIndexOf(" - "); if(index >= 0) temp = temp.mid(index + 3).trimmed(); } beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFileName(temp.isEmpty() ? QString() : temp); endResetModel(); } break; case 6: input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Artist")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the artist for this file:"))); input.setTextValue(m_audioFile->fileArtist()); if(input.exec() != 0) { temp = input.textValue().simplified(); beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFileArtist(temp.isEmpty() ? QString() : temp); endResetModel(); } break; case 7: input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Album")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the album for this file:"))); input.setTextValue(m_audioFile->fileAlbum()); if(input.exec() != 0) { temp = input.textValue().simplified(); beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFileAlbum(temp.isEmpty() ? QString() : temp); endResetModel(); } break; case 8: input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Genre")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the genre for this file:"))); for(int i = 0; g_lamexp_generes[i]; i++) generes << g_lamexp_generes[i]; input.setComboBoxItems(generes); input.setTextValue(m_audioFile->fileGenre()); if(input.exec() != 0) { temp = input.textValue().simplified(); beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFileGenre((temp.isEmpty() || !temp.compare(generes.at(0), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) ? QString() : temp); endResetModel(); } break; case 9: input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Year")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the year for this file:"))); input.setIntRange(0, 2100); input.setIntValue((m_audioFile->fileYear() ? m_audioFile->fileYear() : 1900)); input.setIntStep(1); if(input.exec() != 0) { val = input.intValue(); beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFileYear(val); endResetModel(); } break; case 10: if(!m_offset) { input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Position")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the position (track no.) for this file:"))); input.setIntRange(0, 99); input.setIntValue((m_audioFile->filePosition() ? m_audioFile->filePosition() : 1)); input.setIntStep(1); if(input.exec() != 0) { val = input.intValue(); beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFilePosition(val); endResetModel(); } } else { QStringList options; options << tr("Unspecified (copy from source file)") << tr("Generate from list position"); input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Position")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the position (track no.) for this file:"))); input.setComboBoxItems(options); input.setTextValue(options.value((m_audioFile->filePosition() == UINT_MAX) ? 1 : 0)); if(input.exec() != 0) { temp = input.textValue().simplified(); beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFilePosition((options.indexOf(temp) == 1) ? UINT_MAX : 0); endResetModel(); } } break; case 11: input.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Comment")); input.setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Please enter the comment for this file:"))); input.setTextValue((m_audioFile->fileComment().isEmpty() ? tr("Encoded with LameXP") : m_audioFile->fileComment())); if(input.exec() != 0) { temp = input.textValue().simplified(); beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->setFileComment(temp.isEmpty() ? QString() : temp); endResetModel(); } break; default: QMessageBox::warning(parent, tr("Not editable"), tr("Sorry, this property of the source file cannot be edited!")); break; } } void MetaInfoModel::editArtwork(const QString &imagePath) { m_audioFile->setFileCover(imagePath, false); } void MetaInfoModel::clearData(bool clearMetaOnly) { beginResetModel(); m_textUnknown = QString("(%1)").arg(tr("Unknown")); m_textNotSpecified = QString("(%1)").arg(tr("Not Specified")); m_audioFile->setFileArtist(QString()); m_audioFile->setFileAlbum(QString()); m_audioFile->setFileGenre(QString()); m_audioFile->setFileComment(tr("Encoded with LameXP")); m_audioFile->setFileCover(QString(), false); m_audioFile->setFileYear(0); m_audioFile->setFilePosition(m_offset ? UINT_MAX : 0); if(!clearMetaOnly) { m_audioFile->setFilePath(QString()); m_audioFile->setFileName(QString()); m_audioFile->setFileDuration(0); m_audioFile->setFormatContainerType(QString()); m_audioFile->setFormatContainerProfile(QString()); m_audioFile->setFormatAudioType(QString()); m_audioFile->setFormatAudioProfile(QString()); m_audioFile->setFormatAudioVersion(QString()); m_audioFile->setFormatAudioSamplerate(0); m_audioFile->setFormatAudioChannels(0); m_audioFile->setFormatAudioBitdepth(0); } else { QString temp = QFileInfo(m_audioFile->filePath()).baseName(); temp = temp.split("-", QString::SkipEmptyParts).last().trimmed(); m_audioFile->setFileName(temp); } endResetModel(); } Qt::ItemFlags MetaInfoModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { return QAbstractTableModel::flags(index); } void MetaInfoModel::assignInfoFrom(AudioFileModel &file) { beginResetModel(); m_audioFile->updateMetaInfo(file); endResetModel(); }