/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End // Copyright (C) 2004-2011 LoRd_MuldeR // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Global.h" //Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //LameXP includes #include "Resource.h" #include "LockedFile.h" //CRT includes #include #include #include #include #include #include //COM includes #include #include //Debug only includes #if LAMEXP_DEBUG #include #endif //Initialize static Qt plugins #ifdef QT_NODLL Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(qico) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(qsvg) #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { unsigned int command; unsigned int reserved_1; unsigned int reserved_2; char parameter[4096]; } lamexp_ipc_t; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBAL VARS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Build version static const struct { unsigned int ver_major; unsigned int ver_minor; unsigned int ver_build; char *ver_release_name; } g_lamexp_version = { VER_LAMEXP_MAJOR, VER_LAMEXP_MINOR, VER_LAMEXP_BUILD, VER_LAMEXP_RNAME }; //Build date static QDate g_lamexp_version_date; static const char *g_lamexp_months[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; static const char *g_lamexp_version_raw_date = __DATE__; static const char *g_lamexp_version_raw_time = __TIME__; //Console attached flag static bool g_lamexp_console_attached = false; //Compiler detection //The following code was borrowed from MPC-HC project: http://mpc-hc.sf.net/ #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) #if (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1200) static const char *g_lamexp_version_compiler = "ICL 12.x"; #elif (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1100) static const char *g_lamexp_version_compiler = = "ICL 11.x"; #elif (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1000) static const char *g_lamexp_version_compiler = = "ICL 10.x"; #else #error Compiler is not supported! #endif #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #if (_MSC_VER == 1600) #if (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 160040219) static const char *g_lamexp_version_compiler = "MSVC 2010-SP1"; #else static const char *g_lamexp_version_compiler = "MSVC 2010"; #endif #elif (_MSC_VER == 1500) #if (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 150030729) static const char *g_lamexp_version_compiler = "MSVC 2008-SP1"; #else static const char *g_lamexp_version_compiler = "MSVC 2008"; #endif #else #error Compiler is not supported! #endif // Note: /arch:SSE and /arch:SSE2 are only available for the x86 platform #if !defined(_M_X64) && defined(_M_IX86_FP) #if (_M_IX86_FP == 1) LAMEXP_COMPILER_WARNING("SSE instruction set is enabled!") #elif (_M_IX86_FP == 2) LAMEXP_COMPILER_WARNING("SSE2 instruction set is enabled!") #endif #endif #else #error Compiler is not supported! #endif //Architecture detection #if defined(_M_X64) static const char *g_lamexp_version_arch = "x64"; #elif defined(_M_IX86) static const char *g_lamexp_version_arch = "x86"; #else #error Architecture is not supported! #endif //Official web-site URL static const char *g_lamexp_website_url = "http://lamexp.sourceforge.net/"; static const char *g_lamexp_support_url = "http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=157726"; //Tool versions (expected versions!) static const unsigned int g_lamexp_toolver_neroaac = VER_LAMEXP_TOOL_NEROAAC; static const unsigned int g_lamexp_toolver_fhgaacenc = VER_LAMEXP_TOOL_FHGAACENC; //Special folders static QString g_lamexp_temp_folder; //Tools static QMap g_lamexp_tool_registry; static QMap g_lamexp_tool_versions; //Languages static struct { QMap files; QMap names; QMap sysid; } g_lamexp_translation; //Translator static QTranslator *g_lamexp_currentTranslator = NULL; //Shared memory static const struct { char *sharedmem; char *semaphore_read; char *semaphore_write; } g_lamexp_ipc_uuid = { "{21A68A42-6923-43bb-9CF6-64BF151942EE}", "{7A605549-F58C-4d78-B4E5-06EFC34F405B}", "{60AA8D04-F6B8-497d-81EB-0F600F4A65B5}" }; static struct { QSharedMemory *sharedmem; QSystemSemaphore *semaphore_read; QSystemSemaphore *semaphore_write; } g_lamexp_ipc_ptr = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; //Image formats static const char *g_lamexp_imageformats[] = {"png", "jpg", "gif", "ico", "svg", NULL}; //Global locks static QMutex g_lamexp_message_mutex; //Main thread ID static const DWORD g_main_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBAL FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Version getters */ unsigned int lamexp_version_major(void) { return g_lamexp_version.ver_major; } unsigned int lamexp_version_minor(void) { return g_lamexp_version.ver_minor; } unsigned int lamexp_version_build(void) { return g_lamexp_version.ver_build; } const char *lamexp_version_release(void) { return g_lamexp_version.ver_release_name; } const char *lamexp_version_time(void) { return g_lamexp_version_raw_time; } const char *lamexp_version_compiler(void) { return g_lamexp_version_compiler; } const char *lamexp_version_arch(void) { return g_lamexp_version_arch; } unsigned int lamexp_toolver_neroaac(void) { return g_lamexp_toolver_neroaac; } unsigned int lamexp_toolver_fhgaacenc(void) { return g_lamexp_toolver_fhgaacenc; } /* * URL getters */ const char *lamexp_website_url(void) { return g_lamexp_website_url; } const char *lamexp_support_url(void) { return g_lamexp_support_url; } /* * Check for Demo (pre-release) version */ bool lamexp_version_demo(void) { char buffer[128]; bool releaseVersion = false; if(!strncpy_s(buffer, 128, g_lamexp_version.ver_release_name, _TRUNCATE)) { char *context, *prefix = strtok_s(buffer, "-,; ", &context); if(prefix) { releaseVersion = (!_stricmp(prefix, "Final")) || (!_stricmp(prefix, "Hotfix")); } } return LAMEXP_DEBUG || (!releaseVersion); } /* * Calculate expiration date */ QDate lamexp_version_expires(void) { return lamexp_version_date().addDays(LAMEXP_DEBUG ? 2 : 30); } /* * Get build date date */ const QDate &lamexp_version_date(void) { if(!g_lamexp_version_date.isValid()) { char temp[32]; int date[3]; char *this_token = NULL; char *next_token = NULL; strncpy_s(temp, 32, g_lamexp_version_raw_date, _TRUNCATE); this_token = strtok_s(temp, " ", &next_token); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { date[i] = -1; if(this_token) { for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { if(!_strcmpi(this_token, g_lamexp_months[j])) { date[i] = j+1; break; } } if(date[i] < 0) { date[i] = atoi(this_token); } this_token = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &next_token); } } if(date[0] >= 0 && date[1] >= 0 && date[2] >= 0) { g_lamexp_version_date = QDate(date[2], date[0], date[1]); } } return g_lamexp_version_date; } /* * Get the native operating system version */ DWORD lamexp_get_os_version(void) { OSVERSIONINFO osVerInfo; memset(&osVerInfo, 0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osVerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); DWORD version = 0; if(GetVersionEx(&osVerInfo) == TRUE) { if(osVerInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { throw "Ouuups: Not running under Windows NT. This is not supposed to happen!"; } version = (DWORD)((osVerInfo.dwMajorVersion << 16) | (osVerInfo.dwMinorVersion & 0xffff)); } return version; } /* * Global exception handler */ LONG WINAPI lamexp_exception_handler(__in struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo) { if(GetCurrentThreadId() != g_main_thread_id) { HANDLE mainThread = OpenThread(THREAD_TERMINATE, FALSE, g_main_thread_id); if(mainThread) TerminateThread(mainThread, ULONG_MAX); } FatalAppExit(0, L"Unhandeled exception handler invoked, application will exit!"); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), -1); return LONG_MAX; } /* * Invalid parameters handler */ void lamexp_invalid_param_handler(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, unsigned int, uintptr_t) { if(GetCurrentThreadId() != g_main_thread_id) { HANDLE mainThread = OpenThread(THREAD_TERMINATE, FALSE, g_main_thread_id); if(mainThread) TerminateThread(mainThread, ULONG_MAX); } FatalAppExit(0, L"Invalid parameter handler invoked, application will exit!"); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), -1); } /* * Change console text color */ static void lamexp_console_color(FILE* file, WORD attributes) { const HANDLE hConsole = (HANDLE)(_get_osfhandle(_fileno(file))); if((hConsole != NULL) && (hConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, attributes); } } /* * Qt message handler */ void lamexp_message_handler(QtMsgType type, const char *msg) { static const char *GURU_MEDITATION = "\n\nGURU MEDITATION !!!\n\n"; QMutexLocker lock(&g_lamexp_message_mutex); //if((strlen(msg) > 8) && (_strnicmp(msg, "@BASE64@", 8) == 0)) //{ // buffer = _strdup(QByteArray::fromBase64(msg + 8).constData()); // if(buffer) text = buffer; //} if(g_lamexp_console_attached) { UINT oldOutputCP = GetConsoleOutputCP(); if(oldOutputCP != CP_UTF8) SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); switch(type) { case QtCriticalMsg: case QtFatalMsg: fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); lamexp_console_color(stderr, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); fprintf(stderr, GURU_MEDITATION); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush(stderr); break; case QtWarningMsg: lamexp_console_color(stderr, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush(stderr); break; default: lamexp_console_color(stderr, FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush(stderr); break; } lamexp_console_color(stderr, FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED); if(oldOutputCP != CP_UTF8) SetConsoleOutputCP(oldOutputCP); } else { QString temp("[LameXP][%1] %2"); switch(type) { case QtCriticalMsg: case QtFatalMsg: temp = temp.arg("C", QString::fromUtf8(msg)); break; case QtWarningMsg: temp = temp.arg("W", QString::fromUtf8(msg)); break; default: temp = temp.arg("I", QString::fromUtf8(msg)); break; } temp.replace("\n", "\t").append("\n"); OutputDebugStringA(temp.toLatin1().constData()); } if(type == QtCriticalMsg || type == QtFatalMsg) { lock.unlock(); MessageBoxW(NULL, QWCHAR(QString::fromUtf8(msg)), L"LameXP - GURU MEDITATION", MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST | MB_TASKMODAL); FatalAppExit(0, L"The application has encountered a critical error and will exit now!"); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), -1); } } /* * Initialize the console */ void lamexp_init_console(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool enableConsole = lamexp_version_demo(); if(!LAMEXP_DEBUG) { for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if(!_stricmp(argv[i], "--console")) { enableConsole = true; } else if(!_stricmp(argv[i], "--no-console")) { enableConsole = false; } } } if(enableConsole) { if(!g_lamexp_console_attached) { if(AllocConsole() != FALSE) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, TRUE); SetConsoleTitle(L"LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End | Debug Console"); SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); g_lamexp_console_attached = true; } } if(g_lamexp_console_attached) { //------------------------------------------------------------------- //See: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;105305 //------------------------------------------------------------------- const int flags = _O_WRONLY | _O_U8TEXT; int hCrtStdOut = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t) GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), flags); int hCrtStdErr = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t) GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), flags); FILE *hfStdOut = (hCrtStdOut >= 0) ? _fdopen(hCrtStdOut, "wb") : NULL; FILE *hfStdErr = (hCrtStdErr >= 0) ? _fdopen(hCrtStdErr, "wb") : NULL; if(hfStdOut) { *stdout = *hfStdOut; std::cout.rdbuf(new std::filebuf(hfStdOut)); } if(hfStdErr) { *stderr = *hfStdErr; std::cerr.rdbuf(new std::filebuf(hfStdErr)); } } HWND hwndConsole = GetConsoleWindow(); if((hwndConsole != NULL) && (hwndConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwndConsole, 0); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); RemoveMenu(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND); SetWindowPos(hwndConsole, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_FRAMECHANGED); SetWindowLong(hwndConsole, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwndConsole, GWL_STYLE) & (~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) & (~WS_MINIMIZEBOX)); SetWindowPos(hwndConsole, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_FRAMECHANGED); } } } /* * Detect CPU features */ lamexp_cpu_t lamexp_detect_cpu_features(int argc, char **argv) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsWow64ProcessFun)(__in HANDLE hProcess, __out PBOOL Wow64Process); typedef VOID (WINAPI *GetNativeSystemInfoFun)(__out LPSYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo); static IsWow64ProcessFun IsWow64ProcessPtr = NULL; static GetNativeSystemInfoFun GetNativeSystemInfoPtr = NULL; lamexp_cpu_t features; SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo; int CPUInfo[4] = {-1}; char CPUIdentificationString[0x40]; char CPUBrandString[0x40]; memset(&features, 0, sizeof(lamexp_cpu_t)); memset(&systemInfo, 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); memset(CPUIdentificationString, 0, sizeof(CPUIdentificationString)); memset(CPUBrandString, 0, sizeof(CPUBrandString)); __cpuid(CPUInfo, 0); memcpy(CPUIdentificationString, &CPUInfo[1], sizeof(int)); memcpy(CPUIdentificationString + 4, &CPUInfo[3], sizeof(int)); memcpy(CPUIdentificationString + 8, &CPUInfo[2], sizeof(int)); features.intel = (_stricmp(CPUIdentificationString, "GenuineIntel") == 0); strncpy_s(features.vendor, 0x40, CPUIdentificationString, _TRUNCATE); if(CPUInfo[0] >= 1) { __cpuid(CPUInfo, 1); features.mmx = (CPUInfo[3] & 0x800000) || false; features.sse = (CPUInfo[3] & 0x2000000) || false; features.sse2 = (CPUInfo[3] & 0x4000000) || false; features.ssse3 = (CPUInfo[2] & 0x200) || false; features.sse3 = (CPUInfo[2] & 0x1) || false; features.ssse3 = (CPUInfo[2] & 0x200) || false; features.stepping = CPUInfo[0] & 0xf; features.model = ((CPUInfo[0] >> 4) & 0xf) + (((CPUInfo[0] >> 16) & 0xf) << 4); features.family = ((CPUInfo[0] >> 8) & 0xf) + ((CPUInfo[0] >> 20) & 0xff); } __cpuid(CPUInfo, 0x80000000); int nExIds = max(min(CPUInfo[0], 0x80000004), 0x80000000); for(int i = 0x80000002; i <= nExIds; ++i) { __cpuid(CPUInfo, i); switch(i) { case 0x80000002: memcpy(CPUBrandString, CPUInfo, sizeof(CPUInfo)); break; case 0x80000003: memcpy(CPUBrandString + 16, CPUInfo, sizeof(CPUInfo)); break; case 0x80000004: memcpy(CPUBrandString + 32, CPUInfo, sizeof(CPUInfo)); break; } } strncpy_s(features.brand, 0x40, CPUBrandString, _TRUNCATE); if(strlen(features.brand) < 1) strncpy_s(features.brand, 0x40, "Unknown", _TRUNCATE); if(strlen(features.vendor) < 1) strncpy_s(features.vendor, 0x40, "Unknown", _TRUNCATE); #if !defined(_M_X64 ) && !defined(_M_IA64) if(!IsWow64ProcessPtr || !GetNativeSystemInfoPtr) { QLibrary Kernel32Lib("kernel32.dll"); IsWow64ProcessPtr = (IsWow64ProcessFun) Kernel32Lib.resolve("IsWow64Process"); GetNativeSystemInfoPtr = (GetNativeSystemInfoFun) Kernel32Lib.resolve("GetNativeSystemInfo"); } if(IsWow64ProcessPtr) { BOOL x64 = FALSE; if(IsWow64ProcessPtr(GetCurrentProcess(), &x64)) { features.x64 = x64; } } if(GetNativeSystemInfoPtr) { GetNativeSystemInfoPtr(&systemInfo); } else { GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo); } features.count = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; #else GetNativeSystemInfo(&systemInfo); features.count = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; features.x64 = true; #endif if((argv != NULL) && (argc > 0)) { bool flag = false; for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if(!_stricmp("--force-cpu-no-64bit", argv[i])) { flag = true; features.x64 = false; } if(!_stricmp("--force-cpu-no-sse", argv[i])) { flag = true; features.sse = features.sse2 = features.sse3 = features.ssse3 = false; } if(!_stricmp("--force-cpu-no-intel", argv[i])) { flag = true; features.intel = false; } } if(flag) qWarning("CPU flags overwritten by user-defined parameters. Take care!\n"); } return features; } /* * Check for debugger (detect routine) */ static bool lamexp_check_for_debugger(void) { __try { DebugBreak(); } __except(GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return false; } return true; } /* * Check for debugger (thread proc) */ static void WINAPI lamexp_debug_thread_proc(__in LPVOID lpParameter) { while(!(IsDebuggerPresent() || lamexp_check_for_debugger())) { Sleep(333); } TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), -1); } /* * Check for debugger (startup routine) */ static HANDLE lamexp_debug_thread_init(void) { if(IsDebuggerPresent() || lamexp_check_for_debugger()) { FatalAppExit(0, L"Not a debug build. Please unload debugger and try again!"); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), -1); } return CreateThread(NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast(&lamexp_debug_thread_proc), NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* * Check for compatibility mode */ static bool lamexp_check_compatibility_mode(const char *exportName, const char *executableName) { QLibrary kernel32("kernel32.dll"); if(exportName != NULL) { if(kernel32.resolve(exportName) != NULL) { qWarning("Function '%s' exported from 'kernel32.dll' -> Windows compatibility mode!", exportName); qFatal("%s", QApplication::tr("Executable '%1' doesn't support Windows compatibility mode.").arg(QString::fromLatin1(executableName)).toLatin1().constData()); return false; } } return true; } /* * Check for process elevation */ static bool lamexp_check_elevation(void) { typedef enum { lamexp_token_elevationType_class = 18, lamexp_token_elevation_class = 20 } LAMEXP_TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS; typedef enum { lamexp_elevationType_default = 1, lamexp_elevationType_full, lamexp_elevationType_limited } LAMEXP_TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE; HANDLE hToken = NULL; bool bIsProcessElevated = false; if(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { LAMEXP_TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE tokenElevationType; DWORD returnLength; if(GetTokenInformation(hToken, (TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS) lamexp_token_elevationType_class, &tokenElevationType, sizeof(LAMEXP_TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE), &returnLength)) { if(returnLength == sizeof(LAMEXP_TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE)) { switch(tokenElevationType) { case lamexp_elevationType_default: qDebug("Process token elevation type: Default -> UAC is disabled.\n"); break; case lamexp_elevationType_full: qWarning("Process token elevation type: Full -> potential security risk!\n"); bIsProcessElevated = true; break; case lamexp_elevationType_limited: qDebug("Process token elevation type: Limited -> not elevated.\n"); break; } } } CloseHandle(hToken); } else { qWarning("Failed to open process token!"); } return !bIsProcessElevated; } /* * Initialize Qt framework */ bool lamexp_init_qt(int argc, char* argv[]) { static bool qt_initialized = false; bool isWine = false; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetDllDirectoryProc)(WCHAR *lpPathName); //Don't initialized again, if done already if(qt_initialized) { return true; } //Secure DLL loading QLibrary kernel32("kernel32.dll"); if(kernel32.load()) { SetDllDirectoryProc pSetDllDirectory = (SetDllDirectoryProc) kernel32.resolve("SetDllDirectoryW"); if(pSetDllDirectory != NULL) pSetDllDirectory(L""); kernel32.unload(); } //Extract executable name from argv[] array char *executableName = argv[0]; while(char *temp = strpbrk(executableName, "\\/:?")) { executableName = temp + 1; } //Check Qt version qDebug("Using Qt Framework v%s (%s), compiled with Qt v%s [%s]", qVersion(), (qSharedBuild() ? "DLL" : "Static"), QT_VERSION_STR, QT_PACKAGEDATE_STR); if(_stricmp(qVersion(), QT_VERSION_STR)) { qFatal("%s", QApplication::tr("Executable '%1' requires Qt v%2, but found Qt v%3.").arg(QString::fromLatin1(executableName), QString::fromLatin1(QT_VERSION_STR), QString::fromLatin1(qVersion())).toLatin1().constData()); return false; } //Check the Windows version switch(QSysInfo::windowsVersion() & QSysInfo::WV_NT_based) { case 0: case QSysInfo::WV_NT: qFatal("%s", QApplication::tr("Executable '%1' requires Windows 2000 or later.").arg(QString::fromLatin1(executableName)).toLatin1().constData()); break; case QSysInfo::WV_2000: qDebug("Running on Windows 2000 (not officially supported!).\n"); lamexp_check_compatibility_mode("GetNativeSystemInfo", executableName); break; case QSysInfo::WV_XP: qDebug("Running on Windows XP.\n"); lamexp_check_compatibility_mode("GetLargePageMinimum", executableName); break; case QSysInfo::WV_2003: qDebug("Running on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP x64-Edition.\n"); lamexp_check_compatibility_mode("GetLocaleInfoEx", executableName); break; case QSysInfo::WV_VISTA: qDebug("Running on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.\n"); lamexp_check_compatibility_mode("CreateRemoteThreadEx", executableName); break; case QSysInfo::WV_WINDOWS7: qDebug("Running on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.\n"); lamexp_check_compatibility_mode(NULL, executableName); break; default: { DWORD osVersionNo = lamexp_get_os_version(); qWarning("Running on an unknown/untested WinNT-based OS (v%u.%u).\n", HIWORD(osVersionNo), LOWORD(osVersionNo)); } break; } //Check for Wine QLibrary ntdll("ntdll.dll"); if(ntdll.load()) { if(ntdll.resolve("wine_nt_to_unix_file_name") != NULL) isWine = true; if(ntdll.resolve("wine_get_version") != NULL) isWine = true; if(isWine) qWarning("It appears we are running under Wine, unexpected things might happen!\n"); ntdll.unload(); } //Create Qt application instance and setup version info QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); QApplication *application = new QApplication(argc, argv); application->setApplicationName("LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End"); application->setApplicationVersion(QString().sprintf("%d.%02d.%04d", lamexp_version_major(), lamexp_version_minor(), lamexp_version_build())); application->setOrganizationName("LoRd_MuldeR"); application->setOrganizationDomain("mulder.at.gg"); application->setWindowIcon((date.month() == 12 && date.day() >= 24 && date.day() <= 26) ? QIcon(":/MainIcon2.png") : QIcon(":/MainIcon.png")); //Set text Codec for locale QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); //Load plugins from application directory QCoreApplication::setLibraryPaths(QStringList() << QApplication::applicationDirPath()); qDebug("Library Path:\n%s\n", QApplication::libraryPaths().first().toUtf8().constData()); //Check for supported image formats QList supportedFormats = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); for(int i = 0; g_lamexp_imageformats[i]; i++) { if(!supportedFormats.contains(g_lamexp_imageformats[i])) { qFatal("Qt initialization error: QImageIOHandler for '%s' missing!", g_lamexp_imageformats[i]); return false; } } //Add default translations g_lamexp_translation.files.insert(LAMEXP_DEFAULT_LANGID, ""); g_lamexp_translation.names.insert(LAMEXP_DEFAULT_LANGID, "English"); //Check for process elevation if(!lamexp_check_elevation()) { if(QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "LameXP", "LameXP was started with elevated rights. This is a potential security risk!", "Quit Program (Recommended)", "Ignore") == 0) { return false; } } //Update console icon, if a console is attached if(g_lamexp_console_attached && !isWine) { typedef DWORD (__stdcall *SetConsoleIconFun)(HICON); QLibrary kernel32("kernel32.dll"); if(kernel32.load()) { SetConsoleIconFun SetConsoleIconPtr = (SetConsoleIconFun) kernel32.resolve("SetConsoleIcon"); if(SetConsoleIconPtr != NULL) SetConsoleIconPtr(QIcon(":/icons/sound.png").pixmap(16, 16).toWinHICON()); kernel32.unload(); } } //Done qt_initialized = true; return true; } /* * Initialize IPC */ int lamexp_init_ipc(void) { if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem && g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read && g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write) { return 0; } g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read = new QSystemSemaphore(QString(g_lamexp_ipc_uuid.semaphore_read), 0); g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write = new QSystemSemaphore(QString(g_lamexp_ipc_uuid.semaphore_write), 0); if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read->error() != QSystemSemaphore::NoError) { QString errorMessage = g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read->errorString(); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write); qFatal("Failed to create system smaphore: %s", errorMessage.toUtf8().constData()); return -1; } if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write->error() != QSystemSemaphore::NoError) { QString errorMessage = g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write->errorString(); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write); qFatal("Failed to create system smaphore: %s", errorMessage.toUtf8().constData()); return -1; } g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem = new QSharedMemory(QString(g_lamexp_ipc_uuid.sharedmem), NULL); if(!g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->create(sizeof(lamexp_ipc_t))) { if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->error() == QSharedMemory::AlreadyExists) { g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->attach(); if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->error() == QSharedMemory::NoError) { return 1; } else { QString errorMessage = g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->errorString(); qFatal("Failed to attach to shared memory: %s", errorMessage.toUtf8().constData()); return -1; } } else { QString errorMessage = g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->errorString(); qFatal("Failed to create shared memory: %s", errorMessage.toUtf8().constData()); return -1; } } memset(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->data(), 0, sizeof(lamexp_ipc_t)); g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write->release(); return 0; } /* * IPC send message */ void lamexp_ipc_send(unsigned int command, const char* message) { if(!g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem || !g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read || !g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write) { throw "Shared memory for IPC not initialized yet."; } lamexp_ipc_t *lamexp_ipc = new lamexp_ipc_t; memset(lamexp_ipc, 0, sizeof(lamexp_ipc_t)); lamexp_ipc->command = command; if(message) { strncpy_s(lamexp_ipc->parameter, 4096, message, _TRUNCATE); } if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write->acquire()) { memcpy(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->data(), lamexp_ipc, sizeof(lamexp_ipc_t)); g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read->release(); } LAMEXP_DELETE(lamexp_ipc); } /* * IPC read message */ void lamexp_ipc_read(unsigned int *command, char* message, size_t buffSize) { *command = 0; message[0] = '\0'; if(!g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem || !g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read || !g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write) { throw "Shared memory for IPC not initialized yet."; } lamexp_ipc_t *lamexp_ipc = new lamexp_ipc_t; memset(lamexp_ipc, 0, sizeof(lamexp_ipc_t)); if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read->acquire()) { memcpy(lamexp_ipc, g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->data(), sizeof(lamexp_ipc_t)); g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write->release(); if(!(lamexp_ipc->reserved_1 || lamexp_ipc->reserved_2)) { *command = lamexp_ipc->command; strncpy_s(message, buffSize, lamexp_ipc->parameter, _TRUNCATE); } else { qWarning("Malformed IPC message, will be ignored"); } } LAMEXP_DELETE(lamexp_ipc); } /* * Check for LameXP "portable" mode */ bool lamexp_portable_mode(void) { QString baseName = QFileInfo(QApplication::applicationFilePath()).completeBaseName(); int idx1 = baseName.indexOf("lamexp", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); int idx2 = baseName.lastIndexOf("portable", -1, Qt::CaseInsensitive); return (idx1 >= 0) && (idx2 >= 0) && (idx1 < idx2); } /* * Get a random string */ QString lamexp_rand_str(void) { QRegExp regExp("\\{(\\w+)-(\\w+)-(\\w+)-(\\w+)-(\\w+)\\}"); QString uuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); if(regExp.indexIn(uuid) >= 0) { return QString().append(regExp.cap(1)).append(regExp.cap(2)).append(regExp.cap(3)).append(regExp.cap(4)).append(regExp.cap(5)); } throw "The RegExp didn't match on the UUID string. This shouldn't happen ;-)"; } /* * Get LameXP temp folder */ const QString &lamexp_temp_folder2(void) { static const char *TEMP_STR = "Temp"; const QString WRITE_TEST_DATA = lamexp_rand_str(); const QString SUB_FOLDER = lamexp_rand_str(); //Already initialized? if(!g_lamexp_temp_folder.isEmpty()) { if(QDir(g_lamexp_temp_folder).exists()) { return g_lamexp_temp_folder; } else { g_lamexp_temp_folder.clear(); } } //Try the %TMP% or %TEMP% directory first QDir temp = QDir::temp(); if(temp.exists()) { temp.mkdir(SUB_FOLDER); if(temp.cd(SUB_FOLDER) && temp.exists()) { QFile testFile(QString("%1/~%2.tmp").arg(temp.canonicalPath(), lamexp_rand_str())); if(testFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { if(testFile.write(WRITE_TEST_DATA.toLatin1().constData()) >= strlen(WRITE_TEST_DATA.toLatin1().constData())) { g_lamexp_temp_folder = temp.canonicalPath(); } testFile.remove(); } } if(!g_lamexp_temp_folder.isEmpty()) { return g_lamexp_temp_folder; } } //Create TEMP folder in %LOCALAPPDATA% QDir localAppData = QDir(lamexp_known_folder(lamexp_folder_localappdata)); if(!localAppData.path().isEmpty()) { if(!localAppData.exists()) { localAppData.mkpath("."); } if(localAppData.exists()) { if(!localAppData.entryList(QDir::AllDirs).contains(TEMP_STR, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { localAppData.mkdir(TEMP_STR); } if(localAppData.cd(TEMP_STR) && localAppData.exists()) { localAppData.mkdir(SUB_FOLDER); if(localAppData.cd(SUB_FOLDER) && localAppData.exists()) { QFile testFile(QString("%1/~%2.tmp").arg(localAppData.canonicalPath(), lamexp_rand_str())); if(testFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { if(testFile.write(WRITE_TEST_DATA.toLatin1().constData()) >= strlen(WRITE_TEST_DATA.toLatin1().constData())) { g_lamexp_temp_folder = localAppData.canonicalPath(); } testFile.remove(); } } } } if(!g_lamexp_temp_folder.isEmpty()) { return g_lamexp_temp_folder; } } //Failed to create TEMP folder! qFatal("Temporary directory could not be initialized!\n\nFirst attempt:\n%s\n\nSecond attempt:\n%s", temp.canonicalPath().toUtf8().constData(), localAppData.canonicalPath().toUtf8().constData()); return g_lamexp_temp_folder; } /* * Clean folder */ bool lamexp_clean_folder(const QString &folderPath) { QDir tempFolder(folderPath); QFileInfoList entryList = tempFolder.entryInfoList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for(int i = 0; i < entryList.count(); i++) { if(entryList.at(i).isDir()) { lamexp_clean_folder(entryList.at(i).canonicalFilePath()); } else { for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if(lamexp_remove_file(entryList.at(i).canonicalFilePath())) { break; } } } } tempFolder.rmdir("."); return !tempFolder.exists(); } /* * Register tool */ void lamexp_register_tool(const QString &toolName, LockedFile *file, unsigned int version) { if(g_lamexp_tool_registry.contains(toolName.toLower())) { throw "lamexp_register_tool: Tool is already registered!"; } g_lamexp_tool_registry.insert(toolName.toLower(), file); g_lamexp_tool_versions.insert(toolName.toLower(), version); } /* * Check for tool */ bool lamexp_check_tool(const QString &toolName) { return g_lamexp_tool_registry.contains(toolName.toLower()); } /* * Lookup tool path */ const QString lamexp_lookup_tool(const QString &toolName) { if(g_lamexp_tool_registry.contains(toolName.toLower())) { return g_lamexp_tool_registry.value(toolName.toLower())->filePath(); } else { return QString(); } } /* * Lookup tool version */ unsigned int lamexp_tool_version(const QString &toolName) { if(g_lamexp_tool_versions.contains(toolName.toLower())) { return g_lamexp_tool_versions.value(toolName.toLower()); } else { return UINT_MAX; } } /* * Version number to human-readable string */ const QString lamexp_version2string(const QString &pattern, unsigned int version, const QString &defaultText) { if(version == UINT_MAX) { return defaultText; } QString result = pattern; int digits = result.count("?", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if(digits < 1) { return result; } int pos = 0; QString versionStr = QString().sprintf(QString().sprintf("%%0%du", digits).toLatin1().constData(), version); int index = result.indexOf("?", Qt::CaseInsensitive); while(index >= 0 && pos < versionStr.length()) { result[index] = versionStr[pos++]; index = result.indexOf("?", Qt::CaseInsensitive); } return result; } /* * Register a new translation */ bool lamexp_translation_register(const QString &langId, const QString &qmFile, const QString &langName, unsigned int &systemId) { if(qmFile.isEmpty() || langName.isEmpty() || systemId < 1) { return false; } g_lamexp_translation.files.insert(langId, qmFile); g_lamexp_translation.names.insert(langId, langName); g_lamexp_translation.sysid.insert(langId, systemId); return true; } /* * Get list of all translations */ QStringList lamexp_query_translations(void) { return g_lamexp_translation.files.keys(); } /* * Get translation name */ QString lamexp_translation_name(const QString &langId) { return g_lamexp_translation.names.value(langId.toLower(), QString()); } /* * Get translation system id */ unsigned int lamexp_translation_sysid(const QString &langId) { return g_lamexp_translation.sysid.value(langId.toLower(), 0); } /* * Install a new translator */ bool lamexp_install_translator(const QString &langId) { bool success = false; if(langId.isEmpty() || langId.toLower().compare(LAMEXP_DEFAULT_LANGID) == 0) { success = lamexp_install_translator_from_file(QString()); } else { QString qmFile = g_lamexp_translation.files.value(langId.toLower(), QString()); if(!qmFile.isEmpty()) { success = lamexp_install_translator_from_file(QString(":/localization/%1").arg(qmFile)); } else { qWarning("Translation '%s' not available!", langId.toLatin1().constData()); } } return success; } /* * Install a new translator from file */ bool lamexp_install_translator_from_file(const QString &qmFile) { bool success = false; if(!g_lamexp_currentTranslator) { g_lamexp_currentTranslator = new QTranslator(); } if(!qmFile.isEmpty()) { QString qmPath = QFileInfo(qmFile).canonicalFilePath(); QApplication::removeTranslator(g_lamexp_currentTranslator); success = g_lamexp_currentTranslator->load(qmPath); QApplication::installTranslator(g_lamexp_currentTranslator); if(!success) { qWarning("Failed to load translation:\n\"%s\"", qmPath.toLatin1().constData()); } } else { QApplication::removeTranslator(g_lamexp_currentTranslator); success = true; } return success; } /* * Locate known folder on local system */ QString lamexp_known_folder(lamexp_known_folder_t folder_id) { typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *SHGetKnownFolderPathFun)(__in const GUID &rfid, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in HANDLE hToken, __out PWSTR *ppszPath); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *SHGetFolderPathFun)(__in HWND hwndOwner, __in int nFolder, __in HANDLE hToken, __in DWORD dwFlags, __out LPWSTR pszPath); static const int CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA = 0x001c; static const int CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = 0x0026; static const int CSIDL_SYSTEM_FOLDER = 0x0025; static const GUID GUID_LOCAL_APPDATA = {0xF1B32785,0x6FBA,0x4FCF,{0x9D,0x55,0x7B,0x8E,0x7F,0x15,0x70,0x91}}; static const GUID GUID_LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW = {0xA520A1A4,0x1780,0x4FF6,{0xBD,0x18,0x16,0x73,0x43,0xC5,0xAF,0x16}}; static const GUID GUID_PROGRAM_FILES = {0x905e63b6,0xc1bf,0x494e,{0xb2,0x9c,0x65,0xb7,0x32,0xd3,0xd2,0x1a}}; static const GUID GUID_SYSTEM_FOLDER = {0x1AC14E77,0x02E7,0x4E5D,{0xB7,0x44,0x2E,0xB1,0xAE,0x51,0x98,0xB7}}; static QLibrary *Kernel32Lib = NULL; static SHGetKnownFolderPathFun SHGetKnownFolderPathPtr = NULL; static SHGetFolderPathFun SHGetFolderPathPtr = NULL; if((!SHGetKnownFolderPathPtr) && (!SHGetFolderPathPtr)) { if(!Kernel32Lib) Kernel32Lib = new QLibrary("shell32.dll"); SHGetKnownFolderPathPtr = (SHGetKnownFolderPathFun) Kernel32Lib->resolve("SHGetKnownFolderPath"); SHGetFolderPathPtr = (SHGetFolderPathFun) Kernel32Lib->resolve("SHGetFolderPathW"); } int folderCSIDL = -1; GUID folderGUID = {0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}}; switch(folder_id) { case lamexp_folder_localappdata: folderCSIDL = CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA; folderGUID = GUID_LOCAL_APPDATA; break; case lamexp_folder_programfiles: folderCSIDL = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES; folderGUID = GUID_PROGRAM_FILES; break; case lamexp_folder_systemfolder: folderCSIDL = CSIDL_SYSTEM_FOLDER; folderGUID = GUID_SYSTEM_FOLDER; break; default: return QString(); break; } QString folder; if(SHGetKnownFolderPathPtr) { WCHAR *path = NULL; if(SHGetKnownFolderPathPtr(folderGUID, 0x00008000, NULL, &path) == S_OK) { //MessageBoxW(0, path, L"SHGetKnownFolderPath", MB_TOPMOST); QDir folderTemp = QDir(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast(path)))); if(!folderTemp.exists()) { folderTemp.mkpath("."); } if(folderTemp.exists()) { folder = folderTemp.canonicalPath(); } CoTaskMemFree(path); } } else if(SHGetFolderPathPtr) { WCHAR *path = new WCHAR[4096]; if(SHGetFolderPathPtr(NULL, folderCSIDL, NULL, NULL, path) == S_OK) { //MessageBoxW(0, path, L"SHGetFolderPathW", MB_TOPMOST); QDir folderTemp = QDir(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast(path)))); if(!folderTemp.exists()) { folderTemp.mkpath("."); } if(folderTemp.exists()) { folder = folderTemp.canonicalPath(); } } delete [] path; } return folder; } /* * Safely remove a file */ bool lamexp_remove_file(const QString &filename) { if(!QFileInfo(filename).exists() || !QFileInfo(filename).isFile()) { return true; } else { if(!QFile::remove(filename)) { DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesW(QWCHAR(filename)); SetFileAttributesW(QWCHAR(filename), (attributes & (~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY))); if(!QFile::remove(filename)) { qWarning("Could not delete \"%s\"", filename.toLatin1().constData()); return false; } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } } /* * Check if visual themes are enabled (WinXP and later) */ bool lamexp_themes_enabled(void) { typedef int (WINAPI *IsAppThemedFun)(void); bool isAppThemed = false; QLibrary uxTheme(QString("%1/UxTheme.dll").arg(lamexp_known_folder(lamexp_folder_systemfolder))); IsAppThemedFun IsAppThemedPtr = (IsAppThemedFun) uxTheme.resolve("IsAppThemed"); if(IsAppThemedPtr) { isAppThemed = IsAppThemedPtr(); if(!isAppThemed) { qWarning("Theme support is disabled for this process!"); } } return isAppThemed; } /* * Get number of free bytes on disk */ __int64 lamexp_free_diskspace(const QString &path) { ULARGE_INTEGER freeBytesAvailable, totalNumberOfBytes, totalNumberOfFreeBytes; if(GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(reinterpret_cast(QDir::toNativeSeparators(path).utf16()), &freeBytesAvailable, &totalNumberOfBytes, &totalNumberOfFreeBytes)) { return freeBytesAvailable.QuadPart; } else { return 0; } } /* * Check if computer does support hibernation */ bool lamexp_is_hibernation_supported(void) { bool hibernationSupported = false; SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES pwrCaps; SecureZeroMemory(&pwrCaps, sizeof(SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES)); if(GetPwrCapabilities(&pwrCaps)) { hibernationSupported = pwrCaps.SystemS4 && pwrCaps.HiberFilePresent; } return hibernationSupported; } /* * Shutdown the computer */ bool lamexp_shutdown_computer(const QString &message, const unsigned long timeout, const bool forceShutdown, const bool hibernate) { HANDLE hToken = NULL; if(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES privileges; memset(&privileges, 0, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES)); privileges.PrivilegeCount = 1; privileges.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if(LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &privileges.Privileges[0].Luid)) { if(AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &privileges, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { if(hibernate) { if(SetSuspendState(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) { return true; } } const DWORD reason = SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_APPLICATION | SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED; return InitiateSystemShutdownEx(NULL, const_cast(QWCHAR(message)), timeout, forceShutdown ? TRUE : FALSE, FALSE, reason); } } } return false; } /* * Make a window blink (to draw user's attention) */ void lamexp_blink_window(QWidget *poWindow, unsigned int count, unsigned int delay) { static QMutex blinkMutex; const double maxOpac = 1.0; const double minOpac = 0.3; const double delOpac = 0.1; if(!blinkMutex.tryLock()) { qWarning("Blinking is already in progress, skipping!"); return; } try { const int steps = static_cast(ceil(maxOpac - minOpac) / delOpac); const int sleep = static_cast(floor(static_cast(delay) / static_cast(steps))); const double opacity = poWindow->windowOpacity(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { for(double x = maxOpac; x >= minOpac; x -= delOpac) { poWindow->setWindowOpacity(x); QApplication::processEvents(); Sleep(sleep); } for(double x = minOpac; x <= maxOpac; x += delOpac) { poWindow->setWindowOpacity(x); QApplication::processEvents(); Sleep(sleep); } } poWindow->setWindowOpacity(opacity); QApplication::processEvents(); blinkMutex.unlock(); } catch (...) { blinkMutex.unlock(); qWarning("Exception error while blinking!"); } } /* * Remove forbidden characters from a filename */ const QString lamexp_clean_filename(const QString &str) { QString newStr(str); newStr.replace("\\", "-"); newStr.replace(" / ", ", "); newStr.replace("/", ","); newStr.replace(":", "-"); newStr.replace("*", "x"); newStr.replace("?", ""); newStr.replace("<", "["); newStr.replace(">", "]"); newStr.replace("|", "!"); return newStr.simplified(); } /* * Remove forbidden characters from a file path */ const QString lamexp_clean_filepath(const QString &str) { QStringList parts = QString(str).replace("\\", "/").split("/"); for(int i = 0; i < parts.count(); i++) { parts[i] = lamexp_clean_filename(parts[i]); } return parts.join("/"); } /* * Finalization function (final clean-up) */ void lamexp_finalization(void) { //Free all tools if(!g_lamexp_tool_registry.isEmpty()) { QStringList keys = g_lamexp_tool_registry.keys(); for(int i = 0; i < keys.count(); i++) { LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_tool_registry[keys.at(i)]); } g_lamexp_tool_registry.clear(); g_lamexp_tool_versions.clear(); } //Delete temporary files if(!g_lamexp_temp_folder.isEmpty()) { for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if(lamexp_clean_folder(g_lamexp_temp_folder)) { break; } Sleep(125); } g_lamexp_temp_folder.clear(); } //Clear languages if(g_lamexp_currentTranslator) { QApplication::removeTranslator(g_lamexp_currentTranslator); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_currentTranslator); } g_lamexp_translation.files.clear(); g_lamexp_translation.names.clear(); //Destroy Qt application object QApplication *application = dynamic_cast(QApplication::instance()); LAMEXP_DELETE(application); //Detach from shared memory if(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem) g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem->detach(); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.sharedmem); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_read); LAMEXP_DELETE(g_lamexp_ipc_ptr.semaphore_write); } /* * Initialize debug thread */ static const HANDLE g_debug_thread = LAMEXP_DEBUG ? NULL : lamexp_debug_thread_init(); /* * Get number private bytes [debug only] */ SIZE_T lamexp_dbg_private_bytes(void) { #if LAMEXP_DEBUG PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX memoryCounters; memoryCounters.cb = sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX); GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), (PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS) &memoryCounters, sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX)); return memoryCounters.PrivateUsage; #else throw "Cannot call this function in a non-debug build!"; #endif //LAMEXP_DEBUG }