/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End // Copyright (C) 2004-2021 LoRd_MuldeR // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version; always including the non-optional // LAMEXP GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ADDENDUM. See "License.txt" file! // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "LockedFile.h" //Internal #include "Global.h" #include "FileHash.h" //MUtils #include #include //Qt #include #include #include #include #include //CRT #include #include #include #include //Windows includes #define NOMINMAX #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include //Const static const quint32 MAX_LOCK_DELAY = 16384U; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING: Passing file descriptors into Qt does NOT work with dynamically linked CRT! #ifdef QT_NODLL static const bool g_useFileDescrForQFile = true; #else static const bool g_useFileDescrForQFile = false; #endif #define VALID_HANDLE(H) (((H) != NULL) && ((H) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) static __forceinline quint32 NEXT_DELAY(const quint32 delay) { return (delay > 0U) ? (delay * 2U) : 1U; } static bool PROTECT_HANDLE(const HANDLE &h, const bool &lock) { if (SetHandleInformation(h, HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE, (lock ? HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE : 0U))) { return true; } return false; } static void CLOSE_HANDLE(HANDLE &h) { if(VALID_HANDLE(h)) { PROTECT_HANDLE(h, false); CloseHandle(h); } h = NULL; } static void CLOSE_FILE(int &fd) { if (fd >= 0) { PROTECT_HANDLE((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd), false); _close(fd); } fd = -1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static __forceinline void doWriteOutput(QFile &outFile, const QResource *const resource) { for (quint32 delay = 0U; delay <= MAX_LOCK_DELAY; delay = NEXT_DELAY(delay)) { if (delay > 0U) { if (delay <= 1U) { qWarning("Failed to open file on first attempt, retrying..."); } MUtils::OS::sleep_ms(delay); } if(outFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { break; /*file opened successfully*/ } } //Write data to file if(outFile.isOpen() && outFile.isWritable()) { if(outFile.write(reinterpret_cast(resource->data()), resource->size()) != resource->size()) { QFile::remove(QFileInfo(outFile).canonicalFilePath()); MUTILS_THROW_FMT("File '%s' could not be written!", MUTILS_UTF8(QFileInfo(outFile).fileName())); } } else { MUTILS_THROW_FMT("File '%s' could not be created!", MUTILS_UTF8(QFileInfo(outFile).fileName())); } //Close file after it has been written outFile.close(); } static __forceinline void doValidateFileExists(const QString &filePath) { QFileInfo existingFileInfo(filePath); existingFileInfo.setCaching(false); //Make sure the file exists, before we try to lock it if((!existingFileInfo.exists()) || (!existingFileInfo.isFile()) || filePath.isEmpty()) { MUTILS_THROW_FMT("File '%s' does not exist!", MUTILS_UTF8(filePath)); } } static __forceinline void doLockFile(HANDLE &fileHandle, const QString &filePath, QFile *const outFile) { bool success = false; fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; //Try to open the file! for(quint32 delay = 0U; delay <= MAX_LOCK_DELAY; delay = NEXT_DELAY(delay)) { if (delay > 0U) { if (delay <= 1U) { qWarning("Failed to open file on first attempt, retrying..."); } MUtils::OS::sleep_ms(delay); } const HANDLE hTemp = CreateFileW(MUTILS_WCHR(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath)), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, NULL); if(VALID_HANDLE(hTemp)) { PROTECT_HANDLE(fileHandle = hTemp, true); break; /*file opened successfully*/ } } //Now try to actually lock the file! if (VALID_HANDLE(fileHandle)) { for (quint32 delay = 0U; delay <= MAX_LOCK_DELAY; delay = NEXT_DELAY(delay)) { LARGE_INTEGER fileSize; if (delay > 0U) { if (delay <= 1U) { qWarning("Failed to lock file on first attempt, retrying..."); } MUtils::OS::sleep_ms(delay); } if (GetFileSizeEx(fileHandle, &fileSize)) { OVERLAPPED overlapped = { 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U }; if (LockFileEx(fileHandle, LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY, 0, fileSize.LowPart, fileSize.HighPart, &overlapped)) { success = true; break; /*file locked successfully*/ } } } } //Locked successfully? if(!success) { CLOSE_HANDLE(fileHandle); if(outFile) { QFile::remove(QFileInfo(*outFile).canonicalFilePath()); } MUTILS_THROW_FMT("File '%s' could not be locked!", MUTILS_UTF8(QFileInfo(filePath).fileName())); } } static __forceinline void doInitFileDescriptor(const HANDLE &fileHandle, int &fileDescriptor) { fileDescriptor = _open_osfhandle(reinterpret_cast(fileHandle), _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY); if(fileDescriptor < 0) { MUTILS_THROW_FMT("Failed to obtain C Runtime file descriptor!"); } } static __forceinline void doValidateHash(HANDLE &fileHandle, const int &fileDescriptor, const QByteArray &expectedHash, const QString &filePath) { QFile checkFile; //Now re-open the file for reading if(g_useFileDescrForQFile) { checkFile.open(fileDescriptor, QIODevice::ReadOnly); } else { checkFile.setFileName(filePath); for (quint32 delay = 0U; delay <= MAX_LOCK_DELAY; delay = NEXT_DELAY(delay)) { if (delay > 0U) { if (delay <= 1U) { qWarning("Failed to open file on first attempt, retrying..."); } MUtils::OS::sleep_ms(delay); } if (checkFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { break; /*file locked successfully*/ } } } //Opened successfully if((!checkFile.isOpen()) || checkFile.peek(1).isEmpty()) { QFile::remove(filePath); MUTILS_THROW_FMT("File '%s' could not be read!", MUTILS_UTF8(QFileInfo(filePath).fileName())); } //Verify file contents const QByteArray hash = FileHash::computeHash(checkFile); checkFile.close(); //Compare hashes if(hash.isNull() || _stricmp(hash.constData(), expectedHash.constData())) { qWarning("\nFile checksum error:\n A = %s\n B = %s\n", expectedHash.constData(), hash.constData()); CLOSE_HANDLE(fileHandle); QFile::remove(filePath); MUTILS_THROW_FMT("File '%s' is corruputed, take care!", MUTILS_UTF8(QFileInfo(filePath).fileName())); } } static __forceinline bool doRemoveFile(const QString &filePath) { for (quint32 delay = 0U; delay <= MAX_LOCK_DELAY / 4; delay = NEXT_DELAY(delay)) { if (delay > 0U) { if (delay <= 1U) { qWarning("Failed to delete file on first attempt, retrying..."); } MUtils::OS::sleep_ms(delay); } if(MUtils::remove_file(filePath)) { return true; /*file removed successfully*/ } } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LockedFile::LockedFile(QResource *const resource, const QString &outPath, const QByteArray &expectedHash, const bool bOwnsFile) : m_bOwnsFile(bOwnsFile), m_filePath(QFileInfo(outPath).absoluteFilePath()) { m_fileDescriptor = -1; HANDLE fileHandle = NULL; //Make sure the resource is valid if(!(resource->isValid() && resource->data())) { MUTILS_THROW_FMT("The resource at %p is invalid!", resource); } //Write data to output file QFile outFile(m_filePath); doWriteOutput(outFile, resource); //Now lock the file! doLockFile(fileHandle, m_filePath, &outFile); //Get file descriptor doInitFileDescriptor(fileHandle, m_fileDescriptor); //Validate file hash doValidateHash(fileHandle, m_fileDescriptor, expectedHash, m_filePath); } LockedFile::LockedFile(const QString &filePath, const QByteArray &expectedHash, const bool bOwnsFile) : m_bOwnsFile(bOwnsFile), m_filePath(QFileInfo(filePath).absoluteFilePath()) { m_fileDescriptor = -1; HANDLE fileHandle = NULL; //Make sure the file exists, before we try to lock it doValidateFileExists(m_filePath); //Now lock the file! doLockFile(fileHandle, m_filePath, NULL); //Get file descriptor doInitFileDescriptor(fileHandle, m_fileDescriptor); //Validate file hash doValidateHash(fileHandle, m_fileDescriptor, expectedHash, m_filePath); } LockedFile::LockedFile(const QString &filePath, const bool bOwnsFile) : m_bOwnsFile(bOwnsFile), m_filePath(QFileInfo(filePath).canonicalFilePath()) { m_fileDescriptor = -1; HANDLE fileHandle = NULL; //Make sure the file exists, before we try to lock it doValidateFileExists(m_filePath); //Now lock the file! doLockFile(fileHandle, m_filePath, NULL); //Get file descriptor doInitFileDescriptor(fileHandle, m_fileDescriptor); } LockedFile::~LockedFile(void) { CLOSE_FILE(m_fileDescriptor); if(m_bOwnsFile) { doRemoveFile(m_filePath); } } const QString LockedFile::filePath(void) { if (m_fileDescriptor >= 0) { if (GetFileType((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(m_fileDescriptor)) == FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { MUTILS_THROW_FMT("Failed to validate file handle!"); } } return m_filePath; }