; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End ; // Copyright (C) 2004-2012 LoRd_MuldeR <MuldeR2@GMX.de> ; // ; // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; // (at your option) any later version. ; // ; // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; // GNU General Public License for more details. ; // ; // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ; // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ; // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; // ; // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;-------------------------------- ;Basic Defines ;-------------------------------- !ifndef LAMEXP_VERSION !error "LAMEXP_VERSION is not defined !!!" !endif !ifndef LAMEXP_BUILD !error "LAMEXP_BUILD is not defined !!!" !endif !ifndef LAMEXP_INSTTYPE !error "LAMEXP_INSTTYPE is not defined !!!" !endif !ifndef LAMEXP_PATCH !error "LAMEXP_PATCH is not defined !!!" !endif !ifndef LAMEXP_DATE !error "LAMEXP_DATE is not defined !!!" !endif !ifndef LAMEXP_OUTPUT_FILE !error "LAMEXP_OUTPUT_FILE is not defined !!!" !endif !ifndef LAMEXP_SOURCE_FILE !error "LAMEXP_SOURCE_FILE is not defined !!!" !endif !ifndef LAMEXP_UPX_PATH !error "LAMEXP_UPX_PATH is not defined !!!" !endif ;Web-Site !define MyWebSite "http://mulder.at.gg/" ;-------------------------------- ;Includes ;-------------------------------- !include `LogicLib.nsh` !include `StdUtils.nsh` ;-------------------------------- ;Installer Attributes ;-------------------------------- XPStyle on RequestExecutionLevel user InstallColors /windows Name "LameXP v${LAMEXP_VERSION} ${LAMEXP_INSTTYPE}-${LAMEXP_PATCH} [Build #${LAMEXP_BUILD}]" OutFile "${LAMEXP_OUTPUT_FILE}" BrandingText "${LAMEXP_DATE} / Build #${LAMEXP_BUILD}" Icon "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\orange-install.ico" ChangeUI all "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\sdbarker_tiny.exe" ShowInstDetails show AutoCloseWindow true InstallDir "" ;-------------------------------- ;Page Captions ;-------------------------------- SubCaption 0 " " SubCaption 1 " " SubCaption 2 " " SubCaption 3 " " SubCaption 4 " " ;-------------------------------- ;Compressor ;-------------------------------- !packhdr "$%TEMP%\exehead.tmp" '"${LAMEXP_UPX_PATH}\upx.exe" --brute "$%TEMP%\exehead.tmp"' ;-------------------------------- ;Reserved Files ;-------------------------------- ReserveFile "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\System.dll" ReserveFile "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\StdUtils.dll" ;-------------------------------- ;Version Info ;-------------------------------- !searchreplace PRODUCT_VERSION_DATE "${LAMEXP_DATE}" "-" "." VIProductVersion "${PRODUCT_VERSION_DATE}.${LAMEXP_BUILD}" VIAddVersionKey "Author" "LoRd_MuldeR <mulder2@gmx.de>" VIAddVersionKey "Comments" "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName" "Free Software Foundation" VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "LameXP v${LAMEXP_VERSION} ${LAMEXP_INSTTYPE}-${LAMEXP_PATCH} [Build #${LAMEXP_BUILD}]" VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION_DATE}.${LAMEXP_BUILD} (${LAMEXP_VERSION})" VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "Copyright 2004-2012 LoRd_MuldeR" VIAddVersionKey "LegalTrademarks" "GNU" VIAddVersionKey "OriginalFilename" "LameXP.${LAMEXP_DATE}.Build-${LAMEXP_BUILD}.exe" VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "LameXP - Audio Encoder Frontend" VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" "${LAMEXP_VERSION}, Build #${LAMEXP_BUILD} (${LAMEXP_DATE})" VIAddVersionKey "Website" "${MyWebSite}" ;-------------------------------- ;Installer initialization ;-------------------------------- Section "-LaunchTheInstaller" SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Launching installer, please stay tuned..." SetDetailsPrint listonly InitPluginsDir SetOutPath "$PLUGINSDIR" File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\LameXP-SETUP-r${LAMEXP_BUILD}.exe" "${LAMEXP_SOURCE_FILE}" ; -------- ${If} "$EXEFILE" == "LameXP.exe" ${OrIf} "$EXEFILE" == "LameXP-Portable.exe" MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP|MB_TOPMOST "Sorry, you must NOT rename the LameXP installation program to 'LameXP.exe' or 'LameXP-Portable.exe'. Please re-rename the installer executable file (e.g. to 'LameXP-Setup.exe') and then try again!" Quit ${EndIf} ; -------- ${StdUtils.GetAllParameters} $R9 0 ${IfThen} "$R9" == "too_long" ${|} StrCpy $R9 "" ${|} ${IfNot} "$R9" == "" DetailPrint "Parameters: $R9" ${EndIf} ; -------- RunTryAgain: DetailPrint "ExecShellWait: $PLUGINSDIR\LameXP-SETUP-r${LAMEXP_BUILD}.exe" ${StdUtils.ExecShellWait} $R1 "$PLUGINSDIR\LameXP-SETUP-r${LAMEXP_BUILD}.exe" "open" '$R9' DetailPrint "Result: $R1" StrCmp $R1 "error" RunFailed StrCmp $R1 "no_wait" RunSuccess Sleep 333 HideWindow ${StdUtils.WaitForProc} $R1 Goto RunSuccess ; -------- RunFailed: MessageBox MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONSTOP|MB_TOPMOST "Failed to launch the installer. Please try again!" IDRETRY RunTryAgain ; -------- ClearErrors ExecShell "open" "$PLUGINSDIR\LameXP-SETUP-r${LAMEXP_BUILD}.exe" '$R9' SW_SHOWNORMAL IfErrors 0 RunSuccess ClearErrors ExecShell "" "$PLUGINSDIR\LameXP-SETUP-r${LAMEXP_BUILD}.exe" '$R9' SW_SHOWNORMAL IfErrors 0 RunSuccess ; -------- SetDetailsPrint both DetailPrint "Failed to launch installer :-(" SetDetailsPrint listonly Abort "Aborted." ; -------- RunSuccess: Delete /REBOOTOK "$PLUGINSDIR\LameXP-SETUP-r${LAMEXP_BUILD}.exe" SectionEnd