AboutDialog Please visit %1 for news and updates! 请访问到 %1 新的更新! Note: LameXP is free software. Do <b>not</b> pay money to obtain or use LameXP! If some third-party website tries to make you pay for downloading LameXP, you should <b>not</b> respond to the offer !!! 注:LameXP是免费软件.<b>不用</b>付钱获取或使用LameXP!如果某些第三方网站尝试让你付出代价下载LameXP,你应该<b>不</b>接受报价! Special thanks go out to "John33" from %1 for his continuous support. 特别感谢"John33"从 %1 为他的持续支持. About LameXP 关于 LameXP Show License Text 显示许可证文本 Accept License 接受许可证 Decline License 删除许可证 3rd Party S/W 第三方 S/W Contributors 贡献者 About Qt4 关于 Qt4 Discard 放弃 The following people have contributed to LameXP: 以下人士有贡献 LameXP: Translators: 翻译员: If you are willing to contribute a LameXP translation, feel free to contact us! 如果你愿意贡献 LameXP 翻译,随时与我们联系 ! About Contributors 关于贡献者 The following third-party software is used in LameXP: 在 LameXP 中使用了下列第三方软件: Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. GNU 较小的通用公共许可的条款下发布. Completely open and patent-free audio encoding technology. 完全开放的无专利的音频编码技术. Freeware state-of-the-art HE-AAC encoder with 2-Pass support. 免费软件先进的他 AAC 编码器二次编码的支持. Available from vendor web-site as free download: 可从供应商网站上免费下载: Open and patent-free lossless audio compression technology. 打开和专利自由无损音频压缩技术. By Mark James, released under the Creative Commons 'by' License. By Mark James,在知识共享的许可证发布. About Third-party Software 关于第三方软件 n/a n/a Freely available source code, simple SDK and non-restrictive licensing. 免费提供源代码,简单的SDK和非限制性许可. Completely open audio compression format. 完全开放的音频压缩格式. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. 以下发布的GNU通用公共许可证的条款. LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-end LameXP - 前端音频编码器 LAME - OpenSource mp3 Encoder LameXP - 开源的MP3编码器 OggEnc - Ogg Vorbis Encoder OggEnc - Ogg Vorbis编码器 FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC - 免费的无损音频编解码器 mpg123 - Fast Console MPEG Audio Player/Decoder mpg123 - 播放控制台/MPEG音频解码 FAAD - OpenSource MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC Decoder FAAD - 开源MPEG-4和MPEG-2 AAC解码器 AC3Filter Tools - AC3/DTS Decoder AC3Filter Tools - AC3/DTS解码器 WavPack - Hybrid Lossless Compression WavPack - 无损压缩混合 Monkey's Audio - Lossless Audio Compressor 孙悟空(Monkey's) 音频 - 无损音频压缩 The True Audio - Lossless Audio Codec 真正的音频-无损音频编解码器 MediaInfo - Media File Analysis Tool MediaInfo-媒体文件分析工具 SoX - Sound eXchange SoX 声音交换 GnuPG - The GNU Privacy Guard GnuPG - GNU 隐私 Silk Icons - Over 700 icons in PNG format Silk Icons - 超过 700 图标 PNG 格式 Nero AAC Reference MPEG-4 Encoder Nero AAC 参考 MPEG-4 编码器 Musepack - Living Audio Compression Musepack - 生活音频压缩 Shorten - Lossless Audio Compressor Shorten - 无损音频压缩 Speex - Free Codec For Free Speech Speex - 免费自由的编解码器 Open Source patent-free audio format designed for speech. 开源专利免费的音频格式设计的演讲. GNU Wget - Software for retrieving files using HTTP GNU Wget - 软件通过HTTP下载文件 Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left. 注:这是一个演示版本LameXP将届满%1.剩余%2天. Aften - A/52 audio encoder Aften - A/52 音频编码器 ALAC Decoder ALAC 解码器 Copyright (c) 2004 David Hammerton. Contributions by Cody Brocious. 版权所有 (c) 2004 David Hammerton.科迪 Brocious 的贡献. Copyright (c) 2011 LoRd_MuldeR <mulder2@gmx.de>. Some rights reserved. 版权所有 (c) 2011 LoRd_MuldeR <mulder2@gmx.de>.保留某些权利. By Jory Stone <jcsston@toughguy.net> and LoRd_MuldeR <mulder2@gmx.de>. By Jory Stone <jcsston@toughguy.net> and LoRd_MuldeR <mulder2@gmx.de>. wma2wav - Dump WMA files to Wave Audio wma2wav - WMA到WAV转换器 avs2wav - Avisynth to Wave Audio converter avs2wav - Avisynth到WAV音频转换器 LameXP as a whole is copyrighted by LoRd_MuldeR. The copyright of third-party software used in LameXP belongs to the individual authors. LameXP是作为一个整体版权由 LoRd_MuldeR 保护.在 LameXP 中使用的第三方软件作著权属于第三方. AudioFileModel Profile 配置文件 Channels 声道 Samplerate 采样率 Bitdepth 位深度 Type 类型 Version 版本 Bitrate 比特率 Constant 不变 Variable 可变 CueImportDialog Import Cue Sheet 导入提示表 The following Cue Sheet will be split and imported into LameXP. 下面的提示表将拆分,并导入到 LameXP. Loading Cue Sheet file, please be patient... 加载提示表文件,请保持耐心... An unknown error has occured! 出现了一个未知的错误 ! Failed to load the Cue Sheet file: 未能加载提示表文件: Cue Sheet Error 错误的提示表 The specified file could not be found! 找不到指定的文件 ! The file could not be opened for reading. Make sure you have the required rights! 无法打开文件进行读取.确保您具有所需的权限 ! The provided file does not look like a valid Cue Sheet disc image file! 提供的文件看上去不像是有效的提示表光盘映像文件 ! Could not find any supported audio track in the Cue Sheet image! 提示表映像中找不到任何受支持的音频轨道 ! Note that LameXP can not handle "binary" Cue Sheet images. 请注意,LameXP 不能处理"二进制"提示表映像. The selected Cue Sheet file contains inconsistent information. Take care! 当心,你所选的提示表文件包含不一致的信息! Choose Output Directory 选择输出目录 LameXP LameXP Error: The selected output directory is not writable! 错误: 所选的输出目录不是可写的 ! Low Diskspace Warning 低磁盘空间警告 There are less than %1 GB of free diskspace available in the selected output directory. 还有 %1GB 的可用磁盘空间小于所选的输出目录中可用. It is highly recommend to free up more diskspace before proceeding with the import! 它是以释放更多磁盘空间进行导入之前强烈推荐 ! Analyzing file(s), please wait... 分析文件,请稍候... Splitting file(s), please wait... 扫描文件夹文件请稍候... Error: The selected output directory could not be created! 错误: 无法创建所选的输出目录 ! An unexpected error has occured while splitting the Cue Sheet! 扫描提示工作表时出现了意外的错误 ! Imported %1 track(s) from the Cue Sheet and skipped %2 track(s). 导入 %1 从提示表轨道,并跳过 %2 轨道. Cue Sheet Completed 完成提示表 Analysis Failed 分析失败 Warning: The format of some of the input files could not be determined! 警告: 有些输入文件格式无法确定 ! Continue Anyway 继续 Abort 中止 Process was aborted by the user after %1 track(s)! 用户终止了 %1 个轨道进程 ! (System Default) (系统默认) Select ANSI Codepage for Cue Sheet file: 选择ANSI编码的提示表文件: OK 确定 Cancel 取消 Unknown Artist 未知的艺术家 Unknown Album 未知专辑 CueSheetImport Import Cue Sheet 导入提示表 Output Directory 输出目录 Browse... 浏览... Discard 放弃 Existing Source File 现有源文件 Missing Source File (Tracks will be skipped!) 缺少源文件(轨道将跳转 !) Load a different Cue Sheet 加载不同的提示页面 Artist: 艺术家: Album: 专辑: CueSheetModel No. 不. File / Track 文件 / 轨道 Index 索引 File %1 文件 %1 Track %1 轨道 %1 Unknown Artist 未知的艺术家 Unknown Title 未知的标题 Duration 持续时间 DecoderRegistry All supported types 所有受支持的类型 All files 所有文件 Playlists 播放列表 DiskObserverThread Low diskspace on drive '%1' detected (only %2 MB are free), problems can occur! 低驱动器%1磁盘空间检测(只有%2MB的是可用的),可能会发生问题! DropBox LameXP - DropBox LameXP - 投放箱 LameXP DropBox LameXP 投放箱 You can add files to LameXP via Drag&amp;Drop here! &amp;您可以将文件拖放到此处添加到 LameXP! (Right-click to close the DropBox) (用鼠标右键单击关闭投放箱) FileListModel Title 标题 Full Path 完整路径 LogViewDialog Log View 日志显示 Discard 放弃 Save to File... 保存到文件... Copy to Clipboard 复制到剪贴板 Log File 日志文件 The log file shows detailed information about the selected job. 日志文件显示有关所选项目的详细信息. MainWindow LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-end LameXP - 前端音频编码器 Source Files 源文件 Add File(s) 增加文件 Remove 移除 Clear 清除 Show Details 显示详细 Output Directory 输出目录 Goto Home Folder 保存到桌面文件夹 Goto Music Folder 保存到音乐文件夹 Goto Desktop Folder 保存到桌面文件夹 Make New Folder 使用新文件夹 Save output files to the same location where the input file is located 输出文件,保存在同一个地方输入文件的位置 Prepend relative source file path to output file 源文件路径内部前置相对输出文件 Meta Data Meta 数据 Meta Information 元信息 Edit 编辑 Note: Meta information you enter here will <u>supersede</u> data from the source! 注:元信息你进入这里将会<u> 取代 </u>数据,从源头上中的! Reset 重置 Options 选项 Automatically generate playlist file (.m3u) 播放列表文件自动生成 (.m3u) Write meta information to encoded files 元信息编码文件写 Compression 压缩 Encoder / Format 编码器/格式 Lame MP3 Lame MP3 Ogg Vorbis Ogg Vorbis Wave (PCM) Wav (PCM) FLAC FLAC Rate Control Method 率控制方法 Quality-based (VBR) 质量(VBR) Average Bitrate (ABR) 平均比特率(ABR) Constant Bitrate (CBR) 不变的比特率(CBR) Quality / Bitrate 质量/比特率 Minimum 最低 Maximum 最高 Advanced Options 高级选项 Encode Now! 开始编码! About... 关于... Exit Program 退出程序 File 文件 ? 其它? View 视图 Style 样式 Language 语言 Tools 工具 Configuration 配置 Quit 退出 Open File(s)... 打开文件(s)... Visit Official Web-Site 请访问官方网站 Check for Updates 检查更新 Open Folder... 打开文件夹... Clear All 全部清除 Plastique 平淡 Cleanlooks 干净外观 Windows Vista ("Aero") Windows Vista ("Aero") Windows Classic Windows 经典 Windows XP ("Luna") Windows XP ("Luna") Disable Update Reminder 禁用更新提醒 Disable Sound Effects 禁用声音效果 Install WMA Decoder 安装 WMA 解码器 Disable Nero AAC Notifications 禁用 Nero AAC 通知 Show DropBox 显示投放箱 From File... 从文件... Adding file(s), please wait... 添加文件,请稍等... Access Denied 访问被拒绝 %1 file(s) have been rejected, because read access was not granted! %1 文件都被拒绝,因为读访问权限不允许! This usually means the file is locked by another process. 通常这意味着该文件由另一个进程锁定. Files Rejected 文件被拒绝 %1 file(s) have been rejected, because the file format could not be recognized! %1 文件被拒绝,因为文件格式分辨不出! This usually means the file is damaged or the file format is not supported. 通常,这意味着他们都已损坏,或不受支持的格式. You can drop in audio files here! 你可以把音频文件拖放到这里 ! Open File in External Application 用外部应用程序中打开文件 Browse File Location 浏览文件的位置 Browse Selected Folder 浏览选定的文件夹 License Declined 拒绝许可 You have declined the license. Consequently the application will exit now! 您已拒绝许可.因此该应用程序将立即退出 ! Goodbye! 再见! LameXP - Expired LameXP - 过期 This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP has expired at %1. 此预发行的演示版本 LameXP 已在 %1 过期. LameXP is free software and release versions won't expire. LameXP 是一个免费的软件和版本不会过期. Exit Program 退出程序 Urgent Update 紧急更新 Your version of LameXP is more than a year old. Time for an update! 您的版本的 LameXP 超过一年的更新时间 ! Update Reminder 更新提醒 Your last update check was more than 14 days ago. Check for updates now? 您上次更新检查了超过 14 天.立即检查更新吗? Your did not check for LameXP updates yet. Check for updates now? 您没有检查 LameXP 是否有新版本.立即检查更新吗? Postpone 推迟 LameXP detected that your version of the Nero AAC encoder is outdated! LameXP 检测到您的版本的 Nero AAC 编码器已经过时了 ! The current version available is %1 (or later), but you still have version %2 installed. 可用的新版本是 %1 (或更高版本),但你仍有版本安装 %2. You can download the latest version of the Nero AAC encoder from the Nero website at: 您可以从 Nero 网址下载最新版本的 Nero AAC 编码器: AAC Encoder Outdated 过时的 AAC 编码器 The Nero AAC encoder could not be found. AAC encoding support will be disabled. 找不到 Nero AAC 编码器.可能 AAC 编码器被禁用. Please put 'neroAacEnc.exe', 'neroAacDec.exe' and 'neroAacTag.exe' into the LameXP directory! 请到把 'neroAacEnc.exe', 'neroAacDec.exe' 和 'neroAacTag.exe' 放入 LameXP 目录! Your LameXP directory is located here: 您的 LameXP 目录位于此处: You can download the Nero AAC encoder for free from the official Nero website at: 您可以从 Nero 官方网站上免费下载 Nero AAC 编码器: AAC Support Disabled AAC 支持被禁用 LameXP LameXP You must add at least one file to the list before proceeding! 您必须在继续之前列表中添加至少一个文件 ! Low Diskspace Warning 低磁盘空间警告 There are less than %1 GB of free diskspace available on your system's TEMP folder. %1 GB 的可用磁盘空间小于上有您的系统 TEMP 文件夹. It is highly recommend to free up more diskspace before proceeding with the encode! 进行编码之前强烈推荐释放更多磁盘空间 ! Your TEMP folder is located at: 您的 TEMP 文件夹位于: Abort Encoding Process 中止编码过程 Clean Disk Now 现在清理磁盘 Ignore 忽略 Low Diskspace 低磁盘空间 You are proceeding with low diskspace. Problems might occur! 正在进行处于低的磁盘空间,可能会出现问题 ! Sorry, an unsupported encoder has been chosen! 对不起,选择了一个不受支持的编码器 ! Cannot write to the selected output directory. 无法写入所选的输出目录. Please choose a different directory! 请选择一个不同的目录 ! Add file(s) 添加文件(s) Load Translation 加载翻译 Translation Files 翻译文件 New Folder 新文件夹 Enter the name of the new folder: 输入新文件夹的名称: Failed to create folder 未能创建文件夹 The new folder could not be created: 无法创建新的文件夹: Drive is read-only or insufficient access rights! 驱动器是只读的或没有足够的访问权限 ! Already Running 已在运行 LameXP is already running, please use the running instance! LameXP 已在运行,请使用当前运行的实例 ! Quality Level %1 质量级别 %1 Compression %1 压缩 %1 Uncompressed 不压缩 Do you really want to disable the update reminder? 确实要禁用更新提醒吗? Yes No The update reminder has been disabled. 更新提醒已被禁用. Please remember to check for updates at regular intervals! 请记住检查间隔定期更新! The update reminder has been re-enabled. 更新提醒已重新启用. Do you really want to disable all sound effects? 确实要禁用所有声音效果吗? Sound Effects 声音效果 All sound effects have been disabled. 已禁用所有的声音效果. The sound effects have been re-enabled. 声音效果已经重新启用. Nero AAC Notifications Nero AAC 通知 Do you really want to disable all Nero AAC Encoder notifications? 确实要禁用所有 Nero AAC 编码器通知吗? All Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been disabled. 已禁用所有 Nero AAC 编码器通知. The Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been re-enabled. Nero AAC 编码器通知已重新启用. Cancel 取消 n/a n/a LAME Algorithm Quality LAME算法质量 Faster Processing 更快的处理 Better quality 更好的质量 Best Quality (Very Slow) 最好的质量(很慢) High Quality (Recommended) 高质量(推荐) Average Quality (Default) 平均质量 (默认值) Low Quality (Fast) 低质量 (快速) Poor Quality (Very Fast) 质量差(非常快) Bitrate Management (LAME and OggEnc2) 比特率管理 (LAME 和 OggEnc2) Enable Bitrate Management 启用管理比特率 Minimum (kbps): 最低 (kbps): Maximum (kbps): 最高 (kbps): Channel Mode / Sampling Rate 声道 / 采样率 Auto Select (Default) 自动选择 (默认值) Joint Stereo 联合立体声 Forced Joint Stereo 强制联合立体声 Simple 简单 Dual Mono 双声道 Mono 单声道 MP3 Channel Mode: MP3 通道模式: 16.000 16.000 22.050 22.050 24.000 24.000 32.000 32.000 44.100 44.100 48.000 48.000 Sampling Rate (Hz): 采样率 (Hz): Enable 2-Pass Processing (ABR Mode) 启用第二次处理 (ABR 模式) Select AAC Profile: 选择 AAC 配置文件: Enforce LC-AAC 强制 LC AAC Enforce HE-AAC (AAC + SBR) 强制 HE-AAC (AAC + SBR) Auto Select (Recommended) 自动选择(推荐) Enforce HE-AAC v2 (AAC + SBR + PS) 强制 HE-AAC v2 (AAC + SBR + PS) Volume Normalization 音量标准化 Enable Normalization Filter 启用标准化过滤器 Peak Volume (dB): 峰值音量(dB): Reset Advanced Options 复位高级选项 Encode! 编码! Tone Adjustment 音调调整 Adjust Treble (dB): 调整高音(dB): Adjust Bass (dB): 调整低音(dB): Disable Shell Integration 禁用外壳(shell)程序集成 Shell Integration 外壳(shell)程序集成 Do you really want to disable the LameXP shell integration? 确实要禁用 LameXP 外壳(shell)程序集成吗? The LameXP shell integration has been disabled. LameXP 外壳(shell)程序集成已被禁用. The LameXP shell integration has been re-enabled. LameXP 外壳(shell)程序集成已重新启用. Custom Encoder Parameters 编码器的自定义参数 OggEnc2: OggEnc2: FLAC: FLAC: Warning: Custom parameters won't be checked at all. Use them at your own risk !!! 警告: 自定义参数将不会被检查过.使用它们需要您自担风险!!! Multi-Threading 多线程处理 Choose the number of parallel instances based on the number of CPU cores (Recommended) 选择基于 CPU 核心 (推荐) 的数量,并行实例的数量 Fewer Instances 更少实例 More Instances 更多实例 %1 Instance(s) %1 个实例 Temp Directory 临时目录 Browse... 浏览... Store temporary files in your system's default TEMP directory (Recommended) 将临时文件存储在您的系统默认的 TEMP 目录 (推荐) Not Found 找不到 Your currently selected TEMP folder does not exist anymore: 您目前选定的 TEMP 文件夹不再存在: Restore Default 还原默认设置 Cannot write to the selected directory. Please choose another directory! 无法写入所选目录.请选择另一个目录 ! %1 file(s) have been rejected, because they are dummy CDDA files! %1 个文件已被拒绝,因为它们是虚拟的 CDDA 文件 ! We recommend using %1 for that purpose. 我们建议为此目的使用 %1. Sorry, LameXP cannot extract audio tracks from an Audio-CD at present. 对不起,LameXP 目前无法从音频 CD 提取音频轨道. Frequently Asked Questions 常问的问题 Changelog 更改日志 Translator's Guide 翻译指南 Help && Support 帮助 && 支持 Open Folder Recursively... 打开文件夹以递归方式... Scanning folder(s) for files, please wait... 扫描文件的文件夹中,请稍候... Add Folder 添加文件夹 Check for Beta Updates 检查测试版更新 Beta Updates 试用版更新 Do you really want LameXP to check for Beta (pre-release) updates? 是否确实要检查 LameXP 测试版更新? LameXP will check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on. LameXP 将检查现在的测试版更新. Check Now 现在检查 Discard 放弃 LameXP will <i>not</i> check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on. LameXP 将 <i> 从今以后 </i> 不检查测试版更新. Aften A/52 Aften A/52 Lame MP3: Lame MP3: Aften A/52: Aften A/52: Aften A/52 Options Aften A/52 选项 Film Light 胶卷浅色 Film Standard 胶卷标准 Music Light 音乐浅色 Music Standard 音乐标准 Speech 语音 None (Default) 无 (默认) Auto Select 自动选择 1+1 (Ch1,Ch2) 1+1 (Ch1,Ch2) 1/0 (C) 1/0 (C) 2/0 (L,R) 2/0 (L,R) 3/0 (L,R,C) 3/0 (L,R,C) 2/1 (L,R,S) 2/1 (L,R,S) 3/1 (L,R,C,S) 3/1 (L,R,C,S) 2/2 (L,R,SL,SR) 2/2 (L,R,SL,SR) 3/2 (L,R,C,SL,SR) 3/2 (L,R,C,SL,SR) Audio Coding Mode: 音频编码模式: Dynamic Range Compression: 动态范围压缩: Fast Bit Allocation (Less Accurate) 快速的分配位 (不太准确) Exponent Search Size: 指数搜索大小: Don't Show Again 不要再显示 Import Cue Sheet 导入提示表 Open Cue Sheet 打开提示表 Cue Sheet File 提示表文件 CDDA Files CDDA 文件 Cue Sheet 提示表 %1 file(s) have been rejected, because they appear to be Cue Sheet images! %1 个文件已被拒绝,因为他们似乎是提示表映像文件! Please use LameXP's Cue Sheet wizard for importing Cue Sheet files. 导入CUE文件文件,请使用LameXP的提示表向导. It seems that a bogus anti-virus software is slowing down the startup of LameXP. 好像一个防病毒软件正在放缓的 LameXP 的启动. Please refer to the %1 document for details and solutions! 请参阅有关详细信息和解决方案的 %1 文件 ! Slow Startup 启动速度慢 Disable Slow Startup Notifications 禁用缓慢启动通知 Slow Startup Notifications 开户启动缓慢通知 Do you really want to disable the slow startup notifications? 确实要禁用的启动速度慢的通知吗? The slow startup notifications have been disabled. 已禁用的启动速度慢的通知. The slow startup notifications have been re-enabled. 启动速度慢的通知已重新启用. Rename Output Files 重命名输出文件 Rename Output Files 重命名输出文件 Track number with leading zero 轨道数字前有零 Track title 轨道标题 Artist name 艺术家姓名 Album name 专辑名称 Year with (at least) four digits 年至少是四位数 Comment 评论 Rename Macros 重命名宏 You can enter custom parameters here! 您可以输入自定义参数在这里! Enter the pattern to rename the output files here! 输入模式重命名输出文件! <a href="reset">Reset</a> &nbsp; <a href="#">Show List of Macros</a> <a href="reset">复位</a> &nbsp; <a href="#">显示宏的名单</a> File name without extension 不带扩展名的文件名称 Rename Pattern: 重命名模式: Example File Name: 示例文件名称: Characters forbidden in file names: 禁止在文件名称中的字符: Enforce Stereo Downmix of Surround (Multi-Channel) Sources 强制环绕立体声缩混(多通道)来源 Bookmark Current Output Folder 收藏当前输出文件夹 MPEG-4 AAC MPEG-4 AAC AAC Encoder-Options AAC 编码器-选项 MPEG-4 AAC: MPEG-4 AAC: Warning: Audio quality will be very poor. Please do <u>not</u> complain about audio quality! 警告: 音频质量会很差.请<u>不要</u>抱怨音频质量差! Warning: Processing speed will be very slow. Please do <u>not</u> complain about processing speed! 警告: 处理速度会很慢.请<u>不要</u>抱怨处理速度慢! Peak Level 峰值水平 RMS Level RMS 水平 None Equalization Mode: 均衡模式: DEMO VERSION 演示版 Hibernate Computer On Shutdown 休眠计算机关机 Hibernate Computer 计算机休眠 Do you really want the computer to be hibernated on shutdown? 你真的要电脑休眠关机? LameXP will hibernate the computer on shutdown from now on. LameXP 将从现在的休眠的计算机关机. LameXP will <i>not</i> hibernate the computer on shutdown from now on. LameXP 从今以后 <i>不会<\/i> 休眠的计算机关机. (Hint: Please ignore the name of the downloaded ZIP file and check the included 'changelog.txt' instead!) (提示: 请忽略下载的 ZIP 文件的名称,而是检查包括 'changelog.txt'!) Skipping update check this time, please be patient... 跳过检查更新的时间,请耐心等待... MetaInfo Meta Information Meta 信息 Edit 编辑 Close 关闭 Artwork 原图 MetaInfoDialog Meta Information Meta 信息 The following meta information have been extracted from the original file. 已从原始文件提取了以下的 Meta 信息. Load Artwork From File 从文件加载的原图 Clear Artwork 清除原图 Load Artwork 加载原图 Artwork Error 原图错误 Sorry, failed to load artwork from selected file! 对不起,无法从所选的文件加载原图! Edit this Information 编辑此信息 Copy everything to Meta Info tab 将所有内容复制到 Meta 信息选项卡 Clear all Meta Info 清除所有的 Meta 信息 Meta Information: %1 Meta 信息: %1 MetaInfoModel Full Path 完整路径 Format 格式 Container 容器 Compression 压缩 Duration 持续时间 Title 标题 Artist 艺术家 Album 专辑 Genre 风格 Year Position 位置 Generate from list position 从列表的位置中生成 Comment 评论 Property 属性 Value Unspecified 未指定 Edit Title 编辑标题 Please enter the title for this file: 请输入此文件的标题: The title must not be empty. Generating title from file name! 标题不能为空.从文件的名称生成标题 ! Edit Artist 编辑艺术家 Please enter the artist for this file: 请输入此文件的艺术家: Edit Album 编辑专辑 Please enter the album for this file: 请输入此文件的专辑: Edit Genre 编辑风格 Please enter the genre for this file: 请输入此文件风格: Edit Year 编辑年份 Please enter the year for this file: 请输入此文件的年份: Edit Position 编辑位置 Please enter the position (track no.) for this file: 请输入此文件的位置 (轨道号): Unspecified (copy from source file) 未指定 (复制源代码文件的副本) Edit Comment 编辑注释 Please enter the comment for this file: 请输入此文件的注释: Encoded with LameXP 编码与LameXP Not editable 不可编辑 Sorry, this property of the source file cannot be edited! 对不起,不能编辑此属性的源文件 ! OK 确定 Cancel 取消 Not Specified 未指定 Unknown 未知 ProcessThread Starting... 正在启动... Not found! 找不到! The format of this file is NOT supported: 此文件的格式不受支持: Container Format: 容器格式: Audio Format: 音频格式: Unsupported! 不受支持! Done. 完成. Aborted! 中止! Failed! 失败! Encoding 编码 Filtering 过滤 Decoding 解码 The source audio file could not be found: 找不到源音频文件: The source audio file could not be opened for reading: 无法打开源音频文件进行读取: The target output directory doesn't exist and could NOT be created: 目标输出目录不存在,无法创建: The target output directory is NOT writable: 目标输出目录不是可写: Unknown File Name 未知文件名称 Unknown Title 未知标题 Unknown Artist 未知艺术家 Unknown Album 未知专辑 Unknown Comment 未知评论 ProcessingDialog LameXP - Processing LameXP - 处理 Initializing, please wait... 正在初始化,请稍候... Abort 中止 Close 关闭 Show details for selected job 显示选定的项目的详细信息 Encoding Files 文件编码 Your files are being encoded, please be patient... 正在为您的文件编码,请耐心等待... Encoding files, please wait... 正在编码文件,请稍候... Aborted! Waiting for running jobs to terminate... 中止! 正在等待运行项目终止... Encoding: %1 files of %2 completed so far, please wait... 编码:到目前为止,已完成的 %2/%1 ,请稍候... Creating the playlist file, please wait... 创建播放列表文件,请稍候... Process was aborted by the user after %1 file(s)! 进程被用户终止了 %1 个文件 ! LameXP - Aborted LameXP - 中止 Process was aborted by the user. 进程被用户终止. Error: %1 of %2 files failed. Double-click failed items for detailed information! 错误: %1 的 %2 文件失败.双击失败的项目的详细信息 ! LameXP - Error LameXP - 错误 At least one file has failed! 至少一个文件失败 ! All files completed successfully. 已成功完成的所有文件. LameXP - Done LameXP - 完成了 Playlist creation failed 播放列表创建失败 The playlist file could not be created: 无法创建播放列表文件: Process was aborted prematurely by the user! 用户提前中止了进程 ! Multi-threading enabled: Running %1 instances in parallel! 多线程启用: 以并行方式运行 %1 个实例 ! Browse Output File Location 浏览输出文件的位置 Shutdown the computer as soon as all files have been converted 所有文件都转换后自动关闭计算机 Warning: Computer will shutdown in %1 seconds... 警告:计算机将在 %1 秒关机... Cancel Shutdown 取消关机 CPU Usage (Overall) CPU使用率(总) Physical RAM Usage 物理RAM的使用 Free Disk Space (Temp Folder) 可用的磁盘空间(Temp文件夹) Process finished after %1. 过程完成了 %1. hour(s) 小时 minute(s) 分钟 second(s) millisecond(s) 毫秒 ProgressModel Job 项目 Status 状态 QApplication Executable '%1' doesn't support Windows compatibility mode. 可执行文件 '%1' 不支持 Windows 兼容性模式. Executable '%1' requires Qt v%2, but found Qt v%3. 可执行文件 '%1' 需要 Qt v%2, 但发现 Qt v%3. Executable '%1' requires Windows 2000 or later. 可执行文件 '%1' 需要 Windows 2000 或更高版本. Executable '%1' was built for Qt '%2', but found Qt '%3'. 可执行文件 '%1'为Qt '%2',但发现Qt'%3'. ShellIntegration Audio File supported by LameXP LameXP支持的音频文件 Convert this file with LameXP v%1 转换此文件与LameXP v%1 SplashScreen LameXP is launching... LameXP 正在启动... UpdateDialog LameXP Update Manager LameXP 更新管理器 Please wait... 请稍候... Latest version available: 最新版本: Currently installed version: 安装当前的版本: Retry 重试 Show Log 显示日志 Download && Install 下载 && 安装 Close 关闭 Build 生成 Unknown 未知 Testing your internet connection, please wait... 测试您的 Internet 连接,请稍候... Network connectivity test has failed! 网络连接测试失败 ! Please make sure your internet connection is working properly and try again. 请确保您的网络连接正常工作,然后再试. Checking for new updates online, please wait... 在线更新检查新的版本,请稍候... Failed to fetch update information from server! 无法从服务器获取更新信息 ! Sorry, the update server might be busy at this time. Plase try again later. 抱歉,更新服务器可能在这一次忙.请稍后再试. More information available at: 在可用的详细信息: A new version of LameXP is available! 发现一个可用的新版本 LameXP ! We highly recommend all users to install this update as soon as possible. 我们强烈建议所有的用户,要尽快安装此更新. No new updates available at this time. 这个时候没有发现新的可用更新. Your version of LameXP is still up-to-date. Please check for updates regularly! 您的 LameXP 版本是仍然最新的.请定期检查更新 ! Your version appears to be newer than the latest release. 您的版本似乎是比最新的版本新. This usually indicates your are currently using a pre-release version of LameXP. 这通常表示您当前正在使用的 LameXP 预发布版. Update is being downloaded, please be patient... 正在下载更新,请耐心等待... Update ready to install. Applicaion will quit... 准备好安装更新.应用程序将退出... Update failed. Please try again or download manually! 更新失败.请再试一次或手动下载 ! It appears that the computer currently is offline! 看来,目前的计算机处于脱机状态! Please make sure your computer is connected to the internet and try again. 请确保您的计算机连接到 Internet,然后重试.