/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End // Copyright (C) 2004-2013 LoRd_MuldeR // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version, but always including the *additional* // restrictions defined in the "License.txt" file. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Dialog_About.h" #include "../tmp/UIC_AboutDialog.h" #include "Global.h" #include "Resource.h" #include "Model_Settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Helper macros #define LINK(URL) QString("%2").arg(URL).arg(QString(URL).replace("-", "−")) #define TRIM_RIGHT(STR) do { while(STR.endsWith(QChar(' ')) || STR.endsWith(QChar('\t')) || STR.endsWith(QChar('\r')) || STR.endsWith(QChar('\n'))) STR.chop(1); } while(0) #define MAKE_TRANSPARENT(WIDGET) do { QPalette _p = (WIDGET)->palette(); _p.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::transparent); (WIDGET)->setPalette(_p); } while(0) //Constants const char *AboutDialog::neroAacUrl = "http://www.nero.com/eng/company/about-nero/nero-aac-codec.php"; const char *AboutDialog::disqueUrl = "http://muldersoft.com/?player_url=38X-MXOB014"; //Contributors static const struct { char *pcFlag; wchar_t *pcLanguage; wchar_t *pcName; char *pcMail; } g_lamexp_translators[] = { {"en", L"Englisch", L"LoRd_MuldeR", "MuldeR2@GMX.de" }, {"de", L"Deutsch", L"LoRd_MuldeR", "MuldeR2@GMX.de" }, {"", L"", L"Bodo Thevissen", "Bodo@thevissen.de" }, {"es", L"Español", L"Rub3nCT", "Rub3nCT@gmail.com" }, {"fr", L"Française", L"Dodich Informatique", "Dodich@live.fr" }, {"it", L"Italiano", L"Roberto", "Gulliver_69@libero.it" }, {"kr", L"한국어", L"JaeHyung Lee", "Kolanp@gmail.com" }, {"pl", L"Polski", L"Sir Daniel K", "Sir.Daniel.K@gmail.com"}, {"ru", L"Русский", L"Neonailol", "Neonailol@gmail.com" }, {"", L"", L"Иван Митин", "bardak@inbox.ru" }, {"sv", L"Svenska", L"Åke Engelbrektson", "eson57@gmail.com" }, {"tw", L"繁体中文", L"456Vv", "123@456vv.com" }, {"uk", L"Українська", L"Arestarh", "Arestarh@ukr.net" }, {"zh", L"简体中文", L"456Vv", "123@456vv.com" }, {"", L"", L"庄泓川", "kidneybean@sohu.com" }, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AboutDialog::AboutDialog(SettingsModel *settings, QWidget *parent, bool firstStart) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::AboutDialog), m_settings(settings), m_initFlags(new QMap), m_disque(NULL), m_disqueTimer(NULL), m_rotateNext(false), m_disqueDelay(_I64_MAX), m_lastTab(0) { //Init the dialog, from the .ui file ui->setupUi(this); setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & (~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint)); resize(this->minimumSize()); //Disable "X" button if(firstStart) { lamexp_enable_close_button(this, false); } //Init images for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_cartoon[i] = NULL; } //Init tab widget connect(ui->tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabChanged(int))); //Make transparent const type_info &styleType = typeid(*qApp->style()); if((typeid(QWindowsVistaStyle) == styleType) || (typeid(QWindowsXPStyle) == styleType)) { MAKE_TRANSPARENT(ui->infoScrollArea); MAKE_TRANSPARENT(ui->contributorsScrollArea); MAKE_TRANSPARENT(ui->softwareScrollArea); MAKE_TRANSPARENT(ui->licenseScrollArea); } //Show about dialog for the first time? if(!firstStart) { lamexp_seed_rand(); ui->acceptButton->hide(); ui->declineButton->hide(); ui->aboutQtButton->show(); ui->closeButton->show(); QPixmap disque(":/images/Disque.png"); m_disque = new QLabel(this, Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); m_disque->resize(disque.size()); m_disque->setStyleSheet("background:transparent;"); m_disque->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); m_disque->setPixmap(disque); m_disque->installEventFilter(this); connect(QApplication::desktop(), SIGNAL(workAreaResized(int)), this, SLOT(geometryUpdated())); geometryUpdated(); m_discOpacity = 0.01; m_disquePos.setX(static_cast(lamexp_rand() % static_cast(m_disqueBound.right() - disque.width() - m_disqueBound.left())) + m_disqueBound.left()); m_disquePos.setY(static_cast(lamexp_rand() % static_cast(m_disqueBound.bottom() - disque.height() - m_disqueBound.top())) + m_disqueBound.top()); m_disqueFlags[0] = (lamexp_rand() > (UINT_MAX/2)); m_disqueFlags[1] = (lamexp_rand() > (UINT_MAX/2)); m_disque->move(m_disquePos); m_disque->setWindowOpacity(m_discOpacity); m_disque->show(); m_disqueTimer = new QTimer; connect(m_disqueTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(moveDisque())); m_disqueTimer->start(10); connect(ui->aboutQtButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showAboutQt())); } else { ui->acceptButton->show(); ui->declineButton->show(); ui->aboutQtButton->hide(); ui->closeButton->hide(); } //Activate "show license" button ui->showLicenseButton->show(); connect(ui->showLicenseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(gotoLicenseTab())); m_firstShow = firstStart; } AboutDialog::~AboutDialog(void) { if(m_disque) { m_disque->close(); LAMEXP_DELETE(m_disque); } if(m_disqueTimer) { m_disqueTimer->stop(); LAMEXP_DELETE(m_disqueTimer); } for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { LAMEXP_DELETE(m_cartoon[i]); } LAMEXP_DELETE(m_initFlags); LAMEXP_DELETE(ui); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int AboutDialog::exec() { if(m_settings->soundsEnabled()) { if(m_firstShow) { if(!lamexp_play_sound_file("imageres.dll", 5080, true)) { lamexp_play_sound(0, true, L"SystemStart"); } } else { lamexp_play_sound(IDR_WAVE_ABOUT, true); } } switch(QDialog::exec()) { case 1: return 1; break; case 2: return -1; break; default: return 0; break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Slots //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define TEMP_HIDE_DISQUE(CMD) do \ { \ bool _tmp = (m_disque) ? m_disque->isVisible() : false; \ if(_tmp) m_disque->hide(); \ { CMD } \ if(_tmp) \ { \ m_discOpacity = 0.01; \ m_disque->setWindowOpacity(m_discOpacity); \ m_disque->show(); \ } \ } \ while(0) void AboutDialog::tabChanged(int index, const bool silent) { bool bInitialized = m_initFlags->value(ui->tabWidget->widget(index), false); if(!bInitialized) { qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); if(QWidget *tab = ui->tabWidget->widget(index)) { bool ok = false; if(tab == ui->infoTab) { initInformationTab(); ok = true; } if(tab == ui->contributorsTab) { initContributorsTab(); ok = true; } if(tab == ui->softwareTab) { initSoftwareTab(); ok = true; } if(tab == ui->licenseTab) { initLicenseTab(); ok = true; } if(ok) { m_initFlags->insert(tab, true); } else { qWarning("Unknown tab %p encountered, cannot initialize !!!", tab); } } ui->tabWidget->widget(index)->update(); qApp->processEvents(); qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); } //Play tick sound if(m_settings->soundsEnabled() && (!silent)) { lamexp_play_sound(IDR_WAVE_TICK, true); } //Scroll to the top if(QWidget *tab = ui->tabWidget->widget(index)) { if(tab == ui->infoTab) ui->infoScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(0); if(tab == ui->contributorsTab) ui->contributorsScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(0); if(tab == ui->softwareTab) ui->softwareScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(0); if(tab == ui->licenseTab) ui->licenseScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(0); } //Update license button ui->showLicenseButton->setChecked(ui->tabWidget->widget(index) == ui->licenseTab); if(ui->tabWidget->widget(index) != ui->licenseTab) m_lastTab = index; } void AboutDialog::enableButtons(void) { ui->acceptButton->setEnabled(true); ui->declineButton->setEnabled(true); setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); } void AboutDialog::openURL(const QString &url) { if(!QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url))) { lamexp_exec_shell(this, url); } } void AboutDialog::showAboutQt(void) { TEMP_HIDE_DISQUE ( QMessageBox::aboutQt(this); ); } void AboutDialog::gotoLicenseTab(void) { ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(ui->tabWidget->indexOf(ui->showLicenseButton->isChecked() ? ui->licenseTab : ui->tabWidget->widget(m_lastTab))); } void AboutDialog::moveDisque(void) { int delta = 2; const __int64 perfFrequ = lamexp_perfcounter_frequ(); const __int64 perfCount = lamexp_perfcounter_value(); if((perfFrequ >= 0) && (perfCount >= 0)) { if(m_disqueDelay != _I64_MAX) { const double delay = static_cast(perfCount) - static_cast(m_disqueDelay); delta = qMax(1, qMin(128, static_cast(ceil(delay / static_cast(perfFrequ) / 0.00512)))); } m_disqueDelay = perfCount; } if(m_disque) { if(m_disquePos.x() <= m_disqueBound.left()) { m_disqueFlags[0] = true; m_rotateNext = true; } if(m_disquePos.x() >= m_disqueBound.right()) { m_disqueFlags[0] = false; m_rotateNext = true; } if(m_disquePos.y() <= m_disqueBound.top()) { m_disqueFlags[1] = true; m_rotateNext = true; } if(m_disquePos.y() >= m_disqueBound.bottom()) { m_disqueFlags[1] = false; m_rotateNext = true; } m_disquePos.setX(m_disqueFlags[0] ? (m_disquePos.x() + delta) : (m_disquePos.x() - delta)); m_disquePos.setY(m_disqueFlags[1] ? (m_disquePos.y() + delta) : (m_disquePos.y() - delta)); m_disque->move(m_disquePos); if(m_rotateNext) { QPixmap *cartoon = NULL; if(m_disqueFlags[0] == true && m_disqueFlags[1] != true) cartoon = m_cartoon[0]; if(m_disqueFlags[0] == true && m_disqueFlags[1] == true) cartoon = m_cartoon[1]; if(m_disqueFlags[0] != true && m_disqueFlags[1] == true) cartoon = m_cartoon[2]; if(m_disqueFlags[0] != true && m_disqueFlags[1] != true) cartoon = m_cartoon[3]; if(cartoon) { m_disque->setPixmap(*cartoon); if(m_disque->size() != cartoon->size()) { m_disque->resize(cartoon->size()); geometryUpdated(); } } m_rotateNext = false; } if(m_discOpacity != 1.0) { m_discOpacity = m_discOpacity + 0.01; if(qFuzzyCompare(m_discOpacity, 1.0) || (m_discOpacity > 1.0)) { m_discOpacity = 1.0; } m_disque->setWindowOpacity(m_discOpacity); m_disque->update(); } } } void AboutDialog::geometryUpdated(void) { if(m_disque) { QRect screenGeometry = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(); m_disqueBound.setLeft(screenGeometry.left()); m_disqueBound.setRight(screenGeometry.width() - m_disque->width() + screenGeometry.left()); m_disqueBound.setTop(screenGeometry.top()); m_disqueBound.setBottom(screenGeometry.height() - m_disque->height() + screenGeometry.top()); } else { m_disqueBound = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(); } } void AboutDialog::adjustSize(void) { int maximumHeight = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry().height(); int delta = ui->infoScrollArea->widget()->height() - ui->infoScrollArea->viewport()->height(); if(delta > 0) { this->resize(this->width(), qMin(this->height() + delta, maximumHeight)); this->move(this->x(), this->y() - (delta/2)); this->setMinimumHeight(qMax(this->minimumHeight(), this->height())); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Protected Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AboutDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *e) { QDialog::showEvent(e); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(ui->tabWidget->indexOf(ui->infoTab)); tabChanged(m_lastTab = ui->tabWidget->currentIndex(), true); if(m_firstShow) { ui->acceptButton->setEnabled(false); ui->declineButton->setEnabled(false); QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(enableButtons())); setCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(adjustSize())); } void AboutDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { if(m_firstShow) e->ignore(); } bool AboutDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if((obj == m_disque) && (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)) { QPixmap cartoon(":/images/Cartoon.png"); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(!m_cartoon[i]) { m_cartoon[i] = new QPixmap(cartoon.transformed(QMatrix().rotate(static_cast(i*90) + 45.0), Qt::SmoothTransformation)); m_rotateNext = true; } } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(disqueUrl)); } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AboutDialog::initInformationTab(void) { const QString versionStr = QString().sprintf ( "Version %d.%02d %s, Build %d [%s], %s %s, Qt v%s", lamexp_version_major(), lamexp_version_minor(), lamexp_version_release(), lamexp_version_build(), lamexp_version_date().toString(Qt::ISODate).toLatin1().constData(), lamexp_version_compiler(), lamexp_version_arch(), qVersion() ); const QString copyrightStr = QString().sprintf ( "Copyright (C) 2004-%04d LoRd_MuldeR <MuldeR2@GMX.de>. Some rights reserved.", qMax(lamexp_version_date().year(), lamexp_current_date_safe().year()) ); QString aboutText; aboutText += QString("


").arg(NOBR(tr("LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-end"))); aboutText += QString("%1
").arg(NOBR(copyrightStr)); aboutText += QString("%1

").arg(NOBR(versionStr)); aboutText += QString("%1
").arg(NOBR(tr("Please visit %1 for news and updates!").arg(LINK(lamexp_website_url())))); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) const QDate currentDate = lamexp_current_date_safe(); if(LAMEXP_DEBUG) { int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0); aboutText += QString("
%1").arg(NOBR(QString("!!! --- DEBUG BUILD --- Expires at: %1 · Days left: %2 --- DEBUG BUILD --- !!!").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)))); } else if(lamexp_version_demo()) { int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0); aboutText += QString("
%1").arg(NOBR(tr("Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)))); } #else const QDate currentDate = lamexp_current_date_safe(); if(LAMEXP_DEBUG) { int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0i64); aboutText += QString("
%1").arg(NOBR(QString("!!! --- DEBUG BUILD --- Expires at: %1 · Days left: %2 --- DEBUG BUILD --- !!!").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)))); } else if(lamexp_version_demo()) { int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0i64); aboutText += QString("
%1").arg(NOBR(tr("Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)))); } #endif aboutText += "

"; aboutText += "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
"; aboutText += "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
"; aboutText += "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
"; aboutText += "(at your option) any later version, but always including the *additional*
"; aboutText += "restrictions defined in the \"License.txt\" file (see \"License\" tab).

"; aboutText += "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
"; aboutText += "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
"; aboutText += "GNU General Public License for more details.

"; aboutText += "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
"; aboutText += "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
"; aboutText += "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110−1301, USA.

"; aboutText += "
"; aboutText += ""; aboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Note: LameXP is free software. Do not pay money to obtain or use LameXP! If some third-party website tries to make you pay for downloading LameXP, you should not respond to the offer !!!")); aboutText += "
"; ui->infoLabel->setText(aboutText); ui->infoIcon->setPixmap(lamexp_app_icon().pixmap(QSize(72,72))); connect(ui->infoLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString))); } void AboutDialog::initContributorsTab(void) { const QString spaces("    "); const QString extraVSpace("
"); QString contributorsAboutText; contributorsAboutText += QString("


").arg(NOBR(tr("The following people have contributed to LameXP:"))); contributorsAboutText += ""; contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Programmers:"), extraVSpace); QString icon = QString("").arg("user_gray"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(icon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Project Leader"), spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg("LoRd_MuldeR", spaces, "MuldeR2@GMX.de"); contributorsAboutText += QString(""); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Translators:"), extraVSpace); for(int i = 0; g_lamexp_translators[i].pcName; i++) { QString flagIcon = (strlen(g_lamexp_translators[i].pcFlag) > 0) ? QString("").arg(g_lamexp_translators[i].pcFlag) : QString(); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(flagIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(WCHAR2QSTR(g_lamexp_translators[i].pcLanguage), spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(WCHAR2QSTR(g_lamexp_translators[i].pcName), spaces, g_lamexp_translators[i].pcMail); } contributorsAboutText += QString(""); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Special thanks to:"), extraVSpace); QString webIcon = QString("").arg("world"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Doom9's Forum"), spaces, "http://forum.doom9.org/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Gleitz | German Doom9"), spaces, "http://forum.gleitz.info/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Hydrogenaudio Forums"), spaces, "http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("RareWares"), spaces, "http://www.rarewares.org/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("GitHub"), spaces, "http://github.com/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("SourceForge"), spaces, "http://sourceforge.net/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Qt Developer Network"), spaces, "http://qt-project.org/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("BerliOS Developer"), spaces, "http://developer.berlios.de/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("CodePlex"), spaces, "http://www.codeplex.com/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Marius Hudea"), spaces, "http://savedonthe.net/"); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(webIcon, spaces); contributorsAboutText += QString("").arg(tr("Codecs.com"), spaces, "http://www.codecs.com/"); contributorsAboutText += "

"; contributorsAboutText += QString("%1
").arg(NOBR(tr("If you are willing to contribute a LameXP translation, feel free to contact us!"))); ui->contributorsLabel->setText(contributorsAboutText); ui->contributorsIcon->setPixmap(QIcon(":/images/Logo_Contributors.png").pixmap(QSize(72,84))); connect(ui->contributorsLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString))); } void AboutDialog::initSoftwareTab(void) { QString moreAboutText; moreAboutText += QString("


").arg(tr("The following third-party software is used in LameXP:")); moreAboutText += "
    "; //;font-size:7pt moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("LAME - OpenSource mp3 Encoder"), "lame.exe", "v?.??, #-?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://lame.sourceforge.net/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("OggEnc - Ogg Vorbis Encoder"), "oggenc2.exe", "v?.??, aoTuV #-?.??", tr("Completely open and patent-free audio encoding technology."), "http://www.vorbis.com/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Nero AAC Reference MPEG-4 Encoder"), "neroAacEnc.exe", "v?.?.?.?", tr("Freeware state-of-the-art HE-AAC encoder with 2-Pass support."), neroAacUrl, tr("Available from vendor web-site as free download:") ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Aften - A/52 audio encoder"), "aften.exe", "v?.?.?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://aften.sourceforge.net/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec"), "flac.exe", "v?.?.?", tr("Open and patent-free lossless audio compression technology."), "http://flac.sourceforge.net/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Opus Audio Codec"), "opusenc.exe", "#, ????-??-??", tr("Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec."), "http://www.opus-codec.org/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("mpg123 - Fast Console MPEG Audio Player/Decoder"), "mpg123.exe", "v?.??.?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://www.mpg123.de/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("FAAD - OpenSource MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC Decoder"), "faad.exe", "v?.?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License."), "http://www.audiocoding.com/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Valdec from AC3Filter Tools - AC3/DTS Decoder"), "valdec.exe", "v?.??#", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://www.ac3filter.net/projects/tools" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("WavPack - Hybrid Lossless Compression"), "wvunpack.exe", "v?.??.?", tr("Completely open audio compression format."), "http://www.wavpack.com/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Musepack - Living Audio Compression"), "mpcdec.exe", "r???", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://www.musepack.net/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Monkey's Audio - Lossless Audio Compressor"), "mac.exe", "v?.??", tr("Freely available source code, simple SDK and non-restrictive licensing."), "http://www.monkeysaudio.com/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Shorten - Lossless Audio Compressor"), "shorten.exe", "v?.?.?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://etree.org/shnutils/shorten/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Speex - Free Codec For Free Speech"), "speexdec.exe", "v?.?", tr("Open Source patent-free audio format designed for speech."), "http://www.speex.org/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("The True Audio - Lossless Audio Codec"), "tta.exe", "v?.?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://tta.sourceforge.net/" ); //moreAboutText += makeToolText //( // tr("ALAC Decoder"), // "alac.exe", "v?.?.?", // tr("Copyright (c) 2004 David Hammerton. Contributions by Cody Brocious."), // "http://craz.net/programs/itunes/alac.html" //); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("refalac - Win32 command line ALAC encoder/decoder"), "refalac.exe", "v?.??", tr("The ALAC reference implementation by Apple is available under the Apache license."), "http://alac.macosforge.org/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("wma2wav - Dump WMA files to Wave Audio"), "wma2wav.exe", "????-??-??", tr("Copyright (c) 2011 LoRd_MuldeR . Some rights reserved."), "http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=140273" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("avs2wav - Avisynth to Wave Audio converter"), "avs2wav.exe", "v?.?", tr("By Jory Stone and LoRd_MuldeR ."), "http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=70882" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("dcaenc"), "dcaenc.exe", "????-??-??", tr("Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Alexander E. Patrakov. Distributed under the LGPL."), "http://gitorious.org/dtsenc/dtsenc/trees/master" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("MediaInfo - Media File Analysis Tool"), "mediainfo.exe", "v?.?.??", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("SoX - Sound eXchange"), "sox.exe", "v??.?.?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://sox.sourceforge.net/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("GnuPG - The GNU Privacy Guard"), "gpgv.exe", "v?.?.??", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://www.gnupg.org/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("GNU Wget - Software for retrieving files using HTTP"), "wget.exe", "v?.??.?", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("UPX - The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables"), QString(), "v3.09", tr("Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License."), "http://upx.sourceforge.net/" ); moreAboutText += makeToolText ( tr("Silk Icons - Over 700 icons in PNG format"), QString(), "v1.3", tr("By Mark James, released under the Creative Commons 'by' License."), "http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/" ); moreAboutText += QString("

").arg ( tr("The copyright of LameXP as a whole belongs to LoRd_MuldeR. The copyright of third-party software used in LameXP belongs to the individual authors.") ); ui->softwareLabel->setText(moreAboutText); ui->softwareIcon->setPixmap(QIcon(":/images/Logo_Software.png").pixmap(QSize(72,65))); connect(ui->softwareLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString))); } void AboutDialog::initLicenseTab(void) { bool bFoundHeader = false; QRegExp header("^(\\s*)(GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)(\\s*)$"); QString licenseText; licenseText += (""); QFile file(":/License.txt"); if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&file); while((!stream.atEnd()) && (stream.status() == QTextStream::Ok)) { QString line = stream.readLine(); line.replace('<', "<").replace('>', ">"); if((!bFoundHeader) && (header.indexIn(line) >= 0)) { line.replace(header, "\\1\\2\\3"); bFoundHeader = true; } TRIM_RIGHT(line); licenseText += QString("%1
").arg(line.replace(' ', " ")); } licenseText += QString("
"); stream.device()->close(); } else { licenseText += QString("Oups, failed to load license text. Please refer to:
"); licenseText += LINK("http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html"); } licenseText += ("
"); ui->licenseLabel->setText(licenseText); ui->licenseIcon->setPixmap(QIcon(":/images/Logo_GNU.png").pixmap(QSize(72,65))); connect(ui->licenseLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString))); } QString AboutDialog::makeToolText(const QString &toolName, const QString &toolBin, const QString &toolVerFmt, const QString &toolLicense, const QString &toolWebsite, const QString &extraInfo) { QString toolText, toolTag, verStr(toolVerFmt); if(!toolBin.isEmpty()) { const unsigned int version = lamexp_tool_version(toolBin, &toolTag); verStr = lamexp_version2string(toolVerFmt, version, tr("n/a"), &toolTag); } toolText += QString("
  • %1
    ").arg(NOBR(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(toolName, verStr))); toolText += QString("%1
    ").arg(NOBR(toolLicense)); if(!extraInfo.isEmpty()) toolText += QString("%1
    ").arg(NOBR(extraInfo)); toolText += QString("%1").arg(LINK(toolWebsite)); toolText += QString("
    "); return toolText; }