/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End // Copyright (C) 2004-2012 LoRd_MuldeR // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Thread_FileAnalyzer_Task.h" #include "Global.h" #include "LockedFile.h" #include "Model_AudioFile.h" #include "PlaylistImporter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define IS_KEY(KEY) (key.compare(KEY, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) #define IS_SEC(SEC) (key.startsWith((SEC "_"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) #define FIRST_TOK(STR) (STR.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts).first()) /* static vars */ QMutex AnalyzeTask::s_waitMutex; QWaitCondition AnalyzeTask::s_waitCond; QSet AnalyzeTask::s_threadIdx_running; unsigned int AnalyzeTask::s_threadIdx_next = 0; QSemaphore AnalyzeTask::s_semaphore(0); /* more static vars */ QReadWriteLock AnalyzeTask::s_lock; unsigned int AnalyzeTask::s_filesAccepted = 0; unsigned int AnalyzeTask::s_filesRejected = 0; unsigned int AnalyzeTask::s_filesDenied = 0; unsigned int AnalyzeTask::s_filesDummyCDDA = 0; unsigned int AnalyzeTask::s_filesCueSheet = 0; QStringList AnalyzeTask::s_additionalFiles; QSet AnalyzeTask::s_recentlyAdded; /*constants*/ const int WAITCOND_TIMEOUT = 2500; const int MAX_RETRIES = 60000 / WAITCOND_TIMEOUT; const int MAX_QUEUE_SLOTS = 32; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AnalyzeTask::AnalyzeTask(const QString &inputFile, const QString &templateFile, volatile bool *abortFlag) : m_threadIdx(makeThreadIdx()), m_inputFile(inputFile), m_templateFile(templateFile), m_mediaInfoBin(lamexp_lookup_tool("mediainfo.exe")), m_avs2wavBin(lamexp_lookup_tool("avs2wav.exe")), m_abortFlag(abortFlag) { if(m_mediaInfoBin.isEmpty() || m_avs2wavBin.isEmpty()) { qFatal("Invalid path to MediaInfo binary. Tool not initialized properly."); } } AnalyzeTask::~AnalyzeTask(void) { s_semaphore.release(); s_waitMutex.lock(); s_threadIdx_running.remove(m_threadIdx); s_waitMutex.unlock(); s_waitCond.wakeAll(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Thread Main //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AnalyzeTask::run() { try { run_ex(); } catch(...) { qWarning("WARNING: Caught an in exception AnalyzeTask thread!"); } s_waitMutex.lock(); s_threadIdx_running.remove(m_threadIdx); s_waitMutex.unlock(); s_waitCond.wakeAll(); } void AnalyzeTask::run_ex(void) { int fileType = fileTypeNormal; QString currentFile = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(m_inputFile); qDebug("Analyzing: %s", currentFile.toUtf8().constData()); emit fileSelected(QFileInfo(currentFile).fileName()); emit progressValChanged(m_threadIdx + 1); AudioFileModel file = analyzeFile(currentFile, &fileType); if(*m_abortFlag) { qWarning("Operation cancelled by user!"); return; } if(fileType == fileTypeSkip) { qWarning("File was recently added, skipping!"); return; } if(fileType == fileTypeDenied) { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); s_filesDenied++; lock.unlock(); qWarning("Cannot access file for reading, skipping!"); return; } if(fileType == fileTypeCDDA) { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); s_filesDummyCDDA++; lock.unlock(); qWarning("Dummy CDDA file detected, skipping!"); return; } //Handle files with *incomplete* meida info if(file.fileName().isEmpty() || file.formatContainerType().isEmpty() || file.formatAudioType().isEmpty()) { QStringList fileList; if(PlaylistImporter::importPlaylist(fileList, currentFile)) { qDebug("Imported playlist file."); QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); s_additionalFiles << fileList; } else if(!QFileInfo(currentFile).suffix().compare("cue", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); qWarning("Cue Sheet file detected, skipping!"); s_filesCueSheet++; } else if(!QFileInfo(currentFile).suffix().compare("avs", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { qDebug("Found a potential Avisynth script, investigating..."); if(analyzeAvisynthFile(currentFile, file)) { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); s_filesAccepted++; s_recentlyAdded.insert(file.filePath().toLower()); lock.unlock(); waitForPreviousThreads(); emit fileAnalyzed(file); } else { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); qDebug("Rejected Avisynth file: %s", file.filePath().toUtf8().constData()); s_filesRejected++; } } else { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); qDebug("Rejected file of unknown type: %s", file.filePath().toUtf8().constData()); s_filesRejected++; } return; } //Emit the file now! QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); s_filesAccepted++; s_recentlyAdded.insert(file.filePath().toLower()); lock.unlock(); waitForPreviousThreads(); emit fileAnalyzed(file); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Privtae Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const AudioFileModel AnalyzeTask::analyzeFile(const QString &filePath, int *type) { *type = fileTypeNormal; AudioFileModel audioFile(filePath); QReadLocker readLock(&s_lock); if(s_recentlyAdded.contains(filePath.toLower())) { *type = fileTypeSkip; return audioFile; } readLock.unlock(); QFile readTest(filePath); if(!readTest.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { *type = fileTypeDenied; return audioFile; } if(checkFile_CDDA(readTest)) { *type = fileTypeCDDA; return audioFile; } readTest.close(); bool skipNext = false; unsigned int id_val[2] = {UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX}; cover_t coverType = coverNone; QByteArray coverData; QStringList params; params << QString("--Inform=file://%1").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_templateFile)); params << QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath); QProcess process; process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); process.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput); process.start(m_mediaInfoBin, params); if(!process.waitForStarted()) { qWarning("MediaInfo process failed to create!"); qWarning("Error message: \"%s\"\n", process.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); return audioFile; } while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*m_abortFlag) { process.kill(); qWarning("Process was aborted on user request!"); break; } if(!process.waitForReadyRead()) { if(process.state() == QProcess::Running) { qWarning("MediaInfo time out. Killing process and skipping file!"); process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); return audioFile; } } QByteArray data; while(process.canReadLine()) { QString line = QString::fromUtf8(process.readLine().constData()).simplified(); if(!line.isEmpty()) { //qDebug("Line:%s", line.toUtf8().constData()); int index = line.indexOf('='); if(index > 0) { QString key = line.left(index).trimmed(); QString val = line.mid(index+1).trimmed(); if(!key.isEmpty()) { updateInfo(audioFile, &skipNext, id_val, &coverType, &coverData, key, val); } } } } } if(audioFile.fileName().isEmpty()) { QString baseName = QFileInfo(filePath).fileName(); int index = baseName.lastIndexOf("."); if(index >= 0) { baseName = baseName.left(index); } baseName = baseName.replace("_", " ").simplified(); index = baseName.lastIndexOf(" - "); if(index >= 0) { baseName = baseName.mid(index + 3).trimmed(); } audioFile.setFileName(baseName); } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } if((coverType != coverNone) && (!coverData.isEmpty())) { retrieveCover(audioFile, coverType, coverData); } return audioFile; } void AnalyzeTask::updateInfo(AudioFileModel &audioFile, bool *skipNext, unsigned int *id_val, cover_t *coverType, QByteArray *coverData, const QString &key, const QString &value) { //qWarning("'%s' -> '%s'", key.toUtf8().constData(), value.toUtf8().constData()); /*New Stream*/ if(IS_KEY("Gen_ID") || IS_KEY("Aud_ID")) { if(value.isEmpty()) { *skipNext = false; } else { //We ignore all ID's, except for the lowest one! bool ok = false; unsigned int id = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) { if(IS_KEY("Gen_ID")) { id_val[0] = qMin(id_val[0], id); *skipNext = (id > id_val[0]); } if(IS_KEY("Aud_ID")) { id_val[1] = qMin(id_val[1], id); *skipNext = (id > id_val[1]); } } else { *skipNext = true; } } if(*skipNext) { qWarning("Skipping info for non-primary stream!"); } return; } /*Skip or empty?*/ if((*skipNext) || value.isEmpty()) { return; } /*Playlist file?*/ if(IS_KEY("Aud_Source")) { *skipNext = true; audioFile.setFormatContainerType(QString()); audioFile.setFormatAudioType(QString()); qWarning("Skipping info for playlist file!"); return; } /*General Section*/ if(IS_SEC("Gen")) { if(IS_KEY("Gen_Format")) { audioFile.setFormatContainerType(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Format_Profile")) { audioFile.setFormatContainerProfile(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Title") || IS_KEY("Gen_Track")) { audioFile.setFileName(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Duration")) { unsigned int tmp = parseDuration(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.setFileDuration(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Artist") || IS_KEY("Gen_Performer")) { audioFile.setFileArtist(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Album")) { audioFile.setFileAlbum(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Genre")) { audioFile.setFileGenre(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Released_Date") || IS_KEY("Gen_Recorded_Date")) { unsigned int tmp = parseYear(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.setFileYear(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Comment")) { audioFile.setFileComment(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Track/Position")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.setFilePosition(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover") || IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Type")) { if(*coverType == coverNone) { *coverType = coverJpeg; } } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Mime")) { QString temp = FIRST_TOK(value); if(!temp.compare("image/jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) *coverType = coverJpeg; else if(!temp.compare("image/png", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) *coverType = coverPng; else if(!temp.compare("image/gif", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) *coverType = coverGif; } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Data")) { if(!coverData->isEmpty()) coverData->clear(); coverData->append(QByteArray::fromBase64(FIRST_TOK(value).toLatin1())); } else { qWarning("Unknown key '%s' with value '%s' found!", key.toUtf8().constData(), value.toUtf8().constData()); } return; } /*Audio Section*/ if(IS_SEC("Aud")) { if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format")) { audioFile.setFormatAudioType(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format_Profile")) { audioFile.setFormatAudioProfile(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format_Version")) { audioFile.setFormatAudioVersion(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Channel(s)")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.setFormatAudioChannels(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_SamplingRate")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.setFormatAudioSamplerate(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitDepth")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.setFormatAudioBitdepth(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Duration")) { unsigned int tmp = parseDuration(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.setFileDuration(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitRate")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.setFormatAudioBitrate(tmp/1000); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitRate_Mode")) { if(!value.compare("CBR", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) audioFile.setFormatAudioBitrateMode(AudioFileModel::BitrateModeConstant); if(!value.compare("VBR", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) audioFile.setFormatAudioBitrateMode(AudioFileModel::BitrateModeVariable); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Encoded_Library")) { audioFile.setFormatAudioEncodeLib(value); } else { qWarning("Unknown key '%s' with value '%s' found!", key.toUtf8().constData(), value.toUtf8().constData()); } return; } /*Section not recognized*/ qWarning("Unknown section: %s", key.toUtf8().constData()); } bool AnalyzeTask::checkFile_CDDA(QFile &file) { file.reset(); QByteArray data = file.read(128); int i = data.indexOf("RIFF"); int j = data.indexOf("CDDA"); int k = data.indexOf("fmt "); return ((i >= 0) && (j >= 0) && (k >= 0) && (k > j) && (j > i)); } void AnalyzeTask::retrieveCover(AudioFileModel &audioFile, cover_t coverType, const QByteArray &coverData) { qDebug("Retrieving cover!"); QString extension; switch(coverType) { case coverPng: extension = QString::fromLatin1("png"); break; case coverGif: extension = QString::fromLatin1("gif"); break; default: extension = QString::fromLatin1("jpg"); break; } if(!(QImage::fromData(coverData, extension.toUpper().toLatin1().constData()).isNull())) { QFile coverFile(QString("%1/%2.%3").arg(lamexp_temp_folder2(), lamexp_rand_str(), extension)); if(coverFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { coverFile.write(coverData); coverFile.close(); audioFile.setFileCover(coverFile.fileName(), true); } } else { qWarning("Image data seems to be invalid :-("); } } bool AnalyzeTask::analyzeAvisynthFile(const QString &filePath, AudioFileModel &info) { QProcess process; process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); process.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput); process.start(m_avs2wavBin, QStringList() << QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath) << "?"); if(!process.waitForStarted()) { qWarning("AVS2WAV process failed to create!"); qWarning("Error message: \"%s\"\n", process.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); return false; } bool bInfoHeaderFound = false; while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*m_abortFlag) { process.kill(); qWarning("Process was aborted on user request!"); break; } if(!process.waitForReadyRead()) { if(process.state() == QProcess::Running) { qWarning("AVS2WAV time out. Killing process and skipping file!"); process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); return false; } } QByteArray data; while(process.canReadLine()) { QString line = QString::fromUtf8(process.readLine().constData()).simplified(); if(!line.isEmpty()) { int index = line.indexOf(':'); if(index > 0) { QString key = line.left(index).trimmed(); QString val = line.mid(index+1).trimmed(); if(bInfoHeaderFound && !key.isEmpty() && !val.isEmpty()) { if(key.compare("TotalSeconds", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { bool ok = false; unsigned int duration = val.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) info.setFileDuration(duration); } if(key.compare("SamplesPerSec", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { bool ok = false; unsigned int samplerate = val.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) info.setFormatAudioSamplerate (samplerate); } if(key.compare("Channels", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { bool ok = false; unsigned int channels = val.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) info.setFormatAudioChannels(channels); } if(key.compare("BitsPerSample", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { bool ok = false; unsigned int bitdepth = val.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) info.setFormatAudioBitdepth(bitdepth); } } } else { if(line.contains("[Audio Info]", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { info.setFormatAudioType("Avisynth"); info.setFormatContainerType("Avisynth"); bInfoHeaderFound = true; } } } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } //Check exit code switch(process.exitCode()) { case 0: qDebug("Avisynth script was analyzed successfully."); return true; break; case -5: qWarning("It appears that Avisynth is not installed on the system!"); return false; break; default: qWarning("Failed to open the Avisynth script, bad AVS file?"); return false; break; } } unsigned int AnalyzeTask::parseYear(const QString &str) { if(str.startsWith("UTC", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QDate date = QDate::fromString(str.mid(3).trimmed().left(10), "yyyy-MM-dd"); if(date.isValid()) { return date.year(); } else { return 0; } } else { bool ok = false; int year = str.toInt(&ok); if(ok && year > 0) { return year; } else { return 0; } } } unsigned int AnalyzeTask::parseDuration(const QString &str) { bool ok = false; unsigned int value = str.toUInt(&ok); return ok ? (value/1000) : 0; } unsigned __int64 AnalyzeTask::makeThreadIdx(void) { s_waitMutex.lock(); unsigned int idx = s_threadIdx_next++; s_threadIdx_running.insert(idx); s_waitMutex.unlock(); return idx; } void AnalyzeTask::waitForPreviousThreads(void) { //This function will block until all threads with a *lower* index have terminated. //Required to make sure that the files will be added in the "correct" order! s_waitMutex.lock(); int retryCount = 0; forever { bool bWaitFlag = false; QSet::const_iterator i; for(i = s_threadIdx_running.begin(); i != s_threadIdx_running.end(); ++i) { if(*i < m_threadIdx) { bWaitFlag = true; break; } } if((!bWaitFlag) || *m_abortFlag) { s_waitMutex.unlock(); return; } if(!s_waitCond.wait(&s_waitMutex, WAITCOND_TIMEOUT)) { if(++retryCount > MAX_RETRIES) { qWarning("AnalyzeTask::waitForPreviousThreads encountered timeout !!!"); s_threadIdx_running.clear(); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int AnalyzeTask::filesAccepted(void) { QReadLocker lock(&s_lock); return s_filesAccepted; } unsigned int AnalyzeTask::filesRejected(void) { QReadLocker lock(&s_lock); return s_filesRejected; } unsigned int AnalyzeTask::filesDenied(void) { QReadLocker lock(&s_lock); return s_filesDenied; } unsigned int AnalyzeTask::filesDummyCDDA(void) { QReadLocker lock(&s_lock); return s_filesDummyCDDA; } unsigned int AnalyzeTask::filesCueSheet(void) { QReadLocker lock(&s_lock); return s_filesCueSheet; } int AnalyzeTask::getAdditionalFiles(QStringList &fileList) { QReadLocker readLock(&s_lock); int count = s_additionalFiles.count(); readLock.unlock(); if(count > 0) { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); count = s_additionalFiles.count(); fileList << s_additionalFiles; s_additionalFiles.clear(); return count; } return 0; } bool AnalyzeTask::waitForFreeSlot(volatile bool *abortFlag) { bool ret = false; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_RETRIES; i++) { ret = s_semaphore.tryAcquire(1, WAITCOND_TIMEOUT); if(ret || (*abortFlag)) break; } return ret; } void AnalyzeTask::reset(void) { QWriteLocker lock(&s_lock); s_filesAccepted = 0; s_filesRejected = 0; s_filesDenied = 0; s_filesDummyCDDA = 0; s_filesCueSheet = 0; s_additionalFiles.clear(); s_recentlyAdded.clear(); lock.unlock(); s_waitMutex.lock(); s_threadIdx_next = 0; s_threadIdx_running.clear(); s_waitMutex.unlock(); int freeSlots = s_semaphore.available(); if(freeSlots < MAX_QUEUE_SLOTS) { s_semaphore.release(MAX_QUEUE_SLOTS - freeSlots); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EVENTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*NONE*/