Now using our own command-line parser, based on GetCommandLineW() + CommandLineToArgvW , instead of using QApplication::arguments(). This is less portable, but Qt's internal command-line parser has some rather strange behavior with processing certain characters. As a result, with Qt's command-line parser, some path names passed to LameXP got screwed up! Specifically "C:\Some Path\''Foo''.mp3" got mangled to "C:\Some Path''Foo''.mp3", i.e. the Backslash disappeared! Should be fixed now.
2012-06-22 15:49:56 +02:00 |
When generating the initial output-folder name for the Cue Sheet dialog, make sure there is no folder *or* file of that name yet. The previous code did check for folders only!
2012-06-21 18:31:36 +02:00 |
CueSheet Importer: Fixed generation of the initial (suggested) output folder name when the CUE file name ends with one or multiple dots (now really).
2012-05-29 20:52:45 +02:00 |
Added one more mirror.
2012-05-29 19:53:53 +02:00 |
CueSheet Importer: Fixed generation of the initial (suggested) output folder name when the CUE file name ends with one or multiple dots.
2012-05-29 18:32:28 +02:00 |
Now using a separate QSemaphore to limit the number of tasks in the queue of the QThreadPool. Instead of starting exactly as many task as there are threads in the pool and adding a new task only after a running one finished, we will now keep a fixed number of tasks in the queue (currently hardcoded to 32). Since there always will be more tasks left in the queue than there are threads in the pool, we ensure that no thread will ever become idle. Might be slightly faster than the "old" approach.
2012-05-25 02:24:44 +02:00 |
Fixed HTML code, need to escape the ampersand.
2012-05-20 23:44:50 +02:00 |
Some small updates to the file analyzer benchmark code.
2012-05-15 21:34:20 +02:00 |
Changed the method to synchronize the analyzer threads: We now use QSet to maintain a list of the thread id's of all threads that are still running - instead of only recording the highest thread id that has finished. This way a thread can now actually check if there still is any running thread with a lower thread id. Before thread n could only check if thread n-1 has finished yet or not. As a result we can relax the waiting now. Only threads that want to emit a file will wait for the "previous" threads to finish.
2012-05-14 00:50:16 +02:00 |
Updated mpg123 decoder binary to v1.14.2 (2012-05-12), compiled with GCC 4.6.1.
2012-05-12 22:37:29 +02:00 |
Bump version.
2012-05-12 13:09:16 +02:00 |
Fix: In order to ensure the "correct" ordering, *all* threads need to wait for the previous threads to finish - not only the threads that will emit a file. If both, thread n and n+1, want to emit a file and thus n+1 has to wait for n, we additionally must allow thread n+2 to terminate before n and n+1, even if n+2 does *not* emit a file. That's because as soon as n+2 finishes, it unblocks all threads x with x < n+2, which includes n and n+1. If that happens and n+1 is still waiting for n, we effectively allow n+1 to emit its file *before* n. By blocking all threads x with x > n+1 until n+1 has finished (regardless of whether they want to emit a file or not) this problem is resolved. As long as we assume that most threads actually *do* emit a file, this commit shouldn't hurt the performance.
2012-05-12 02:51:24 +02:00 |
Updated MediaInfo binary to v0.7.57 (2012-05-02), compiled with ICL 12.1.7 and MSVC 10.0.
2012-05-12 02:41:20 +02:00 |
Some code refactoring regarding the QWaitCondition/QMutex in FileAnalyzer_Task.
2012-05-09 02:54:41 +02:00 |
Slightly improved progress indicator for file analyzer: Additional files from playlists are now taken into account earlier.
2012-05-08 01:12:26 +02:00 |
Some speed-optimizations for the Progress model.
2012-05-07 03:03:14 +02:00 |
Added progress indicator to CueSheet import thread.
2012-05-06 23:58:18 +02:00 |
Implemented progress indicator for the working banner.
2012-05-06 04:57:00 +02:00 |
Implemented a method to disables update signals from the FileList model. This will significantly speed-up adding a lot files, but comes with the drawback that updates won't be visible immediately.
2012-05-05 21:56:14 +02:00 |
Now using a QWaitCondition to synchronize the FileAnalyzer threads.
2012-05-05 03:55:27 +02:00 |
Fixed a regression in b00b5278971615fb2601072abd39264cc59b4652.
2012-05-04 21:43:44 +02:00 |
Some minor tweaks to the multi-threaded FileAnalyzer class.
2012-05-04 16:40:02 +02:00 |
Rewrote FileListModel class to use a QHash map internally. This should speed-up the lookup, especially when adding a huge number of files.
2012-05-04 16:39:02 +02:00 |
Fixed a potential stack overflow due to a QApplication::processEvents() that was called from within a slot which may itself be called again while event processing (leading to a recursion that can eventually overflow the stack!)
2012-05-04 16:38:05 +02:00 |
Implemented multi-threading for file analyzer. Now multiple files can be analyzed in parallel. This should speed-up adding files quite a bit, especially when a huge number of files is added at once.
2012-05-04 04:01:10 +02:00 |
Made tool registry thread-safe, using a QReadWriteLock.
2012-05-03 23:11:16 +02:00 |
Implemented multi-threading for tool extraction. The extraction of the tools is limited by a/v software. Without an a/v software interfering, the extraction takes no time (less than a second on the test machine). With an a/v software slowing down things, it can take up to 20 seconds or longer. By extracting several files in parallel, we give the a/v software the chance to take advantage of multi-threading. Should help quite a bit, on multi-core systems.
2012-04-29 21:17:51 +02:00 |
Development open for version 4.05 now.
2012-04-29 18:00:06 +02:00 |
Added Swedish translation. Thanks to Åke Engelbrektson <eson57@gmail.com>.
2012-04-29 17:35:14 +02:00 |
Version v4.04 is released!
2012-04-26 13:43:40 +02:00 |
Updated FAQ document.
2012-04-23 22:50:20 +02:00 |
Better method to prevent MediaInfo from detecting playlist files.
2012-04-20 22:39:19 +02:00 |
Changed temporary installer file name.
2012-04-20 21:11:06 +02:00 |
Bump version.
2012-04-19 20:25:12 +02:00 |
Workaround for a recent change in MediaInfo's behavior for M3U playlist files.
2012-04-19 14:40:05 +02:00 |
Make it possible to remove items with the DEL key.
2012-04-19 00:56:04 +02:00 |
Bump version.
2012-04-18 23:15:39 +02:00 |
Updated Chinese/Taiwanese translation. Thanks to 456Vv <123@456vv.com>.
2012-04-18 22:53:07 +02:00 |
Updated VS2008 project files.
2012-04-17 16:42:30 +02:00 |
Added one missing NOBR().
2012-04-16 18:52:45 +02:00 |
Updated German translation.
2012-04-16 01:21:54 +02:00 |
Updated Polish translation. Thanks to Sir Daniel K <sir.daniel.k@gmail.com>.
2012-04-15 15:35:26 +02:00 |
Updated dcaenc binary to version 2012-01-14.
2012-04-15 02:15:32 +02:00 |
Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Rub3n CT <rub3nct@gmail.com>.
2012-04-14 20:10:15 +02:00 |
Detect Windows 8 and detect if Windows 8 is running in "compatibility mode" for Windows 7.
2012-04-13 16:37:47 +02:00 |
Bump version.
2012-04-12 14:08:56 +02:00 |
Updated Qt runtime libraries to v4.8.1 (2012-03-14), compiled with MSVC 10.0.
2012-04-12 03:18:48 +02:00 |
Added yet another configuration to build LameXP with *static* Qt5 libraries. Still experimental!
2012-04-11 03:08:31 +02:00 |
Added a new configuration for initial Qt 5.0 support. Needed a few code-changes and workarounds. Highly experimental!
2012-04-11 00:44:40 +02:00 |
Updated MediaInfo binary to v0.7.56 (2012-04-08), compiled with ICL 12.1.7 and MSVC 10.0.
2012-04-10 03:52:03 +02:00 |