Updated Opus binaries. Also added option to disable the resampling in Opus decoder (i.e. always output 48.000 Hz).
2013-01-18 01:08:58 +01:00
Switched the method of how the Designer UI file is used in the ProcessingDialog class to "The Single Inheritance Approach" (with "Using a Pointer Member Variable"). This is the method which Qt recommends for large projects.
2012-12-08 00:21:10 +01:00
Switched the method of how the Designer UI file is used in the MainWindow class to "The Single Inheritance Approach" (with "Using a Pointer Member Variable"). This is the method which Qt recommends for large projects.
2012-12-04 01:35:48 +01:00
Updated Opus encoder/decoder libraries to v1.1.x and Opus-Tools to v0.1.5 (2012-11-23). Also removed obsolete Opus options.
2012-11-23 21:03:59 +01:00
Made the ProgressModel expose the QIcon's, so we can re-use them int the ProcessingDialog instead of maintaining a separate set of icons there.
2012-11-17 19:26:55 +01:00
If no item matches the current filter, hide all items and show an overlay message rather than disabling the filter.
2012-11-15 18:06:04 +01:00
Bugfix: One of the context menu items was never connected.
2012-11-11 19:36:31 +01:00
Added an option to filter the progress model entries. If filter is enabled, only progress items that match the filter will be shown in the TableView.
2012-11-11 18:33:55 +01:00
"Overwrite Mode" should actually be working now.
2012-11-08 21:19:45 +01:00
Added "custom parameters" options for Opus. Also added a "help" button for all "custom parameters" edit boxes, which will simply show the CLI help screen.
2012-07-29 22:55:02 +02:00
Some refactoring of the macros. Use the "do {...} while(0)" template where it makes sense.
2012-07-29 19:13:58 +02:00
Updated Opus binaries. Now compiled with runtime CPU-detection. Also we now have builds with "experimental encoder perceptual tuning" from the "exp_analysis7" branch, enabled by default.
2012-07-29 16:46:01 +02:00
Replaced the Opus encoder/decoder binary wit custom binaries that support UTF-8 file names and flush the console output properly + expose more Opus encoder options in the GUI.
2012-07-21 19:16:12 +02:00
Added support for Opus Audio Codec, based on Opus-Tools v0.1.3 (2012-07-10) by Xiph.org/Mozilla
2012-07-20 23:19:08 +02:00
Extinguished some remaining uses of argv[] or QApplication::arguments().
2012-06-23 18:18:57 +02:00
Detect Windows 8 and detect if Windows 8 is running in "compatibility mode" for Windows 7.
2012-04-13 16:37:47 +02:00
Added a new configuration for initial Qt 5.0 support. Needed a few code-changes and workarounds. Highly experimental!
2012-04-11 00:44:40 +02:00
Happy New Year 2012!
2012-01-02 00:52:27 +01:00
Better handling of system shutdown. Now using the Qt event system to broadcast a special event when the system is going to shutdown (i.e. WM_QUERYENDSESSION or WM_ENDSESSION). This gives each top-level widget the chance to react to the system shutdown *before* we return from the message handler. Doing any clean-up after returning from the message handler is impossible, because Windows will kill the process immediately after WM_ENDSESSION has been processed. Note that Windows XP (and earlier) will NOT send WM_QUERYENDSESSION or WM_ENDSESSION to processes that have a console attached! Therefore, if we have a debug console attached, we cannot do anything on these systems. Our process will be killed without any notification...
Also improved LameXP's IPC mechanism: There now are several slots for IPC-commands in the shared memory area ("queue support"). This way, the sender can post several commands in sequence without getting blocked. The receiver can process those at a later time.
2011-12-29 14:42:20 +01:00
Explicitly handle WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION messages to make sure LameXP won't block Windows from shutting down.
2011-12-27 05:04:53 +01:00
Some refactoring of the icon initialization code.
2011-12-26 21:02:55 +01:00
Added some more "special" application icons.
2011-12-25 01:00:11 +01:00
Experimental support for dcaenc, by Alexander E. Patrakov <patrakov@gmail.com>.
2011-12-22 21:53:25 +01:00
Apply Horner scheme to avoid costly exponentiation.
2011-11-28 15:38:45 +01:00
Print the total duration when the process is completed.
2011-11-28 00:35:43 +01:00
Slightly tweaked formula to selected the number of instances based on CPU count. Maximum value is now 16.
2011-11-27 02:06:03 +01:00
Much simplify cores2instances() function by using a LUT.
2011-11-26 17:25:33 +01:00
Yet another new formula to selected the number of instances based on CPU count. This time a few desired 'sample points' have been defined and a 'cubic spline' through these sample points has been approximated. This solution should be more mathematically correct.
2011-11-26 15:30:24 +01:00
New formula to selected the number of instances based on CPU count.
2011-11-26 02:47:48 +01:00
Adjusted QAAC detection for shared 'libsoxrate' library.
2011-11-22 23:48:54 +01:00
Changed detection of QAAC for the new fully-static build.
2011-11-21 22:28:14 +01:00
Added optional support for the QAAC encoder. Requires QuickTime v7.7.1 (or later) and the QAAC front-end.
2011-11-21 01:22:41 +01:00
Slightly tweak algorithm to automatically set the number of instances: Instead of restricting the number of instances to 4, we now use '(cpu_cores / 2) + 2' instances for more than 4 CPU cores. For at most 4 CPU cores, we still use 'cpu_cores' instances. This way we can use more than 4 instances on CPU's with more than 4 cores, but the number of instances won't grow linearly with the number of CPU cores - should help a bit to avoid HDD thrashing.
2011-11-16 22:53:18 +01:00
Use qMin() and qMax() instead of min() and max() macros. Also use qBound() where appropriate.
2011-11-08 15:12:31 +01:00
Implemented a more correct way to initialize the ITaskbarList3 interface. We now actually wait for the "TaskbarButtonCreated" message.
2011-11-07 17:13:41 +01:00
Fixed context menu position mapping in "processing" dialog.
2011-10-30 22:23:33 +01:00
Display "N/A" if CPU usage cannot be determined (as on Win2k).
2011-10-30 21:41:00 +01:00
Bump patch version + minor improvements to previous commit.
2011-10-29 21:11:51 +02:00
Added indicators for current CPU usage, RAM usage and free disk space to the processing window.
2011-10-29 16:26:09 +02:00
Fixed a bug with the "Prepend relative source file path to output file" option: This option should not be in effect when "Save output files to the same location where the input file is located" is enabled. Therefore, in the GUI, the "Prepend relative source file path to output file" option was correctly disabled (greyed out) when "Save output files to the same location where the input file is located" was checked. Nonetheless "Prepend relative source file path to output file" could still be in effect, if the user had checked that option *before* it had been disabled (greyed out). This is fixed now.
2011-10-24 00:31:46 +02:00
Added a hint that the version number in the name of the ZIP file, which Nero offers for download, doesn't tell the whole truth.
2011-10-23 18:05:27 +02:00
Added an option to hibernate the computer ("suspend to disk") instead of shutting it down ("power off").
2011-10-22 01:13:28 +02:00
Made the channel equalization mode of the "normalization" filter an advanced option. The "-ne" mode still is default, be you can use "-nb" or even "-n" now. The last one still has problems with multi-channel files.
2011-10-06 23:55:42 +02:00
Added support for a few Playlist file name prefixes. Will be chosen based on the file names in the Playlist.
2011-09-06 18:47:13 +02:00
Revert: Avoid applying the Downmix filter on Mono/Stereo sources. Otherwise we need to decode (i.e. copy) Wave files, even when the Downmix filter does nothing.
2011-08-27 21:28:20 +02:00
Better workaround for "ResizeToContents not updating" bug.
2011-08-23 17:01:11 +02:00
Workaround for a bug in Qt's TableView that causes column widths to not be updated immediately when ResizeToContents is used. We have to force the update via event filter.
2011-08-22 00:03:36 +02:00
Some more clean-up for FhgAacEnc support + updated documents.
2011-08-21 14:43:18 +02:00
Added experimental(!) support for FhgAacEnc. Replaces the Nero AAC encoder, if available.
2011-08-19 15:27:58 +02:00
Downmix filter will now check if the input already is Mono/Stereo, so we can safely invoke the filter for ALL sources.
2011-08-07 14:04:17 +02:00