Implemented better method to avoid unwanted line-breaks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -561,41 +561,41 @@ void AboutDialog::initInformationTab(void)
QString aboutText;
aboutText += QString("<h2>%1</h2>").arg(NOBR(tr("LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-end")));
aboutText += QString("<b>%1</b><br>").arg(NOBR(copyrightStr));
aboutText += QString("<b>%1</b><br>").arg(NOBR(versionStr));
aboutText += QString("<b>%1</b><br><br>").arg(NOBR(platformStr));
aboutText += QString("%1<br>").arg(NOBR(tr("Please visit %1 for news and updates!").arg(LINK(lamexp_website_url()))));
aboutText += QString("<h2>%1</h2>").arg(tr("LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-end"));
aboutText += QString("<b>%1</b><br>").arg(copyrightStr);
aboutText += QString("<b>%1</b><br>").arg(versionStr);
aboutText += QString("<b>%1</b><br><br>").arg(platformStr);
aboutText += QString("%1<br>").arg(tr("Please visit %1 for news and updates!").arg(LINK(lamexp_website_url())));
const QDate currentDate = MUtils::OS::current_date();
int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0);
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(NOBR(QString("!!! --- DEBUG BUILD --- Expires at: %1 · Days left: %2 --- DEBUG BUILD --- !!!").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft))));
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(QString("!!! --- DEBUG BUILD --- Expires at: %1 · Days left: %2 --- DEBUG BUILD --- !!!").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)));
else if(lamexp_version_demo())
int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0);
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(NOBR(tr("Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft))));
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(tr("Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)));
const QDate currentDate = lamexp_current_date_safe();
int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0i64);
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(NOBR(QString("!!! --- DEBUG BUILD --- Expires at: %1 · Days left: %2 --- DEBUG BUILD --- !!!").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft))));
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(QString("!!! --- DEBUG BUILD --- Expires at: %1 · Days left: %2 --- DEBUG BUILD --- !!!").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)));
else if(lamexp_version_demo())
int daysLeft = qMax(currentDate.daysTo(lamexp_version_expires()), 0i64);
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(NOBR(tr("Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft))));
aboutText += QString("<hr><font color=\"crimson\">%1</font>").arg(tr("Note: This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP will expire at %1. Still %2 days left.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::number(daysLeft)));
aboutText += "<hr><br>";
aboutText += "<nobr><tt>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify<br>";
aboutText += "<tt>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify<br>";
aboutText += "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by<br>";
aboutText += "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or<br>";
aboutText += "(at your option) any later version, but always including the *additional*<br>";
@ -606,13 +606,13 @@ void AboutDialog::initInformationTab(void)
aboutText += "GNU General Public License for more details.<br><br>";
aboutText += "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License<br>";
aboutText += "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software<br>";
aboutText += "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110−1301, USA.</tt></nobr><br>";
aboutText += "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110−1301, USA.</tt><br>";
aboutText += "<hr><table style=\"margin-top:4px\"><tr>";
aboutText += "<td valign=\"middle\"><img src=\":/icons/error_big.png\"</td><td> </td>";
aboutText += QString("<td><font color=\"darkred\">%1</font></td>").arg(tr("Note: LameXP is free software. Do <b>not</b> pay money to obtain or use LameXP! If some third-party website tries to make you pay for downloading LameXP, you should <b>not</b> respond to the offer !!!"));
aboutText += QString("<td style='white-space:normal'><font color=\"darkred\">%1</font></td>").arg(tr("Note: LameXP is free software. Do <b>not</b> pay money to obtain or use LameXP! If some third-party website tries to make you pay for downloading LameXP, you should <b>not</b> respond to the offer !!!"));
aboutText += "</tr></table>";
connect(ui->infoLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString)));
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ void AboutDialog::initContributorsTab(void)
const QString extraVSpace("<font style=\"font-size:7px\"><br> </font>");
QString contributorsAboutText;
contributorsAboutText += QString("<h3>%1</h3>").arg(NOBR(tr("The following people have contributed to LameXP:")));
contributorsAboutText += QString("<h3>%1</h3>").arg(tr("The following people have contributed to LameXP:"));
contributorsAboutText += "<table style=\"margin-top:12px;white-space:nowrap\">";
contributorsAboutText += QString("<tr><td colspan=\"7\"><b>%1</b>%2</td></tr>").arg(tr("Programmers:"), extraVSpace);
@ -663,9 +663,9 @@ void AboutDialog::initContributorsTab(void)
contributorsAboutText += "</table><br><br><br>";
contributorsAboutText += QString("<i>%1</i><br>").arg(NOBR(tr("If you are willing to contribute a LameXP translation, feel free to contact us!")));
contributorsAboutText += QString("<i>%1</i><br>").arg(tr("If you are willing to contribute a LameXP translation, feel free to contact us!"));
connect(ui->contributorsLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString)));
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ void AboutDialog::initSoftwareTab(void)
QString moreAboutText;
moreAboutText += QString("<h3>%1</h3>").arg(tr("The following third-party software is used in LameXP:"));
moreAboutText += "<div style=\"margin-left:-25px;white-space:nowrap\"><table><tr><td><ul>"; //;font-size:7pt
moreAboutText += "<ul style='margin-left:-25px'>"; //;font-size:7pt
moreAboutText += makeToolText
@ -801,14 +801,14 @@ void AboutDialog::initSoftwareTab(void)
tr("wma2wav - Dump WMA files to Wave Audio"),
"wma2wav.exe", "????-??-??",
tr("Copyright (c) 2011 LoRd_MuldeR <>. Some rights reserved."),
tr("Copyright (c) 2011 LoRd_MuldeR <>. Some rights reserved."),
moreAboutText += makeToolText
tr("avs2wav - Avisynth to Wave Audio converter"),
"avs2wav.exe", "v?.?",
tr("By Jory Stone <> and LoRd_MuldeR <>."),
tr("By Jory Stone <> and LoRd_MuldeR <>."),
moreAboutText += makeToolText
@ -867,12 +867,12 @@ void AboutDialog::initSoftwareTab(void)
tr("By Alexander, released under the Creative Commons 'BY' License."),
moreAboutText += QString("</ul></td><td> </td></tr></table></div><br><i>%1</i><br>").arg
moreAboutText += QString("</ul><br><i>%1</i><br>").arg
tr("The copyright of LameXP as a whole belongs to LoRd_MuldeR. The copyright of third-party software used in LameXP belongs to the individual authors.")
connect(ui->softwareLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString)));
@ -917,7 +917,6 @@ void AboutDialog::initLicenseTab(void)
connect(ui->licenseLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(openURL(QString)));
QString AboutDialog::makeToolText(const QString &toolName, const QString &toolBin, const QString &toolVerFmt, const QString &toolLicense, const QString &toolWebsite, const QString &extraInfo)
QString toolText, toolTag, verStr(toolVerFmt);
@ -928,10 +927,10 @@ QString AboutDialog::makeToolText(const QString &toolName, const QString &toolBi
verStr = lamexp_version2string(toolVerFmt, version, tr("n/a"), toolTag);
toolText += QString("<li>%1<br>").arg(NOBR(QString("<b>%1 (%2)</b>").arg(toolName, verStr)));
toolText += QString("%1<br>").arg(NOBR(toolLicense));
if(!extraInfo.isEmpty()) toolText += QString("<i>%1</i><br>").arg(NOBR(extraInfo));
toolText += QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(LINK(toolWebsite));
toolText += QString("<li>%1<br>").arg(QString("<b>%1 (%2)</b>").arg(toolName, verStr));
toolText += QString("%1<br>").arg(toolLicense);
if(!extraInfo.isEmpty()) toolText += QString("<i>%1</i><br>").arg(extraInfo);
toolText += LINK(toolWebsite);
toolText += QString("<font style=\"font-size:9px\"><br> </font>");
return toolText;
@ -856,19 +856,19 @@ void MainWindow::addFiles(const QStringList &files)
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Access Denied"), QString("%1<br>%2").arg(NOBR(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because read access was not granted!", "", analyzer->filesDenied())), NOBR(tr("This usually means the file is locked by another process."))));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Access Denied"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br>%2").arg(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because read access was not granted!", "", analyzer->filesDenied()), tr("This usually means the file is locked by another process."))));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("CDDA Files"), QString("%1<br><br>%2<br>%3").arg(NOBR(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because they are dummy CDDA files!", "", analyzer->filesDummyCDDA())), NOBR(tr("Sorry, LameXP cannot extract audio tracks from an Audio-CD at present.")), NOBR(tr("We recommend using %1 for that purpose.").arg("<a href=\"\">Exact Audio Copy</a>"))));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("CDDA Files"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br><br>%2<br>%3").arg(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because they are dummy CDDA files!", "", analyzer->filesDummyCDDA()), tr("Sorry, LameXP cannot extract audio tracks from an Audio-CD at present."), tr("We recommend using %1 for that purpose.").arg("<a href=\"\">Exact Audio Copy</a>"))));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Cue Sheet"), QString("%1<br>%2").arg(NOBR(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because they appear to be Cue Sheet images!", "",analyzer->filesCueSheet())), NOBR(tr("Please use LameXP's Cue Sheet wizard for importing Cue Sheet files."))));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Cue Sheet"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br>%2").arg(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because they appear to be Cue Sheet images!", "",analyzer->filesCueSheet()), tr("Please use LameXP's Cue Sheet wizard for importing Cue Sheet files."))));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Files Rejected"), QString("%1<br>%2").arg(NOBR(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because the file format could not be recognized!", "", analyzer->filesRejected())), NOBR(tr("This usually means the file is damaged or the file format is not supported."))));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Files Rejected"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br>%2").arg(tr("%n file(s) have been rejected, because the file format could not be recognized!", "", analyzer->filesRejected()), tr("This usually means the file is damaged or the file format is not supported."))));
@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ void MainWindow::windowShown(void)
qWarning("Binary has expired !!!");
MUtils::Sound::play_sound("whammy", false);
if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP - Expired"), QString("%1<br>%2").arg(NOBR(tr("This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP has expired at %1.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate))), NOBR(tr("LameXP is free software and release versions won't expire."))), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Exit Program")) == 0)
if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP - Expired"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br>%2").arg(tr("This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP has expired at %1.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate)), tr("LameXP is free software and release versions won't expire."))), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Exit Program")) == 0)
@ -1528,9 +1528,9 @@ void MainWindow::windowShown(void)
if(m_settings->slowStartup() && m_settings->antivirNotificationsEnabled())
QString message;
message += NOBR(tr("It seems that a bogus anti-virus software is slowing down the startup of LameXP.")).append("<br>");
message += NOBR(tr("Please refer to the %1 document for details and solutions!")).arg(LINK_EX(QString("%1/Manual.html#performance-issues").arg(g_documents_base_url), tr("Manual"))).append("<br>");
if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Slow Startup"), message, tr("Discard"), tr("Don't Show Again")) == 1)
message += tr("It seems that a bogus anti-virus software is slowing down the startup of LameXP.").append("<br>");
message += tr("Please refer to the %1 document for details and solutions!").arg(LINK_EX(QString("%1/Manual.html#performance-issues").arg(g_documents_base_url), tr("Manual"))).append("<br>");
if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Slow Startup"), NOBREAK(message), tr("Discard"), tr("Don't Show Again")) == 1)
@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ void MainWindow::windowShown(void)
qWarning("Binary is more than a year old, time to update!");
int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Urgent Update"), NOBR(tr("Your version of LameXP is more than a year old. Time for an update!")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Exit Program"), tr("Ignore"));
int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Urgent Update"), NOBREAK(tr("Your version of LameXP is more than a year old. Time for an update!")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Exit Program"), tr("Ignore"));
case 0:
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ void MainWindow::windowShown(void)
if(QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), NOBR(lastUpdateCheck.isValid() ? tr("Your last update check was more than 14 days ago. Check for updates now?") : tr("Your did not check for LameXP updates yet. Check for updates now?")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Postpone")) == 0)
if(QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), NOBREAK(lastUpdateCheck.isValid() ? tr("Your last update check was more than 14 days ago. Check for updates now?") : tr("Your did not check for LameXP updates yet. Check for updates now?")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Postpone")) == 0)
@ -1588,14 +1588,14 @@ void MainWindow::windowShown(void)
QString appPath = QDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()).canonicalPath();
if(appPath.isEmpty()) appPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
QString messageText;
messageText += NOBR(tr("The Nero AAC encoder could not be found. AAC encoding support will be disabled.")).append("<br>");
messageText += NOBR(tr("Please put 'neroAacEnc.exe', 'neroAacDec.exe' and 'neroAacTag.exe' into the LameXP directory!")).append("<br><br>");
messageText += QString("<b>").append(NOBR(tr("Your LameXP install directory is located here:"))).append("</b><br>");
messageText += QString("<nobr><tt>%1</tt></nobr><br><br>").arg(FSLINK(QDir::toNativeSeparators(appPath)));
messageText += QString("<b>").append(NOBR(tr("You can download the Nero AAC encoder for free from this website:"))).append("</b><br>");
messageText += QString("<nobr><tt>").append(LINK(AboutDialog::neroAacUrl)).append("</tt></nobr><br><br>");
messageText += QString("<i>").append(NOBR(tr("Note: Nero AAC encoder version %1 or newer is required to enable AAC encoding support!").arg(lamexp_version2string("v?.?.?.?", lamexp_toolver_neroaac(), "n/a")))).append("</i><br>");
if(QMessageBox::information(this, tr("AAC Support Disabled"), messageText, tr("Discard"), tr("Don't Show Again")) == 1)
messageText += tr("The Nero AAC encoder could not be found. AAC encoding support will be disabled.").append("<br>");
messageText += tr("Please put 'neroAacEnc.exe', 'neroAacDec.exe' and 'neroAacTag.exe' into the LameXP directory!").append("<br><br>");
messageText += QString("<b>").append(tr("Your LameXP install directory is located here:")).append("</b><br>");
messageText += QString("<tt>%1</tt><br><br>").arg(FSLINK(QDir::toNativeSeparators(appPath)));
messageText += QString("<b>").append(tr("You can download the Nero AAC encoder for free from this website:")).append("</b><br>");
messageText += QString("<tt>").append(LINK(AboutDialog::neroAacUrl)).append("</tt><br><br>");
messageText += QString("<i>").append(tr("Note: Nero AAC encoder version %1 or newer is required to enable AAC encoding support!").arg(lamexp_version2string("v?.?.?.?", lamexp_toolver_neroaac(), "n/a"))).append("</i><br>");
if(QMessageBox::information(this, tr("AAC Support Disabled"), NOBREAK(messageText), tr("Discard"), tr("Don't Show Again")) == 1)
@ -1658,14 +1658,14 @@ void MainWindow::showAnnounceBox(void)
const unsigned int timeout = 8U;
const QString announceText = QString("%1<br><br>%2<br><nobr><tt>%3</tt></nobr><br>").arg
const QString announceText = QString("%1<br><br>%2<br><tt>%3</tt><br>").arg
NOBR("We are still looking for LameXP translators!"),
NOBR("If you are willing to translate LameXP to your language or to complete an existing translation, please refer to:"),
"We are still looking for LameXP translators!",
"If you are willing to translate LameXP to your language or to complete an existing translation, please refer to:",
QMessageBox *announceBox = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, "We want you!", announceText, QMessageBox::NoButton, this);
QMessageBox *announceBox = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, "We want you!", NOBREAK(announceText), QMessageBox::NoButton, this);
announceBox->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ void MainWindow::encodeButtonClicked(void)
if(m_fileListModel->rowCount() < 1)
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP"), NOBR(tr("You must add at least one file to the list before proceeding!")));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP"), NOBREAK(tr("You must add at least one file to the list before proceeding!")));
@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ void MainWindow::encodeButtonClicked(void)
QString tempFolder = m_settings->customTempPathEnabled() ? m_settings->customTempPath() : MUtils::temp_folder();
if(!QFileInfo(tempFolder).exists() || !QFileInfo(tempFolder).isDir())
if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Not Found"), QString("%1<br><tt>%2</tt>").arg(NOBR(tr("Your currently selected TEMP folder does not exist anymore:")), NOBR(QDir::toNativeSeparators(tempFolder))), tr("Restore Default"), tr("Cancel")) == 0)
if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Not Found"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br><tt>%2</tt>").arg(tr("Your currently selected TEMP folder does not exist anymore:"), QDir::toNativeSeparators(tempFolder))), tr("Restore Default"), tr("Cancel")) == 0)
SET_CHECKBOX_STATE(ui->checkBoxUseSystemTempFolder, (!m_settings->customTempPathEnabledDefault()));
@ -1751,12 +1751,12 @@ void MainWindow::encodeButtonClicked(void)
PLAY_SOUND_OPTIONAL("whammy", false);
QString lowDiskspaceMsg = QString("%1<br>%2<br><br>%3<br>%4<br>").arg
NOBR(tr("There are less than %1 GB of free diskspace available on your system's TEMP folder.").arg(QString::number(minimumFreeDiskspaceMultiplier))),
NOBR(tr("It is highly recommend to free up more diskspace before proceeding with the encode!")),
NOBR(tr("Your TEMP folder is located at:")),
tr("There are less than %1 GB of free diskspace available on your system's TEMP folder.").arg(QString::number(minimumFreeDiskspaceMultiplier)),
tr("It is highly recommend to free up more diskspace before proceeding with the encode!"),
tr("Your TEMP folder is located at:"),
switch(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Low Diskspace Warning"), lowDiskspaceMsg, tr("Abort Encoding Process"), tr("Clean Disk Now"), tr("Ignore")))
switch(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Low Diskspace Warning"), NOBREAK(lowDiskspaceMsg), tr("Abort Encoding Process"), tr("Clean Disk Now"), tr("Ignore")))
case 1:
QProcess::startDetached(QString("%1/cleanmgr.exe").arg(MUtils::OS::known_folder(MUtils::OS::FOLDER_SYSTEMFOLDER)), QStringList() << "/D" << tempFolderParts.first());
@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@ void MainWindow::encodeButtonClicked(void)
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Low Diskspace"), NOBR(tr("You are proceeding with low diskspace. Problems might occur!")));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Low Diskspace"), NOBREAK(tr("You are proceeding with low diskspace. Problems might occur!")));
@ -1793,7 +1793,7 @@ void MainWindow::encodeButtonClicked(void)
QFile writeTest(QString("%1/~%2.txt").arg(m_settings->outputDir(), MUtils::next_rand_str()));
if(!( && (writeTest.write(writeTestBuffer) == strlen(writeTestBuffer))))
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP"), QString("%1<br><nobr>%2</nobr><br><br>%3").arg(tr("Cannot write to the selected output directory."), m_settings->outputDir(), tr("Please choose a different directory!")));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br>%2<br><br>%3").arg(tr("Cannot write to the selected output directory."), m_settings->outputDir(), tr("Please choose a different directory!"))));
@ -2072,9 +2072,9 @@ void MainWindow::disableUpdateReminderActionTriggered(bool checked)
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Disable Update Reminder"), NOBR(tr("Do you really want to disable the update reminder?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Disable Update Reminder"), NOBREAK(tr("Do you really want to disable the update reminder?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), QString("%1<br>%2").arg(NOBR(tr("The update reminder has been disabled.")), NOBR(tr("Please remember to check for updates at regular intervals!"))));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br>%2").arg(tr("The update reminder has been disabled."), tr("Please remember to check for updates at regular intervals!"))));
@ -2084,7 +2084,7 @@ void MainWindow::disableUpdateReminderActionTriggered(bool checked)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), NOBR(tr("The update reminder has been re-enabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), NOBREAK(tr("The update reminder has been re-enabled.")));
@ -2098,9 +2098,9 @@ void MainWindow::disableSoundsActionTriggered(bool checked)
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Disable Sound Effects"), NOBR(tr("Do you really want to disable all sound effects?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Disable Sound Effects"), NOBREAK(tr("Do you really want to disable all sound effects?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Sound Effects"), NOBR(tr("All sound effects have been disabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Sound Effects"), NOBREAK(tr("All sound effects have been disabled.")));
@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ void MainWindow::disableSoundsActionTriggered(bool checked)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Sound Effects"), NOBR(tr("The sound effects have been re-enabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Sound Effects"), NOBREAK(tr("The sound effects have been re-enabled.")));
@ -2124,9 +2124,9 @@ void MainWindow::disableNeroAacNotificationsActionTriggered(bool checked)
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), NOBR(tr("Do you really want to disable all Nero AAC Encoder notifications?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), NOBREAK(tr("Do you really want to disable all Nero AAC Encoder notifications?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), NOBR(tr("All Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been disabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), NOBREAK(tr("All Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been disabled.")));
@ -2136,8 +2136,8 @@ void MainWindow::disableNeroAacNotificationsActionTriggered(bool checked)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), NOBR(tr("The Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been re-enabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), NOBREAK(tr("The Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been re-enabled.")));
@ -2150,9 +2150,9 @@ void MainWindow::disableSlowStartupNotificationsActionTriggered(bool checked)
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Slow Startup Notifications"), NOBR(tr("Do you really want to disable the slow startup notifications?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Slow Startup Notifications"), NOBREAK(tr("Do you really want to disable the slow startup notifications?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Slow Startup Notifications"), NOBR(tr("The slow startup notifications have been disabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Slow Startup Notifications"), NOBREAK(tr("The slow startup notifications have been disabled.")));
@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ void MainWindow::disableSlowStartupNotificationsActionTriggered(bool checked)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Slow Startup Notifications"), NOBR(tr("The slow startup notifications have been re-enabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Slow Startup Notifications"), NOBREAK(tr("The slow startup notifications have been re-enabled.")));
@ -2243,9 +2243,9 @@ void MainWindow::checkForBetaUpdatesActionTriggered(bool checked)
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Beta Updates"), NOBR(tr("Do you really want LameXP to check for Beta (pre-release) updates?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Beta Updates"), NOBREAK(tr("Do you really want LameXP to check for Beta (pre-release) updates?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Beta Updates"), NOBR(tr("LameXP will check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on.")), tr("Check Now"), tr("Discard")))
if(0 == QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Beta Updates"), NOBREAK(tr("LameXP will check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on.")), tr("Check Now"), tr("Discard")))
checkUpdatesNow = true;
@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@ void MainWindow::checkForBetaUpdatesActionTriggered(bool checked)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Beta Updates"), NOBR(tr("LameXP will <i>not</i> check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Beta Updates"), NOBREAK(tr("LameXP will <i>not</i> check for Beta (pre-release) updates from now on.")));
@ -2280,9 +2280,9 @@ void MainWindow::hibernateComputerActionTriggered(bool checked)
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Hibernate Computer"), NOBR(tr("Do you really want the computer to be hibernated on shutdown?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Hibernate Computer"), NOBREAK(tr("Do you really want the computer to be hibernated on shutdown?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Hibernate Computer"), NOBR(tr("LameXP will hibernate the computer on shutdown from now on.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Hibernate Computer"), NOBREAK(tr("LameXP will hibernate the computer on shutdown from now on.")));
@ -2292,7 +2292,7 @@ void MainWindow::hibernateComputerActionTriggered(bool checked)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Hibernate Computer"), NOBR(tr("LameXP will <i>not</i> hibernate the computer on shutdown from now on.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Hibernate Computer"), NOBREAK(tr("LameXP will <i>not</i> hibernate the computer on shutdown from now on.")));
@ -2306,10 +2306,10 @@ void MainWindow::disableShellIntegrationActionTriggered(bool checked)
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Shell Integration"), NOBR(tr("Do you really want to disable the LameXP shell integration?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Shell Integration"), NOBREAK(tr("Do you really want to disable the LameXP shell integration?")), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Shell Integration"), NOBR(tr("The LameXP shell integration has been disabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Shell Integration"), NOBREAK(tr("The LameXP shell integration has been disabled.")));
@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ void MainWindow::disableShellIntegrationActionTriggered(bool checked)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Shell Integration"), NOBR(tr("The LameXP shell integration has been re-enabled.")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Shell Integration"), NOBREAK(tr("The LameXP shell integration has been re-enabled.")));
@ -2791,16 +2791,16 @@ void MainWindow::exportCsvContextActionTriggered(void)
case FileListModel::CsvError_NoTags:
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBR(tr("Sorry, there are no meta tags that can be exported!")));
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBREAK(tr("Sorry, there are no meta tags that can be exported!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_FileOpen:
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBR(tr("Sorry, failed to open CSV file for writing!")));
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBREAK(tr("Sorry, failed to open CSV file for writing!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_FileWrite:
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBR(tr("Sorry, failed to write to the CSV file!")));
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBREAK(tr("Sorry, failed to write to the CSV file!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_OK:
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBR(tr("The CSV files was created successfully!")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("CSV Export"), NOBREAK(tr("The CSV files was created successfully!")));
qWarning("exportToCsv: Unknown return code!");
@ -2840,19 +2840,19 @@ void MainWindow::importCsvContextActionTriggered(void)
switch(m_fileListModel->importFromCsv(this, selectedCsvFile))
case FileListModel::CsvError_FileOpen:
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBR(tr("Sorry, failed to open CSV file for reading!")));
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBREAK(tr("Sorry, failed to open CSV file for reading!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_FileRead:
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBR(tr("Sorry, failed to read from the CSV file!")));
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBREAK(tr("Sorry, failed to read from the CSV file!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_NoTags:
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBR(tr("Sorry, the CSV file does not contain any known fields!")));
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBREAK(tr("Sorry, the CSV file does not contain any known fields!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_Incomplete:
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBR(tr("CSV file is incomplete. Not all files were updated!")));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBREAK(tr("CSV file is incomplete. Not all files were updated!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_OK:
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBR(tr("The CSV files was imported successfully!")));
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("CSV Import"), NOBREAK(tr("The CSV files was imported successfully!")));
case FileListModel::CsvError_Aborted:
/* User aborted, ignore! */
@ -3109,7 +3109,7 @@ void MainWindow::makeFolderButtonClicked(void)
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to create folder"), QString("%1<br><nobr>%2</nobr><br><br>%3").arg(tr("The new folder could not be created:"), basePath.absoluteFilePath(newFolder), tr("Drive is read-only or insufficient access rights!")));
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to create folder"), NOBREAK(QString("%1<br>%2<br><br>%3").arg(tr("The new folder could not be created:"), basePath.absoluteFilePath(newFolder), tr("Drive is read-only or insufficient access rights!"))));
@ -88,4 +88,4 @@ const QString lamexp_version2string(const QString &pattern, unsigned int version
#define L1S(STR) (QLatin1String((STR)))
#define NOBR(STR) (QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg((STR)).replace(L1S("-"), L1S("‑")))
#define NOBREAK(STR) (QString("<div style='white-space:pre'>%1</div>").arg((STR)))
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